An Accidental power

By Zuelle7

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This is a fetish novel, so if you're not into fetish you're welcome to move on ;) I decided to give this one... More

Its not Lava
Your body is my playground
Black diamond
Where there's smoke...
Too much power
To the next town
Dark elf
Bucks for a donkey
Play it sexy
It became an auction
A trade of favour
Explosion of ecstasy
A black splash of ash
Cease fire... Open fire
Who's the boss?
Torna or Tectonica?
It pukes molten rock?
Have some fun
A little too sweet
Give an atom bomb to a child
Till our hearts find rhythm
Burn them all!
Our worst nightmare
Its what I am...


765 5 9
By Zuelle7

Heather walked with her fists clenched and constantly swallowed, her session with the water had its side effects after all, currently she felt like the flu grabbed her.

Burning tract and unsettled stomach along with a sore mouth made her decide that's the last time she'll ever drink water even if Charka pushes her buttons.

A bird passed her and she blinked up to it but that made Charka say "Hmm, some KFC maybe?"

"KFC?" Heather asked.

"You said no animals right?"

"Yes, no animals"

"Then ignore the bird, Oh! What about an Ogre!? You can go kick that in the balls!"

"An ogre!? But they're huge! And, well bad right? How will it be a heinous act if I kick some bad thing in the balls?"

"That depends on how hard you kick... Make sure they pop... You know?"

"Eew~ no! Never in my life! I doubt I can even lift my leg high enough to reach!" Heather protested with a shrill.

"You can just grow a little right? Make sure you look it eye to eye then let it rip!"

"Next please, I'm over the ogre idea"

Charka giggled "Okay then, a vampire then? I always wanted to kick a vampire in the balls, I wonder if he would actually feel it?"

Heather froze in her steps and went stiff "N... No, I have an unrivaled fear for vampires"

"What!? Why!?"

"I, don't know, I... Its the fangs! If they close their mouths, do they sometimes prick their own gums? And do vampires brush teeth? Can a vampire really compel you!? How does it even feel to have your blood sucked!? What happens when a vampire bites his own tongue!? Will he suck himself dry!?"

"Calm down already! It seems you have a small case of Sanguivoriphobia my dear"

"Sangui what!?

"Its a fear of vampires, you sure its not venustraphobia?" Charka said snickering.

"The fear of carnivorous plants!? No!"

"No, Venustraphobia is the fear of beautiful women (No jokes reader) and vampire women are very beautiful indeed"

Heather tried picturing someone running away from a woman like Olivia, it had to be darn strange "No, its just the fangs" she said with a sigh.

"Then that's perfect, I can't have you fear anything so we're off to find a vampire!"

"Oh why!?"

"Its that or you kick a puppy!"

"Okay I'll... I'll go find... where do we even find a vampire?"

"They're everywhere really, apart from werewolves, vampires actually fit in with humans rather easily, but I can spot one"


"I hear one, they don't have a heartbeat, and I can feel heat reradiate from people, and vampires don't have heat at all"

"Oh, that's easy it seems..." Heather said and worriedly started walking again.

"You can stop being afraid now, if a vampire tries to drink your blood its basically like him dinking the sun, your blood is poisonous to it"

"Oh!" Heather sighed loudly "Oh that's such a relief!"

"Dummy" Charka said.

Hesther chuckled picking up her pace "Dummy?"

"Yeah, you're a dummy"

"Not stupid or an idiot anymore?"

"I'll downturn the insults a little, that's only if it will help your mooshy heart not get so upset anymore"

"I don't gave a mooshy heart, but thanks anyway"

"You're welcome"

They walked through the day and just as the sun was about to set arrived at the spot where Heather saved Katinka from the bear.

She tapped her lips looking at the forest to her right, which lead to a mountainous area she never went before, then turned to the direction Katinka went in and groaned.

"Dark forest... The forest of black, so densely grown the trees are there its said the sun ever reaches the soil, and that caused the trees to kill themselves off..." Charka said in an eerie voice making Heather shiver.

"But the leaves up top still get sun right? That's all they need?"

"Water could never condensate so it became a marsh just below the topsoil, the wind dried that out, under the topsoil its so slimy by now it acts like quicksand or tar pits, that's what killed the trees off"

Heather shrilled "I'm not too heavy to fall through right?"

"No... I even hear the trees resorted to become carnivorous, anything that slips through the top layer gets drawn down, where the roots start sucking your blood"

"Oh no!"

"Oh yes! What better place to go look for a vampire!?"

"I hate this!"

"I hate everything"

"Charka seriously!"

The demoness laughed "Okay! So maybe its not that bad, it could be worse even, thing is would the dark elves make that place their home if they can be sucked up by the soil?"

"Have you seen how frail and skinny Katinka was? They will never fall through"

"Just go already, vampires move at night so this is their time to come out, and I hear those living in the outskirts are much wilder and prettier that the noble ones in castles"

"They live in the wilds?"

"I'm glad you at least know of the ones in castles"

Heather reluctantly started heading in the direction of the dark woods "So, if they are wild, won't they just attack?"

"Let them, and come drink a strong dose of fire, I bet you I'm hotter than the hottest damn chilly, his entire mouth will melt away"

Heather giggled "Okay hot stuff cool it before you melt yourself"

Charka had to laugh with her, but then snorted "This chortling I do these days with you are getting annoying"


"You're winning the fight between our good and evil, calm it!"

Heather said nothing but smiled as she walked.

"Wipe it off" Charka said.

"Wipe what off?"

"That smile"

Heather puffed her cheeks up and assumed a stomping walk "Look at me, I'm a grumpy woman possessed by a grumpy demon, fear me~"

Charka laughed again but cleared her throat "Stop it!"

"Okay! I'm sorry"

The journey to this fabled forest was not long, quicker than Heather wanted it to be in fact.

Standing at the edge of it the dried out eerie trees growing in an arch to form some sort of entrance was not inviting at all, Heather had second thoughts now.

"Fuck me it looks almost like the entrance to Jurassic park" Charka said.

"What's that?" Heather asked squeamishly.

"Its, a place full of dinosaurs..."

"I'm not even going to ask, it sounds to me like you've never been here?"

"I haven't in fact, its my first time"

"Then what's with the creepy carnivorous trees story!?"

"I said it could be worse! I didn't say its not true!"

Heather back-stepped "Nope, I give up, journey ended"

"Come on Heather, inside lies that sexy dark elf Queen, she'll protect you"

"When she finds me, if she finds me... She'll never find me if I'm sucked up by a tree!"

"Oh just go in, stay in the path, don't wander off, you'll be fine~"

"Famous last words" Heather said and slowly but surely walking in.

Heya, so I'm getting a lot of reads on this so I'm sorry if I don't update regularly, I'll try my best to keep it more frequent.

And these things that Charka is talking of like KFC and all the real world stuff, maybe I'll make it where Heather finds some inter dimensional portal to the real world.

Who knows?

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