Neo x Reader - Alone Wolf (RW...

By Obahar_

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A gender neutral Y/N was nothing but an old folktale to the people of their village. So when an imminent thre... More

Voting Ended: Neo is the CLEAR winner here!
Chapter 1: That Lone Guardian
Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon
Chapter 3: Initiation
Chapter 4: Sweet Encounters
Chapter 5: The girl with the coloured hair
Chapter 6: Everyone has a story
Chapter 7: Dastardly
Chapter 8: Christmas
Chapter 9: My Warning
Chapter 10: Under Her

Chapter 11: To Duel & Dance

1K 19 6
By Obahar_

Flashback Neo: [It's... complicated. But all you need to know is that you might get hurt if you stay. And I don't want you to get hurt, so you have to promise me you'll leave when that time comes, okay?]

It had been a good while since you had gotten that warning from Neo, about having to leave Beacon Academy before some unspoken issue were to arise. And since that day, you had found yourself getting a late night visit from Neo at least twice a week — usually on days where Blake had also made a visit to your room to read in peace during the afternoon.

One thing that did have to be explained away though, was on Blake's very next visit over after Neo's first surprise visit, and Blake had noticed that your bed was now conjoined with another and forming a super bed. Blake had been very inquisitive about it, as it was only the night before that she had visited last time and it wasn't like that then; and she knew that you were not really the type of person to really seek out these types of comforts...

Neo had given you an excuse for you to use because, as she put it, Blake is 'a cat who gets her nose in everything, and is so curious that it'll get her killed someday.' And so you used Neo's excuse of overhearing a merchant in town mentioning a supposed 'queen-sized bed' and you had read into it at the library and realised you could make your own quite easily seeing as you had no partners.

Blake took that excuse quite well, with no reason to doubt you as you had never seemingly lied to her before. But even still, it was such a small white lie, surely it didn't matter that you were lying? The only thing it was keeping a secret was that Neo was now paying you a visit on-campus, and that's not such a bad thing... right?

Over the next few weeks, it turned out that Blake was quite a fan of this change, as she went from relaxing on one of the spare beds that were still only a single bed to eventually weaning onto your bed. Nowadays she'd curl up at the foot of the double bed and read her book there whilst you would be perched up at the top where the pillows normally were.

And then, once Blake had left for the night to head back to her own dorm, that was when you would hear a knock at your window. To which you'd then find Neo standing outside with an expectant look on her face and a stomping of her feet whilst she angrily pointed at the locked door that she couldn't get through without breaking in.

But now, several days later, you were now walking alongside Team RWBY and some other friends throughout the now bustling Beacon Academy, with many foreign students now roaming the halls and talking amongst each other.

Y/N: "Loud... So very loud..."

Ruby: "Oh, you think so? Oh, but isn't that just great! There are so many new students here, so many new weapons to see, and so many Semblances to watch in action. Ah, this Vytal Festival is just going to be the best thing ever!!"

Blake: "Ehh, I think I'm going to agree with Y/N on this. *yawn* It's just way too loud now, I can barely hear myself think."

Weiss: "I'm surprised you even have the capacity to think, the state that you're in. When was the last time you got a good night's rest?"

Blake: "... That doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is results, and—"

Yang: "Yeah, yeah. We get it. But what do you think you're going to accomplish on your own when you can barely keep your eyes open nowadays?!"

Blake: ". . ."

Nora: "You don't need sleep to stay awake, you just need sugar! Quick Ren! Get us some pancakes with syrup pronto!"

Ren: "... I don't think that would work for anybody other than you, Nora."

Yang: "Hey, why don't we go a couple rounds ey Blake? That'll wake you up I'd bet! Although... if you're not feeling up for that, then I guess you can just watch me and Y/N go a couple rounds instead!"

Blake: *sigh*

Weiss: "Any reason to bring it back to that, you're obsessed Yang, absolutely obsessed!"

Yang: "Hey! Don't make it sound like I'm crazy! They promised they would ages ago, I've just been trying to cash in on that promise that's all!"

Ruby: "Uhmmm... I might be misremembering some things... but didn't you force them to agree to that?"

Yang: "Ah, potayto potahto! The only thing that matters is that they said yes! So come on already, let's go and have that duel already!"

