Not Your Edgy Bitch (ROTTMNT...

By Toddels

128K 4.8K 25.3K

Are you a simp for Donnie??? Awesome. Me fucking too bro: Ever since (Y/n) witnessed an oozequito turning th... More

Unexpected Ally
Ninja Stalker
A Spark
Nightly Foes
Dr. Donnie
Not A Café Date
Stay Bitchin'
Heating Tension
Growing Feelings
The Purple Dragons
The Art Fair
Make Amends
The "Exterminator"
The Exterminator Returns

Two Geniuses Hand in Hand

5.1K 202 982
By Toddels

Long ass chapter incoming 🙄 But hey :3 *wave*


Yesterday faded into the next day rather quickly. All that was on my mind was Donatello coming over later to help me with my experiment. I was excited.

Thankfully today I didn't have to worry about work. Obviously, Big Mama is generous to give everyone days off. Yet, I still found myself doing errands. Earlier, I dropped off that get well card for the Purple Dragons. I wonder how fast they tore it up...

Now I was home getting myself together.

In the middle of getting ready, I hear my phone ding. I walk over to check it as I pull my shirt over my head.


I feel my heart speed up and I immediately pick up the phone to read his message.

It read, "Salutations firefly, at what time did you intend on beginning your marvelous experiment?"

I chuckle. Firefly? That's new...

I start to text back, "Good morningg Don! I was going to start in an hour or so"

"Excellent. Can you pls leave your window unlocked for me?" he replies back.

"Why are you so against using my door? But sure, window will be unlocked lmao <3" I send.

"Thx ;) 💜" he replied.

I don't know what it is but that gave me butterflies. I gently place my phone back down and fight the growing smile on my face. And might I just say, I'm losing terribly.

I go to unlock the window before I forget. That would've been funny.

In the meantime, I guess I will set everything up. I open my closet and begin to take everything out.

About an hour later I hear faint knocking on my window and surprise surprise it's Donnie.

He sat perched in a squatting position on the windowsill. The purple turtle grinned happily at me as I gestured him to come in.

"It's open dork!" I say jokingly.

He carefully slides open the window and slips inside, "I knew that but it'd be very impolite if I hadn't knocked."

"Wow look at you being a gentleman and all, I'm flattered— Oh hey, wanna see what I've set up?"

He nods, "Yes, however real quick: I got something for you."

I look at him intrigued and tilt my head, "Is it food?"

"No. Trust me you don't want to consume it." he reaches behind his back and pulls it out from his shell.

My eyes widened excitedly and I squeal, "For me???"

"For you." he says content at my reaction.

It was thin blocks of titanium!

He hands them to me, "I remember that one time in my lab, you were staring and asking about it. So I just figured you wanted it."

I examine it in my hands happily, what a game changer! "Yes I did want it! Thank you so much Don!" He loved seeing you so happy.

He then nervously shuffles around, "That isn't all, I still have one more thing for you..." Donnie extends his arm backwards to his shell and pulls out a pretty lilac. He hands it to you with a soft smile.

I stood there shocked— I wasn't expecting a flower. HE GAVE ME A FLOWER?! My face heats up as I move my hand to take it.

"A-And no, it isn't poisoned..." he says to fill the silence.

I examine the small cluster of light purple flowers in my hand. They were beautiful. "Is this a lilac?" I ask.

He nods with tinted cheeks.

"Thank you Donnie." I smile, "I love them!" I go to hug him but I hesitate because I'm aware he's not quite comfortable with that kind of stuff. He then takes me by surprise again and holds his arms out to invite me into a hug. I gladly accept and embrace the turtle in my arms momentarily before receding away to a respectful distance.

"I'm glad you like them..." he says while scratching the back of his head.

I nod eagerly, "I actually have the perfect place for them!" I run to the kitchen and pull out a vase from the cabinet.

Donnie leans against the wall with his arms crossed. "Why, it's like déjà vu!" he jokes.

