Another: The Class of 1999

FayeTheFab tarafından

155 36 2

Moving schools is always difficult - the strange new faces, the unknown building, the worry of sticking out t... Daha Fazla

Class 3-3
Chapter 1 - Fresh Start
Chapter 2 - New School
Chapter 3 - The First Death
Chapter 4 - Real
Chapter 5 - 1972
Chapter 6 - The Second Library
Chapter 7 - Class Rep
Chapter 8 - Answers
Chapter 9 - A date?
Chapter 10 - Sensei
Chapter 11 - Unveiled
Chapter 12 - Aunt Mai
Chapter 13 - Back To School
Chapter 14 - In Depth
Chapter 15 - Out
Chapter 16 - New Evidence
Chapter 17 - School Trip
Chapter 18 - 1998
Chapter 20 - Oh No...
Flashback 1
Chapter 21: It Begins
Flashback 2
Chapter 22 - My Murders
Flashback 3
Chapter 23 - Sacrifice
Flashback 4
Chapter 24 - My Confession
Flashback 5
Chapter 25 - Back To Death
Flashback 6
Chapter 26 - The End
Class 3-3

Chapter 19 - Dead One

3 1 0
FayeTheFab tarafından

We were all stunned with what we had just heard. I could feel my heart accelerating at an alarming rate. Clarissa's face had grown pale with worry, Riku kept his head down and his eyes shut as he shook his head, and Akira just stared at the CD player.

I leant back in my seat. "So... The extra student must be killed."

I didn't mean to be 'that' person. But somebody had to say it.

"So... The extra student is dead, and it's our job to kind out who they are and kill them?" Akira summaried.

"But it could be anyone," I sighed. "And for us to commit a murder..."

Akira folded his arm and leant back in his chair. " do we know who is the dead one?"

"We don't!" Clarissa sighed, throwing their arms in the air. "There are NO clues whatsoever! This calamity alters memories. Not even the dead person knows that they're dead."

Clarissa looked upwards before closing their eyes and exhaling deeply. I could tell that they was desperately trying to come up with another plan. They was trying to think of a solution which would involve murder.

They were looking for false hope.

"All we know is that the dead student is one of the victims who died due to the calamity years before," I said.

Akira paused. "...Well, can't we just check through the old records and find matching names, then"

"Nope," Clarissa responded coldly, opening their eyes, standing, and pacing the floor. "The calamity- no, this CURSE, alters written documents as well as memories."

Akira rolled his head back and groaned. "Brilliant..."

Clarissa continued their pacing. I knew they was going to wear themselves out, both physically and mentally.

"Clarissa-san, you're making me dizzy, come sit down," I motioned.

Clarissa stopped pacing, but they didn't sit down. They clenched her their . I could see that they was furious and hurt that there was nothing we could do to avoid killing someone ourselves.

I knew the four of us couldn't figure this problem out alone. Especially since it involved all our other classmates. They all deserved to know the dilemma.

"Clarissa-san," I said slowly, "you know, we're going to have to tell everyone else about this..."

"I know," Clarissa sighed, finally taking their seat. "Damn, I wish we hadn't found that STUPID recording..."

"We can't tell them straight away, though," Riku said. "We have no idea what their reaction will be. They may start making accusations or jump to unfair conclusions."

I nodded at Riku, but I didn't fully agree with what he was saying... All we needed was to talk to the rest of the class, figure who was dead, and then take it from there. Yes, it sounded scary, but there was nothing else that could be done. Essentially, only one more death needed to take place, and then everyone else would be safe...

I paused, and shook my head. I could hardly believe what I was thinking... This was a topic which we couldn't take lightly. I couldn't just throw the word 'death' around like it was nothing... The thought of dying scared me inside, and to think that someone in our class would have to die KNOWING that they were responsible for the deaths of all the others... What worried me even more was that I could be the dead one.

What if I was?

Akira stood up. "Clarissa-chan, let's go home."

"I have to stay here!"

"No! No you don't!" Akira shook his head. "I'm taking you home."

"I'm the class rep and the head of countermeasures," Clarissa told Akira like it was the first time he was receiving this information. "There's no way I can leave now. We have to figure out who the extra student is-"

"It could be anyone!" Akira sighed, frustration rising. "Hell, it could even be one of us in here!"

I looked at Riku. I could feel the hairs on my arms standing up, and I felt a shiver go down my spine. Riku seemed to understand what I was feeling, because he looked just as worried and uncomfortable as I did.

"Akira-kun," Clarissa said, voice shaking, "we've wasted enough time already... I'm not going to let anyone else die, knowing that I have information which could help STOP the calamity."

"But there's nothing we can do," Akira said, his voice calming down. "This is out of our hands now. There's no way to determine who the dead student is. Riku is right - people will start accusing other people just to keep themselves safe."

I cleared my throat, but couldn't bring myself to break up their argument. Akira looked hurt and furious, whilst Clarissa looked like they was doing everything to not be reduced to tears. They were desperately clinging onto small rays of hope that only they could see. I hated to admit it, but even I couldn't understand why Clarissa was so determined. I know that I had lost my father due to the calamity, but I just couldn't bring myself to face the music and take action. Maybe deep down I felt like the calamity would come after me if I attempted to contribute anything.

