The Devil's Smile

By Lively_Nia

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A peaceful life is what Yumna Ali wanted in every way. But, her plans got ruined when a drop-dead-gorgeous ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 25

30 2 2
By Lively_Nia

A real good love story isn't about brokenness. But it's full of healing and redemption. ~Soulscripts

▫️Yumna Ali▫️

I side glanced at Hayder who was squirming tensely in his seat.

"Hayder, it seems like you've gotten a bug or worm inside your heinie. Stop wriggling so much." I said with raised brows. He just scoffed lightly before chuckling.

"You have no idea. Do you?" He questioned. "They both hate me and I know very well that what kind of cruel words will be thrown my way." He continued.

"Oh come on." I groaned trying to dismiss the topic. This was his nth time whining.

"Okay, not my dad. But, Malak hates my guts. She abhors me. I know that if dad has invited us then surely she will also be present there."

Hayder's father had called last night. He wanted to meet us both and had invited us to his mansion. I sat on the swinging bed watching my husband walking back and forth our hotel room with phone near his ear. He was trying so hard reasoning and bringing all kinds of silly causes to avoid the diner his father had planned. He had this annoying look on his face all the time. I wondered if they both didn't go well with each other. Come to think of it, he didn't introduce me to anybody as his father in our wedding. Did their personalities clash?

And, after twenty minutes or so, he plopped on the bed frowning. His shoulders slumped in defeat as he disconnected the call agreeing with his father. Hayder was stubborn, but his father seemed more.

So here we are, travelling to London.

"Do you hate her too?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Who? Malak?" He asked to which I nodded my head. "No, no. I would never." He rushed his words. He loudly sighed and closed his eyes, leaning his head on the seat.

"Hayder." He instantly looked at me as soon as I kept my hand on his. "I don't know what happened between you guys. But trust me, everything will be alright." I didn't know what to say but I tried.

He smiled and nodded his head. He held my hand in his and I didn't complain. I wanted him to calm down. Truth to be told, I wanted to feel his warmth too. His smile grew more when I interlocked my fingers in his. I was flushing and embarrassed to say anything so I just turned my head toward the blue sky we were floating on.

I recalled our two-week honeymoon trip. It was.. magnificent, amazing, out of the world. I loved, savored and relished the whole trip. Let me tell you that it was nothing honeymoon-ey. Rather, we both enjoyed it as two normally close people without being awkward or uncomfortable with each other. It was like we were back in our old days.

We spent our first week in Bora Bora where I had to do everything by myself as Hayder was occupied in his Macbook. That wacko had reserved the whole island surrounded by coral reefs and white sand for ourselves just so I could walk around comfortably without my hijab. All the other staffs were women which made it easier. The gentleman even stayed in different room. I didn't give it much thought as I was busy in being excited for admiring the eccentric beauty of Mount Okemanu, the serene purple-blue hues sunset, the crystal clear and blue beach which I stayed in like a fish for almost 24/7. I even made some friends in there.

Hayder finally gave up on his MacBook after two days and accompanied me. We laughed at every silly things, walked around the island watching the sunsets in awe, swam together, went hiking and he took a million pictures of mine. The hot-headed Hayder was nowhere to be seen. I loved every moment with him.

We landed in Fiji for our second week. We did zip-lines and scuba dived a lot when he came to know how much I loved underwater. I always wanted to become a marine biologist but became a human biologist anyway. Third week was supposed to be spent in Bali if Hayder's father hadn't called.

Light snoring beside me caught me by surprise. The exhaustion finally took him over. He looked seraphic. I brushed back a few strands of hair on his forehead. He stirred when I tried to keep the travel pillow around his neck. But soon went back to sleep with a smile when I whispered sweet things in his ear.

I knew that I would take care of him but not like this. Travelling around the world, hand in hand was never my plan. He was making my heart race which was unacceptable. The more I thought of hating him the more I was allured by him. He might not be the sweetest or kindest person on this earth but he was caring and benign. But still, it doesn't change the fact that he killed and therefore tortured those sick freaks.

I sighed on my double thoughts.


We were seated on a Royal Antique Purple Carved Sofa which went very well with the classical interior of the mansion. The sofa's seemed quite comfortable too. The huge chandeliers hung everywhere on the high ceilings. The walls were filled with many expensive paintings. It felt like I was sitting in a museum.

Feeling out of place had become my hobby now.

Hayder sat beside me with a poker face. Nobody would have any idea that he was all tensed up before entering the large gates of this estate. Indeed he was very good at hiding his emotions.

We had some distance between us but still his cologne filled my nostrils making my insides all mushy. He had worn a formal black trousers with a black shirt.

My husband was a sight for sore eyes.

And I had worn a mocha dress with a beige hijab and beige flats. I was even holding a Chanel bag which was so not me. My lovely husband decided my outfit today as he was doubting my styling abilities and skills. I trusted him as I wanted to look as decent as possible to my in-laws. It was my first time meeting them for god's sake. I was a basic nerd who was happy in her loose fit pants and loose crop tops. Sometimes even, Kurta's.

