Straight 'A' Student

By srosee2000

45.6K 350 53


Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 2

3.6K 27 8
By srosee2000

"How was class" Summer asked as Avery came back into their apartment.

"It was okay. I have a test in a week. It's been one week of classes" Avery groaned.

"What is the test on?"

"More of a baseline diagnostic".

"Aww poor baby. I have better news than that".

"Go ahead" Avery said sitting down.

"Chase and I are going to dinner".

"Dinner, like a date?"

"Yes a date" Summer rolled her eyes.

"Look at you, excited?"

"Hm I think so, but I mean we've already hung out so that sort of mellowed this out".

"This is different. Trust me you'll enjoy yourself".

"I don't doubt that, Chase is a really sweet guy and talking and being with him is fun" Summer said as Avery nodded.

"Well that's good".

"Yea. Are your parents still coming?" Summer asked.

"Yes, you just have to come to dinner once".

"No, I love your parents. Whenever they want to do something, let me know".

"Well you have your date Saturday so I'll tell them either Friday or Sunday. Trust me, they want to see you" Avery laughed.

"I am kind of amazing".


When Friday came they both got ready for dinner with Avery's parents. Nothing too fancy so they put on casual but nice outfits and headed to the restaurant.

"Hi mom and dad" Avery said as they reached them and the couple stood up to give hugs.

"Hello girls, how are you Summer?" Deloris, Avery's mom asked.

"I'm good. Studying mostly".

"I see".

"How are your parents?" Craig asked, Avery's father.

"Good, they work and my dad is on a business trip now".

"Do they plan on visiting any time soon?"

"I guess whenever they get some time, yea. If not I'll probably take a weekend and go down there".

"Yea that's good, and you can get a break from studying. Both of you" Deloris said and they nodded before getting into more conversation.

Summer and Avery were both close with their parents and as they became better friends, they naturally got closer to each others families.

Avery had one younger sister, Michelle, who studied abroad so it was almost like she was an only child like Summer. She and her sister talked regularly though. Her parents weren't as well off as Summers but they did well and they provided for their daughters and their lifestyles.
Avery was studying to become a computer programmer. She was always interested in it even as a kid so naturally it was the career path for her.

"I'm gonna go pay" Craig said before getting up.

"Summer has a date tomorrow" Avery said quickly then Summer quickly hit her.

"A date, with who?" Deloris asked.

"This boy from one of my classes, Chase" Summer answered.

"Is he cute?"

"Very cute, Mrs. Clayton" Summer giggled.

"Good. And you Avery".

"Avery is still holding out for Darren to be reborn into a saint" Summer teased.

"Okay, no I am not" Avery groaned.

"Honey, you can do much better than Darren. He was horrible" Deloris told her.

"I know mom, I know but so far they've all been sub par".

"Have you given it a chance?"


"No" Summer said quickly after and Avery rolled her eyes.

"I'm trying to give it a chance, we've been out but it can't hurt to focus on studying".

"I like that answer" Deloris giggled.


"Okay, be honest with me. Is the red lipstick too much?" Summer asked standing in Avery's doorway.

"No. I think a little black dress and red lip combo is as classy and sexy as it gets".

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure, you look hot".

"Okay good. He's down the street".

"Excited?" Avery asked moving her laptop to the side and following Summer out of the room.

"Yes I am".

"Do you have boundaries or just whatever happens, happens?"

"Uh mostly whatever happens, happens, but I don't think I'm ending up in bed with the man" Summer said before reading his text.

"Okay then. Well enjoy yourself and I'll be here studying and waiting for you".

"Thank you, do you want me to bring dinner back for you?"

"Uh, I'll look online and call in my order. Could you just bring it home please?"

"Yes ma'am. I'll see you tonight" Summer said then grabbed her phone and left.

Chase was waiting at her door in navy blue slacks and a white polo that fit nicely on his body.

"Hi" Summer said as she reached him.

"Hi Summer, you look gorgeous".