Blake: "Yang... Just drop it already, it's clearly never going to—"

Y/N: "—ok."

Yang: "Huh? What?"

Y/N: "I was doing the agreeing, no? To be doing the duelling, yes?"

Yang: "Oh! Aha! Yes! Great! Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's head over to the amphitheatre already!"

Pyrrha: "Would you perhaps be okay with entertaining an audience? I must say, I am quite intrigued in seeing Y/N in combat. They have not engaged in any of the combat lessons with Goodwitch as of yet I don't believe."

Ruby: "Oh yeah! I've been wondering about that too! I remember that you said you'd been training with something new, right Y/N? You did say that, right?"

Y/N: "Mhm. I was getting the help. I have never been having to fight people before, only Grimm."

Blake: "Oh? Is that where you've been lately then? *yawn* When you came back to your room later than usual?"

Y/N: "Yes. I had been doing the training then. That is why I was of giving you that key. So that you were not waiting outside when I was gone."

Weiss: "Y/N gave you a key to their dorm?!"

Ruby: "No way! I want one too! I've never been inside their room!"

Weiss: "Ruby, that's not the point."

Yang: "Urgh! Who cares about that stuff! We've got a duel to get underway! Come on Y/N, let's go and see who's the strongest between us!"

Y/N: "... not yet. I have need of doing something... and I am of having to do this something soon. Or else it will be too late."

Yang: "OH COME ON!"

Blake: "You need to do something? And it's time-sensitive? What is it?"

Y/N: "I... I was asked to do no speaking about it. A... sacred?"

Nora: "A sacred...? Weapon? Armour? Super cool item? A sacred what?!"

Ren: "...Nora, I think they meant to say 'secret.'"

Nora: "Oh... A secret what? Weapon? Armour? Super cool item?"

There was a moment's pause at this point, where at first everyone was looking at you to answer Nora's questions, but when it was obvious that you weren't going to just give away what the secret was. That was when everybody turned around to all look towards Blake... something that the sleep-deprived girl couldn't comprehend at all.

Blake: "Why are you all looking at me? I don't know anything about this either?!"

Ruby: "Well, you are the person who knows Y/N best, you basically spend every evening together reading, don't you?"

Blake: "Well... yeah, but..."

Yang: "Come on Y/N! Tell us what you need to do, I'll get it done real quick! It'll be like a warm-up, yeah! I'll get warmed up and then I'll be ready for our duel!"

Y/N: "... I can't tell you."

Weiss: "Well then, what if everybody else but Blake left. Could you tell her then?"

Y/N: "... n–No."

Blake: "Y/N...? What's going on?"

Y/N: "I... I am of having to leave... goodbye."

And without another word, you had gone and sprinted off and away from the group of friends, leaving them utterly confused by the entire encounter. Ruby was just about to sprint after you, using her Semblance to easily catch up, but before she could start she was intercepted by Weiss who grabbed a hold of her hood pre-emptively; knowing exactly what Ruby was planning to do and knowing better than to allow her to do it.

After all, if somebody chooses to run and hide, they probably don't want to be followed and cornered by someone who is literally impossible to outrun. She was lucky to not have to deal with something quite so bad in her own circumstances, but even still... she can understand the need for space that Y/N has retreated for.

Yang: "... Well, looks like I'm still gonna have to wait for that duel then after all!"

Blake: "... I'm going to go to the library."

Ruby: "Blake, wai—"

Yang: "Let her go, we don't need someone all mopey hanging around anyways, we've gotta get that big ol' room ready for the dance! Come on! Let's go grab those fog machines!"

Weiss: "Again with the fog machines..." *sigh*

Jaune: "We'd love to stick around and help, honest! But..."

Pyrrha: "Sorry!"

And with that oh-so-common apology from Pyrrha, Team JNPR quickly took their leave and left Team RWBY alone to work on the prep work of the upcoming Beacon Dance...


Originally, you had planned to spend most of the day with your new-found friends. They hadn't told you exactly what the plan was for the day, but they all seemed to have something in mind. But then, when the direction changed to the promise of a duel with Yang, that was when you realised you had not yet finished packing entirely and still had things left to do back here in your dorm room.

