Broken soul. (A fanfic starri...

By LadySchneefee

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Adar had been captured by Halbrand and Galadriel. Not knowing what to do with him, Galadriel asks Eilith, an... More

Adar's character


73 5 0
By LadySchneefee

Then they were on their way, Eilith on Ragnal and Adar on his brand new horse, a gift from Gil- Galad.. The way Eilith had hugged Gil- Galad, had been a little to friendly for Adar's taste but it had probably been his mind, trying to ruin the 'Good' in his life. After they had left the last houses of Lindon behind them they had to ride through a forest. It was good to be surrounded by nature once more, it was as if he could breath properly once again. Adar closed his eyes and took in the smell of the Konifere needles basking in the summer sun and felt a sudden rush of energy.

"Eilith," he said, "let's take a break." She was surprised, they had only been riding for maybe two hours? But, Adar wanted to make love to her, here, in the middle of the forest, in the summer sun. Free and wild and with the force of the love he felt for her. Frankly, the fact that she was ridding with him towards a future TOGETHER and knowing that his children would have a home away from the sun but he himself could from now on life in the light again, just filled him with so much life, that it intensified his passion a hundredfold.

This time he loved her taking his time. He wanted to explore every inch of her body. She looked to beautiful. The scars that had stayed behind from the fire, made her more like him, he loved every one of them. In the end she begged him to bring her fulfillment by becoming one with her. As soon as he entered, she climaxed. The satisfaction of this was intoxicating! It pushed him to find his own peak and it had been the most exquisite yet. Afterwards he allowed the moment to stretch, all of it perfect.

"Oh Adar, you gift me with the greatest pleasures, I am utterly infatuated by you." Eilith exclaimed.

He was most content. He felt like saying thank you, to whatever was out there, which he knew somehow was there but the connection had been lost for a long time. Basically he had given up on it during the times of his deepest despair. But now things seemed to clear up... 

Than, it was time to leave, the certainty of mayhem between the different groups of Uruks drove him on.

And sure enough they were bickering and fighting when they arrived. In order to gain control Adar needed the attention of all but since the camp was so big now, this wasn't possible. So he asked Eilith if she could make his voice so loud, that all could hear it. Eilith hadn't done that before but she said that she sort of remembered how the great power had flown through her and how it had been distributed. She would maybe be able to do something similar but certainly not with the same power.

He had full faith in her and she delivered. His voice boomed over the camp demanding everyone's attention and not only that. A smaller amount of that power, that Eilith had unleashed at the battlefield, shoock everyone. Adar explained, that every kinship group was going to have their own leader and that each uruk, that felt that they could possibly lead their kind should come forward. They would than have to undergo a series of tests and the one with the highest score would be chosen.

The uruk's were happy to have him back, he knew that they liked having a leader.

Together with Eilith he came up with a series of questions and tasks that the possible leaders were supposed to fulfil. There intelligence was to be tested as well as their capability to care for others.

It took nearly all night for this competition to take place. Surprisingly there wasn't a huge amount of candidates. This was probably due to the fact, that the uruk's preferred to follow orders rather than think up their own.

Each clan had their own leader in the end. It was than that Adar realised how tired Eilith looked. It was time to go to bed, whilst the Uruk's still had a few more hours though. He didn't tell them about the caves yet because it was probably better if he went in with them the first time, helping them to sort things out.


They woke up in the afternoon, with the sun still at it's highest. Thankfully the days were longer in the summer. Eilith didn't like the living in the night but she realised that yet again, this had to be for a while. As soon as it was dark and the camp had come alive,  Eilith helped Adar to explain to all of the orcs that there was a great cave-system in the mountain, were they could live without fear of the sun.
There was a great commotion after this announcement, everyone seemed very excited.  Later they all went inside the mountain for the first time. It was incredibly chaotic and Eilith couldn't imagine how the orcs would ever be able to make these tunnels and halls their home? They were probably not very fastidious though, after having been without a home for so long.

Whilst exploring the system, it became clear that there was more natural resources than they had expected. This gave Eilith an idea. The dwarfs living on the other side, in their own mountain, were already established and it was said, that they loved precious stones, silver and especially gold. Maybe they would be happy to lend a hand if they were well paid? Adar was very keen to try and employ some of the dwarfs,  he also knew that the orcs were not the most skilful creatures. Dwarfs on the other hand... it was anyways a good idea to establish a neighbourly tie.

The dwarfs were actually hostile at first, Eilith had hoped that, when they realised that she was the one who had been visiting them not to long ago, they would be a little more accommodating but they were not impressed. They complained about noises and damage.  They were pleased about the fact that the dragon was no longer a thread but weren't to keen on the orcs moving into the mountain. But when Adar produced a great amount of gems and a substantial piece of gold, they came alive. After some bartering they were able to struck a deal. The dwarfs would help the orcs to establish themselves and they in return were handsomely paid. Eilith knew that the deal was more in favour of the dwarfs, but she realised that Adar didn't care about the gems or the gold, he cared about his children having a proper home. It impressed her and once again she knew that he was the elf for her.

The working together, was at first a little strained but the dwarfs soon realised, that the orcs were not actually evil, just really clumsy and unknowledgeable.
Eilith realised that the dwarfs were looking down on the orcs but it didn't really matter as long as they respected the treaty and did their work well.

Adar set out on a different business, yes, he was still overseeing the proceedings in the mountain but he set out to build a small hut for Eilith and himself as well. At first he wanted to do this alone but than he excepted Eilith's help as well as some experts advice and help of some of the dwarfs. the orcs provided him with an ever flowing supply of wood.

It took a couple of months before most of the work was done, in the mountain as well as the hut. Their little home was really build in such a way, that the sun shone into the bedroom in the morning, it was simply perfect. It would probably be another few months before they had finished the little details and cultivated a garden too.

But they wanted to get married before the winter. So, one fine late summer day, they said yes to each other.

Gil-Galad had come, he was Adar's chosen best man, bringing along a priest and Eliths mother. And even Galadriel came, Eilith had asked her to be her maid of honor.

It was a little odd the constellation but for the time being it worked. Gil-Galad and Galadriel seemed to pull themselves together for the sake of love, because love was most certainly tangible.

It had been a beautiful day, sunny and still warm. Eilith wore a simple white gown, which she had sown prior to the time and a crown of wildflowers she had found in the morning. Adar's gown was also made by Eilith. She had used gold-thread, acquired by one of the dwarf women, to make it look very grand.

Adar's vows had been so touching that it made her cry. She in return had tried to tell him with her own vows how much she appreciated and admired him!

When Adar carried her into their home, after the ceremony and all had left, he said:

"I am so filled with gratitude," he said, "that I fear I might burst." Eilith laughed happily.

Gratitude was a good word, it was describing very well the feelings she was feeling at this moment. So she thanked the almighty for all the blessings he had bestowed onto her and Adar.

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