Not Your Edgy Bitch (ROTTMNT...

By Toddels

128K 4.8K 25.3K

Are you a simp for Donnie??? Awesome. Me fucking too bro: Ever since (Y/n) witnessed an oozequito turning th... More

Unexpected Ally
Ninja Stalker
A Spark
Nightly Foes
Dr. Donnie
Not A Café Date
Stay Bitchin'
Heating Tension
Growing Feelings
The Purple Dragons
The Art Fair
Two Geniuses Hand in Hand
The "Exterminator"
The Exterminator Returns

Make Amends

4.7K 210 671
By Toddels

Guys guess what?? I finished college >:3 Idk how the hell I did it but I am shot. I got terribly sick my last week to the point I couldn't move. By the time I was better I only had 1 day to work on each of my projects which was the night before they were all due. Still recovering from not sleeping for days bc of finals ;-; Anyways thanks for being patient & enjoy 💜💜💜


Mikey, April, Sunita, and I walk over to the most vibrant feeling stand. And I mean the vibes were immaculate!

Puppies happily sat around while some dude poured glasses of fresh lemonade.

"Hey guys! Want some lemonade?"

"Todd!" Mikey says cheerfully. He runs behind the stand to give his friend a hug.

"I didn't expect to see my favorite folks here!" Todd says with a chuckle. He holds up his lemonade pitcher, "Lemonade?"

"You bet!" Mikey turns to all of us, "You guys are gonna love his lemonade! It's the best in the whole world."

"Oh I already know!" says April, "Sunita, (y/n), this is our friend Todd. And you're in for a treat!"

"Sweet!" Sunita says with a smile.

I smile and nod, "Nice to meet you!"

But I can't help but hear familiar voices behind me.



Ah shit.

I tense up. I recognized those voices anywhere— it was Leo and Donatello.

Mikey never said they were going to be here! Damn it!

I then hear a crash behind me and we all turn around.

Donatello had tackled Leo to the ground. Donatello had murder in his eyes, but Leo was dying of laughter not even trying to escape his grasp.


"I do! It's just that we were trying to make sure that nothing goes wrong for you!" Leo explains.


"Please note that I was dragged here against my will by Raph..." Donnie says.

"RAPH IS HERE TOO?!" Mikey shouts surprised.

"Yeah we're on a stupid mission but you weren't supposed to know that because I wanted you to enjoy your day at the fair!" says Leo.

Donatello looks over to me and I look over to him. When both of our eyes meet, we immediately look away.

Why was this so hard?

"Wow." Mikey places a hand on his heart, "I'm touched. That's really nice Leo. Thanks for letting me enjoy the fair. Anyways, good luck on your mission and stay faaaarrrrrr away from me!" He then turns around to talk to Todd.

Leo rolls his eyes and pushes Donnie off of him.

"oW" Donnie complains in the process.

April walks over to the two as they stand up and whispers. "What in the world is actually going on? Why was Donnie trynna kill you Leo?"

"Oh that!" Leo chuckles, "I was—"

"He was trying to get involved with my affairs when I told him not to..." Donnie interrupts.

"Affairs???" April questions, "With who? (y—"

"(Y/N)!!" Leo shouts teasingly. Donnie slaps a hand over Leo's mouth.

"WhywouldyoudothatIhateyou." Donnie whispers in a panicked tone as he lowers his hand.

I perk my head over to them after hearing my name. This can't be good. I nervously make my way over to them, "Hey!" I say in attempt to cover up my slightly nervous tone, "What's up?"

"AH!" Donnie shouts while jumping backwards.

April shoots Leo a death glare.

Something tells me I was not supposed to come over here.

I assumed Donatello hated me but he seemed just as afraid as I was! It helped ease my nerves a little.

April places a hand on my shoulder and interrupts my thoughts. "Sorry about that. Leo was shocked to see you here. He didn't mean to call you over..."

"Oh no I did mean to call you over!" Leo corrects, "Donnie has something he wants to tell you." he adds smugly. I feel my stomach stir.

"W-What?!" Donnie shouts, "No I don't!" he stammers out.

I tilt my head, "You don't?" So he's got nothing to say to me? Now I am even more confused!

"Ah— no no! I do but... it's just that... well maybe it—"

"Ooookkaayyy!" April says cutting Donnie off to rescue him. She stands in front of me and blocks him. "I think nows a great time for you to try Todd's tasty lemonade!" She begins to push me over to his stand.