As you had eventually agreed to after several frequent requests from Neo, you were in the final preparations of your departure from Beacon Academy and planned to leave within a week's time. And this was one of the reasons why you rejected Ozpin's proposal for you to enter the Vytal Festival as a solo fighter... that and you really weren't all that confident with your abilities fighting other humans.

In fact, you had learnt all that you now knew in terms of fighting non-Grimm combatants from the small stature girl who was now sitting on your bed and tapping away at her Scroll as she so often does.

Neo: [Ooooh, I hate her! I really do hate her! That big blonde gorilla! She could do with a good clobbering!]

Y/N: "A clobbering...? That is sounding like a food for eating, no? Like weird moon-shaped things... croissants?"

Neo: [Well, I wouldn't say no to giving her a knuckle sandwich, that's for sure! Hmm... Now I kinda hope that those brats show up during the op so that I can get another go with her!]

Y/N: "The op...? I do not know that word, but am thinking that you mean the bad happening thing that is coming soon? That I have to leave for?"

Neo: [Sorta... This is just one of the steps towards the big thing. But it's fine, because you'll have left by the time the train shows up anyways, so you don't need to worry about any of this stuff, okay? Just focus on keeping yourself alive so I can come and find you again once this is all over.]

Y/N: "... train? What is a train? A type of Grimm?"

Neo: ... [Oh. It's probably for the best you just forget I ever mentioned that! Anyways, there's still a good few hours left in the day, right? Want to go for another round? Just in case?]

Y/N: "Another round? But are you not needing of some rest? I am not of the wishing to hurt you."

Neo then looked up at you with an odd expression on her face, similar to how Nora might look at sweet snacks, or Ruby towards cookies, or Blake when she found a new issue of a book series she enjoys. You were not entirely sure what the name of this expression really is, but you knew it was at least a positive one in some way. She then quickly started tapping away at her Scroll before then throwing it towards you to read... something that she's never done before, but you catch it regardless and start to read her message. 

Neo: [Awww! Are you worried for me? You're the absolute cutest! But you don't have to worry about me, I'll be just fine. I can handle our rough play just fine! :P]


You had only just finished reading the message when all of a sudden the small girl then launched herself at you and clung her arms tightly around your torso, her head pressing against your body as high as it could reach — which wasn't particularly high — but she more than made up for her limited capabilities in height with the intensity of her embrace. Looking down, you couldn't see much of her past her brown and pink hair that you had a bird's eye view of. But you could just about make out a tinge of pink on her cheeks and a smile on her face... and that was enough for you, to know that your friend was okay and happy.

She then let you go of the hug, but she didn't step too far away; opting instead to stand directly in front of you and look up at you with her usual grin of self-confidence as her hands returned to their usual home, upon her hips.

Neo had then lifted her arms high up above her head, before she then brought her hands back down to rest atop the top of her head. With two hands resting on either side of her head before she then started to run a hand down on either side of her, her fingers trailing along the sides of her small yet curved figure.

As her hands rubbed slowly down her body, her very appearance began to change. With her white and black clothes instead shifting into a short brown coat over yellow clothes, her trousers shifting into a skirt and shorts with messily worn socks just above her new brown boots. 

Having now brought her hands down all the way to her feet so as to change her appearance, she then stood back up and looked at you with her new face, the same confident grin on her face even if the face it was on was now drastically different from her normal one. The long golden-yellow locks of hair messily resting on her shoulder — the only thing that remained the same in this transformation was the colour of her two eyes: one pink and the other brown.

The familiar girl that Neo had taken the appearance of then reached for her scroll and typed into it again before then showing you the screen once again.

Neo: [So, you ready to go a couple more rounds with this yellow gorilla?]

Y/N: "You want to be doing more practise now? But would this room not be on the being too small for this?"

Neo: [Well... duh! And I wouldn't want to break any of your things either, even if most of it is all packed up and ready for you to leave. But there's that quaint little forest out back, I'm sure we can find somewhere with good space for us to get a bit rowdy!]

Y/N: "That forest? At this time of darkness, that forest might have Grimm being around."

Neo: [Aren't you like a pro Grimm exterminator? The village didn't call you and your pops the  'Guardian' for nothing, right?]

Y/N: "They did not call me that... Just my papa. Nobody was of knowing me before they left..."

