[Helluva boss] When Hells Fir...

By TheBorgerMan

34.4K 600 266

Before I.M.P formed it was just Blitz and Y/N, the best of buddies. But after a tragic day, Y/N was captured... More

Hiding In The Darkness
A Talk Between Father And Daughter
A Demon's Blood
Nightmares And A Recovery
At Long Last
Dinner With My New Family
A Talk Between Co-Workers
The Next Morning
When Hells Fire Burns Bright Part 1
Waking Up
A Fresh Start
Spending The Day With Loo
Future Plans
Back to Work
The Ambush
When The Past Catches Up
The Party
Plans Of Attack
Let The Games Begin
The Fun Has Just Begun
When Hells Fire. . .Dies Out

When Hells Fire Burns Bright Part 2

920 25 2
By TheBorgerMan

Blitzø's pov

I just barely manage to avoid him. I manage to sneak past him only to look back and see him murdering the shite out of everything he sees. I ran towards a flight of stairs and took out my flintlock, hoping I was going to be able to save Loona in time.


I entered the laboratory and aimed my flintlock at the doctor, then pulled the trigger.

Loona's pov

I close my eyes in fear for the worst as this doctor gets closer and closer to me. A few seconds later, I hear a gunshot. I open my eyes and see a bullet go starlight through his head. He falls to the floor, and I see Blitz with his trusty flintlock standing there. He walks up to me, takes the strap out of my mouth, and takes off the restraints. Once that was taken care of, I wrapped my arms around and shed a small tear.

Loona: Oh, THANK God, you're okay. I THOUGHT I LOST YOU.


Loona: What happened?


Loona: No fucking way, where is he now?

Blitzø: He's downstairs.

Just as Blitz and I were talking, an agent came flying through the window, followed by another and another, and then Y/N himself. I could feel the rage coming off of him. I've never seen a flamehound before. I always thought they were children's stories. I'm frozen in fear just looking at him.

Loona: Shit.

Blitzø: We need to get the fuck out of here,

Loona: Hold on, I think he's trying to fight it off.

Blitzø: That won't work; just stay very still; maybe he won't see us.

Loona: That's not how that works.

The lights in the lab have been shut off completely, so neither one of us could see Y or N. We could only hear his footsteps and growling. Blitz and I both took cover behind a couple of tables. Thankfully, flame hounds have a harder time seeing in the dark compared to regular hellhounds. The silence was almost too intense for my liking. I could hear him slowly walking around looking for us, flipping over tables, and throwing stuff around, hoping to find us. While he might be able to see us, he can still hear us. Even if I or Blitz make even the slightest movement, he's going to hear us. Something next to the table I was hiding under fell, causing Y/N to look over in my direction. I could hear Y/N walk over to me and growl while I covered my mouth with my paws, hoping he would leave. He flipped over the table I was hiding under; he knew I was there, and he's lost himself completely. He's become so angry that he's lost control of his body; his anger is in control of him. Since he's not in power, he also can't recognize us; he sees us as THEM.


Blitz and I run down the stairs and see Moxxie trying to pick up Millie, but since he's not as strong as the rest of us, it's not working in his favor whatsoever, so I yell something to get his attention.

Loona: FATTY


We ran over and noticed Millie had huge claw markings on her leg. It looks like Y/N was able to land a hit on Millie. It looks really bad.

Moxxie: Y/N was able to gash Millie's leg open; she can't walk.

Millie: Aggh, what are we going to do?

Blitzø: Y/N is going to find us one way or another. We need to find a way to get Millie somewhere safe while we calm Y/N down.

We all sat there in thought for a moment before Moxxie broke the silence.

Moxxie: Loona, do you think you can carry Millie out of here?

I bent down and offered Millie a piggyback ride.

Loona: Hop on Millie.

Millie: T-Thank L-Loona. I'll find a way to repay you, hun.

Loona: Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can thank me later. For now, we need to find a way out of here.

I heard Blitz scream from behind me.

Blitzo: We were just going to leave Y/N HERE.

Loona: Of course not. He's family after all.

We heard a roar from behind us, meaning Y/N was finally able to fit through the laboratory doors. We all looked at each other, nodded our heads, and got to work. All around us, we hear things breaking and people screaming, hallways covered in blood, and bodies everywhere. We were lost in the maze of a facility. After running around some more, we realized we went in a circle back towards Y/N. We heard heavy breathing behind us. We all turned around to see Y/N. Blood dripping from his claws and teeth. His eyes were black and dead. He looks over at us and begins charging right at us. We all looked at him in fear of what he might do if he was able to get a hold of us, so we turned around and ran the other way.


Please stop, I don't want it. Just let me have control, if you're going to. hurt them.

Moxie's pov

We've been looking for an exit for a while now, and sadly, we couldn't find it. Instead, we came across a fork in the hallway, with one path leading left and one leading right.

Loona: Oh, for fucks sake.

Moxxie: We can't stand around for too long; we need to think fast.

Blitzø: Well, we've lost him for now, but what are we going to do now?

Moxxie: We might have to split up.

Loona: So I'll take Millie and head left; you guys go right. He's not going to be able to go after all of us at once that way.

Blitzø: Good thinking, Loony.

Millie: Hey, guys, I can hear him; he's not that far from us.

Loona: Alright, let's get moving. Try not to die, will you?

Moxxie: Thanks; that makes me feel so much better.

Loona: I was talking to Blitz.

Moxxie: Ow.

Blitzø: Aww, thanks Loony

We heard something standing right behind us while we were talking. We turned around and saw Blood dripping from Y/N's claws and teeth.


Blitz and I headed right, while Loona and Millie headed left. We looked behind us and saw that Y/N went after us and was able to find us; he looked back and forth, then headed left to go after Millie and Loona.




