Straight 'A' Student

By srosee2000

40K 319 53


Authors Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 1

5.4K 38 11
By srosee2000

Summer rolled over, turning off her alarm and checking the time. It was now officially the start of her second year at MIT for graduate school.

"Avery, it's 815" Summer said going into her roommate's room and sitting on the computer chair in there to tie her sneakers.

"Already" Avery groaned while Summer giggled. Avery was smart as hell but not a morning person.

"If you're getting breakfast, bring me back something and I'll eat it after my 830" Summer said.

"Sure, I'll be gone by 930. We'll catch up at lunch" Avery said before Summer nodded and left.

She took the five minute walk from her dorm to her class building. She set up her laptop and iPad while waiting for her professor to walk in. The first class of the day: computer coding. She found that taking harder classes earlier in the day woke her up quicker.

"Hi" a man said sitting beside her as she looked up.

"Oh hi, good morning" she answered.

"I'm Chase".

"Summer, nice to meet you" she smiled quickly as she took his hand and shook it.

"Likewise, second year" he asked.

"Yup, you?"

"Yes, thankfully. We're pretty much halfway through if you're doing the two year route" he said.

"Two and a half. I wasn't full time my first semester so I'll have about two classes to take after this year is over" she told him and he nodded.

"Well at least the workload will be lighter your last semester. You can really focus on closing it out with a high GPA".

"That is the upside" she shrugged before gesturing to the front of the class where the professor was.

They listened intently as their professor, Mr. Wilkinson, spoke about the plan for the semester. He was an older guy, maybe early 50s, so they were shocked he was even teaching this class. However, he knew exactly how to teach it and made it very clear they could not half ass just because he's old.
Summer took all the necessary notes until Mr. Wilkinson said his final words at 1020 AM and let the class leave.

"Which dorm do you stay in?" Chase asked as they exited the building.

"Ashdown, not far" she said pointing to the general area "you?"

"Edgerton. We'll see each other around then".

"Can't hurt. Plus, we'll need all the studying we can get".

"True. Bye Summer" he smiled.

"Bye Chase" Summer said before taking the path back to her building.

Avery was gone obviously but there was a note and a waffle in the kitchen. Summer grabbed the syrup then went to the couch to eat.
She and Avery met at orientation and have been best friends since. The first semester they each had different roommates. Summer's dropped out and Avery's got married so with a couple of letters they were able to room together instead of wait for new assignments. Those new assignments probably would've been shit.

Summer Young is here for her Masters in Computer Science, on her way to be the best damn female software analyst anyones ever seen. She didn't really care what field she ended up in but she would kick ass, that's for sure.
Her parents had equally impressive careers, her mom being a lawyer and her father being an engineer, so she naturally had big shoes to fill. She didn't mind though, she loved a challenge.

She wouldn't call herself cocky but she breezed through high school with a 4.0 GPA as student body president, vice president of a feminist support club, and of course valedictorian. Then she got an academic scholarship to MITs undergraduate program where she majored in computer science and minored in aerospace engineering, just for fun, and finished with a 3.9 GPA, 3x deans list, and president of a female coding club. She wouldn't have called it a breeze but now she's sitting at MITs graduate program which is 2/3 male populated. This would be no different.

She finished eating and cleaning up then took a small nap before her 2 PM software analytics class.
She setup up her laptop again and opened a new file for this class, she had everything perfectly organized and titled so she wouldn't waste precious time on confusion.

