Glory to the Confederacy (Sta...

By Beanyboy2002

196K 6.8K 1K

Former Padawan to Mace Windu, Apprentice to Count Dooku, Minister of the Intergalactic Shipwright's Guild. Y... More

Summary: Male Reader
Chapter 1: Dawn of War, The Droid Foundries of Geonosis
Chapter 2: The Birthplace of a Treaty
Chapter 3: The Captive Jedi, the Truth About the Senate
Chapter 4: Interrogating the Senator and the Sentencing
Chapter 5: The Geonosian Arena
Chapter 6: The Jedi Battle, Attack of the Clones
Chapter 7: The Battle of Geonosis, A Potential Secret Weapon
Chapter 8: A Reunion, Long Overdue
Chapter 9: The Shroud of the Dark Side Has Fallen. Begun, the Clone War Has...
Author's Note: How This Book Will Work
Chapter 10: Muunilinst, the Banking Clan and the Bounty Hunter
Chapter 11: Launching a Counter Attack! Obi-Wan Kenobi VS Durge
Chapter 12: The Arc Trooper's Ambush
Chapter 13: Duelling Kenobi
Chapter 14: Apprehending the Chairman and the Bounty Hunter's Return
Chapter 15: The Orbital Defence, Battling the Chosen One
Chapter 16: Bargaining with a Trandoshan
Chapter 17: Pirate Invasion
Chapter 18: Patching Through and New Orders
Chapter 19: The Stronghold and the Figure in the Dark
Chapter 20: The Cyborg
Chapter 21: A Perfect Test for a New Weapon
Chapter 22: The Narrow Escape
Chapter 23: Another Successful Test and a New Objective
Chapter 24: Plan to Destroy the Malevolence
Chapter 25: Shadow Squadron Attacks!
Chapter 26: Plo Koon's Plan, Ion Weapon Destroyed!
Chapter 27: Attempting Retreat and a New Strategy
Chapter 28: The Senator's Trap
Chapter 29: Searching for the Senator, Two New Intruders Arrive
Chapter 30: A Daring Rescue
Chapter 31: Storming the Bridge, Skywalker, We Meet At Last
Chapter 32: The Potential and Rage of the Chosen One
Chapter 33: Skywalker's Trick! Narrowly Escaping
Chapter 34: The Hyper-Communications Cartel
Chapter 35: The Battle of Bothawui
Chapter 36: The General Arrives, The Next Phase of the Plan
Chapter 37: Finding the Droid and Unwelcome Intruders
Chapter 39: There's Your Bonus!
Chapter 40: Intruders Have Breeched the Station!
Chapter 41: Retrieving Stolen Property
Chapter 42: R3's Report
Chapter 43: Duel of the Droids
Chapter 44: Relief to Rodia
Chapter 45: The Trap for the Senator
Chapter 46: The Viceroy's Arrival and the Jedi?
Chapter 47: The Senator's Escape
Chapter 48: The Kwazel Maw and the Republic's Arrival
Chapter 49: Escort to Coruscant
Chapter 50: Interrogation
Chapter 51: Beginning the Escape, the Assassin's Arrival
Chapter 52: The Clones of Green Company
Chapter 53: Dealing with the Master
Chapter 54: Escaping Tranquillity
Chapter 55: You Have Nothing Jedi FOOLS!
Chapter 56: The Return of R3-S6, A Chance to Regain Credits
Chapter 57: Siege of Corellia
Chapter 58: The Plan and the Two Goals
Chapter 59: Arriving at the Derelict Facility
Chapter 60: Deploy the Commando Droids, Discovering the Armoury
Chapter 61: The Approach on the Corellian Engineering Corporation
Chapter 62: The CEO's Last Line of Defence
Chapter 63: Corporate Acquisitions
Chapter 64: The Blockade of Ryloth, Setting a Trap
Chapter 65: Insight into One's Enemy
Chapter 66: Another Underhanded Trick, Breaking the Blockade
Chapter 67: Arrival on Ryloth
Chapter 68: Artillery Fire from Below, the Impending Republic Attack
Chapter 69: The Probe's Report, Release the Gutkurr!
Chapter 70: Kenobi's Strategy, a Clever Dupe
Chapter 71: The Republic Offensive
Chapter 72: Dooku's Warning, Reopening an Old Wound
Chapter 73: Loading the Valuables, the Republic's Arrival
Chapter 74: Windu's Siege, Rematch with the Old Master
Chapter 75: Tambor's Capture and Ryloth's Liberation
Chapter 76: The Bounty Hunter and the Holocron
Chapter 77: Meeting with Senators, the New Business Proposition
Chapter 78: Confronting Clovis
Chapter 79: The Shield Generator
Chapter 80: Tracking the Survivors, A Trial by Fire!
Chapter 81: An Encounter With Another Jedi
Chapter 82: The Weapons Factory
Chapter 83: Prepare the Super Tanks, the Factory's Destruction!
Chapter 84: Jedi in the Control Room!
Chapter 85: Arrival at the Old Temple, What Lies Beneath...
Chapter 86: The Geonosian Queen!
Chapter 87: The Jedi's Arrival and the Parasite's Purpose
Chapter 88, Epilogue: The Master Speaks
Author's Note: Thank You!