Blitz and I looped back around to try to get Y/N from behind, only to fail as Y/N picked us up and chucked us into the wall.

Loona's pov

With Millie down and out, Blitz and Moxxie, god knows where, it's up to me to see if I can calm Y/N down enough for him to take control of himself. I know he's in there fighting it, but that's enough for him to regain control of his anger. I rushed at him at full speed. He swung his claws out at me, but I dodged him by sliding under him.

Loona: Please Y/N listen. I know you can hear me. Please just listen. I know you can hear us.

Y/N: . . . . .

Loona: Come on, work with me, dammit.

Y/N: . . . .

There has to be a way to calm Y/N down. I got it. I dashed around out of his sight while he looked around. Thanks to my sense of smell, I was able to see where he chucked Blitz and Moxxie.

Loona: Hey guys, are you okay?

Moxxie: He dislocated my arm.

Blitzø: I can pop it back in place, Mox.

Moxxie:Um, sir, I don't think that's a good idea.

Blitz then pushed Moxxie's arm back into place, and It sounded like it hurt.


Blitzø: How does Mox feel?

He moved his arm up and down, then gave us a thumbs up.

Millie: Now what?

Loona:Well, I have a plan. I don't know if it'll work, but we need to try for his sake. I need to know what set him off.

Blitzø: The general of this place is a family member. It's his grandpa; he betrayed hell and everyone in it. Thanks to a spell, he's now 100% human.

* Flashback*


I'm running around killing everything in my sight without mercy. All I hear are people saying, Please, I have a family, followed by the screams of a painful death. After looking around some more, I FINALLY came across where they were holding Blitz and the others. I saw the one who kidnapped me, and my anger grew more.


Millie: Blitz, what if he loses control of it?

Blitzø: Fuck.

??? : Why hello grandson? How are you? You're still a freak, I see.

Y/N: Wait, g-grandpa Frank Is that you?

Frank: Heh, heh, yup, I'm alive, and thanks to that little spell book for your friends over there, I'm now 100% human.

I've now lost total control, meaning I was a mindless rage monster killing almost everything in my path before I lost control. I set the others free, but sadly, while freeing Millie, I lost control and gashed her leg.

Millie: AHH FUCK.

I look around and see Blitz heading up the stairs while Moxxie keeps trying to help Millie. This dude has got the biggest balls I've ever seen. Who would stay while this rage-filled monster is staring right at him?

*flashback end*.

Moxxie: So what's the plan?

Loona: Alright, so hear me out.

*time skip* Y/N POV

I'm still trying to break free of the flamehound when, out in the distance, I see Millie trying to walk over to something. I'm forced to dash over to her, only for me to get shot back by the blitz. Then Moxxie throws a rock at me. I begin to get angrier when I feel something hooked onto my leg. I look down and see Loona hugging my leg. I try to shake her off, but she manages to stay on. I pick her up off my leg, only to feel her eyes blinding me.

Loona: Good, good, it's working. I'M GOING AFTER MILLIE, HOPEFULLY SHE CAN END THIS.

I finally managed to pull Blitz off, but Moxxie somehow managed to stay out of my reach. I chucked Blitz at Loona, knocking her off the path to Millie. I dash at Loona, but she again refuses to give up on me as she gets up, slides under me, grabs Millie, and throws her on top of me. Millie then nudges her cheek against mine while hugging me. Meanwhile, Loona comes back around and jumps on my back, giving me another hug, while Blitz wraps his tail around me. I swing around in the air, trying to knock any of them off me. I managed to knock everyone out except for Loona, who started to cry.

Loona: *crying* Please, Y/N, come back. I need you.

She managed to almost help me break through, as I'm able to do, but sadly, I shook Loona off me and chuckled at her through a wall.

Loona's pov

I was out of ideas at this point. I curled into a ball and began to sob. It was at this moment that Y/N saw me and began to walk towards me. However, I noticed this time he was holding his head in some sort of pain. It then hits me; he's almost regained control if I can manage to get up on him and continue to tell him how much I care. I think he might be able to regain control of himself. I run back around him while he's not paying attention. I wait for the perfect moment to strike. Now I jumped on him and started hugging me tighter and tighter. He's moving around a lot, but I keep it together and keep hugging him. After some Millie joins in after she followed me without making a sound, which was fucking creepy, Blitz came up and wrapped his tail around Y/N's eyes as well. We all hugged him, hoping for the best. First it was me.

Loona: *Crying* COME ON Y/N, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE PLEASE *sniff sniff* Come back, please...

Next, It was Millie.

Millie: Come on, Hun. I KNOW you're STRONGER THAN THIS.

Next was Moxxie.

Moxxie: Y/N I may not know you, but I believe you can do this.

And finally, Blitz.

Blitzø: Come on, Y/N, I KNOW you're STRONGER THAN THIS work, dammit.

And then it was all four of them.


Y/N fell over as he finally managed to regain control of himself. We all sat there and looked at the past. It Took all that to help him regain control, and I thought I had anger issues.

Loona: We did; he's back.

Moxxie: I'd never thought I'd say this was a great plan for Loona.

Blitzø: HA, I knew you'd say it at some point: 50$ fuck boy.

Moxxie: Ah, come on, fuck it. I stand by what I said.

Millie: Come on, let's get him back to hell.

We open a portal back to hell, and I set Y/N down on the couch for him to rest.

Blitzø: Well, everyone goes home. I think it's best if we all get some rest.

Everyone heads to the door but me.

Blitzø: Loony, you're coming.

Loona: I'm going to stay with Y/N.

Blitzø: Well, alright, sweetie. Please take care of him then.

Loona: Y-yeah.

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