"Sorry everyone, was just setting up this mic. Although I'm not sure if I really need it, this isn't a huge class. I'll just turn it down, whatever. Uh good afternoon, I'm Dr. Connor Griffin. Connor is fine, Dr. Griffin, whatever you prefer. Along with teaching I am a software engineer. I got my masters here at MIT at 20 years old and my doctorate at 24. I love my job and I love teaching it more. If you're here for fun, you'll fail, it's that simple. Be prepared to spend entire nights on the material you learn here, not just in my class. This class is a two semester course, so whether you take it again with me or with another professor, don't just forget everything you learn. That's why learning is key and memorization is a facade. I'll tell you a couple of things to help you through this because while it is extremely packed with information, it does not have to be stressful. Here it is, participation and attendance does half the work for you and use your resources. What do I mean? Show up on time, stay off your phones, ask your questions, attend study groups, email me, use my office hours, whatever ever helps. We'll have four tests, that's including the final. One major project, I haven't decided if I'm going to do groups or individually yet, it should be fairly simple and with a little effort it should help your grade. And every class I'll have a participation assignment which will do two things: reiterate and help you understand material I just talked about and right or wrong, if you complete it I use it as bonus points. Majority of your grade comes from tests, I'll have study guides, not study answers, guides. Meaning you will have to do some work. Finding answers is a bigger study tool than you know so try not to copy from a friend. Any questions" he finished, grabbing the water from his desk and drinking it.

He looked around at the lit up faces around him. He was sure it was from the overwhelming load he just dropped on them but he was wrong. The class was split into half of them being skeptical that this man was actually their professor and the other half being glad this man was actually their professor. He wore black slacks and grey button up shirt with no tie. There was a hint of mystery along with his prestige professionalism.

"Um, what will the tests be like?" someone finally asked.

"All multiple choice. I like to give you all a fighting chance. Yea go ahead" Connor said pointing to another student with their hand raised.

"Do you curve" the student asked and they all watched Connor contemplate his answer.

"I haven't decided yet, don't rely on it though. Anything else" he asked and waited a minute. He spoke again since no one raised their hand.
"I don't plan to keep you for the whole two hours today so what we'll do is go over materials and things you'll need to have and by when. I'll show you the overview of the curriculum for this semester. Then we'll quickly look over an old exam from a previous class of mine so you know the format to expect. Stop me if you have any questions. Let's get started" he said before making sure his laptop was connected to the protector.


"Hi, you're back" Avery said sitting up from the couch as the door to their apartment closed.

"Yea hi. How were your classes?"

"Pretty good. Pretty relaxed first day so that was good. You?"

"Same. Both professors just went over the curriculum mostly".

"I love when they do that. Seem like hard classes, you know considering?" Avery asked with a small laugh.

"Yup but I think if I stay on top of it I'll be okay. My software analytics professor is damn near our age" Summer laughed.

"Really? Does he sound like he knows what he's talking about?"

"Technically he hasn't talked about much, but yes. He got his doctorate here at 24".

"24, holy shit. Now I feel behind" Avery joked as Summer rolled her eyes then Avery continued "maybe having a professor so young will actually help. He gets it".

"Yea that's what I was thinking. If it goes well I'm gonna take software analytics 2 with him as well".

"That's the benefit of two semester courses, sometimes you don't have to start over with a new teaching style" Avery said and Summer nodded.

"Did you talk to your parents" Summer asked.

"Yea. They're still vacationing but we talked for a little bit. I'm surprised your parents haven't called yet".

"They're probably working, last I checked my mom picked up three new cases and my dad is always working at this point" Summer said.

"That's true. Early class tomorrow" Avery asked.

"Sort of, I have class at 9. I do have three though" Summer groaned.

"Yikes" Avery laughed.
They spent the rest of their day in their dorm just hanging out. First day of class and some syllabus overviews didn't require studying so this was probably the last couple of days they would be free.


"Hi sorry I missed you, I was showering" Summer said as her mother answered her FaceTime.

"It's okay honey. How was it today?" her mother, Susanna, asked.

"Good. I mean it was the first day so pretty standard" Summer answered.

"Standard does not mean slack off honey. It can't hurt to know what's upcoming for the semester" Susanna said.

"I've already went over syllabi I do have, I have three classes tomorrow then I will make sure I have my schedule intact".

"Perfect honey, then let us know when we can visit".

"Mom, your schedules are packed. I'll just come see you on break".

"No, no. Your father and I will come see you just let us know when you're free and we'll move things around if we have to".

"Thank you. Is dad home" Summer asked.

"Yes, in his office. Let me get him" Susanna said taking the phone through the house until she knocked on a door and spoke again "hi baby, it's Summer" she said to Spencer, Summer's father.