"At least let me return the CD player to the library first," Clarissa spoke quietly. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. "I'll meet you by the main entrance, okay?"

Akira glanced at me and Riku. He looked like he was about to say something else, but decided against it. He grabbed this bag, stuck it under his arm, and left the classroom without another word.

I immediately turned to face Clarissa and motioned to the CD player. "You're not going to return that to the library, are you?"

Clarissa smirked. "I'm heading back to the old classroom. I need to see if they have anymore information."

I stood up. "I'll come with you."

Wait... Less than a minute ago, I was scared of helping Clarissa out in case the calamity came after I was offering my help willingly? I couldn't understand what was going through my own head.

"Thank you, but this is dangerous," Clarissa said, "it's best that only one of us puts our life at risk."

"Not happening," I shook my head. "There's no way I'm letting you do this alone."

So Clarissa and I sprinted back to the old classroom, Riku following us.

"Hang on-" Riku said as soon as we had entered the room. "I have something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" I asked Riku.

Riku looked down. "I... I've been keeping a secret from you both..."

Clarissa looked puzzled and angry at the same time, and I felt the exact same.

"Ri-kun, what is it?" I asked cautiously. Now was NOT the time to be keeping secrets...

Riku looked at his hands, still wearing the gloves. Then he looked up at both of us. "I know who the dead student it."


Clarissa and I stood in shock. My eyes widened, and I could feel my heart hammering. Riku's words rang in my ears...

"How?!" Clarissa cried suddenly, causing me to jump slightly. "I swear to God, this better not be a joke..."

"It's not a joke," Riku said. "I... I don't know why I have this...this..."

"This what?" Clarissa asked through gritted teeth.

"This...power..." Riku said timidly. I could see him trembling slightly. "I have a power which let's me sense death."

"As in...a supernatural power?" Clarissa scoffed.

"I'm telling you the truth!" Riku said. "I spoke to Chibiki-Sensei, who told me that last year there was a girl who could SEE the colour of death!"

"And I really believe that," Clarissa said sarcastically, rolling their eyes. "Supernatural powers don't exist."

"Neither should curses killing students," I glared at Clarissa, and they grew quiet. At first I thought Riku was talking nonsense, but I realised that I wanted to hear what Riku had to say. Even if it all turned out to be useless. "Ri-kun, tell us about your gift. Or power. Whichever word you prefer."

Riku hesitated, looking down at his hands. He turned them over, examining his glove from every angle.

Then he took his gloves off.

His left hand was ordinary, nothing interesting about it. At first, his right hand looked ordinary as well. However, when I noticed that he was wearing a ring on all four fingers, I had to stop and stare, trying to figure out what was so odd. Then I realised what it was... The fingers were the same shade as his skin, but they were smooth, wrinkless lifeless they were...

The fingers on his right hand were prosthetic.

"What the hell..." Clarissa whispered. "...Are you left handed or right handed?"

Riku smirked. "That's your first question? Actually, I'm left handed. So I guess I got lucky."

"Ri-kun..." I whispered. "What happened?" I tried not to look, but I couldn't take my eyes off his fake fingers.

"When I was little," Riku explained to us. "I think I was about five, and I went outside, and ended up developing severe frostbite. The tips of my fingers turned black, and they had to get amputated. I was presented with these fingers, along with lots of trauma and many visits to a physiotherapist."

Clarissa didn't look impressed. "You expect me to believe that your plastic fingers can sense death, or whatever?"

"So... So you know who the dead student is?" I asked Riku.

Riku hesitated, and then nodded.

"Why didn't you tell us at the start of the school year?!" Clarissa yelled.

Riku threw his arms in the air. "You were ignoring me!!!"

"Ri-kun, tell us...who is the dead one?" I asked.

Riku lowered his arms and looked down at his hands again. "It's... It's..."

"Is it someone we're close friends with?" I said.

Riku nodded.

I could tell that this was difficult for Riku to talk about. "Is it...Yuki?"

Riku shook his head. Secretly I was relieved - Yuki's brother, childhood friend, and best friend had all died. She would have been distraught if she learnt that it was her fault they had died.

"Okay... What about Akira?" I suggested.

Clarissa's head immediately jerked towards Riku and glared at him, as if they were warning him. Riku shook his head.

"Then who is it?"

Riku looked up at me. He had pain in his eyes, and he looked like he was about to cry. He was shaking slightly.

Then his gaze shifted over to Clarissa.

My heart dropped.

Clarissa finally caught on. Their eyes widened with fear and they stepped away from me and Riku.

"No..." Clarissa whispered. "No..."

Riku put his gloves back on hurriedly. "Clarissa, I'm sorry."

"No... No... No, no, no, NO, NO, NO!!!" Clarisa screamed, and my eardrums felt like they were going to pop. "NO!!! You're lying!!!"

"Clarissa, I'm sorry," Riku shook his head. "You're the dead one."

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