Great... this has gotten even more awkward!

I definitely felt unwanted there which is a feeling I don't like, but I can see that they are trying to help Donatello— wait does that mean they know what I did?? Oh man I hope not! Yet, they are still being very nice to me. I don't know what to think anymore!

However, I think I might have to be the one to bring this up to Donatello. I just want things to be back to normal. I'm going to confront him because he's obviously too hesitant to do it.

April hands me a cup of lemonade and I take it with a weak smile.


Donnie shoots a look to Leo, "What the hell was that?!"

"What? I was trying to help you!" Leo says.

"Help me? HELP ME?!" Donnie starts, "You made it even worse! I told you to not get involved and look what happened!"

"You're being dramatic! (Y/n) didn't even have a bad reaction!"

"They were expecting an apology and when I couldn't spit one out it made it look like I wasn't planning on saying sorry!" he complains.

"Are you sure you aren't overthinking like usual?" Leo remarks.

"LEO! This isn't classical Donnie overthink! I know they are upset and this didn't help!"

"Well last time I checked, which was now, I am better at reading other's emotions than you. "Face man" remember? And I'm telling you that (y/n) is completely fine!" Leo says cockily.

"Ugh will you just get the hell out of here?! I'm about to hit you so hard that you'll be speaking a foreign language!"

"Ooo scary! What language Don? Spanish? English? Japanese? Because I already like know those..."

"I said FOREIGN Leo— you know what? You're dismissed. pUsh!" Donnie extends his arm and pushes Leo to the ground. "Go bother Raph asshat!"

"Ah!" Leo yells as he hits the ground. "Fine. Screw you too dimwit!" He crawls away into a portal he summoned.

Donnie averts his gaze upwards and onto you.

You quietly sipped on your juice with a plastered smile as you listened to your friends. He could see through your masked calm demeanor; you were definitely still a bit uneasy from before. But despite your discomfort, Donnie admired your beauty from afar. There's just something about you that makes him crazy. He hated feeling so distant from you. He simply couldn't take it. He missed you.

He knows what he has to do.

He exhales, suppresses his fears and doubts, and makes his way over to you.


I sip on the sweet lemonade to silence my worrying thoughts. I then feel the most gentle taps on my shoulder. I turn around and see Donatello standing behind me.

I slightly jump and feel my eyes widened because that was the last person I expected to see. I thought he was too scared to confront me and here he is! Fuck!

I force myself to relax to not seem so tense, "Hey..." I muster out.

"Can I talk to you..." his eyes trail over to our friends and then back to me, "alone?"

I can feel my heart speeding up. I nod my head and place my cup down on a random stand. I'm nervous but I prefer the privacy to talk. It would be best, we wouldn't want anyone intervening.

Donatello takes me by my hand and leads me somewhere else.

I glance at his hand engulfing mine and could feel my face growing a little hot.

He pulls me behind a little tent and I could no longer see anyone.

He lets go of my hand and exhales, "Okay, I-I'm going to keep this brief because I feel the more I talk, the more I'm going to make it worse..." I could hear how anxious his tone was. If you listened carefully enough, you could hear his breath trembling ever so slightly.

I didn't like seeing him so afraid.

"(Y/n), I am so so sorry for everything— for the mean impulsive things I said to you, yelling at you, a-and kissing you for data collection... it was wrong and when I invent a time machine that'll be the first thing I fix." he rambles, "I am terrible at considering other people's feelings sometimes and I say or do irrational things that I shouldn't. And I'm starting to think that want you did to the purple dragons—"

"Was unacceptable." I interrupt. He looks at me surprised but I continue. "I'm really sorry for doing all of that. It wasn't morally right at all and I understand why you reacted in such a way after learning that. I could never expect anyone to appreciate something like that— even if it was somewhat justifiable. You were right, it was very psychotic. And I'm also sorry for yelling at you, stomping on your foot, and threatening to bug spray you... you didn't deserve that at all..."

"I feel like I did." he says brokenly, "I put you through an emotional rollercoaster and most likely made you feel many intense emotions in such a short time frame. And I didn't realize that until after it was too late— I wish you would've sprayed me the second I raised my voice at you!"