"Oh my favorite daughter, let me see" he said as Susanna wrapped her arms around his neck and they both shown in the camera.

"Dad, I'm your only kid" Summer laughed rolling her eyes.

"Mhm but know if there were more, you'd be my favorite. How is it this year?" he asked.

"Good so far but it's been one day".

"Yes, but you can tell a lot about how somethings will go based off of a first impression".

"Well I think it will be okay, tough, but nothing I can't handle".

"That's my girl, and your professors" Spencer asked.

"So far good. Kind of odd" Summer laughed.

"How so honey?" Susanna asked.

"My coding professor is damn near 55 and my software analytics professor is like 20 something" Summer said.

"20 something. How is some 20 something teaching my 20 something year old daughter?" Spencer criticized as Summer laughed.

"He seems well educated and well equipped to teach this class. He got his doctorate at 24" Summer said.

"That's impressive" Susanna said and Spencer agreed.

"So how's work there?" Summer asked.

"Good. I have court next week Wednesday on a manslaughter case and your father has a business trip soon" Susanna said.

"Feel good about the case?" Summer asked.

"Very. I'm not the best prosecuting attorney on the east coast for nothing honey" Susanna said such a small laugh.

"That's true. Where are you going dad?"

"North Carolina to oversee a job. Should only be a week" Spencer said.

"Oh okay. Well be careful".

"You too honey, get some rest we'll talk soon" Susanna said.

"Okay, love you guys".

"Love you too sweetheart" Spencer said before they hung up the phone.

Spencer Young was an electrical engineer and Susanna Young was a criminal prosecutor. They were both extremely revered in their fields and communities and they had the life to prove it. They expected the same of their daughter for whatever she decided to pursue but they weren't the type of parents to force something on her. They, of course, wanted her to be successful but her happiness did come first.

They had one child, obviously Summer, and decided that was enough. Besides, the both of them were extremely work oriented and what were the odds they'd get another kid like Summer.

Summer didn't mind not having siblings. She was never really bored growing up. She had tons of friends and her parents paid for whatever she wanted and put her in clubs and sports to stay busy, occupied, and out of trouble. She did soccer, swimming, equestrian, golf, gymnastics, ballet, and volleyball all from elementary to high school along with the clubs and studying. Her parents were proud and she was happy so no one had a problem with it no matter how much Summer's grandparents said Susanna and Spencer pushed the child.


"Okay, I'm going" Avery said coming out of her room as Summer finished her coffee in the kitchen.

"Mm wait, wanna swing by the book store tonight. I'm missing two textbooks" Summer asked.

"You read my mind. I only have one".

"Love that, my last class is at 2 but I'll text you and we can meet on the walk" Summer said.

"Sounds good, I gotta go" Avery said before closing the door. Summer got ready half an hour later then headed to class to start her day. Classes went as she expected, they went over the course and the expectations and the tests and the grades, blah blah blah.

She packed up her laptop and planner before leaving the lecture hall and calling Avery.

"Hey Ave, I'm leaving class" Summer said.

"Okay good, I'm locking up now and let's meet by the dining hall".

"Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes" Summer said before hanging up and turning on some music while she walked.

She and Avery met up and filled each other in on their classes for the day and what they needed to pick up.

"Oh so Darren called" Avery said as they looked through the textbooks.

"He called? What the fuck".


"What did he say?" Summer asked.

"That he wanted to talk and that he wasn't thinking when he said all that shit".

"And? Don't tell me you're thinking about hearing him out Ave".

"We've said stupid things when we were drunk".

"Yea, I told my parents I lost my virginity, I opted in for a tattoo, I let the bartender do a shot out of my belly button. But I never thought about looking at my significant other and calling her a groupie whore who's only around because it makes me look better" Summer scolded her as she groaned.

"But Summer, he's just so fucking cute and he spoiled me and I literally mean spoiled".

"Hello, did you hear the part about him calling you a whore?"

"Loud and clear".

"I don't know what this man put over you" Summer laughed as they started towards the cashier.

