Aimless (JJBA)

By KingSilver47

387 5 0

Updated summary: It's 2011, and we are in the universe where everyone survives Stardust Crusaders, which chan... More

1 Another Night
2 Old Friend
3 Wasting Time
4 Something To Do
5 Guilt
6 Control
7 What just happened?
8 Over and over
9 Emptiness
10 Want
11 Patience
12 Progress...?
13 Everything Is Going To Be Okay
14 Love
15 Be There
16 One Sided But Needed
17 Disgusting
18 Okay
19 I Deserve Hate
21 It Hurts
22 Walk It Away
23 I Love You
24 Need It
25 Keep Going
a/n That's It

20 Much Better

4 0 0
By KingSilver47

Jotaro was back in his bedroom at Kakyoin's house. The place he couldn't make a commitment to move into. It was the next day, and he was feeling a bit better. He got up from his bed to go take a much needed shower. He didn't even take a shower the night before.

When he was done, he sat down on his bed and sighed. Once again, they have done it. Kakyoin and Jolyne came to his rescue as if he was some lost puppy.

He grimaced as he thought of how much trouble he was causing them. He laid down on his back as the urge to slam the back of his head rose.

He hit his head against the soft mattress of the bed. He clenched his teeth as he did it for more times. The urge went away.

He stayed there.

He didn't want to do anything.

He didn't wanna eat.

He didn't wanna think.

It was easier that way.

Then there was a knock on his door. "Jojo, are you decent?"

After a few seconds, Jotaro answered, "Yeah."

"Is it okay for me to come in?"


Kakyoin slowly opened the door. He came in with a plate of food. He said, "Its nearing noon, so I figured you might be hungry."

"Um," Jotaro mumbled. He pushed himself up. He saw how caring Kakyoin seemed. But why? Shouldn't he be tired of him by now?

Kakyoin sat beside him and said, "Come on. Eat. You're gonna be smaller than Jolyne if you don't eat."

Jotaro scoffed. Maybe he could get small enough to disappear. He leaned towards Kakyoin until his head was resting on his shoulder.

"Oh," Kakyoin said surprised. "Are you alright?"

"I'm... better than before," Jotaro answered. "I'm just... I don't understand why you do all of this for me."

"I told you this once, and I'll tell you it a million times: 'I care about you.' Jotaro, I do want you around and safe." He placed a hand over his. "You may have left on the wrong foot with Jolyne, but she loves you very much."

"But why?" Jotaro said. "I don't understand that."

Kakyoin sighed as he tried to think of a proper answer. "You love Jolyne, right?"

He nodded.

"If she began having difficulties with her health, would you walk away from her?"


"Would you hate her?"

"Of course not. I cherish her."

"Exactly," Kakyoin said. "It's the same with us to you."

"Okay," Jotaro said nodding his head. It was like he was trying to come to terms with that explaination. "Okay." He sat up and asked, "And you're not tired of me?"

"No, I'm not tired of you." Then he commanded, "Now eat." He pushed the plate to Jotaro.

"Fine," Jotaro sighed.

Kakyoin got up and asked, "When is your next appointment with Bucciarati?"

He answered, "Next week." His appointments were every two weeks.

Kakyoin asked, "Want to go fishing today?"

He nodded. Jotaro felt a little pep in his energy after getting confirmation that he wasn't making them tired of him.

After he was done eating, the two went to the beach to go fishing. Kakyoin and Jotaro were sitting side by side on beach chairs with fishing poles in front of them. They were quiet.

Jotaro had his eyes closed while relaxed. He inhaled the nice, salty cool air. He was feeling better by the second. Everything was beginning to feel much better.

Kakyoin stood up as he saw his fishing pole shake. He picked it up with excitement. He began reeling in the line.

Jotaro watched his friend with content. He enjoyed watching him.

When Kakyoin finally reeled it in, he cheered, "Yes!" He had a nice sized fish. "We are going to have a good meal!" He proudly showed the fish to Jotaro.

Jotaro smiled at his catch. He didn't say anything. He just smiled as he was happy for his friend.

Even if the morning and the day before was rocky, it was all fine now. He loved spending time with him. He didn't care what they were doing, he was content with anything.

The smile on Kakyoin's face was bright and confident. His hair was a bit frizzy from the moisture in the air. His red hair had bit of gray in it.

When did he begin to gray?

Oh well. It was becoming of him. At least, Jotaro wasn't the only one getting a bit of gray in his hair.

"Hello," Kakyoin called. "Come back to Earth!"

"Hm?" Jotaro mumbled.

"Where did your mind go?" Kakyoin chuckled with amusement.

Jotaro said, absentmindedly, "You have gray hair."

"Oh," Kakyoin replied surprised. Then his composure switched to shy. He said, "Yeah... I am getting older, and all this stress... You know."

"You still look great."

"Oh," he said. He averted his eyes and his attention turned to the fish in his hands. He threw it in the bucket. "You really think so?"

Jotaro nodded.

Kakyoin sat back down beside him after casting his line back out. He took a sip of his drink and sighed, "How did you get this attachment to me?"

Jotaro's stomach flipped nervously when he heard the question. He wasn't sure exactly how or when. He just knew that he wanted him more and more. He tried to organize the words and memories. "Um... It was after our trip to Egypt. You were the only person who understood everything. You were always nearby."