"Oh thank you, you look really nice as well" she said before getting in then he went around to the drivers door and she spoke again "I'm glad we're doing this".

"Oh me too, more than glad. So, I figured you'd just want to do dinner so I made reservations" Chase said.

"That's nice, somewhere nice".

"I would say so, yea. The steak there is perfection".

"I could use a good steak" Summer smiled as they drove.

They followed the hostess to their seats and started to look at the menu.

"Hi, I'm Savannah. I'll be your server tonight. Can I start you with a bottle of wine or a drink?" the waitress asked.

"Sure, we'll have the Pinot. One bottle" Chase said.

"Okay and do we wanna get any appetizers or do you need more time?"

"Can we have the edamame please?" Summer asked.

"Of course. I'll be right back" Savannah smiled before walking to another table.

"So Chase, instead of staring at me tell me about yourself" Summer said with a small laugh.

"Oh I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. Uh what do you want to know?"

"How about your family" Summer suggested.
She hated guided conversations, especially ones laced with baseless compliments which she was sure this would turn into.

"I have two younger siblings. Two sisters, one is a junior in high school and the other is a sophomore in college. Uh I told you my dad runs a company. My mom doesn't work but she used to be a hairstylist" he said.

"Why did she stop?"

"She got into an accident. After she recovered she just retired".

"Oh I see, I'm glad she's okay".

"Mhm. And you Summer?"

"I'm an only child. My moms a lawyer and my dads an engineer".

"Wow pretty impressive, no wonder you're here" he said and Summer giggled.

"Yea, kind of got big shoes to fill but they're supportive of whatever I do".

"So you grew up in Philly, where did you do undergrad?" Chase asked.


"Really, holy shit. What did you study?"

"Majored in computer science and minored in aerospace engineering".

"Aerospace engineering. You get sexier every time we speak".

"Very forward I see" she smiled.

"Is that a problem?"

"No, unless that's the only weapon in your arsenal".

"Oh it's not, don't worry" he said before Savannah came back and left their wine and edamame then took their orders.


"Thank you for tonight" Summer said as they pulled in front of her dorm.

"Of course. Let me get your door".

"Well goodnight I guess" she said after he helped her out of the car.

"Goodnight Summer" he said.

He stepped forward to grab her waist and pull her in for a kiss. Summer was caught off guard but not in a bad way. She put her arms around his neck and leaned back against the car a little as Chase slipped his tongue in her mouth and she put a stop to it. She gently pushed him back with a smile.

"I'm sorry" Chase laughed a little.

"It's okay, really. Goodnight" she said again before walking towards the door, turning back and waving to him before slipping inside then he got in his car and drove off.

"Spill now" Avery shouted, coming out of her room as she heard the door close.

"Can I take off my shoes" Summer laughed.

"You can multitask, come on".

"Well it was really good. We had mostly good conversation. He was funny and nice. He listened when I talk. We basically made out ten seconds ago. He's the oldest of three and has two-".

"Wait, what the fuck. You kissed?" Avery asked in shock.

"Yes, more than a kiss that's for damn sure. He tried to do the tongue".

"On the first date" Avery exclaimed.

"Yup, but I will give it to him. The man can kiss" Summer smiled.

"How cute Summer. Any plans for a second date".

"Well no, after he tried to suck my face off I had to leave. The last time I had sex was two weeks before classes started then I've been holding out for Chase. But having sex on a first date is so whorish Avery" Summer groaned.

"Poor baby. So what one more date?"

"That might be the next date, if I'm lucky" she laughed.

"I'll be at the library all day Monday to review for my test so let's order in for dinner" Avery said.

"Sounds good to me".

"Alright good".

"I'm gonna shower" Summer said.


"Hey" Summer said answering the phone and laying on the couch.

"Hey baby, what are you up to?"

"Nothing really. I just ordered takeout, Avery's at the library, and I was about to shower. What's up?"

"Well I was calling to tell you that I'm going home this weekend so we won't be able to go out".

