Vocal's Sex Stories

By Thatvocalnobody

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I'm just using this to write as much smut as I can :D Yes some based on real life and some not, deal with it More

Warm Nights
Night Shift
I'm Here For Her
I want to go outside more
My First Time
Freaky Guy Meets A Freaky Girl
A Night In Bed
A Girl
The Quiet Girl In Class
Halloween Party
Sleep Demon
Summer Bus
Good Girl
Red Light

My Weird Neighbor

2.2K 4 0
By Thatvocalnobody

I've always lived in a pretty simplistic and rule town, my family lived on more of the outskirts of our town so saying we got regular visitors would be foolish, however this wasn't always the case. My name was Xi and I've lived with my parents for most of my life, it wasn't until I recently turned 25 when both my parents went over seas to South America leaving me and the house alone for so long. At times it was really lonely as I worked from home for a pretty respectable Corporation. The Nobody's were gracious enough for me to be their main website designer and editor but as there was little in terms of issues or problems I mainly had nothing to really do besides reply to business emails and phone calls.

"Xi come on, y-you need to eat." She said with a soft voice, I looked up from my plate of homemade food. "Oh sorry, I guess work's just been on my mind for awhile now..." She grabbed my hand with her soft and delicate fingers. "Xi...you work too much, take a vacation, your mother would agree with me." "Mother would agree with you for a lot more things than just that, still though, thank you for the food as always Yuli. I really do appreciate it." She giggled at my statement. "Well someone has to take care of you dummy." The sound of the giant clock in the next room rang throughout my home. "Well I guess I better be taking my leave, see you tomorrow night Xi." She grabbed her bag and coat and headed for the door. "Hold on, let me just grab my jacket and keys!" I yelled.

Yuli and I have been neighbors for as long as I could remember. Her family lived just down the road from us so we've been friends just as long, we even went to the same school all the way up until graduation. Yuli had always been such a beautiful girl but was always distant from everyone besides me growing up. She's had countless people claim their love for her and you curvy body but she has yet to agree to someone. As far as I know I am her only friend. 

"Burr...its cold out tonight." "Yeah it is, are you sure you don't want to just stay at my place, I can get a room ready for you like we use to as kids?" "C-come on we're adults now Xi...d-doesn't that embarrass you just by saying that?" "Hmm...not really I guess." "Geez...you dummy!" The sound of thunder over head cut off our conversation when suddenly the lights in my house all went dark, the light coming from my car was the only source of light we had for miles. "Dang it..." "Yeah, did you ever get those keys yet for your house?" "No just that dumb electronic lock dad got..." Without even saying anything the both of us turned and walked back in, I sat Yuli in the living room while I went out and grabbed us some candles.

"I told you we need those new generators, the electricity of these old houses just can't hold up anymore." "Ugh I know but my dad won't listen, he thinks that my streaming and working won't blow out the house anymore..." "Yeah...how long did that last?" "Two days ago just before he left for work again. I think I will have to talk with Sebastian on ordering that new generator with my own money." "Not a bad idea, I just told my parents about it and they said they'll work on it After they come back." "Geez so how long will that be?" "I would say probably a month."

The sound of heavy rain mixed with the loud boom of thunder reined on over us as the night went on. "Well looks like this storm will be here for a while, I'll go set up Amanda's old room if you're ok with that?" "I can just sleep on the couch, its not that much of a big deal you know?" "Yeah but its been getting really cold in here recently, I don't want you getting sick anymore than you have to." "Ugh fine, thank you as always..." "No problem, that bag is still in my closet where you left it so if you want to go and get ready for a shower while I set up her room is fine." "I hope you didn't do anything weird with it..." "Of course I wouldn't what do you take me for?" Yuli humphed behind me as she whispered something to herself. "Sorry what was that?" "Nothing! Humph!" She stood and with a candle in one hand she headed toward the stairs and up into my room with a fair and loud door slam.

She's always been like this ever since we were growing up. Especially when I told her about my first girlfriend. She has always had this cold side to her and another side almost no one knowns about or has ever seen. I walked upstairs and into my sister's room when I heard the soft sounds of light footsteps walking over toward me. I looked over my shoulder and saw her standing there with my yellow and black pillow squished between her arms and chest. "I'm sowwy..." I stood and walked over as I patter her head. "I've told you a million times already, its fine. Did you go shower yet?" She was silent as she buried her mouth into my pillow. "No nowt yet..." I sighed under my breath. "That's fine, let me go and grab my lantern and I'll leave it in the bathroom for you, the bed is ready for you whenever you feel tired ok?" "Ok...thankies..." "Its fine, I'll be in the kitchen working ok." "Otays..."

I walked into my room and pulled out my battery powered lantern as I turned it on and walked it over to the bathroom where I left it on full power. "Ok, enjoy your shower Yuli." "Otays Xi, thankies again." "Its fine, relax Yuli." I turned and walked down the stairs while Yuli stayed in the bathroom while I worked on my next plushie design for the Nobody's for their line of soft plushies. 