Neo: [Well, I know about it now. And I really appreciate all that you did. After all, you kept my grandma safe all that time for me! And she knows about you too, right?]

Y/N: "I am supposing that is true... you are having my thanks."

Neo: [Ah, don't sweat it! Just know that I really appreciate you, m'kay? And I'll appreciate you even more if you watch my back whilst we're in that forest. Oooh! We can consider it multi-tasking practise during our fight! I bet those damn twerp friends of hers will be shouting a whole bunch during your duel, so this could help you notice the difference between a distraction and an interference when dealing with human combatants. So, you coming out for a walk with me under the moonlight or what?]

It was certainly weird to see Yang so quiet and kind as you conversed with her, even after all these training sessions that Neo and you had already had together. You were so used to the real Yang's booming loud voice and her myriad of jokes that being around Neo's version of Yang and only hearing the tapping of a Scroll screen was quite disorienting.

But these training sessions had proven quite useful to you, not only did Neo teach you tips and tricks that she had picked up for dealing with human enemies, but being able to transform into the girl that you had been challenged to a duel by meant you could actually get some practise in against her without having to actually engage the real Yang Xiao Long. Neo even brought along some heavy metal gauntlets that she stole from an armour shop so that she could better emulate Yang's movements and power during the training sessions using knowledge of what Neo had witnessed of Yang in combat with the boss of Neo's underlings.

Y/N: "I am supposing that there is no reason for me to be of refusing, no?"

Neo: [Great! Then let's get going already! Night's burning over here, let's not waste it!]

Even though it was Yang's face, you could still see Neo's bright beaming smile creep through, a smile you recognised very well from your various interactions with her over the Academic year that you had attended Beacon Academy. 

You were also quite used to her just grabbing you by the hand and leading you to wherever she wanted the two of you to go, something that she was doing right now as she yanked and pulled at you as she ran over to the window of your dorm room. You allowed for her to do this every time, even if you probably had the strength to actually pull her in your direction instead; mainly as you often didn't have somewhere else you needed to go, but also because Neo always seemed so ecstatic and cheery whenever she had your hand in hers and was taking you to somewhere she thought you might enjoy.

And so you allowed her to lead you to your window before you both then clambered out into the brisk night wind that bombarded you from so high up, you then climbed down and made your way towards the dark forest for the training session that the Yang-looking Neo had encouraged you to do once again.


It was quiet in Y/N's room now, with both Y/N and their secret visitor having left and making their way out towards the forest for the night. But it would seem that yet another guest had intended to visit this dorm room tonight.

*knock knock*

???: "Y/N? Are you... Are you still awake? I know it's late, but..."

*knock knock*

???: "Y/N? I'm going to let myself in now, just in case you're... you know..."

A couple moments more of silence, and then the new visitor had decided that enough warning had been given, and they then inserted a key into the door and opened it up slowly and quietly. After all, Y/N may very well have just been asleep.

Blake: "Huh... They're not here...? But it's practically midnight now, where else could they be?"

Blake then walked further into the room, checking all three of the beds in the room, in case maybe Y/N had decided to sleep in another bed for tonight for some reason. But no, all the beds were empty. The third bed that neither Blake nor Y/N used was very messy right now though, covered in all sorts of things that normally wasn't there... and a large bag.

Blake: "Huh... It looks like you've been packing... but didn't you say that you weren't going on a mission like everyone else, being a solo group and all? So then... what are you packing for...?"

Blake then walked over to the third bed that was covered in a myriad of random items, from clothes to rations. She then started to peruse and inspect it all, looking for a clue of some sort that might give her the answer that she's looking for...

But there seemed to be no rhyme nor reason for Y/N's sudden packing up, and if Blake didn't already know differently from all her time lingering within the room to read in peace then she might have just assumed that Y/N never bothered to unpack their things and just took what they needed from out of the large bag that was atop the bed. But Blake knew that this wasn't the case.

Blake: "... Y/N didn't even show up to this school with a bag like this, did they? So this is... *yawn* this is a new purchase of theirs then..."

