Little Birds ~Janoskians&1Dir...

By RMBeautiful2

5.1K 78 10

In this Fanfic, 17 year old Dawn Rayne has the opportunity to go on a all expense trip to London and meet One... More

Contest Loser
This !?!
Blind Faith
Give me love ♥
Small Bump
Gold Rush
Let it out
Miss You
This city
Grade 8
You need me -I don't need you?
1st part ~Gaining Strength~
Second part ~Gaining Strength~
A race to a new beginning.
Ride like an R6

You 'nd I

236 4 0
By RMBeautiful2

~This is not edited:( Sorry i was in a rush and it was late~ I love you though! -Gina xx~

~Dawn's POV~


I literally woke up with a smile on my face. I opened my eyes to see the large window shedding light through a sliver of the curtain. After stretching my limbs out I checked my phone. 1 message unread. I typed my password effortlessly and clicked on the text.

 From~ LukeBrooks<3:) 

Hey babe you probably still asleep, but I just wanted to tell you to check J-14 magazine and that I love you. <3

My eyes brows lowered in wonder. 'Why do I need to check J-14 for?' I thought while strolling to the bathroom.

After a long relaxing warm shower I threw on some black high waisted shorts with a cute panda T-shirt. I tugged on some red Converse that matched the cheeks of the panda. Walking down the stairs of the lovely house I heard two distinct voices and two unknown female ones.

"Hey love. Are you feeling well?" I nodded to Liam, but my eyes never left the two stunning girls sitting on the couch in front of me. 'Danielle Peazer and Eleanor Calder are breathing the same air as me...' 

"So this is the famous Dawn I've heard all about!" Daniella said smiling as I made my way over to them. My smile reached my eyes, probably showing off my deep dimples -Kind of like Harry's in a way-.

"Hi Danielle, Eleanor. I'm such a big fan of you both." My heart was beating a mile a minute and I could of sworn they noticed my shaking hands. My voice was light when I talked and giggled.

"Aww. Well since we heard so much about you from Louis and Liam. I can say that I'm a big fan of you as-well." Eleanor said grabbing my hand in excitement. Directioners were right, El is so amazing...

"Dawn me and El were thinking... Well since you are stuck in this house filled with annoying boy's..." Dani starred down Liam and Louise who pouted at her comment." We thought we should take you out for a girls day so we can get to know each other." I starred straight into her caring brown eyes in shock. 'A girls day with the most beautiful girls ever!" My mind screamed instead of saying it aloud. I nodded my head, not trusting my voice enough to talk.

"Yeay! Let's get going then!" El shouted lifting herself up off the couch and into my arms for a friendly hug. She is even more excited then I am. Soon Dani, El , Lou, and Liam were in a group hug with me tightly in the middle. 


We left soon after that. I had gone up and woken Nial, saying goodbye and telling him I'll see him latter tonight. He had hugged me a little longer than I had thought he would, but It was comforting. 

"So Dawn, is there a special guy in your life?" Eleanor asked while I got my finger nails painted in a dark purple color.

"My boyfriends name is Luke Brooks. He's my life, my only." I smiled out the window of the salon. My heart fluttering as I spoke. "I'll have to show you a picture of him latter." 

After nails we went shopping at Westfield London shopping centre. I bought four shorts, six shirts and two pairs of shoe's. Dani, El and I have learned so much about each other in one day that should have been a whole weeks worth. We chatted continuously, never having an awkward conversation. Surprising me since I'm the most awkward person alive.

"Oh! You were supposed to show us Luke!" I had totally forgot about showing them when they had changed the subject while at the nail salon. I pulled out my phone and showed them the same picture I did the boy's.

" OMG! He's cute! You two are perfect together!" El exclaimed, clapping her hands and jumping up and down. Her dark waves bouncing around her broad shoulders.

"That's so cute! Aww, I'm happy for you!" Dani said giving me a hug. I could smell her girlie perfume and lavender shampoo. I hav'nt had this much girl contact since I said goodbye to my mum. 