I chuckle, "After losing the other vase, I went and got another one to collect dust— I didn't expect it to be used so quickly..." I fill it with water and gently place the lilac inside.

The lilac.

I know he's trying to communicate with me through this flower. The choice seemed a bit too calculated. But I didn't want to assume the wrong meaning either. There are different variations of purple lilacs— all with their own meaning. But since this was a light purple lilac, I think I got the message.

Romantically, light purple lilacs symbolize someone's first love.

I could feel the butterflies swarming around in my stomach.

Damn that is so romantic and cute! Am I really his first love?

See I knew he liked me!

I really like him too— wait, now I want to give him a flower in return! But which one?

As I am deep in thought, Donnie is examining the materials on my desk. He picks up one of my special jars with a oozequito trapped inside to look at it.

"What malicious intent do you have for this one?" he asks to change the subject.

I'm pulled away from my thoughts and I scramble over to him excitedly, "Well there has been a change of plans since I now have titanium— I finally found a way to terminate them. We need to blow them up."

"Are you confusing titanium with uranium?" he questions.

"No but I wish I did have some uranium..." I admit.



"SAY LESS!!! WE TOTALLY SHOULD DO THA— wait no that's illegal." he realizes.

"Most fun things are Donatello." I admit calmly, "Perhaps another time though, let's focus on one problem at a time..." I gesture my hand to the desk. He nods.

"So the reason why I need the titanium is because I need to make chains and a box cage to contain the bug so it doesn't fly away and so when it explodes it doesn't get all over the place... with me so far?" I say.

"Uh huh..."

"Then I need to make a thin fiber needle to stick inside the oozequito's proboscis, attach the other end of the needle to an air tank, turn up the air pressure—" As I'm monologuing, I look back over to Donnie. He stares at me with half lidded eyes and a smirk. I find myself losing my train of thought. Thankfully, he finishes my sentence.

"...And watch the oozequito explode in the tank. How diabolical and yet, genius. I'd say let's give it a go. Only, what do you plan to do with the ooze inside once everything is done?" he asks.

"I'm n-not sure..." I admit, "Maybe store it away safely until I know how to safely dispose of it."

"Might I suggest dissolving it in some form of acid?" he says.

"Hm yeah, I suppose that could work!"

"Actually, on second thought, I'm not sure how the ooze will react... it could be extremely dangerous." he realizes.

"Well that's why we need to fuck around and find out." I say.

He looks at me shocked and then his eyes light up, "This is why I love you so much— let's fucking do it!"


And so, Donnie used the titanium to construct the cage and chains while I set the air tank and created a thin fiber needle. We worked in harmony at the desk and chit chatted hear and there.

I carefully shave the tip of the needle so it could fit inside the oozequito's proboscis. The diameter was so thin, I never imagined making something smaller than it.

But then I learned something a little too soon.

"Man, I swear when I find the motherfucker who made these bugs..." I say rhetorically.

Donnie stops what he's doing and lifts up his tech goggles to look over at me.

"You mean Baron Draxum?"

"What?" I say immediately looking over to him.

"You said when you find the person who made the oozequitos." he rephrases.

"Yes I remember." I say.

"Well, that person is Baron Draxum..." he tells me.

I slam my hands onto the desk and jump up, "YOU KNEW THAT THE WHOLE TIME?!"

"Yeah? Found that out the first day my brothers and I discovered the hidden city... Also he's apparently the one that mutated us when we were younger..."

My jaw drops, "Seriously?! And you didn't tell me?!"

"I thought you knew!" he defends.

"No I didn't..." I hold my head, "Wow okay... I uh really need to beat his ass..." I pull out a note pad and a pencil, "You said Baron Draxum? Is that one or two "R"s in Baron?" I ask.

Donnie starts laughing at me, "You? Beat his ass?" He laughs some more.

I stop writing, "What's so funny? I'm being serious!"