"Oh, well we have all week. We can do lunch sometime or study".

"I know but I'm supposed to be taking you out on dates the first few times we hang out".

"It's okay Chase, really. Going home for something?" Summer asked.

"My dads birthday".

"Oh okay, fun. Well yea, no problem and just when we have some time this week let's get lunch".

"How about after class on Wednesday?"

"That works for me".

"Good. I'll let you shower baby".

"I will call you when I lay down".

"Thank you. Talk to you then" Chase said before Summer hung up.


"Hi, letting you know I'm home" Avery said peeking her head in the bathroom.

"How was the library?" Summer shouted.

"Good. I think I was pretty focused which I needed. I just need to actually retain that. It's just hard to know what the hell to really focus on because he didn't really give us any direction".

"That's the worse. Look, you know your stuff. You're gonna do fine Ave".

"Thank you".

"Dinners in the microwave so we can eat when I get out" Summer said.

"Got it" Avery said then closed the door.

Summer got out of the shower and got dressed in some shorts and a tank top. She and Avery ate while recalling their days. Summer told her about Chase going home and their plan to get together Wednesday. Avery told her she would probably go out and get laid so they would both have plans.

They said their good nights after spending time in the living room then went to sleep.


Summer put on her headphones and made the walk to class. She stopped for a tea on the way and continued through the crowds of students until she got there.

"Oh thank you" she smiled as Connor opened the door to the classroom and stepped aside to let her through first.

"You're welcome. Good afternoon".

"Good afternoon Dr. Griffin" she said before they went their separate ways, him to the front of the room and her to a seat a few rows from the front.

She listened and typed out her notes as he spoke. The more classes she attended the more she was impressed, he was extremely educated, well spoken, and interested in the topics he taught. That was something Summer appreciated in any teacher, that they didn't just moan on about what was on their presentation each class.

He noticed how attentively the students paid attention, some more than others, but Summer was different. He wasn't quite sure why she stood out to him but she did.

"When you finish these three questions you can go" Connor said to the class when he finished his lecture and the students pulled up the in class forum for their participation assignments. They slowly started to filter out of the building as they finished.

Summer put her things away and got up to leave. She made eye contact with Connor and gave him a friendly smile before he returned it then she left.

"Hey, how was class?" Chase asked as she got in his car and leaned over to kiss him.

"It was good. I am starving though".

"I thought so. I was thinking we get some tacos and head back to your apartment or mine even so we can relax. You know instead of being at a restaurant for hours" he suggested.

"Yea, why not. We can go back to yours. I don't know when Avery is leaving but I think she plans to bring someone back".

"Alright then, fine by me" Chase said then drove off and Summer called the restaurant.

"I can get them" Summer said as they pulled up to the restaurant and Chase's phone started ringing.

"Thank you baby" Chase said answering it before she grabbed her purse and got out of the car.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up an order" she said to the man behind the counter.

"Sure, what's the name?"


"Yea, let me get that. 26.06" he said as she paid she he stepped away.

"Here you are Summer" the man smiled.

"Thank you. Have a good day".

"You too".

Summer took the bag and walked back to the car where Chase was still in the phone.

"I gotta go, I'll call you later man. Alright" Chase said after a few minutes then hung up.

"Who was that?" Summer asked.

"One of my friends. He flew in from New York this morning for work and wanted to meet up. I told him I was with my girl so we'll do something tomorrow".

"Your girl?"


"No, I just don't know when we established that".

"It's established baby" he said grabbing her hand as she smiled.


"So how was class?" Summer asked as they ate and sat in his apartment.

"It was okay. I was late to my first one because I overslept".

"Long night".

"Not in that way, I was studying a lecture that went completely over my head".

"Which class?"

"Fundamentals of algorithms".

"I'm sorry baby, want me to help. I took that class".

"You did?"

"Mhm, last year. In return you could help me with coding".


"Good" Summer smiled "so who is this friend?"

"Gabriel, we're childhood friends".