Chapter 38: Honing Skills, The Scavenger Arrives

1.2K 51 1
By Beanyboy2002


"Gha Nachkt, this is General Grievous. I trust you're familiar with him." I gestured behind me to the cyborg General. It hadn't taken Nachkt long to get back in touch after confirming he had the Astromech in his possession. I figured it would be best to introduce Grievous BEFORE he arrived. The Trandoshan nervously stammered out "Y-yes, I know who you are General."

I explained "Once you arrive at the station you are to report to the two of us. Is that clear?" Nachkt nodded, saying "Of course Minister, that's why I was contacting you. I am entering your orbit now. I will be at your station shortly. Oh, and, by the way."

Grievous angrily asked "What is it Gha Nachkt?!" Nachkt smirked and responded "Minister L/N already knows this, but I prefer to get my reward in cash." He rubbed his fingers together greedily, causing Grievous to growl in annoyance. I stated "And you will, just get here quickly."

As soon as  the hologram shut off. Grievous turned to me and spat "I don't know why you choose to work with such filth." Turning to him, I gave a glare before responding "The same reason I agree to work with you. It benefits my purposes. Now, if you'll excuse me."

Before Grievous could even think of saying another word, I turned and began to walk out of the room. Even if Gha Nachkt had entered orbit, it would be a few minutes before he actually arrived at the station. This was the perfect opportunity to get some practice in.

When I had some of these ships built, I had training rooms implemented. Usually they'd go unused, just as this one had while the Communication's Cartel ran this place. But I added them regardless in case myself, Dooku or even Grievous were in charge. The rooms weren't too large and the frigates were bit enough to hold them.

On these ships, like the Trade  Federation ships, were located close to the bridge. So it wasn't that long before I reached the circular door that opened upon me getting close enough. Inside was a room that was seemingly empty. Except for a console on the far end.

On the ceiling though were about twenty IG-100 Magnaguards, suspended by mechanical hooks. I approached the console and commented "Three should suffice for now." I pushed a button and heard a whirring.

The hooks holding three of the droids opened up, allowing them to drop down. Each one landed in a kneeling position before their eyes began to glow a bright red as they arose to their feet. All three of them brandished electrostaffs which they turned on in unison.

I reached to the curved hilt attached to my belt, picking it up a scarlet blade emerged with the push of a button. I eyes up each of the droids before saying "Now, let us begin."

That was the cue for one of the droids to rush forward. A mistake on their part. It thrust out and tried to stab at me with the staff, however I easily used this opportunity to perform a swing of my saber, cutting the staff in half before I curved my saber around and right through its red core.