The black haired Faunus, who was absolutely shattered from her poor sleeping habits as of recent, slowly she approached the bed and clambered upon it, laying belly-down on the lining of the bed with her feet resting on the pillows whilst her elbows were dug in deep at the foot of the bed as she barely could keep her head lifted up with the fading strength of her own arms supporting her chin like bracing. She now feebly peered down at Y/N's belongings, using what consciousness she had left in her to try and piece together the scene before her for any clue as to what was going on with Y/N.

Blake: "What could this even be about... *yawn* The school year isn't over yet... *yawn* And I don't think they ever mentioned their doing poorly in the lessons... wait. Is this what they were talking about earlier? With that 'secret' that they talked about earlier today...? But if this is their secret... then what does that... zzz"

Even despite this shocking and worrying resolution, that is the fact that Y/N may be plotting to leave soon for some reason, Blake seemed unable to keep her eyes open any longer. Succumbing to her exhaustion and flopping down upon the bed full of Y/N's personal affects, her head and upper torso falling directly on top of some of these items as she drifted off to an involuntary sleep...

* Y/N'S POV *

It had only been thirty to forty moments at most, but it felt like the two of you had been going at it for hours now. You and Yang... well, Neo really. The two of you had found a good clearing to have your practise in and the two of you went at it for the entire time, with only a couple breaks where Neo would then point something out or compliment your decision-making for new situations she was coming up with.

You weren't able to get any practise against the gunfire within Yang's gauntlets, as Neo had continuously warned you about, due to the limitations of her ability being mostly only in terms of appearance. Neo also had to wear some very high-heeled boots, so as to bring her up to the height of that which her illusions alluded her to now being. And yet, despite all of this, Neo handled the situation like a pro and would regularly praise and reassure you that you'd definitely have this duel with the blonde gorilla in the bag.

But now, what seemed to be your last training session before the duel had come to an end, and the both of you had found a large flat rock for you and the other exhausted fighter to perch upon and regain your breath and allow your muscles to rest for a moment.

A subtle yet familiar sound could be heard to your side, and when you tiredly looked over to the source of it you noticed that the Yang beside you now had Neo's head instead of her own. She then looked over at you and gave you a mischievous smirk, and knowing her this long and the types of things she'd say in this type of situation, you were able to give her the answer she wanted to hear before she had even finished pulling her Scroll out from her pocket.

Y/N: "Yes, I am agreeing, it is of the looking better on you."

Shock seemed to pause Neo's retrieving of her Scroll, as if she didn't expect to get that answer so soon from you. But then, when she realised there was no reason left to retrieve her Scroll, she plopped it back in her pocket and then gave you what looked to be a genuine smile as compensation for your kind words of which you reciprocated back at Neo.

The Neo in Yang's clothing then closed her eyes and turned her head off towards the distant forest ahead of Yang's body. It was still quite weird to see Neo's head atop such a tall body, and one in much different clothing to boot! But you dared not make any mention of this now, as Neo looked to be in a place of serenity and peace, and you didn't want to interrupt this.


Whilst watching the girl, of whom was usually a chaotic little gremlin causing mischief whenever she was with you, her head slowly drifted to the side until it found its landing spot upon one of your shoulders. Her brown and pink hair now overrunning your torso and leaving not much left in your view other than the intruding head of your close friend.

Whilst one of her arms remained on her other side, to keep her balance, the other arm that was closest to you had draped around your back and found its home resting on top of your opposite shoulder. The warm feeling of togetherness being something you much appreciated from these times with Neo. She actually was much more cuddly than you might have thought of her from your first impressions with her, with her spending what felt like equal amounts of your time together with her arms draped around you as she did her playful pranks and trips together around town!

Most of your evenings together ended up like this, with the two of you sitting beside each other and just enjoying the company of the other in relative silence. Sometimes, Neo might even sneak a hand up to what remains of your Faunus ears and will pet you with a cheesy grin on her face. But not this time. This time, she seemed content with just her head upon your shoulder and her arm wrapped around your back, and the two of you sat there in that dark and secluded spot of the forest for a long while before eventually Neo pulled out her Scroll and tapped out a message to you.

Neo: [Ah! I didn't realise that was the time! We've got to get you back to your room, so that you might get a good night's rest... what's left of the night anyways! Thankfully it's the weekend, or else you'd have next to no time to rest before your lessons. Come on!]

