
By mekaylapridget

470K 13.2K 8.4K

Gillian Anderson and Courtney Carmichael are enemies...more or less. While the pair seem to constantly be at... More

1. "I Knew You Were Obsessed With Me."
2. "Bitch."
3. "You're My Favorite Person."
4. "Gillian!"
5. "Are You Wearing Underwear?"
6. "Ew! What The Fuck?!"
7. "Loser."
8. "What Has It Been...A Year?"
9. "Leave Me Alone, Fuckface!"
10. "Can I Kiss You?"
11. "Is This Seat Taken?"
12. "And You're Supposed To Be The Smart One."
13. "Leave Me Alone."
14. "Ugh, Go Talk To Her!"
15. "Courtney, Please!"
17. "You Owe Me A Heated Blanket."
18. "Are You Okay?"
19. "Whatever, Courtney."
20. "More Important Obligations?!"
21. "Watch Me."
22. "Someone's Frustrated."
23. "Jealous?"
24. "Gillian, Please!"
25. "We Will Never Be Friends."
26. "You're Being Dramatic."
27. "I'm Proud Of You, Court."
28. "Make Me."
29. "Okay, Sherlock Holmes."
30. "I Miss You, Gill."
31. "You Look Different."
32. "Let Me Get That For You."
33. "Mistake."

16. "Fuck Off."

14.2K 412 261
By mekaylapridget

At the time of writing this I am severely dehydrated and have sinus congestion, therefore, I'm sorry if this chapter isn't the best.


Gillian's POV

Courtney and I left Gia's house this morning not on the best of terms.

It all started last night when Courtney and I were going to bed, but Gia being Gia only left one blanket down there.

I didn't mind this too much though it was absolutely freezing and the blanket provided was a small and thin throw blanket.

Courtney, however, threw a complete tantrum about this which I was somehow able to ease her out of. Her calmness did not last very long as when we tried getting underneath the blanket Courtney hogged all of it, which was not much.

I voiced my annoyance with her doing this, but with Courtney being Courtney all that was in her head was herself.

This later elicited an argument between the two of us, resulting in the two of us sitting on two opposite sides of the room as far away from each other as possible.

I'm just so confused by all of this...

The raging hangover isn't helping either.

Courtney presses her soft lips to my own lips. I do not miss a beat, reciprocating the kiss as if it were second nature to me.

A pained groan falls from my lips at this not-so-subtle reminder of the events that occurred last night.

I try my best to force these thoughts away to the back of my mind as I focus my attention back on the novel that rests in my shaking hands.

Courtney's delicate, manicured hands leave the large inanimate object above us as they instead move down to grasp ahold of my hips in a desperate yet tight grip. The tips of her fingernails dig into the soft, exposed flesh of my exposed hips.

The way that she pulls my body to hers is oddly possessive. As if she is trying to communicate with me nonverbally by only using her body.

I lower my book from my vision, giving up on my underlying interest to finish this book.

Clearly I'm not going to be getting anything productive done today.


Courtney's POV

The pads of my fingers slowly rub the temples of my forehead in large circular motions, my thumbs resting off to the side of my eyes.

I should have taken a fucking Percocet.

Between the bright fluorescent lighting, the yelling teachers, and my pounding headache I swear that I am two seconds away from stabbing the first person that I lay eyes on.

"Yo, babe! We need to talk."

Speaking of stabbing someone...

"Fuck off." I mumble, not opening my eyes.

Noel ignores my demand, pulling a chair out from under-neath the lunch table that I am sat at and plopping down into said chair.

I physically feel my headache intensify the moment the metal legs of the chair scrape against the tan cobblestone underneath us.

"I am two seconds away from stabbing you in the eye with a plastic spork."

"We need to talk." He ignores me.

"What could you possibly say to me to stop me from impairing your vision?" I question.

"I want to break up."

I look up from the table to meet his serious facial expression.

Is this asshat being serious?

My fingers remain connected to my pounding temples as I just blink at the male athlete with a bored facial expression.