Kakyoin scoffed a laugh, "I mean, I had no choice. I was confined to a hospital bed for almost a year." He said with a shrug, "But you were willing to see me almost everyday, and I appreciated that, you know?"

"You told me that a thousand times, Nori."

"Wait," Kakyoin said. "What about your wife? You liked me before you got married?"

Jotaro shifted uncomfortably. "Well, I didn't think much about my feelings towards you. I found her, but it didn't work out as well as I thought it would. I thought after Jolyne was born, I would love her, but we just didn't... Click."


He continued, "My feelings towards you never waned."

They sat there in silence. After a while the two went inside after catching a few more fish. They were quiet during that time.

Soon the two were in the living room side by side watching yet another movie. They were quiet then, even Kakyoin.

Jotaro tried keeping his eyes on the movie, but even that was hard. Well, that wasn't the only thing that was hard. He could only curse his libido and him unintentionally skipping his medication the day before.

He just couldn't help but look at this beautiful man beside him. His purple sharp eyes. His muscular frame that thinned a bit with age. The scars that crossed vertically over his eyes. The gray on the long curly bang in front of his face.

Before Jotaro knew it, he reached for Kakyoin's bang that twirled in front of his face. The strands were flat against his thumb and forefinger.

Kakyoin turned his face towards him. He laughed, "Now what, Jojo?" His lips turned upward in an amused smile. He looked down as Jotaro quickly wet his dry lips. "Oh? I see." He turned away, pulling his hair out of Jotaro's grip.

"Sorry," Jotaro apologized. "I should've asked."

"No big deal," he said, nonchalantly. "I mean I do hold you and spoil you like a baby."

Jotaro shrunk back. "I'm-."

"Go ahead."

"Hm?" Jotaro was taken aback.

"You want to kiss, right? Go ahead." Kakyoin turned back towards him. He made it so one leg rested on the couch for Jotaro to scoot into.

Jotaro shivered with excitement. He hesitated at first, but he crawled on his knees until he was on his lap. He leaned his face forward until they made contact. His lips were against his. His arms were hesitant to wrap around Kakyoin's waist, but he did it. He trembled when he felt his erection rub against his stomach.

The kiss wasn't an open mouth kiss. Their lips were just touching.

Kakyoin said against his lips. "What? That's it?" He scoffed, "I thought you wanted more. Hm?" He placed his hands on Jotaro's hips, making him push against him more.

Jotaro trembled, "Mm, Nori." He deepened the kiss this time by sticking his tongue in his mouth. He wanted to taste everything. He moved his arms up to rest on Kakyoin's shoulders. He rested his body against him as the kisses got sloppier. He combed his hands through the man's hair. He pressed his erection harder in between them. He hummed, "Hold me, Nori. Please, hold me."

He whispered in replied, "I got you Jotaro." One of his arms went higher, so that his hand could comb the back of his hair. His other arm held him by the waist.

Jotaro trembled at the respond he had gotten. He placed his face at the side of Kakyoin's neck as he moved his hips erratically. He took in his scent. His warmth. His body. He quivered, "Nori Nori Nori Nori Nori fuck Nori fuck. I wish you could fuck me, Nori." He tensed as he shook in the arms of the man he loved so much. He laid his head on his shoulder as he relaxed and caught his breath.

Kakyoin just rubbed his back and soothed, "There you go, Jojo. You were holding that in, weren't you? Must've felt great." He grabbed the remote and paused the movie. "How about a shower? Must feels gross."

Jotaro sat up and looked down. He wanted to avoid eye contact after what he had just done. His face grew red as he moved his crotch away from Kakyoin's stomach. He almost regretted what he had just done.

Kakyoin was still rubbing his back. He never pulled away or pushed Jotaro away. He didn't look at him with disdain or disgust.

"Am I... gross?" He peeked up at him.

"No," Kakyoin answered. "But your underwear may be if we wait too long." He chuckled.

Jotaro couldn't help but smile when he did. He leaned forward once more, but he placed his forehead against his. He breathed a relieved breath. "Yeah, you're right." He got up from him and left him for a shower.

When Jotaro was done with his shower, he found that Kakyoin was half asleep on the couch, where he left him. "Hey," he called.

Kakyoin asked, "Want to finish the movie?" He sat up, waking himself up a bit.

Jotaro wasn't sure. He wasn't paying attention to the movie in the first place. He was so focused on Kakyoin, he didn't bother.

"We don't have to," Kakyoin shrugged. "We can do-."

"What do you see us as?" Jotaro asked.

Kakyoin exhaled as if he was waiting for that question, and that he didn't want to answer it. "Jojo, you arent the only one who's afraid of commitment."

"Like with me moving in?"

"Yeah," Kakyoin said. "Like with you moving in." He sighed again as he tried to find the answer within himself. "I want us to be friends, but I don't mind us doing anything romantic. Like I didn't mind the hugging and kissing." He paused again as he tried to find the words. "Jojo, I... I don't know."

Jotaro sat down beside him. Just what was he afraid of, himself? He could officially move in, but he didn't want to despite loving this man. Then he asked, "Then what now?"

Then what now?

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