His laughing barely calms down, "You're a human AND a pipsqueak— he'll crush you!" he says between laughs.

I roll my eyes with a blush, "Don't underestimate me, I have more experience than you think..."

"Uh huh, sure you do..." he says amused. His laughing finally calms down. "What quarrel do you have with him anyways since you find the need to personally beat his ass?" he asks.

I cross my arms, "The oozequitos dipshit..."

"Is that all..?" he presses.

"Mhm." I lie.

"Then it isn't your fight." he says, "My brothers and I have been going at it with him for awhile. He's our enemy and we can handle him on our own..."

"Has he been defeated?" I ask.

"Not ye—"

"You clearly can't handle him then. I will take care of it."

"(Y/n), he's a warrior Yōkai alchemist with strong mystic powers... Not trying to sound rude but you don't stand a chance..."

Odd, a guy like that sounds like he could've fought in the Battle Nexus... Perhaps Big Mama knows a thing or two that could help me.

"Like I said, don't underestimate me..." I chime.

His humor melts off his face and forms a more annoyed expression, "Sweetheart, your scorpions don't stand a chance either..."

I place a hand on my chest offended, "Why I promised myself to never use that torture method again..."

He smirks cunningly, "Do you remember that time when that giant mutated oozequito was loose in the sewers? And as it was dying, it was able to wack you across the room effortlessly and give you a bleeding head and concussion?"

"...yeah." I say afraid that he was about to make a good point.

"That bug was mindless. Now imagine that happening but with a way more intelligent and experienced individual. The chances of you dying is 98%." he theorizes.

"Oh you know what? Great point Donnie. You're right. I will stand down then. Thank you so much for the advice..."

"Is that sarcasm?"


Alright, I know it's dangerous and stupid. But it's too late to turn back now. I've literally dedicated my life to avenging my murdered pet. I can't cower away— it'll all be for nothing. I can't do that to my pet, they didn't deserve to die so tragically.

I'd never start a fight I can't finish.

I will strike on Baron Draxum when I know I'm prepared.

"I am not kidding around (y/n). Don't do it." Donnie warns.

"But he released all those oozequitos into the city! I can't forgive him for that!" I complain.

"No he didn—" Donnie stops talking when he remembered it was him and his brothers who released the oozequitos the first time.

Oh shit.

"Huh?" I ask.

He can't tell you. Not now.

"Ah! What I mean is, my team and I will deal with it. And if you really want to be involved, I can see if everyone is cool with you helping out. Just please don't do it alone..."

I suppose that might work... "Okay..." I agree to reassure him. I'd honestly have to think about that. However, I didn't want to see him worry if I said no.

He smiles at me nervously and looks away at the desk in front of him. "Oh I'm about to be finished here... what about you?"

"Yeah same." I continue working on thinning that needle.

Soon, we both finish.

"Alrighty..." Donnie says while clapping his hands together, "Let's test this baby out..."

"Time for the moment of truth..." I say as I use my metal tongs to pick up the unconscious oozequito from the jar. I place it into the titanium box. Donnie presses a button and it chains the oozequito inside. I attached my needle to the air tank and stick it up the oozequito's proboscis. Donnie closes the box.

"Ready?" I ask with my hand on the air tank handle. Donnie steps back and nods.

I turn the handle all the way and watch the gauge on the tank increase.

Because the box was made out of titanium, we couldn't see what was happening inside— well I couldn't, Donnie could.

He had lowered his tech goggles and watched closely. "Turn up the pressure." he tells me.

I do exactly that.

"Is it doing anything?" I ask.

Donnie nods, "It appears to be expanding— in other words, it's working."

"So far so good then!" I say.

"You can turn the pressure up more." he says.

I turn it up all the way and then I hear a loud pop.

Donnie takes off his goggles and looks over to me, "IT WORKED!" he cheers.

"REALLY?!" I say excitedly. I run over to the box and attempt to open it.