"Why would you want to break up with me? I'm amazing." I reply dryly, deciding to humor him.

Noel does not laugh at my partial joke.

"I'm breaking up with you because you're, like, in love with Gillian or some shit and seem to like her better than me."

I blink at him.

"Poor you."

A scoff leaves the athlete's mouth.

"Just so you know, Gillian isn't into people like you."

"Hot people?"


"Well, just so you know, I'm not into Gillian."


"Sure, Courtney." Is all that he says before standing up from his chair and walking off.

I release a breath of air that I did know that I was holding.

I reconnect Gillian and I's lips, roughly pushing the slightly taller girl back against the brick wall to our left.

My grip on Gill's hips tighten with a sudden, unnamed anger.

A soft and breathy moan exits the auburn-haired girl's mouth the second that her back collides with the brick wall, a rush of wetness pooling in my thin panties.

An exaggerated groan leaves my body as I bring my hands down to cover my flustered cheeks.

This is a torturous insanity!

I feel my cellphone vibrate on the table that I am currently sat at. Removing one of my hands from my face, I move my hand downward until it rests over the cellular device.

Feeling the familiar texture of my phone case, I grasp ahold of my cellphone and turn it over so that the screen is in my line of sight. My screen immediately illuminates from this action which allows me to see the text message that I received.

'I twisted my ankle in the hallway near the commons. Can you come and help me get to the school nurse.' A text from Gia reads.

If this bitch pulls my hair extensions out I will break her second ankle myself.


Gillian's POV

Courtney has ignored me all morning.

Whilst I would usually be upset by this, I feel more so relieved that it happened this time.

If I am being honest, I don't really want to talk to her anytime soon.

I do not hate her by any means, far from it actually.

I just do not want to face the consequences of the events that happened yesterday night nor do I want to confront the consequences of my actions.

My feet lead me into the hall opposite of the commons where Gia informed me that she needed my help.

"Gia?" I call out.

I glance down at the text message on my phone screen in order to confirm that I did not accidentally get the directions wrong.

When I conclude that I am inside of the correct hallway, I go to call Gia's name again only to stop when I notice the girl sitting on the tiled flooring in front of the janitors closet with her hands clasped around her presumably injured ankle.

I rush over to the girl with obvious worry in my demeanor.

"Hey, sorry that I took so long." I apologize.

I kneel down onto one knee before throwing one of her arms over my shoulders and helping her stand upright.

"You're fine." She assures me with a pained groan.

"Hey, Gill?" She asks.

"Yeah?" I reply, my eyes on the path in front of us.

"Forgive me." This is all that the brunette-haired girl says which successfully aids in confusing me.

One second I am helping an injured Gia limp towards the nurses office and the next second I am pushed into a dimly lit janitors closet.

What the fuck?!

Why did she push me into a janitors closet?

As soon as I get enough energy to stand up and attempt to turn the doorknob, I find that it has already been locked from the outside.

"You have got to be kidding me." I sigh out.

"Give me a fucking break!" A familiar voice says from the other side of the closet.

I feel my hair stand up straight along the back of my neck and the nape of my neck.


Not her!

Not here!

Not now!

I rest my forehead against to cool lacquered wood of the locked door.

"This day just keeps getting better and better." I whisper to myself with a sarcastic tone of voice.

"You guys won't be let out until you make up...again." Gia's muffled voice comes from the opposite side of the door.

"The minute that I get out of here I swear that I'm going to kick your ass, Gia!" Courtney yells.

"Can't wait!" Her muffled voice greets us back.


Courtney and I sit on opposite sides of the the closet with our backs pressed against our respective walls.

My legs are crossed in Indian style, my eyes glued to the honey-haired girl who is sat three feet away from me.

Courtney, however, has both of her legs out in front of her with one of her legs crossed over the other. Her eyes are on everything besides my own, but I do not miss the way that she quickly glances in my direction every now and then.

Not being able to take this silence much longer, I laugh.

I laugh at our fight, I laugh at how ridiculous this all is, I laugh at past memories...I laugh at it all.