"Found everything okay" the woman and they nodded "good. That's 217 for you and I'll ring these up" she said to Summer before she pulled out her card and paid then Avery went.

"Okay okay but what if I just-" Avery started.

"Ave, no. Darren is out. This weekend we'll go out I promise. Just anyone but Darren".

"Fine Summer. Maybe we'll both find dates".

"Yea maybe. That Chase guy texted me today" Summer said.

"Ohh Chase. What did he say?" Avery asked.

"He asked what I was up to this weekend".

"The man is eager, I'll give him that. You've seen him once".

"I know and I don't know if I want to date right at the beginning of the year".

"This is different Summer. He's in your class, he understands how focused you have to be. Plus he already likes you" Avery said.

"Yes but there's still the dating part. I just want to be friends and focus on school".

"Who the hell wants to focus on school".

"We do Ave. Who wants to stay at MIT for another year" Summer said, matter of factly.

"True but you have to learn how to study and have fun, Summer. I'm not saying it has to be Chase but lord, it has to be someone" Avery said as Summer rolled her eyes.

"I will keep it in mind".

"Tell him to come out with us this weekend. You can see if you could consider dating him and also play my wingwoman for a respectable rich man with no kids" Avery said.



They finished the week out and got all their studying out of the way on Friday so they could go out Saturday night.

"I'll just say, the fact that he's driving is a plus one" Avery said coming into the bathroom as Summer put some earrings in.

"I give it a 0.5 but yes, very convenient for us because you know I hate driving" Summer laughed as Avery nodded.

They waited a little bit until Chase texted that he was outside.
"Hey" he said as they got inside and he drove off.

"Hi, thank you for driving" Summer smiled.

"Yea you're welcome".

"This is Avery. Avery this is Chase".

"Nice to meet you" Avery said.

"Likewise. So let me just ask, am I a chauffeur, wingman, what?" he asked Summer.

"Well I'm her wingwoman and you're with me, if that's fine with you" she said, it couldn't hurt to takes Avery's advice and flirt a little.

"Perfectly fine with me" he smiled and she nodded.


They spent an hour at the bar scoping out the scene before Avery got into a conversation with someone and Summer and Chase got a separate table and drinks.

"So what are you doing at MIT?" he asked.

"I assume the same as you, I want to be a software analyst".

"Admirable. I guess I meant why, everyone has a story".

"There's no story really, I find it interesting and it's something I could see myself doing as a career" Summer shrugged. 

"I see".

"What about you?" Summer asked.

"My dad went to MIT. I find it interesting yes, but it's mostly a decoration on a resume. I plan to work with him and then takeover the company when he retires".

"Solid plan. Where are you from?"

"New York city. You?" Chase asked picking up his drink while she answered.


"Not too far for either of us then. I have to say Summer, you're very beautiful" he complimented and she barely blushed but gave him a smile anyway.

"Well thank you Chase".

"You're welcome".

They spent the rest of the night talking and drinking and they danced some. Avery had came back a few times in between before going off to another man, each time giving a reason as to why it was not going to happen with them.


"Thank you" Avery said as Chase pulled up to their dorm.

"You're welcome, sorry your night was a bust".

"They'll be plenty more. Don't take long Summer" she said before getting out of the car.

"Thanks for tonight" Summer smiled.

"Of course. I'm glad you invited me out".

"Me too. I'll see you Monday morning then?" 

"For sure. Goodnight" he said cautiously leaning over before Summer let him kiss her cheek.

"Goodnight" she said then got out of the car and caught up to Avery at the door of their building.


"Now that we're showered and settled, you've gotta tell me how your date went" Avery said as they laid in Summers bed and ate ice cream.

"First, it wasn't a date. Second, it went okay. He's sweet and funny, all the regular things in a nice guy. I wouldn't say I was infatuated. He said I was beautiful".

"Is that a bad thing?" Avery asked.

"Bad no, but I've heard beautiful all my life. I'm Susanna Young's daughter and Spencer Young isn't too hideous himself, I know I'm beautiful. It's so basic though. If I'm gonna blow off study time I at least want it to be worth it".