"What does he do for work?"

"He works in financing. He's a a financial manager".

"Hm, impressive" Summer said and he nodded.

They talked and ate for about half an hour.
Chase got up to take everything back to the kitchen.

"What?" Summer asked with a smile as he stood over her.

"Nothing" Chase said bending down to kiss her.

She grabbed his tshirt in her fist as she leaned back and he got on the couch.
He squeezed her thighs and softly pulled them open to move closer to her.
Chase kissed down her neck and she ran her hands through his hair softly.

She gasped as he lifted her into his arms and went to the room.
Piece by piece, they tore their clothes off until Summer was naked and Chase was eating her out.

"Fuck" Summer moaned, biting her lip and pulling his hair.

His tongue rolled over her clit a few times then he slid two of his fingers into her and kissed up between her boobs. Little to each other's knowledge, they had both been thinking about sex since they started talking. Chase was completely mesmerized by Summers appearance, her face and body, and seeing it naked was a whole other story.

"Wait" Summer said as he moved to his knees on the bed after pulling off his underwear.

"What is it?"

"Well, um, do you have a condom?"

"I think so, yea".

"Could you get that?" Summer asked then he slipped into the bathroom.

It took a couple of minutes but he returned with one on so they could get back to it without interruptions.

"Oh fuck" Chase breathed out as he slid inside of her.

"Faster baby" Summer moaned as he squeezed her waist and moved faster.

Their moans picked up and echoed throughout the room together. She couldn't deny it felt good, especially since she had been craving sex for a while.

"You like that baby?" Chase asked about her moans as he smirked over her.


"Ride me" he said, pulling out and laying beside her.

She sat over his waist and leaned down to kiss his neck. He grabbed his dick, stroking it a few times then lining it up with her entrance before she slid down onto it. He let out a loud moan and moved her hands to her thighs as she moved quickly, taking the whole length each time.

"Yes, just like that" Chase moaned to her.

"You feel so good in me" she said softly into his ear "you like that pussy huh?"

"Fuck yes, make me cum. I'm gonna fucking cum baby" he groaned shakily and squeezed her thighs tighter. A few minutes later he grabbed her waist and turned them over.
"Oh shit, oh" he moaned as he filled up the condom inside of her.

He took a minute to collect himself before pulling out and replacing his dick with his fingers. He shook them quickly inside of her while rubbing her clit as he watched her face move to his movements. She grabbed his arm as she came and her legs shook a little until she finished.

"That was good" Chase smiled as he leaned over and kissed her.

"Mhm, thanks for doing lunch" Summer giggled.

"No problem. Staying for a little bit?" He asked, going to the bathroom and throwing out the condom.

"Yea probably. I think Avery's out".

"Alright good".

He laid back down and kissed her once more before turning on his stomach and falling asleep. It wasn't what she expected but she wasn't exactly mad. Eventually she feel asleep herself.


When Summer woke up Chase was laying behind her with his hand resting on her thigh. She had felt him moving around while she slept so whatever. It was late so she quietly got up and got dressed then left his building.

She walked through campus to get back to her dorm which was quite far. She silently cursed herself for not driving to Chase's herself but she didn't expect to stay that long.

'Besides, it wouldn't have killed him to propose taking me home when I was ready' she thought to herself 'I mean there could be a killer on the lose. Uggh fuck Summer, you've gotta cut back on the murder podcasts. But, they only keep you more aware, obviously. I could always call campus security but if it's for nothing I'll feel like an idiot for wasting their time. But if there-'

"You didn't hear a thing I said" a man said cutting her thoughts short as she jumped.

"Holy shit, you scared me Dr. Griffin" she said after suppressing her scream and regaining her composure.

"Apologies, I said it's kind of late for you to be waking around campus" he said.

"Oh I'm coming from my boyfriends, just heading back to my dorm".

"It's almost midnight, you didn't get a ride?"

"Well he was sleep when I left. What are you doing out here?"