Being comfortable was my incantation rather than those bimbo's who have trouble in their breathing after wearing those tight body clenching dresses. They even had to sit and get up very carefully. I mean, really? 

After fifteen minutes a middle aged man appeared in front of us. He was tall and intimidating. I knew who he was the moment I saw his eyes.

"Dad." Hayder stood up and briefly hugged him. The fool didn't even greet his father.

"Murat." His father tapped his back with a light smile. So light that I had to narrow my eyes to see if I was seeing right. "You seem a bit leaner from the last time I saw you." He said while pressing Hayder's arms.

"Enough meeting you. Now I want to meet my beautiful daughter-in-law." He smiled warmly and I smiled back greeting him.

"Meet my lovely wife, Yumna Ali." Hayder stated. And it was the first time he smiled after coming here.

"How do you do, young lady?" His British accent suited very well on him.

"Nice meeting you, sir." I said nervously.

"Sir? Call me dad." He smiled warmly. Dad? I paused not knowing what to say. God, he would surely get offended.

"It's okay if you don't want to. I can wait." He broke my thoughts by patting my head. I knew that he was a warm person though his strong demeanour.

"Let's have diner. Shall we?" He asked again and we both nodded. He led the way and we followed him.

"Hope you both didn't had any troubles coming here." His father spoke while showing us way.

"Are you okay?" Hayder asked me. I assured him that I was fine. "You sure?" His voice was concerned.

"I'm fine, really." I was happy knowing the fact that he was worried about me. I know it's bad but he was making me a sucker.

The diner was going awfully quiet. I could feel the tension in the room. It was so thick that a sharp knife would do it's job effortlessly. I glanced between the father son duo who didn't raise their eyes from their plates making me anxious about this whole scenario. I could feel both of them getting awkward the each passing second. Maybe they didn't knew what to say.

I cleared my throat finally getting the courage to break the goddamn silence. "The lobster is so flavoursome. I just can't stop eating." Okay, the last part was totally unnecessary.

Hayder's father laughed in response. "I knew you would like them. Try Quail legs next, you'll want to hire the chef right away which is impossible."

"Ooh, then I'll try it right away." I said picking up one of the piece.

"Why?" Hayder asked. "Why do you think that it's impossible to hire that chef? You think I can't provide what my wife wishes?" His brows rose questioningly.

Oh god, no. He took it in a whole wrong way.

I kept my hand on his arm. "I'm sure that's not what he meant. He wa.."

"That's exactly what I meant." His father butted in. And I could feel Hayder's hand clenching under my hold.

"He works for the Royalty of England. And sometimes for me. So there's no chance for you to hire him." 

"You don't know the chances yet. So, I advice you to stop challenging me." Hayder said calmly. He was trying his best to control himself.

"You are advicing me?" His father scoffed. "How dare you disrespect me?"

"Because that's what scoundrels do." A high pitch voice came interrupting them. A lady, probably in her early thirties walked in. Her eyes wandered between me and Hayder. She was clearly not happy seeing us.

"So what's new, brother?" She slipped in the chair opposite to us.

"Let's go." I heard Hayder from beside me.

"And you. How much did he pay you to act like a crappy boring couple?" She snickered.

"Excuse me?" I don't know about others but now I was offended.

"Malak. I didn't knew you would get this sick." Hayder said disgusted. So, she's the sister he was talking about. His sister or not, people don't get to talk to me that way.

"We know everything, little brother. The way you abducted her and pressurized her to marry you." She laughed. "That was a good one, you knew nobody would live with an animal like you."

"Yumna, was it?" She pointed me. "You can leave." She said blowing her nails.

"Uh?" I scrunched my face not understanding a bit.

"I said you can leave now. Get back to whatever place you came from. You don't have to stay with him. And don't worry, dad will make sure that my little brother won't blackmail or cause you any more problems. You're free now." She stated looking dead in my eyes. And the way she called Hayder as her 'little brother' sounded and felt like some curse words.

"Malak...." Hayder roared but I intruded.

"You don't get to decide that." I said and clenched my fists. How dare she!

"You know nothing but very few things about what happened. Sad that your reporters didn't do their job right. Yes, he did blackmail me but it was my own decision to marry him." I looked at Hayder who's eyes were already fixed on me. I held his palm and he tightened the hold.

"And you don't get to say who stays or leaves. I'm not leaving him. Not now, not ever. And you need to stop using that bitchy tone on him." I continued with all seriousness.

"How dare you!" She slammed her hands on the table. "You have no idea who you're talking to. I can destroy you in snap of my fingers!" She yelled.

"Oh yeah? Then do it. Snap your fingers, please." I scoffed. "And one more thing, will it be you destroying me or will it be your daddy?" I sneered at her.

"You bitch!" She was flushing with anger. And I wanted that.

"I know very well whom I'm talking to. A spoiled woman who acts all mighty on her father's power. And, let me also remind you that my husband holds much more power than any person does in this mansion or perhaps in this continent. So there you go with some clarity. Or, should I try opening some more of your eyes to see the things clearly?" I mocked again. Hayder looked so proudly at me as if I've won a World Cup or Nobel prize. Gone was the hot-head.

Malak was literally shaking with anger. I thought of just throwing a cold glass of water on her face.

"You've spoken very well. But, do you know the consequences?" Hayder's father spoke making me turn my head to him.

"No offence to you, sir. But, I couldn't just sit there watching a person humiliate my husband. Could I?" Did I just asked a question to the ex-mafia don who could just chop my head and have it served in a platter?

To my surprise, he just chuckled in response.

"Does it by any chance mean that you love him so dearly?" His question took me aback.

Malak snickered saying, "What kind of a joke is it, dad?"

"Yes, I love him." I confessed. I myself was shocked with this.

"I love him." I looked at Hayder. He had unreadable expression on his face.

"And that's why, we are leaving the place where there is no humanity or respect." I pulled his hand making him stand with me.

"You're talking about humanity? Why don't you first teach that to your husband?" It was Malak again. And somewhere she was right.

"Atleast he doesn't treat his family like shit." I scoffed.

"My sincere apologies if I upset you, sir. But, what she said to him was very displeasing." I said to his father and he just nodded his head with a tight lipped smile. Wasn't he angry or something?

"And you, my sister-in-law. I hope you learn to interact people." I turned towards the door. My one hand was holding Hayder's and the other was holding my bag.

"Oh, and just so you know..." I turned to Malak again as she stood there with a flaring nose. "Practically, all humans are animals." I smiled sweetly. Hayder chuckled.

"Khalil, bring the royal chef that dad mentioned before. He'll be flying back with us." Hayder said loud and clear. Everybody in the room heard him. He didn't wait for any replies and pulled me with him to the door.

Once we were out, I apologised him for creating a ruckus but he pulled me in his arms instead. I gasped at the sudden contact.

"Thank you." He mumbled.

"Hmm? So you aren't angry?" I looked at him through my lashes.

"Why would I be? You were so cool out there. I'm proud of you." He smiled widely pressing my face against his chest.

"I just couldn't get my eyes off of you. Nobody has ever fought for me. Thank you, for everything." I felt him kiss my head. He just wanted me to faint right there in his arms.

"Did you.... mean everything you said in there?" He released me.

"Of course I do."

We walked together for sometime and came out of the main gates. Comfortable silence surrounded us. And thank goodness, the guards left us alone. But, I still felt their eyes on us.

"You love me then?" He questioned out of blue.

"Wha... what?" I stood wide eyed. I could feel my throat getting constricted unable to let out a word.

"I didn't knew you could fight like that. So wild. Now I'm confident that you can handle anybody alone." He smirked. Thank god, he changed the subject.

"Me neither. But suddenly when she said those horrible things to you, I felt a tight knot forming in my stomach. I just couldn't hold back later." I rubbed my face with my palms. "God! This is just too much." I sighed. I had never debated and vented my anger like this on anyone. Not even my college bullies. I have no idea what came into me back there.

"Hey." He rubbed my arms. "You did the right thing. You made her quiet!" He laughed loudly.

"And you know what? Nobody has ever stood for me, beside me." He caressed my cheeks. "Thank you for everything."

"Stop thanking me if you don't want me to throw you back in that mansion. I'll always be there for you. I'll... I'll protect you." I chuckled. He seemed serious for few moments.

"Okay, my lady." He laughed with me.

We sat in a park for sometime watching the colourful fountain. The cold gentle wind hitting our faces. The half moon peeking like a half-closed eye. The sound of the rattling leaves. London didn't seemed bad. I sighed in delight.

Was Hayder's family always like this? His father didn't seemed so bad towards me. But he was easily provoked by Hayder. And why did Malak act that way? When Hayder told me that she hated him, I didn't take it so seriously. But, after witnessing the scene today I feel so sorry. He didn't get any motherly love and this is how the others members behaved towards him? The people can be very pathetic. Maybe that was the reason he went being cold and reserved. God! Which family would carry oneself like that?

I wanted to talk him about everything but this was not the right time.

"Yumna." Hayder startled me.

"What happened?" I looked at him. He was okay before a minute.

"I want to ask you something. I .. I just can't avoid it anymore." His downcasted eyes told me what was coming. And I was definitely not ready for it. Dear lord, give me strength.

"Do you love me?" He interrogated.

"I... I honestly don't know. You kind of.. umm.. make me nervous sometimes. I ..uh.. oh god, what am I even saying!" I shrieked.

"Look at me. Yumna, look at me." He kneeled in front of me staring directly in my eyes. I gulped painfully. I could easily melt away under such intense stare. He was really making me a fool.

"What do you feel about me?" He demanded.

"You make me feel the things which are very new to me. Your laugh makes me happy. Your worries, they worry me too. You are the biggest jerk I've ever known. You kill people. Can't you stop doing that?" I frowned making him frown too. Maybe I was too blunt.


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