"You're right, you're parents are fucking gorgeous. So it's a no?"

"It's not a no. I don't mind seeing him and stuff but I don't see myself putting all my energy into it" Summer shrugged.

"Uggh I wish I had your confidence to turn down a man so into me" Avery laughed.

"Stop it. You're hot, you just have to act like it. Plus it doesn't help that you're obsessed with a douche bag".

"I'm not obsessed".

"Ave, all of your reasons for not wanting to see those men tonight were bull. You said one's hair wasn't long enough" Summer said.

"It wasn't".

"Uh huh. And what about the guy who seemed like he could use jewelry?".

"It was just weird".

"Okay and the other one who wasn't tall enough".

"Is that not a good reason?" Avery asked.

"Yea good reason except the guy was at least 6'2. More importantly is this Darren, with a man bun, a nose ring, earring, and other jewelry and over 6 feet?" Summer asked showing Avery the phone.

"I got your point. I'm obsessed".

"Bad" Summer laughed.


"Good morning mom" Summer said answering her phone as she made breakfast.

"Hi honey. What are you up to?"

"Making breakfast".

"It's a little late, no?".

"It's only 1030. Plus Avery and I went out last night".

"Oh okay. Had fun?" Susanna asked.

"Yea enough, I brought along a boy from my software analytics lecture" Summer said.

"Like on a date?"

"More of a hangout than a date".

"Okay. Just make sure it's worth it before it becomes a date. And I won't mention anything to your father, don't worry" Susanna giggled.

"Well thank you. Plans today?" Summer asked.

"Your father and I are going on a date before he leaves. He better show up with a gift" Susanna said as Summer laughed.

"Knowing dad, he will".

"Yea. What are you doing today?"

"Probably nothing. Just planning my week and relaxing".

"Okay good. Don't get burnt out already".

"I know, mom. I love you".

"I love you too. Bye honey".

"Bye" Summer said before hanging up and getting Avery for breakfast.


It was Monday again so she got up early and got ready for class. First was coding with Mr. Wilkinson.

"Hi" she said sitting next to Chase.

"Hey, good morning".

"Morning, how are you?"

"Not too bad. Nice to see you again. You could've snuck in here and sat way on the other side from me" Chase laughed as Summer giggled.

"Why would I do that? You're acting like I didn't enjoy myself. Did you think I'd lie about how Saturday went?".

"Lie, no. Just didn't know if it was a second date type of thing".

"Woah, I invited you to a bar. I'm not sure I would allow that to be a first date if I was you" Summer giggled.

"Then let me change that this weekend?"

"Mr. Wilkinson's talking Chase" Summer said turning towards the the front with a small smirk as Chase smiled and nodded.

When that class was finished she and Chase walked a short distance together before saying goodbye and going their separate ways.

She checked the time and realized she had a little bit of time to kill so she stopped at the Starbucks on campus.

"Hi, what can I get you?" the barista asked as Summer got to the front of the line.

"Can I get a grande strawberry açaí lemonade refresher with light ice please".

"Sure, is that all?"

"Yes, thank you".

"5.19. Oh dang it, this one is down. As soon as this gentleman is finished I'll ring you up here".

"Yea no problem" Summer smiled before waiting.

"What are you getting, just put it on here" the man said before she looked over at him. Somehow she'd been standing side by side with her analytics professor and didn't even notice.

"It's okay really, I can afford my own drink".

"I would sure hope so, but I'm already here. Whatever she's getting put it on mine. Oh and add a banana bread to that" he said to the barista helping him who nodded then he paid.

"Thank you, Dr. Griffin" Summer said as they walked away from the line.

"No worries" he nodded then they waited.
"Enjoy your day" he said before leaving first.

She got to class after him and took her seat in the third row before pulling out her iPad.

"Good afternoon class" Connor started before his eyes landed on her. He didn't really pay much attention when she said 'Dr. Griffin' and just figured that she had been in one of his classes, but not his current one.
He began his lecture but it was like his eyes kept reverting back to her every couple of minutes. She listened intently and didn't really notice but she had done her quick full body check while they waited for their drinks earlier.

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