"Had to pick up something from my office. I'll give you a ride".

"You really don't have to do that Dr. Griffin it's not a far walk".

"It's at least ten minutes to any dorm building. I wouldn't feel right leaving you out here so please" he said before she followed him to his car.

"Thank you Dr. Griffin" she said after he got in.

"No problem, which dorm are you headed to?"


"Please that was like a 15 minute walk plus wherever you came from".

"Then I'm glad to have ran into you. I'm sure you have better things to do so I appreciate it".

"You already thanked me. Trust me, it's no trouble" he said and she nodded.

The drive wasn't far and it was mostly silent after that which was okay.

"Here is fine?" He asked after stopping the car.

"Yea, well goodnight Dr. Griffin".

"Goodnight, uh".

"Summer Young".

"Goodnight Ms. Young" he smiled before she returned it and got out. He watched her get inside before pulling off.

Summer walked past Avery's room and heard moaning and cursing and a few other sounds she did not need to hear. She went to her room and grabbed some clothes to shower before going to the couch.

She sat on her phone while she waited and about half an hour later the door to Avery's room opened. Summer sat stunned as the man walked past her.

"Bye Summer" he smirked before heading out.

"Bye Darren" she said before jumping up and rushing to Avery's doorway.

"Avery" Summer said.

"I know" she groaned.

"What happened, I thought you were going out?"

"I went out and I saw a guy, we talked and he was okay then Darren was just there".

"He was there so you that means you had to bring him here?"

"It just happened Summer. The man can sweet talk".

"Yea, he sweet talked your panties off" Summer teased.

"And I am not disappointed".

"You're lucky I have things to tell you otherwise I would be mad at you".

"Tell me" Avery said before Summer sat down on her desk chair.

"Okay. So Chase and I got lunch, tacos, and we talked and blah blah blah and had sex".

"You had sex with Chase?"


"And? Was it good".

"It was good sex".

"What does that mean?" Avery asked.

"It means the sex was good but there wasn't really any foreplay and when we finished he threw out the condom, turned on his stomach, and went to sleep".

"He just went to sleep?"

"Yup, like immediately. Plus, I had to tell him to get a condom. Are these red flags?"

"I wouldn't necessarily call them red flags but let's say cautionary. The going to sleep right after sex like you're some one night stand is fucking crazy".

"That's what I thought. I don't know, he was super sweet with lunch and when we were talking you know".

"Maybe he was just tired. Don't overthink it" Avery shrugged.

"You're right. Oh, so I got in the car after getting the tacos and he was on the phone with his friend who wanted to meet up, basically he called me 'his girl'" Summer told her.

"Shut the fuck up. Already".

"Already. Like I knew I was addictive but it's been a week".

"He's really into you, how cute. So what, was there a longing goodnight kiss as you got out of the car again" Avery laughed.

"Uh well, he didn't bring me here".

"You walked all the way here from Ashdown? He let you walk all the way here from Ashdown?"

"No to the first one, yes to the second. I ran into my professor and he drove me the rest of the way".

"At least you ran into him and not a killer. There could've been a killer and Chase would've been sleeping his night away".

"That's what I thought, then I figured I was just being paranoid".

"Trust me, you're never too paranoid" Avery laughed.

"Well it's late and we have class, but tomorrow you're telling me what the hell you took that allowed Darren to come back to our apartment" Summer scolded before going back to her room.


Summer left her second class for the day just before her phone started to ring with a call from Chase.

"Hey, good morning" she said.

"Good morning. Thanks for letting me know you were back at your place" he said as he stretched.

"Yea no problem".

"Sorry I didn't wake up, I don't remember you leaving" he said with a small laugh.

"It's okay babe, plus you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you".

"Well I appreciate that. How was class?"

"It was okay, kind of boring. What time is your class?"

"In an hour. I hate this fucking class" he groaned.

"I'll help you when you get back from New York. You just actually have to attend the lecture Chase".

"I know. We can either do that or more of last night".