Donnie gently pushes away my hand, "You're definitely gonna want gloves..." he warns while handing me my pair.

"Ah of course!" I say as I take and put them back on. "Sorry, I got way too ahead of myself."

He smiles sincerely, "No probbles, I do it all the time!" he says.

I now gently open up the box and peak inside. Ooze coated the walls of the box.

I look at it amazed. I start to say "Fascinatin—"

"OH GOD IT LOOKS EVEN MORE GROSS IN PERSON..." Donnie interrupts while shivering.

I chuckle at his reaction, "Yeah... let me get that acid..." I close the box before he gets nauseous and head into my closet.

I don't know why but something felt off. My dark closet gave me an eerily vibe like I was being watched. Well I technically was, all these stupid entrapped bugs were. I swear this is why I need to put more lights in this creepy ass closet...

I return with a jug of acid and hold it up for Donnie, "Sulfuric acid sound good?"

"Yeah, that normally can't penetrate through titanium..." he says.

"Cool!" I pop off the lid and prepare to pour it in. I open the titanium box and hover over it with my gloves on of course.

Donnie's eyes widened, "WOAH WOAH STOP!"

I freeze and look at him confused, "What?"

"You can't just pour it in there like that, it'll splash everywhere. You need safety goggles, a lab coat maybe, and at least put the acid in a beaker first... here let me do it!"

I roll my eyes while shaking my head as I pour it in anyways. "Donnie, this isn't my first time using this stuff..."

He extends his arm out and opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He then crosses his arms and averts his eyes, "Yeah but your safety should always be a priority over finishing the experiment so rapidly..."

His sweetness was getting to me— the feeling almost made my arms go limp."T-Then stop distracting me." I say flustered.

"Put on some goggles!" he complains.

"Shh..." I say as I delicately pour the acid.

Donnie's eye twitches and his metal claws come out from his shell. One extends over to the acid jug and takes it from me.

"Hey!" I call out as I try to reach for it again but it pulls away from me.

Another one of the metal claws moves in front of me. This time they held a pair of my goggles.

"Put them on sweetheart or so help me you will not be getting that acid back!"

I shoot him an annoyed glare before sighing and snatching the goggles out of the claw, "Fine..." I put them on, "Control freak..." I mutter.

I turn to him to show him my goggles, "Happy?" I ask.

He thought you looked absolutely adorable. "Very." he chimes. One metal claw hands me back the acid while the other pats me on my head before receding back into Donnie's shell.

Donnie stands there looking accomplished. I can't help but feel a smile washing over me and I let out a chuckle before continuing. I can't even stay mad.

The acid was dissolving everything perfectly. "This is actually working!" I say shocked.

"Course it is, I knew this would happen." he says confidently.

I stop pouring the acid and set it down on the table.

"Man it smells fucking terrible... and to think I have to do this 74 times and counting..."


"Yes. I wasn't lying when I said I was going to terminate them all... I'll kill 10 a day so it'll only take me about a week. Well, one day is going to have to be 14 total..."

"Man, what a process. I'm glad it worked though..."

"Me too." I say, "Thanks for helping me out Don. I really appreciate it."

"Of course." he says while bowing dramatically, "Anything for you."

I giggle. "Can you help me clean up the acid then?"

He nods, "We just have to neutralize it before we can dispose of it properly..."

He walks over to my closet, "Let's see what you got!" I follow him inside.

"Do you got any sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, or ammonium hydroxide?" he asks.

"I'm not really a chemist..." I admit, "But can't we just use baking soda?"

"Ah yes, sodium bicarbonate will do just fine." Donnie says.

"Man just call it baking soda..." I say.

"Hey (y/n)?" Donnie says sounding slightly concerned.


He picks up an empty container by the oozequitos and shows me that some of the glass at the top was missing and the lid was loose.

"Oh fuck!" I take it from him and examined it. "How did it escape?! That's impossible!"

