Broken soul. (A fanfic starri...

By LadySchneefee

5.2K 177 17

Adar had been captured by Halbrand and Galadriel. Not knowing what to do with him, Galadriel asks Eilith, an... More

Adar's character


69 4 0
By LadySchneefee


Utterly confused Eilith run into the forest. She needed to get away, to try and make sense of this. What was wrong with Adar? There had been no warning whatsoever.

She went a little further down the stream, that run by their little home. There was a nice little place by the waters edge, where Eilith and Adar had had a few picnics before. Being in this place where they had been so happy before, made her cry even harder. But soon the beauty and the tranquillity of this place helped her to calm down.

Something must have triggered Adar? Sometimes this happened and than he would be a bit sad or even act irritated but never like this and they had always been able to talk about it. He couldn't just from one day to another dislike her and want her gone. No, something was wrong! But, because he had been very upset, she decided to stay away for quite a few hours, so he could properly calm down and if he was still adamant, she would need a certain stage of calm and togetherness to be able to cope. So she enjoyed the whole of the afternoon in this beautiful place surrounded only by nature and the almighty. She prayed too, asking for mercy. She knew though, that sometimes things had to take place for a greater purpose. She just hoped that this was not one of those occasions.

Later, when it was beginning to get dark, she went back. Her heart froze on seeing their beautiful little home crudely destroyed. It couldn't be! How and why? All her strength left her body and she broke down onto her knees as she stared completely aghast. Her mind wasn't functioning properly right now.. something really terrible must have happened here. It couldn't have been Adar himself, could it? She quickly went to make sure Ragnall and Ferris, Adar's Horse, were alright. Their stable was untouched and the horses well. It made no sense! Thankfully her staff was untouched too. Adar was nowhere to be found. The only other place he could possibly be, was with the orcs and if he wasn't there maybe they knew what was going on.

So she climbed over to the entrance of the cave but soon she could see, that the entrance was blocked off. In any case, she had to try! It was impossible to get in though. For a moment she considered to blast her way in but, the blockage was there for a reason. Maybe even to keep her out? And than she had an odd feeling that Adar was there, right there behind the blockage. So, he truly wanted her to go and he still didn't want to talk to her? He must have his reasons and apparently he needed time, so she called out to him to reassure him of her love and to let him know where he could find her. She would have to wait.

Walking back to the hut, she suddenly wondered, did Adar actually cause the destruction himself? What had caused him to go through such lengths to assure that she would leave? Eilith was rather worried.. have trust, she had to tell herself over and over.

She packed a few things and then went to get Raghnall. After some consideration, she decided to take Ferris along as well. Adar seemed a little preoccupied, who knows what was going on and maybe it was safer for Ferris this way. She would stay at her mother's for a while because if it was true, that Adar could feel her presence, even when she was invisible than she couldn't stay and shadow him, like she had done before. She hated having to leave him, especially if he was going through a painful episode and, what if he was in danger?

She slept the night in the stable comforted by the warm body of Raghnall. Before she left with the first beams of the morning, she looked up to the cave entrance once more and she was convinced Adar was watching her. 'Be well, my love!' She wished him, than she turned and left.

Her mother was very surprised and equally worried, when Eilith arrived at her house. Together they tried to figure out what could possibly be the matter. There was no answer to that but they where both pretty sure that Adar would come one day and claim her back, it was only a matter of time.
So, Eilith tried to cope with living in the city, thankfully her mum lived more on the outskirts and near a park.

About two weeks later, Eilith had settled down in the living room, to read and her mother was still clearing away the dishes, when the bell rang. Eiliths heart skipped a beat, had he came to claim her? Her mother was a lot closer to the door so she went to open it. Eilith was eager to hear Adar's voice but it was a different male voice, one she had heard before but couldn't quite place it.

"Good evening, Erimĕ, may I enter. " His voice was deep and melodious.

"Alatar," her mum sounded utterly surprised.

Alatar? Alatar the blue, her father? She had hoped it would be Adar at the door but her father was certainly also a sight she had wanted to see for a very long time. Where had he been and why did he come back now, after all this time?

Her mother seemed really flustered, did she still love him?

Eilith had gotten up, not sure on how to behave. He looked weathered and stealthy as if he had been to the ends of the world and back.

"And who might this young lady be," he said mustering her, than there was recognition. " You can not be Eilith, could you? Has it really been this long? " As he said this, a sadness was displayed on his face.

He sat down on one of the armchairs, resting his staff against the adorning cupboard, it look just like Eiliths.
"If you are willing to listen to me, than I would like to tell you both why I have been gone for so very long. " Again he seemed sad.

Both Eilith and her mother sat down facing him and than he started to explain. He had to start way beyond their time...

He told about three rings, all connected and possessing four parts of a life-force of the greatest evil. Morgoth had forged them many decades ago. One had been in Morgoths own possession and one he had gifted to Sauron, whom he had chosen to be his right hand but the third which held two parts of the life-force had been cast into a different dimension. As long as these three rings existed, Morgoth, as well as Sauron couldn't die. If they where separated from their rings, they could temporarily loose their powers but once united with their ring, they could regain their strength and so basically live forever. Even if the two rings remaining in this dimension were to be destroyed, the life-force within the third ring would be able to restore the two other rings over time. Alatar had set out to find the third ring, to be able to destroy all three rings once and for all. It had taken him a long time, before he had realised that the third ring was hidden in another dimension. Through transcending his own body, Alatar had eventually been able to enter into the dimension were the ring was hiding but it took him until now to find the ring and than, to find a way back.

Unfortunately the third and strongest ring being back in the same dimension, was probably strengthening the two other rings. This could mean that Morgoth, as well as Sauron would experience a surge of power, as long as they were in possession of their rings. Alatar had more grave news. He and Pallando, the other blue wizard, had split up and Pallando had been pursuing Morgoth and his ring and unfortunately he had informed Alatar that the two where now united again. Morgoth was henceforth once again very powerful indeed.

All of this was a lot to take in for Eilith.
And than things started to fall into place. Adar must have somehow found out that Morgoth was back into power and that was causing him to act the way he did. The barricaded entrance of the cave, sending her away so she wouldn't be in danger.

"There is more," her fathers voice brought her back to the present moment.

"The rings can only be destroyed if they are all together and only by the power of three hearts united and bound to each other by love. The love of each heart would wipe out the evil of each of the rings. It sounds impossible, really." Alatar seemed spend now.

After this, Eiliths mother set out to take care of him. Eiliths thoughts on the other hand were racing. She had come across one of these rings, it must have been Sauron's. But, she had seen Sauron die that day on the battlefield, or didn't he? Galadriel had been the last to see him. She would find Galadriel and enquire.

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