We stopped at the market to buy some fizzy, but a magazine caught me eye. a certain teen magazine. Pulling the glossy, flimsy booklet out of the holder I gawked at the front page. The head line read, 'IS NIALL HORAN UP FOR GRABS OR TAKEN BY A CERTAIN BLUE EYED FEMALE?' My eyes slowly took in the sight of the picture. It was me. Niall was holding my waist so I did'nt fall, but I had looked up to him and he looked down to me. It looked like we were in love... My mind flashed a picture of Luke and I. Luke...

"Oh my!" I breather out. El and Dani walked over to where I stood and examined the picture. There faces the exact replica of mine -Pure shock.

"It's not true right I mean i don't believe it, but is it?" El asked, but after receiving a 'What the hell look' from me she nodded and gave me an apologetic smile. 

"This is what Luke was talking about earlier. He texted me saying to look at it and said he loved me. I hope he does'nt believe it!" 

~Niall's POV~ 

It's been four hours since Dawn left. I actually cleaned my room which was basically stuffing most things under my bed. 

"Hey Niall, come her for a second mate!" Liam called from his room, down the hall.

"Yeah?" I asked entering the room.

"Have you seem this yet?" Liam tilted the laptop screen the where I could see it without a glare.

"What?!" I breathed, concern on my face. On the front cover of J-14 was a picture of me and Dawn. My arms were "Protectively" around her. Really?! Stupid pap's! She was about to fall so I helped her! Well it does seem like we're together and that we looked... In love? 

"Mate, do you like Dawn" Turning to Liam I shook my head.

"I don't know. She's beautiful and funny and fit and..." I gave up when Liam gave me the 'All knowing look.' "Liam she has a boyfriend, That's just not right." He nodded but then shook his head.

"Niall, I think she might like you back." Sighing I sat down on his bed.

"No. Not unless she is broken up with him, will I let myself conciser that."

~Dawn's POV~ 

After buying the fizzy we started back to the car Dani had. It was a simple black BMW with leather interior.

"Are you going to talk to Niall about this?" Danielle asked grabbing my attention away from my thoughts.

"Yeh. After I talk to Luke. He did'nt seem upset, but he's good at keeping his feelings bottled up." I thought aloud. I should know, I've dealt with it for almost my entire life.


When we finally got to the magnificent house I tool all my bags from the back and started for the door.

"Dawn!" Lou screeched and rushed over to me when I walked through the door. Liam rushed to me and took the bags from my hands. 'Gentleman.' I thought and gave him a smile. 

"Yeah, we're fine. Thanks for caring." Dani and Eleanor laughed while coming through the door also.

"Let me go call Luke." I said and rushed up the stairs to my room.

~Luke's POV~ 

Dawn has'nt called or texted me back. I'm getting kind of worried though. What if it's true? I remember seeing that picture and the head like. My heart sunk to my stomach and my mouth went dry. I stopped and starred, I did'nt let it get to me to much. I did'nt let myself believe it until she confirmed it.

My eyed snapped from the T.V to my phone which was playing 'What makes you beautiful' by One Direction telling me that Dawn was calling. She's either going to confirm it or denie it. Hopefully the latter one. 

"Hello?" I asked cautiously talking into the phone. 

"Babe! I'm so sorry for not getting back to you! I was out with some new friends." She exclaimed. My heart beat slowed down, knowing that she was'nt ignoring me on purpose.

"Luke... The magazine was lying. You know that right?" I nodded my head, but then realized she could'nt see me. 

"Yeh babe, I know." 'Do you?' My conscious asked . 'Yes!' I fought back. I need to stop having inner battled with myself or I might just go crazy.

Dawn and I talked about how thins are going on both ends. Her light voice soothing my jumping nerves.

"Okay babe, I'll let you go. Me, Jai, Beau, Skip and James are going to go film." 

"Alright. Well tell all the guy's "Hi" and tell Beau that I found him a nice friend!" I chuckled while she giggled. In the background i hear a female voice.

