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For a few days nothing else happened. Eilith really started to enjoy having the company. It was nice to come home and be able to talk to someone, even if that someone didn't say much.
Once she had been reading, when she suddenly had the idea that she could read to him. So she asked him if he would like her to read. At fist he didn't answer, which he often did, so than Eilith said: "If you don't answer me, I have to keep on making decisions for you."

So he said: "Read than!"

The fire was burning in the hearth, a few candles were lit and Eilith was reading. It felt cosy and harmonious. She was sure though, that it wasn't as comfortable and harmonious for him as it was for her. She hated the fact that he had to be tied up at all times.
For night times she had made new arrangements. She had cleared one of her benches and remodeled it into a sleeping area. But he had to be tied up there too. She would cast a spell to render him unconscious until he would be lying in bed, bound once more. For that she had asked him for his permission.
He seemed to just have succumbed to the way she was handling him.

One day, Gil-Galad returned. He knocked as usual. Eilith had almost forgotten that this could happen.
"My king, " she called out after she realised it was him. "I will shortly be with you."
Now, she had to move fast. She transformed Adar's sleeping bench back into a sitting area. Adar kept on watching her.

"I will have to hide you, " she said almost in a panic.  "I'm not allowed to have visitors and most certainly not male ones!"  

She forgot to render him unconscious first, she just untied him from the beam and ushered him into her bedroom. The only room Gil-Galad never entered. There she tied him up against her bed.
She wanted to stuff a cloth into his mouth but than she decided against it.

"If you want to stay here and not end up in one of the dungeons of Hithlum you will stay quiet." He looked at her with one of his looks, that told her that there was more happening behind his eyes than he wanted to give away but all though his expression spoke many words, she couldn't understand them.

Than she closed the curtain that served her as a door. She disliked the fact, that he would hear the conversations she would have with Gil-Galad. She was ashamed of herself because of the way she played pretence when he was there. Adar would also find out that she was indeed not at the top of the food chain. Than she went to open the door.

"Forgive me my lord, "she said allowing Gil-Galad to step insight. "I had been indisposed."

Gil-Galad leaned in to hug her, he always did.

"I do hope you're feeling better now," His concern was real.
As Eilith huged Gil-Galad back, she realised she hadn't closed the curtain of her bedroom properly and looked straight into Adar's face.

This troubled her, not only because he had observed the hug but also, Gil-Galad could possibly see him too. She had to make sure he wouldn't look into that direction until she was able to close the curtain properly.

Unfortunately it was raining so it was unlikely that they went outside. They never did when it rained. Usually they would then sit by the fire drink hot sweet tea and enjoy the pastries that Gil-Galad had brought along from one of the most famous bakeries in Hithlum.

Eilith would ask him questions to keep him talking.... before Gil-Galad could sit down and she would go and make tea, she announced that she was a little cold and needed a warmer top. Than she hurried to her bedroom and hastily closed the curtain. There she grabbed a different top to stay true to her word.

"So, your lover is the high king," Adar wispered and there seemed to be coldness in his voice.

"No," she hissed back. "And you should not condem me like that, you don't know nothing of this, why do you repeatedly think so bad about me?" It hurt, why did it hurt?

Never had she hoped so intently that Gil-Galad wouldn't stay for very long.
Normally she was kind of content with him coming to see her, after all he was one of the only people she had contact with. Also, occasionally it felt like they were friends again. This would always make her sad, remembering the bond lost. Once, right at the beginning she had thought he was joking about her living in solitude but his face had than taken on a madden look and he had said.

"No Eilith I am dead serious," and after a small moment he added, " wouldn't want to have to keep you looked up in one of my private chambers." Than with a sweet tone once more. " I truly love you Eilith, I couldn't bare it if anything happened to you, I need to know you are safe!"

That day Eilith realised that his love had turned to something like an obsession.

Gil-Galad must have noticed that she was in a quiet mood.

"I do hope you're well," he noted, "there had been some terrible events close by, did it effect you, did you get hurt?" He moved closer to her. Once again Eilith wondered if he would always restrain himself from the need to touch her. It was ironic how he wanted to protect her but really she needed protection from him. She herself had some fighting skills but they were no match for Gil-Galad So, who could protect her, Galadriel? She wasn't there... Adar? No, as soon as she would free him, he would probably run for it, leave her. She should have made a run for it too! She had considered it many times but, she would always be a fugitive and if he caught her...?

"No I'm quite alright, just tired. The events of lately, have kept me awake more than usual." This wasn't even a lie.

Eventually he left. Again he huged her and after he cupped her face in his hands.

"Stay safe, melda (beloved)!" And nearly kissed her. Why had he done that? He'd never gone this far. Did he feel something, a change? She stood until he had gone, waving him 'goodbye' with a sweet smile on her face. Like she always did.. it was wrong!!!! She wanted to tell him to leave her alone, to never ever touch her, to never come again!
Tears of frustration and helplessness threatened to flow.. than another upsetting though came up.
Was that how Adar felt about her? It was likely. She would have to go and find Galadriel, she couldn't be Adar's prisonguard anymore. If only she could set him free.

She needed a few moments still before she took care of Adar.
Than she opened the curtain. He looked up at her and in that moment the light of her candle fell on his face he looked so handsome. She felt a sting in her heart. She had feelings for him, it was indeed, as it was with her and Gil-Galad only the roles were reversed. She turned away, she didn't want to see him like that feelingwhat she was apparently feeling.

This time she rendered him unconscious before she moved him back to the beam. She realised he could have run when she'd moved him to her bedroom, could have knocked her down because at that moment only his hands had been bound. But he didn't??? When he came to it she went into the kitchen to prepare supper and only than was she able to face him she had to feed him because otherwise he would have to go hungry. She couldn't look at him thoughas she fed him, not like she usually did. She was quieter too.

Eventually she spoke: " I told you before that I too am a prisoner. I am the high king prisoner. He wants me for himself but I don't want to be with him! I told him but he doesn't want to except the fact. He is not allowed to be with me really either because I am only a half-blood. This I think is why thankfully he never touches me or has never touched me so far." She added remembering the latest closeness.

There was silence for a while.

Than he said. "Nothing could ever stop me from having you!" It should have made her recoil from him but somehow it didn't. Maybe because he hadn't spoken with hate or some sort of violence, something else rather..

"Even if I didn't love you?" She asked still puzzled by this strange moment and exchange of these kind of words.

He stared at her for a while.. "No... !" He than said with conviction.

Broken soul. (A fanfic starring Adar from the 'rings of power')Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora