Jesse Granger Deception (Mine...

By ShinySylveon666

582 2 3

Jesse goes to another dimension. He needs to get ring pieces to get back home. We'll he be able to see his fr... More

Darkness Calls
Monkey Business
Elementary Evil
Deadly Decadence
Crazy Carnevil
Torment Therapy
Where Are You Jesse?
Mascot Mayhem
Running Out Of Time

Stranger Sewers

45 0 0
By ShinySylveon666

Jesse returned to her ballroom. "6 pieces left. Ready to try again?" Bierce said as the fourth portal opened up. "The last time I was in here, I still had two eyes intact." Jesse said. Jesse moaned in frustration as he went through the portal. As he walked out of the portal, he was in a sewer, his feet were in sewer water. He started walking ahead and looking around. "All kinds of things get flushed down here. Alligators, Goldfish, Duckies." Bierce said as one light turned on. Behind the bars, there were 3 ducks with pitch black eyes, cracks on their faces, and a traffic cone for a hat. "Pfft, ducks? Really? Do you know who I am? I faced villains much scarier than this." Jesse said. He saw a big hole in the wall and a sign written next to it. "Watch out for the BIG ONE." Jesse read. He turned around to open the door until a hand started choking him. There were two big red eyes in the big hole in the wall, and the hand was coming out of it. He started fighting it. Then it let's go of Jesse, and Jesse went down on his knees and started coughing. The big one's red eyes disappeared and let out an evil duck like laughter. "What was that?" Jesse thought. He started moving forward. "They're trying to blend in, eh? Let's see how much you pay attention to details." Bierce said. He sees ducks scattered around the place. "Wait, are you saying that some of them are alive?" Jesse asked. Jesse looked at a duck. "These things don't scare me." Jesse said. He started collecting soul shards. Then he heard footsteps. "Who's there?" Jesse said as he started taking steps back. He tripped and fell, he saw the duck in front of him but it seemed to be different from the others because it was breathing. "Wait a minute." Jesse said. The duck jumped and legs came out then it started chasing Jesse. Jesse ran into a door. He opens the door, the door opens slowly. "Come on, come on, hurry up!" Jesse said as he waited for the door to open, but it was too late. The duck caught up to him, Jesse stared at its eyes. "Nooo-" Jesse said as the duck bites into his head. He starts bleeding out and dies. He lost one of his lives. He woke up at the beginning. "My god, that was crazy." Jesse said. "I should use one of my powers, I'm going to use telepathy." Jesse said. He started using telepathy and saw ducks trase with red lines. "That must be the real ones." Jesse said. He also noticed a duck was up. He started collecting the shards. He sneaks up on a duck to get the shard, He grabs the shard, then the dread ducky wakes up. Jesse started running, he used his speed ability and ran as fast as he could. He took a minute to breathe. The duck is nowhere in sight. "I think...I've lost it." Jesse said. He opened the door in front of him and collected the shards. Then all of a sudden, the dread ducky grabbed Jesse with the stun attack. Jesse was stunned but he tried to take two steps forward. He gets pulled back by the dread ducky. "No, no!" Jesse said. He tries to fight it then the duck let's go. The dread ducky fell over, Jesse ran away. Jesse finds a code, the code was written down on the wall. He typed in the code then the floor started coming down. Then he saw a little room with a folder. "You found a secret!" Bierce said. Jesse grabbed the folder and he typed in the code the elevator went up. He collected more shards, and it got down to 191. "You've gathered half the shards. Try to live long enough to get the rest." Bierce said. "Whatever you say, Bierce." Jesse replied. Jesse tries to find the ring altar. "If I was a ring altar, where would I be?" Jesse said to himself. He enters the main room. "Woah." Jesse said. There were duck piles all over the place. Jesse avoided the trap then he spotted the ring altar. "There it is." Jesse said. He started walking to it then the ground rumbled and the big one roared. Jesse entered the second zone. "They're hiding in the shadows." Bierce said. Jesse went to collect the shards. He accidentally woke up a dread ducky. Jesse tries to get away but the dread ducky caught up to him and killed him. Jesse woke up with a pain in his neck. "Ow, that hurts. I need to stop dying or else I'll get more scars." Jesse said. Jesse found another secret but it was filled with dancing dread duckies. He avoided the ducks, he made it down to zero. Malak appeared and started chasing Jesse. Jesse made it to the main room, and got the ring piece. "That's far enough, mortal." Malak said. Jesse turns around to see a man wearing a business suit, a red face with devil horns. "So this is what you truly look like Malak." Jesse said. "Watching you running around has reminded me that I have a loyal pet as well." Malak said. "You do?" Jesse said. "Here, let me introduce you." Malak said. The door starts opening revealing the big one. "What on netherite?" Jesse said. "Oh, and Bierce, I know you're there. Hearing from your little puppet." Malak said. "Who you calling puppet, devil?" Jesse said. Malak let out an evil laugh then he vanished. The big one started coming out of the darkness then it roared. "That's a huge ducky" Bierce said. The doom ducky threw a duck at Jesse, but Jesse dodged it. The doom ducky was getting ready to attack. Jesse was in front of a pillar. "I don't want to lose my other eye." Jesse said. The doom ducky's head hits the pillar, it gets knocked out. Jesse looked over and saw a wheel. He went to it and started turning it. He repeated it a couple times. Then the door closed and a siren went off. Right when he was exiting the room, he heard a quack. He turned around and saw a dread ducky but it was different. It was black and red, it's a dark ducky. Jesse stares into its eyes. "Okay, let's see what you got." Jesse said. Jesse dodged the stun attack, he went around and then he jumped on the dark ducky. The dark ducky started shaking Jesse off. Jesse puts a leash on it. It calmed down. "Okay let's get out of here." Jesse said. He started riding the duck. "Getting back to the portal won't be that easy this time. Don't screw it up!" Bierce said. He made a turn and then the doom ducky appeared behind them. "Oh no." Jesse said. The dark ducky ran as fast as it could. It became a bumpy ride, then Jesse fell. Jesse stared at the doom ducky, he screamed then the doom ducky ate him up. He was down to one life. Jesse got up and got on the dark ducky and tried again. They started running from the doom ducky. They made it on land, and the door shut behind them. "That was a close one." Jesse said. They walked to the entrance, and there was a dread ducky in front of them. The dark ducky growled at the dread ducky. The dread ducky got up and started fighting with the dark ducky. Jesse got off the dark ducky and started running to the portal. The doom ducky's head came smashing in the wall. Jesse avoided it's mouth and went through the portal.

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