The droid deactivated almost instantly and upon withdrawing my blade from its body, it fell to the ground. I looked up at the other two and pointed my saber at them. These two seemed to have learned from the first's mistake and now rushed me as a pair.

One got close up-front while the other made its way behind me. I looked back and forth between the two, commenting "Improvement in tactics. I'm impressed." Magnaguards were arguably one of the smarter Droids we had, they were able to handle Jedi after all.

The two Droids dashed forward and both attempted to strike me with their electrostaffs. I'll give them credit, with one coming in with a swing to the left and the other swinging to the right, an ordinary person would definitely have been hit by both blows. 

Luckily for me, the Force was on my side. I leapt up, evading both attacks and actually causing them to strike one another. This didn't kill them, but did managed to stun them both which meant when I landed I managed to cut one of them in half at the waist.

The final droid attempted to attack from behind, stabbing the purple electricity-coated weapon in my direction. I spun around and raised my saber in time to counter it. This forced us into a clash.

Since this was just a droid and not a fully-trained Jedi or Dark Side user, I was able to quickly overpower the droid, breaking the clash and swiftly decapitating it. This didn't finish the droid off though as it continued to try and strike out at me.

Due to the fact it couldn't actually see me though, it proceeded to just flail about frantically. With that advantage, I thrust my blade forward and just like before, impaled it right through its centre before slicing its torso down the middle.

The droid finally collapsed to the ground, leaving me stood staring at the three piles of scrap. I commented "Not nearly challenging enough. I suppose increasing it to six droids this time may yield better results."

Approaching the console a second time, once more I began pushing buttons. This time though six of the hooks released, dropping down more droids. Just as before, they dropped on their knees before getting to their feet and igniting their electrostaffs.

Three of them all rushed forward and went in for identical downward swing attacks. This was actually quite easy to counter, positioning my lightsaber at the right angle I was able to block all three attacks at one causing faint sparks to flare out.

I stepped back from the clash causing one of the droids to lance out again. I swung my blade and successfully severed the arm off the droid before cutting through its torso. Straight after this, I spun around and stabbed the second in the back.

The third in that group began spinning its staff around like a propeller in front of it. Moving fast enough to create a makeshift shield of purple. As this was happening the other three slowly began stepping around forming a circle around me.

I looked around, assessing a possible strategy to deal with this situation. First off, I opted to deal with the droid right in front of me, the one trying to defend itself. The second my back was turned to deal with the others, it would make its move, so I had to deal with that one first.

Thrusting my blade forward, I made two slashes in quick succession that managed to cut both ends off the electrostaff, rendering it nothing more than a stick. With that out of the way, it was easy to take out that one, that left only three more.

I flipped up, landing behind the trio. I through one of them's torso again causing it to deactivate. The other two lunged forward and in a moment of quick thinking, I used the Force to pull one of the discarded staffs towards me, gripping it tightly I turned it on and used IT to counter the two strikes.

After that, I used both my lightsaber and the electrostaff to fend off both droids as they flailed at me. Soon though this became boring, I was holding back to an extent, but now it was time to try properly.

I focused on one of the droids, catching it off guard with the staff briefly before swinging my lightsaber thrice, its head and arms all fell to the floor as soon as I finished off that droid, I spun to face the last one and extended my hand out.

The last Magnaguard was flung back into the wall, slumping to the ground. Before it could recover, I threw the electrostaff towards it like a javelin, causing it to collide with its chest and erupt into purple sparks.

The Droid convulsed for a moment as the sparks covered its body before finally, it deactivated. For a moment I just stood there staring at the Magnaguard remains that now littered the area. I'd have more ordered and brought here at some point.

Before I could call anymore, my communicator on my belt started beeping. I reached up and turned it on, revealing a still annoyed-looking Grievous. I stared down at it before asking "What do you want?" Grievous snarled before responding.

"That Scavenger of yours has arrived..."

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter. I hope you liked it and as always, thank you for reading.

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