"It appears the container might've been damaged beforehand— HOLY SHIT WATCH OUT!" He grabs me and pulls me into him and with his other hand he twirls his bo-staff extremely fast.

What was behind me you ask?

A giant ass mutant centipede. It stood as tall as us and waved all its disgusting legs in the air.

I scream as I look at how horrendous it was. I've never seen a mutant so disturbing before. The oozequito must've mutated with one of my centipedes. The hell was it so big for?!

Donnie smacks it a few times with his staff and then jabs at it with the end part. "BACK I SAY DEMON! BACK!"

The centipede starts shaking as if it was charging up.

And it was.

I could see glass shards starting to pierce out of its skin.

It fucking mutated the centipede along with the glass jar!

I step forward and I pull out my blaster and start shooting at it. "GET BACK!" I warn Donnie, "I THINK IT'S ABOUT TO SHOOT GLASS AT US!"

"WHAT?!" Donnie says, "GET BEHIND ME."

"NO I'M DELAYING IT RIGHT NOW WITH MY BLASTER. WE NEED TO GET IT OUT OF THE CLOSET NOW." My blaster couldn't paralyze it completely, but I could still buy time.

Every time I shot at it, it moved backwards. But it started becoming more and more resistant to the paralysis effects.

Donnie moved to my side and continued to hit it with his staff.

It then proceeded to charge up once again and I could see the glass sticking out of it more.

Oh fuck this. I kick the scary bitch sending it out of the closet. It is now on all its legs and it angrily scurries over to me so quickly. I yell at the scary sight but Donnie moves in front of me and stabs it with his staff.

It makes a sound of distress and starts shaking rapidly. Donnie removes his staff from it and hits it like a golf ball out of the closet. We both quickly advanced to the door. I try pulling it shut but it's stuck. I groan as I struggle to close it. The door dragged slowly across the floor.

However, the creature did not rush back over to us like last time. It stood up and started shaking.

"LOOK OUT!" Donnie yelled as he pulled me away from the door and into his arms. He turned around making us slightly crotch down. He towered over me to protect me with his shell.

The mutant centipede shot its razor sharp pieces of glass at us. I hear Donnie quietly whimper.

The centipede was now back on the ground and began to crawl aggressively to us. I shoot at it and Donnie extends his arm and manages to pull the door shut.

We both breathe shakily while holding each other.

He looks down at me and places a hand on my face, "Are you okay?"

I nod quickly while trying to take in everything that happened. My eyes were glued to the door out of fear. "Y-Yeah..." I place my blaster on the floor.

"Good." he says.

My eyes slowly trail over to him as I start to ask "Are you oka—" My eyes land on a stream of blood dripping down his plastron.

"Donnie?" I immediately look up and slightly pull away. I scream when I see a huge glass shard in his neck.

"Shh i-it isn't as deep as it looks..." he tries to reassure me. But it doesn't help when he collapses onto me. I catch him.

"DONNIE?!" I sit on the floor and cradle him. "DONNIE DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME— I CAN FIX THIS." I yell worriedly as I examine his wound. He looks up at me with a gentle smile. I place my hand around his wound and apply pressure to try to stop the blood.

I then hear the mutant crawling back and forth around the door.

I felt sick to my stomach and my eyes started to water— what the fuck am I supposed to do?!


So remember last chapter I said the next 2 chapters were gonna be fluff and humor only?

Sorry I lied.

But good job for those who saw the foreshadowing from the last chapter a mile away kinda pissed at how smart y'all are TuT👌 (jk) I wonder if you see the foreshadowing in this chapter >:3

More importantly:



But um anyways apparently he got them when the show first came out and he doesn't know where the rest are :,) Mikey is the last survivor (maybe)

So ever since I've seen Mikey, I've been finding him everywhere in the house I shit you not. My lil bro & sis like playing with him now.🧡 it makes me happy to see Mikey around

(And so sorry for the cliffhanger) Next chapter in a few days loves 💜💜💜 already halfway done with writing it :>

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