"What's so fucking funny?" Courtney inevitably snaps.

"Do you remember how we first met?" I ask, ceasing my laughter enough to speak.

The honey-haired girl furrows her eyebrows at my spontaneous question yet chooses to provide me with an answer nonetheless.

"Of course I do."

Her answer elicits a large smile to make its way onto my face.

"We had that overnight field trip where we had to stay in a hotel because we would not get back to school until the next day."

Courtney's confused facial expression does not falter as the blonde shakes her head.

"That's not how we first met." She states.

"It's not?"

"No, we first met when we had just been assigned our rooms and you asked me my name-"

"To which you responded, 'the teacher said it, like, ten times, dumbass.'" I add on, remembering the incident.

Courtney's face relaxes, a small smile making its way onto said face.

"Yeah, that wasn't one of my best moments."

"You're right, but I liked it because you were unapolo-getically yourself." I explain.

"So many people will pretend to be nice to your face the second that they meet you and it's only later that you find out that they had a secret agenda to befriending you in the first place."

Courtney nods her head.

"Well, I'm glad that I was able to leave a lasting impress-ion on you."

"Yeah! I mean, between you calling me a 'dumbass' and a 'lopside-tittied bitch' both less than twelve hours apart it is truly amazing that I don't have nightmares about you."

"Oh, please! I was not that mean to you." The blonde finishes with an eye roll.

I give her an incredulous look.

"You almost castrated me because I suggested that you shouldn't sleep in makeup!"

"Oh my god, that was one time!"

By this point, the two of us are in endless fits of laughter just from reminiscing on this memory alone. The chuckl-ing in question going on for a few seconds before coming to a steady end.

In this newfound silence, Courtney and I just stare at each other.

Just solely staring into her eyes I can tell that there a shit ton of thoughts and questions flying around in her cute little head as are there with me.

"Why do you hate me so much?" The question falls from my lips before I get the chance to stop it.

Taken aback by the bold question, Courtney stutters, unable to come up with an answer.

Gaining a certain determination as well as curiosity, I repeat my question.

"Why do you hate me so much, Courtney?"

A soft sigh falls from the blonde's lips.

"I don't hate you, Gillian, quite the opposite actually." She reveals, looking everywhere except my own eyes.

"Then why have you been so mean to me these last few months? Why did you tell me to leave your house that Friday night?"

A long, breathy sigh exits her body. The blonde's head soon lulls backward to rest against the wall behind her.

"It's hard for me to control myself around you." She admits.

"Whenever I'm around you I act very impulsively versus when I am apart from you."

Oh- oh my gosh...

Courtney likes me?!

"You seem fine to me right now." I respond more breathily than intended due to my racing heart.

"It's a facade."

"Tell me how you really feel then."

"I feel like I want to get up, walk over to you, sit down beside you and pull you into the longest kiss known to mankind."

My heartbeat is so loud that I can feel it in my ears.

"What's stopping you?"


"Well then, I give you my consent."

Courtney does not move immediately, presumably giving me an easy out of the hole I just dug myself into. How-ever, when I do not show any signs of rejection, the honey-haired girl pushes herself off of the wall and begins to crawl in my direction.

She is slow but stealthy, similar to a predator attempting to catch its prey.

Mere seconds later, Courtney's body is less than an inch away from mine.

"Are you sure?" She double checks.

"Kiss me, Courtney."

The blonde rests a hand on the side of my neck moments before she connects our lips in a slow, passionate kiss.

There is no rush.

The kiss itself is so passionately charged that I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest.

It is in this moment that I realize how scared I really am. I mean, Courtney is fine with kissing me here but how would she react if I were to initiate a kiss in public?

She would probably lose her shit.

Being the one to break the kiss, I rest my forehead against hers.

Our warm breaths fan against the bottom portion of each other's faces as we fight for air to our lungs.

"What is this thing between us?" I ask lowly.

"I don't know, but I like it."


I updated my phone and now it lags and overheats so freaking easily when it has never overheated before.

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