"Who was that love?" I asked when she got back on the phone. 

"Oh! That was Eleanor, I need to go. Bye Babe!" Saying goodbye she hung up.

This is going to be a long month and a half. What am I going to do?

~Dawn's POV~ 

A little while ago I called Luke telling him what that magazine put was wrong. I hope he believes me! I truly don't want to loose him. 

"Hey Dawn do you want to take a walk?" Niall said joining me by the couch. I said sure and went up stairs to change. 

"Let's go!" I said cheerfully when I came back dawn. Me and Niall headed out the door and down the street as we talked constantly. I heard the faint sounds of ducks quacking near by and stopped in my tracks.

"Did you hear that? The ducks?" I walked briskly as did Niall.

Coming up to a pound I stopped. There was a momma duck and four baby ones gliding next to her. Surrounding the pond were dark wood benches so I sat on one, watching.

"So I know we kind of been seen by the paparazzi, but i'll get it straighten out dawn." Niall said in a concerned yet strangled voice.

"Don't worry about it. They just have it wrong, is all." I keep my eyes trained on the quacking, white and spotted ducks, but I can feel Niall's eye's burning a hole into the side of my face.

"Dawn I want to know more about you." He said pulling my attention away from the beautiful creatures.

"I guess... Where do I start?" I questioned myself. rubbing my fingers along my imaginary beard. Niall chuckled but then said, "Have you ever had a first love?" The question caught me off guard, stopping my hand on the bottom of my chin.

"Yes, but ugh..." I started. 'Should I tell him?' My mind wondered. This conversation is ancient to me, speaking it to someone i barely know. "His name was Johna." My voice allowed it self to be clear instead of cracking at the thought. I could feel my shield sliding don over all my secrets and life happenings. Quickly I rushed out the sentence, "but he cheated on me so now it's over." Niall's eyes widened at my bluntness. His mouth forming an 'O'

"Subject change?" He nodded and smiled lightly.

"Ok, well tell me what kind of person you are." i took time to think hard about this one. 'What kind of person am I, exactly?' I thought to myself.

"For started I've always tried to keep my head up high, well if i was'nt reading a book or scribbling lyrics for a song. I've actually wanted to be one of those girls that think they're so pretty and have every guy fall for them. I'm never going to be like that. I've always been that girl who spends all her time in a coffee shop/book store on main. I have never really fit in with others, plus I have a lot of people that did'nt like me. I really did'nt get why though... I was always kind and sincere. Maybe I was a little to blunt with somethings, but that's just me." Niall looked at me with his caring blue eyes. Before he could say anything I continued.

"I've never told anyone this, but I'm scared of people leaving me. When I was little, about three my dad left me. Now I can't even remember what he looks like... I get so scared that my mum would leave next and then Luke. I woud'nt be able to handle that." My eyes were wide. My shield that always comes down when I say to much information about me, never came down... With Niall I felt safe. I let one of the most dangerous weapons to use on me, out. It's like Kryptonite on Superman's soul. 

"Don't worry Dawn. I'll always be here. If everyone leave -which they wont- I'll be here. I know it's difficult to believe, well with all our fame, but you need to know. No matter what, I'm always going to be there for you." 

He saw how much that meant to me. His arms wrapped around me. In the distance we heard a small 'Click' of a camera. Soon after a light went off. Hearing rustling in the bushes we got up and started walking back to the house.

"Damn Pap's!" Niall said and walked a faster pace. 'Here we go again' I thought and picked up my speed. 

~MY HAND HURTS! I typed for so long my left hand is cramping! Anyways... this might be the last chapter for a while, because I'm failing and my moms going to take things away from me. One of them will be the computer!!! ANYTHING BUT THE COMPUTER!!! AND MY PHONE!!! ANYTHING BUT THOSE... and food... and music... and sports... and, and... ANYWHORE! I went running earlier and my feet hurt like a turtle! so Yeh BYE MY LITTLE BABES!!!! ♥

-Gina xx~

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