"We'll have time for both, don't worry" Summer smiled to herself.


"Are you meeting up with Gabriel today?"

"Yea after class. Would you like me to bring you dinner?"

"If you don't mind, sure".

"Of course I don't. I'll let you know where we end up so you can tell me what you want".

"Thank you very much" Summer smiled to herself.

"You're welcome. I'll see you tonight".

"Bye" Summer said before hanging up and continuing to her next class.


After the class was over she walked to the Starbucks and ordered two coffees.

"Come in" Connor said turning to the door as he put his laptop away.

"Hi, I know your office hours are well, uh, over now" Summer said checking her watch.

"It's okay. What can I help you with Ms. Young?"

"Nothing really, I stopped to get a coffee and uh figured I'd get another for you for the first coffee and the ride home. Now that I think about it, this is kind of a stupid thank you".

"It's a nice gesture and you really did not have to do it" he said taking the cup from her.


"Well thank you Ms. Young" he smiled as she kind of did a double take and decided to keep her comment to her subconscious.

"You're welcome. I'll let you finish up".

"Have a good day".

"You too" Summer said before leaving his office.

Connor ended up sitting down and drinking the coffee since he had time to kill. Hopefully by the time he was ready to get up again she would be long gone because running into her would certainly start a conversation he wasn't supposed to be having.

He finished grabbing his stuff and picked up his phone as it rang.

"Hey baby, you're there?" he asked.

"Yea just got here actually. Where are you?" The woman asked.

"On my way, we have reservations so just get the table and I'll be there soon okay".

"Connor, you were late last time".

"I know, I was in my office and figured I'd just do some work while I was here and lost track of time. I'll make it up to you".

"You better. Please hurry".

"I will" he said before hanging up and continued to his car.


"How you doing" Summer said laying on the bed with Avery.

"Pretty good. Darren texted".

"What did he say?"

"He said he had fun and wanted to get together".

"And you said?"

"I haven't answered. I like him Summer".

"I know you do, truly. But, and I mean this with zero bullshit, if you're trying to get back with him you need to desperately set some boundaries and stick to them".

"I know".

"Avery, I mean no second chances. If he doesn't treat you the way you deserve to be treated that's it. Not 'I messed up' or 'I made a mistake and it'll never happen again', it's over" Summer said.

"Okay. God, I wish I was a cold hearted hard ass like you" Avery teased.

"Oh please. Chase is bringing us dinner by the way".

"Is he really?"

"Well he's bringing me dinner, I just have to tell him what I want".

"Okay good. Thank you".

"Sure. I'll leave you to call your man back" Summer teased before leaving her room.

She stayed in her room and ended up sending Chase what she wanted then waited some more.


A couple of hours later she got a text from Chase saying he was outside so she put on a hoodie and went down.

"Hi" she smiled as he got out of the car.

"Hey, here you go".

"You're so sweet, thank you".

"Of course".

"Wanna come up?" She asked.


"Why not. Avery's up there, you could meet her".

"Yea sure, let me park real quick" he said getting back in the car as she went to stand by the door.

"Avery, food" Summer shouted as they got inside and she put the food on the counter.

"Hello" Avery said walking by Chase and into the kitchen.

"Hi, I'm Chase".

"I know. It's nice to meet you".

"Are you still on the phone?" Summer asked.

"Yea, thank you for the food. See you guys" Avery said before running off again.

"Sorry about her, she recently got back with an ex".

"It's alright, I get the same feeling around you" Chase said grabbing her waist and kissing her.

"Good" Summer smiled before grabbing he food and his wrist then they went to her room.

She ate her food and they talked until Avery joined them a little while later. Avery ranted and filled them in on Chase and that whole situation. Afterwards Avery asked about Chase just to get a feel of how he was.
She also watched the way they interacted. Summer leaned on him as his arm wrapped around her waist and rested there. She wouldn't call it extremely romantic but they liked each other and since it had only been a week, that made sense.

Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving if you celebrated!
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