And just barely had you managed to finish reading her message to you had she jumped back up to her feet and then once again started pulling at your arm to lead you back to your room, just like how she did to get you to follow you out of it in the first place.

You had no reason to resist this recalling back to your bed, as truthfully you were growing quite tired by this point. As you had spent most of your day within classrooms, listening to the lessons given by your set teachers for today. And then right after that you ended up being hauled around by team RWBY and company as they went running around the Academy grounds for 'the dance preparations,' whatever that meant. And just a few moments ago, you had been locked in quite a long duel with Neo using Yang's combat style — and such a long bout was but the final straw that had you really feeling the strain of today's activities, something that Neo seemed to pick up on without your saying anything, as she pulled your arm around the back of her neck and was practically carrying you under her as the two of you made your way back to your room.

* * *

Eventually, the two of you made your way back up to your room, and you slid your dorm window open and stepped inside. What you didn't expect to find though, was that there was somebody already in the room sound asleep on one of the beds.

You had barely been in the room for more than a moment before you were quickly dragged back behind the curtains of the window again and Neo quickly tapped out a message on her Scroll for you.

Neo: [What's she doing here?! That's not even the bed she normally sits on... that damned cat is on all your stuff! I bet the twerp did it on purpose too!]

You were just about to verbally reply to her upset message, but Neo quickly put a gloved finger on your mouth to stop you, she then tapped on her Scroll again for a short while before then showing you the screen to read...

Neo: [Stay quiet! Some Faunus have really good hearing, we don't want to wake the twerp and let her find out that I've been visiting you here. I hate to let her win, but I'm going to have to head back to my own place tonight I think. Be sure to get a good long rest tonight, okay?]


Whilst you were reading the message, your attention was entirely upon reading and comprehending what was written. And so you didn't notice that Neo had been silently approaching you until she was up on her tippy toes and her puckered lips were already planted against your cheek.

After the initial shock of it, you turned to look at the girl beside you, to see a big cheeky grin on her face... and a slight red tint to her cheeks. She then gave you a wink and a wave before she then silently leapt out of the window and left you to deal with the awkward situation that you now found yourself in... with the sleeping catgirl who was asleep in your room for some reason.

You then, as quietly as you could, snuck into the main part of the room from your hiding spot behind the curtains. But you couldn't help but look at the strange sight before you... of Blake sleeping on that bed littered with clutter of things you planned to pack away for your departure. And wait... she's shaking a lot... is she perhaps doing that thing, what was it called? Shivering...?


The last thing I remembered... I was looking at all of Y/N's stuff, all of it littered atop that spare bed of theirs. I remember my strength waning and falling on all of it, even though it was uncomfortable with all those misshapen items digging into me... I was just too tired to care.

And yet now? I don't feel uncomfortable at all, there isn't anything at all digging into me anymore, in fact... I'm quite comfortable... and warm... but I'm still too groggy to open my eyes and see why this is. But then... if I'm not yet ready to wake up... why exactly am I awake now?


Ah, that's probably it. Someone's hammering at our door. Urgh... this early in the morning? But it's the weekend! Hopefully one of the other three get it, I don't want to open my eyes just yet...

Yang: "Open up! Y/N! I know you're in there! Open the door!"

Huh? That's Yang's voice on the other side of the door, isn't it? And she wants to speak with Y/N? Oh! Duh! I must still be in Y/N's room from when I fell asleep earlier! But then what does Yang want? I don't think she's ever come to Y/N's room before... has she?




Yang: "...door."

Y/N: "I have opening of door. No need to do the 'busting' now, correct? You are here for reason, yes?"

Yang: "Urgh, quit it with that innocent act. Just tell me where Blake is. She didn't come back to our room last night, you know where she went though, right?"

Y/N: "Blake? She is still to be having a rest. She was very much tired and fell asleep by the accident."

I don't think I've ever heard these two speak without someone else being around them, and I didn't hear Weiss or Ruby's voices yet, so it might just be Yang... I wonder what'll happen? It always seems like Yang is just a few gripes away from exploding whenever she's talking to Y/N... well, when she's not trying to convince them to do that duel of theirs!

Yang: "She's actually asleep?! How the...? How did you manage that?!"

