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Eilith heard that  Galadriel was at Gil-Galads. She hadn't really intended to go past the palace because she didn't want him to find out, that things between her and Adar weren't so great right now but it was important that she spoke with Galadriel. Galadriel could have been anywhere really, so that she was actually in Lindon, was maybe meant to be. 

Of course Eilith had to run into Gil-Galad and of course he asked how things were back at her new home, so she simply said.

"They are unfolding." There was no lie there. Than she quickly ask him about his own well being and when this was been established, she asked how the dragon was doing. Gil-Galad had shown some interest in the dragon when Adar had brought him along, so Adar had gladly given the dragon into Gil-Galads care. This seemed to be a good subject to distracted Gil-Galad, he was totally smitten with the beautiful creature and apparently he was almost tame now. A glamourous pet for a glamourous king. It was good to hear that the dragon was well though. Eilith still felt a little guilty for having taken over his living space. 

After conversing some more she announced that she had to speak to Galadriel urgently. Gil- Galad seemed a little taken back but he informed her, that she would find Galadriel in the garden by the spring. 

Galadriel was in conversation with Elrond when Eilith arrived at the spring. The two of them actually looked very close. Eilith paused for a moment. They did look fond of each other, the way Elrond looked at Galadriel was displaying very high regard. They would actually make a very beautiful couple, Eilith thought. She only really remembered Elrond as a boy, he had always been full of questions and was very eager to learn, a very bright boy indeed. He had certainly grown into a very handsome elf now. Galadriel deserved a good elf, Eilith thought further, she knew how troubled Galadriel was, her past haunted her very much and she could definitely do with a kind, warm-hearted elf and Elrond was known for his kindness. 

"Le suilon, Galadriel yē Elrond," Elrond reacted sovereign, he seemed to be an elf at peace with his soul. Galadriel though, nearly jumped up, maybe she even turned slightly red. It appeared to Eilith, that she was maybe a little ashamed, that Eilith had caught her in such a close conduct with Elrond.

There were some more formal greetings shared because it was the custom especially as all three of them belonged to a higher class of elves. It seemed peony and unessary.

But than Eilith couldn't bare it any longer all this highty-tighty fuss had cost her a lot of time already and so she explained that she needed to speak wit Galadriel urgently and in privat. As soon as they were alone Eilith asked Galadriel without further ado:

"Galadriel, on the battlefield, you were with Sauron when he died, than you left and so did I. Do you know what happened to his body?" 

Galadriel was quiet for a moment, Eilith could see that this subject was bothering her. Than she confessed: "Eilith, I will entrust you with a secret that I'm not to proud of, it's been weighing me down and it will be good to share this with somebody I can trust.  Before Sauron turned into Sauron again, he was a man for a while, he called himself Halbrand. We met in the middle of the Ocean, long story... from there on, we spend quite some time together and I started to trust him and eventually grew fond of him. I had no Idea that he was Sauron! He confessed it one day to me and offered me to become his queen. Sauron was not the man I had started to love and so I left him. But on the battlefield, when he was dying, I realised, that my heart was not done with him yet. I can't tell you how contradicted my feelings were, Eilith how could I love such a monster! When all had gone quiet, I went back to find him and to give him a proper burial but his body had gone. Why are you asking me this anyways?" 

So Eilith told her all about the three rings. Galadriel was speechless afterwards: "He could still be alive?" Eilith nodded. Galadriel shook her head: "So, he continuous to haunt me than," she looked into the direction Elrond had left, "just when my heart was beginning to heal." Her voice was somewhat saddened.

Broken soul. (A fanfic starring Adar from the 'rings of power')Where stories live. Discover now