"Hey hey Donnie, don't talk like that. You didn't mean it, you had a lot on your mind. Shit, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't know what to do! You definitely handled it better than I ever would. It's not everyday your friend goes batshit super villain crazy on your enemies..."

He chuckles weakly, "Please don't call yourself that. You aren't a villain."

"I-I really hope not..." I say sheepishly.

He gently takes my hands and looks me in the eyes. "You aren't. I should've never thrown around that word so loosely. Yes you do tend to do very questionable things, but you have good intentions. I know you do. Please don't ever think that you are bad."

I smile back at him wholeheartedly and nod, "Thank you for that."


We stare at each other momentarily before Donnie's eyes break away to his hands holding mine. His face flushes pink and he lets them go gently while averting his eyes.

He's adorable.

I decide to break the silence, "So um... does this mean we are on good terms now?"

He nods his head.

"And that means you forgive me, right?" I ask.

His eyes soften and he lightly smiles, "I can only accept your apology if you accept mine."

"Well in that case," I start with a small growing smile of relief, "Donatello Hamato, you are forgiven."

He stares at me happily, and before my eyes can process it, he entraps me in a hug.

He was hugging me!

I thought he didn't like stuff like this. I stood there dumbfounded for a moment before I return the hug. This felt so nice. I hated fighting with him, I really did! I'm so glad we were cool again.

Donnie was happy to be in your arms. He was afraid that you'd never forgive him and you'd hate him forever. He took in every second of this hug.

The hug went on for a really long time and I could feel myself starting to blush. "Uh Donnie?" I mumble.

He gently pulls away with a tinted face. "Ah sorry, I rarely have heartfelt moments. Excuse me for being rusty." he explains while scratching the back of his head.

"Oh no it's fine." I say while waving my hands, "I never had a hug that long before— Thought you might've died or something..." I joke.

He chuckles, "Dying in your arms doesn't seem all that bad if I'm being honest..."

I place my hands on my hips, "Well that's because you know I wouldn't let you die in my arms. Can't escape me that easily." I deliver with a wink.

He stiffens for a momentarily and more color spreads across his face. His expression then melts into a smug smile, "Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

I pucker my lips to think, "Not really. I mean, I was planning on doing a little experiment on the, what you call, "oozequitos". Oh! And I have to deliver a get well card."

"A get well card? Is someone close to you sick or hurt? You never talk about your personal—"

"No... it's for the Purple Dragons..." I say shyly.

He chuckles at the irony, "You're seriously giving them a get well card?" He narrows his eyes with a smirk, "How touching..."

"Oh shut up, it's the least I can do. I feel bad..."

"And to think that you considered yourself a villain. You're a sweetheart, sweetheart." he teases.

I blush and look away, "You'll personally be delivering it to them in the hospital if you don't stop..." I mutter.

Donnie smiles at you with a softer gaze, "Both a meanie and a cutie..." he says under his breath. He clears his throat, "Look, tomorrow I'd be most thrilled if you invited me to assist you in the experimentation of these ooz—"

"Sure." I interrupt, "I'd be most thrilled if you accompanied me."

"Cool. I'll text you then!" he says cheerfully. A blue portal opens up behind him. And Leo's head and arm pop out.

He places his hand on Donnie's shoulder. "Sorry Romeo, but Raph is in trouble." Leo looks at both of us, "Oho you finally made up! I can tell by your googly eyes staring at each other and red faces..."

"Leo..." Donnie says annoyed with a growing blush. I stand there giggling with mine starting to grow as well.

"Whatt? It's adorable!" Leo remarks, "Anyways say bye bye to your nerdy boyfriend (y/n)." Donnie's eyes widened in embarrassment but before he could say anything, Leo pulled him back into the portal with him and they disappeared.

I just laughed it off, I couldn't even be mad. I found it all too funny.

Only thing I don't like is the idea of Donnie being my boyfriend is now in my head. Great...

It wouldn't be all that bad though right?

I shake my head before my thinking could progress.

I make my way back to my friends.


Cassandra and Raph were fighting hardcore when Leo and Donnie returned.

"Oh man..." Donnie said as he took in the scene.

"Right??" Leo said, "How do you even break up a fight like that— what are they even fighting over?!"


"NO IT ISN'T!" Cassandra yells back.

"Oh... how typical..." Donnie remarks, "I'll stop Raph, you stop the foot recruit."

"Took the words right outta my mouth hermano..." Leo says as he holds up his swords.

The two twins charge at the other two and break them up.

"LET ME AT HIM LET ME AT HIM!" Cassandra yells as Leo apprehends her.

"COME ONNNN!!!" Raph antagonizes as he tries to break free from Donnie entrapping him with his bo-staff.

Mikey strolls past the scene with his crew without a care in the world.

"Hey guys!" he says cheerfully as he passes them.

"H-Hey MikeY!" Leo says while struggling, "Having fun?"

"You betcha! You're the best bro." he says.

April and Sunita glance at each other and then back at the scene.

"Um are you guys good?" April asks concerned.

"Fantastic, why do you ask?" Donnie spits sarcastically.

I sip my lemonade as I stare at Donnie's athletic figure. I soon find my mouth start moving on its own, "Wow you're ho— strong. You're really strong."

Donnie looks over to me blushing while holding back a growling Raph, "Can you maybe not do this now?! You're distracting me!"

I fan my heating face and chuckle innocently, "Sorry..."


"Oh no can do Casey." I say, "I'm Switzerland. No way am I picking sides. Hate being put into those situations. Y'all gonna have to figure it out yourselves."

"UNFAITHFUL COMPANION! YOU SHALL FACE MY WRATH!" Casey threatens. I roll my eyes knowing she's bluffing.

"Hey hey hey!" Foot Lieutenant shouts while running into the scene with Foot Brute. "What's going on here?"

"Sirs! It's the turtles!" Cassandra explains.

"Yes I can see that!" He facepalms, "Ugh this was supposed to be our day off... this is why we can't have nice things. But if I'm being honest, this fair is awful! There's no rides or junk food!"

"I KNOW RIGHT?!" Leo agrees.

"Heyy..." Mikey says offended.

"Fall back recruit." commands Foot Lieutenant, "We shall report back to base."

Cassandra nods and breaks free from Leo's grasp. "So long suckers!" She backhand springs away and the two foot leaders follow her calmly. They disappear from the fair.

Donnie finally let's Raph go.

Mikey looks at his brothers with a pouty face, "The Foot weren't even doing anything bad! You came to the art fair for nothing!"

"Sorry lil bro..." Raph says while patting Mikey's head, "It's better safe than sorry..."

"Then why did you even apologize?" questions Donnie.

"Sh." Raph says, "Look, we just had to make sure they weren't up to anything bad!"

"Yeah it's not like total chaos emerged from it! It was a harmless situation, no biggie!" Leo says.

Mikey rolls his eyes, "Hmph. I'm still upset that you guys almost ruined my day at the fair."

"Almost!" Donnie highlights.

April places a hand on Mikey's shoulder, "How about we go do something fun. You should have expected your brothers to end up following you here with problems anyways... least nothing went terribly wrong like usual."

Mikey nods approvingly, "You make a good point April. I'll let it slide."

"Good, can we blow this joint? It's lame here..." Leo whispers to his brothers.

"I agree." Raph says.

Donnie doesn't say anything but looks at you. He didn't want to leave, he just wanted to stay with you.

But before he could protest, Leo made a portal and pushed his brothers in.

"Good riddance." Mikey says.

Sunita chuckles, "Man he gets so petty..."

"Yep." I nod my head in agreement. I was a bit upset Donnie had to go but I can't blame Mikey for getting tired of them all and wanting a break.

Least I get to see him tomorrow.

We then continue our walk through the art fair together.


Hey :3 hope y'all enjoyed this one!! Sorry for the wait,, I think the next chapter(fluff) will be up before the end of this week. 💗

I planned out all of my chapters for this book and by the look of it so far, I'm only gonna need 30 chapters so how do you feel abt this story being completed in early January?? Crazy how I started this in August 😭

Oh and Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate :3 🦃🍁

Also I almost deleted my book(not rlly) a week ago BECAUSE I THINK SOMEONE I KNOW IN REAL LIFE READS MY STORY 💀💀 They like tmnt and literally quoted exact stuff from my book and I'm sitting here like: 😀 come again??

But thankful they don't know who I am so I'm good broskiss -v-'

Next two chapters will be cute/humorous but then Imma fuck shit up again >:3 you'll see!

sorry ;u; I swear ily 💗 but the plot must advance!

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