Y/N: "Manage to do... it? I am not all the sure what you are meaning? Blake was already sleeping when I was of returning to my room here."

Yang: "So she just... let's herself in and sleeps in here? What the hell?! She's MY partner, not yours!"

Y/N: "I am already knowing this, you have been telling of it before I am remembering."

Yang: *sigh* "You're so annoying! It really does grind my gears! What does she even see in you..."

Y/N: "I am... not understanding? Could you be of speaking faster, and more clearer? I am needing to go somewhere in the soon."

Yang: "ARGH! I'm gonna blow a fuse in a minute, talking to you like this! That's it! We're having that duel right now! And we're gonna put a damned wager on it too, because you made me wait so long!"

Y/N: "A wager... I do not know that word. What is its meaning?"

Yang: "Useless you are, utterly useless! *sigh* A wager... it's another word for a bet. Like a competition. If I win, then you do as I say. But if you win, then I'll do something for you."

Y/N: "I am thinking I understand this. But I do not know this: what will this... wager be?"

Yang: "Well, if I win... if I win then... you're going to have to get yourself something fancy to wear! Because if I win, then I'll have you escort Blake to the Beacon Dance as her partner – she'd definitely show up for it then if you invited her after all!"

Y/N: "Beacon... Dance? What is that?"

Yang: "Uhhh... what? Where've you been? What do you think we were doing all of yesterday? We weren't preparing for— *sigh* No, never mind that. I'll save it for the duel. Come on, let's just go already!"

Y/N: "I am... not sure I am of total understanding. But I am to make a winning promise too, yes?"

Yang: "Huh? Oh, yeah, sure, I guess... Not like you've much chance of that, but even still, let's hear it then. What do you want?"

Y/N: "... I am... needing to leave, soon. I have a thing I have been asked to do."

Yang: "Oh, and you want to recruit me as hired muscle to give you a hand? I guess that makes sense, but I've gotta be ready for our fights in the Vytal Festival, sorry!"

Y/N: "I see... But that was not what I was meaning to be saying..."

Yang: "Huh? It's not? Then what is it that you want? Go on, spit it out!"

Y/N: "... When I am of the needing to go... Could you be telling me the most best way of leaving... without the being seen by anybody?"

Yang: "What? You just want me to...? Why do you think I'd be any help with that?!"

Y/N: "I was not thinking of your skills, no. I was just thinking that... you do not have the liking of me, no? So you would be of wanting to help me become gone, yes?"

Yang: "You think that I don't... I mean; yeah, you keep dodging my invites to fight, and you're friends with that mute midget but... it's not like I want you gone or anything..."

Huh... It's not often that you hear Yang, as boisterous and loud as she is, to be so soft-spoken like this... she trailed off that last sentence too, as if she really didn't want to admit that to Y/N. And now I feel kind of bad for listening in like this, pretending to be asleep and all...

And what was that about Y/N needing to go? Go where? And they said it'd be soon, right? I want to get up and ask them about it, but then they'd know that I was listening in and... I guess I'll just talk to them later about it, maybe I'll just 'accidentally' stumble upon them during their duel too. I just need to wait for them to—

Yang: "Alright then! You've got a deal! Come on then, let's go and have that duel already!"

Y/N: "Okay, you have my agreeance. I will be doing the coming with you now."

I then heard what seemed to be Y/N returning inside the room, and then the rustling of their things. I presume that they were retrieving their weapon for the duel, but I dare not open my eyes to check. So I just listened intently... I listened as Y/N seemed to pick something up, and as they then walked back towards the door, and then the sound of the door closing and locking, and then... nothing.

I kept my eyes closed for a few more moments, just to be certain. But when I was as sure as I could be that Y/N was actually gone, that was when I finally opened my eyes... and when I realised that I was not still laying on that spare bed that had been covered in Y/N's belongings.

No, instead I was tucked into the bed that I would normally read on, the one beside Y/N's impromptu double bed. And the way that I was tucked in... they were really quite thorough with it. I wonder... was this what their father used to do when Y/N was young? Oh... now I feel kinda sad thinking about that, and now I feel even worse about listening into their conversation with Yang. But still... where are you planning on going Y/N? The school year isn't over yet after all...

<6460 words>

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