I worked away on the design when the clock in the room over rang out once again. I looked at my watch to see it was already midnight. I pushed my chair out and stretched as much as I cold as a deep sigh come from my mouth. I extinguished the candle and walked upstairs and into my room as I threw myself onto my bed and relaxed into the night for some well deserved sleep. 

I woke up in the middle of the night with a sudden urge that I was being watched, it was always one of my biggest reasons for nightmares but the feeling of needing to pee was more overwhelming than old fears. I woke up and stretched as I rubbed my eye while walking to my door and opening it with a shock. "Y-Yuli!" I cried as she let out a similar gasp. "X-Xi!" "Wha-what are you doing here?" I stuttered, Yuli looked at me and suddenly turned red in the face and covered her eyes and looked away. "C-cover yourself you idiot!" I looked down and saw I wasn't wearing my shirt, I blushed a little as I turned and ran over to my closet. "S-sorry I-I-I'm use to sleeping without a shirt, m-my bad but this is my house." "I-I k-k-know b-b-b-but I'm here baka!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, I quickly just threw on a hoodie and walked into the hallway where she was still hiding her face.

"A-anyway...why were you outside my door?" I asked, Yuli suddenly popped her head out from her arms while her ears turned a little red. "I-I-I..." She suddenly pressed her finger tips together. "I-Its dark and I don't know where the bathroom is..." She started rubbing her thighs together which I will admit made me look, I quickly turned away from her and rubbed the back of my head. "Well...i-is the electricity still off..." "Yeah and...I really need to use the bathroom..." "Yeah uh...give me a sec." I grabbed my phone and turned my flashlight on as I grabbed her hand and walked her to the bathroom. "I'll uh just wait out here for you." "Th-thakies..." She slowly walked in and closed the door behind her carefully as I leaned against the wall.

"A-are you still there?" Yuli asked, I sighed while rubbing my eyes. "Yes Yuli I'm still here..." "Just making sure." I yawned when my ringtone went off. "Wh-what was that?!" "J-just my phone, h-hold on." I turned and walked around the corner and answered. "Hello, this is Xi?" "Xi, hey yo! Bro so I was just checking in on how you're doing, I thought you'd be asleep right now?" "Its the middle of the night what did you need Rui?"

Rui was my closest friend, second to Yuli obviously. "Oh shit sorry, I can just call back later than." "I mean I already answered so fire away." "Ok if you don't mind. So I just got word from Guki from our old college club and apparently he's going to ask out Yuli so think you can put in a good word for him?" "I mean I can but no promises she will agree with him." "Ah crap really?" "Yeah she has always been like that ever since we were kids. She would almost never go out with anyone who asked her." "Yeah I noticed, she even rejected Kuki, shit if he was bi I'd have nabbed him." "Well not everyone is a horn dog like you man." "Yeah but still, how is she suppose to get a boyfriend or girlfriend if she keeps rejecting everyone that talks to her or likes her. I think the both of us and her male family members are the only form of guys she talks to." "And Pouchi, don't forget her dog." "Yeah but Pouchi is Pouchi, he's loved by all what can I say." "Well he's getting older now so he's been mainly just staying inside all day and resting while he can." "Ahh that sucks to hear man, well if you get a chance to give him a hug from me and keep in mind Guki, he really wants to ask her out at least." "Yeah I'll try man no promises on his end, night dude." "Yeah sleep well man, talk to you later."

I hung up and walked back over to the bathroom door. "Yuli I'm here again, sorry that call took forever." "I-its ok, th-thanks for coming back, I-I should be finished soon." "Ok, take as long as you need." I waited there for a little while longer when Yuli finally came out of the bathroom. "Thanks for waiting for me..." "No problem." We both looked at the window and saw the sun rising, I put my arm over the light coming into my eyes. "Well...do you want breakfast?" "Yeah I'd love some..." We walked downstairs and into the kitchen, Yuli sat down at the table while I walked past her and straight to the kitchen. "Do you want eggs and bacon or just toast?" "W-wait aren't you moving forward too fast?" "Well you wanted breakfast and I want coffee, I have some chocolate milk in the fridge, help yourself."

Yuli walked over to the fridge and pulled the milk out and set it on the counter as she tried to reach for a cup. "Do you need help?" I asked, through her grunts she responded. "I er think I hm! Got this!" I walked over and grabbed a cup for her and placed it on her head. "You Can ask for help you know." She puffed out her cheeks. "I had it..." "Yeah yeah, so did you want bacon and eggs or no?" "Yes..." "Ok, set up the table please." "Yeah you got it Xi." I cooked away making two whole plates of food. Toast, bacon, eggs, and even some coffee for myself. I started setting the food across the table while Yuli sat down in her seat while I sat in mine. "I'm sorry but I don't think we have syrup but I think we might have some ketchup in the fridge if you'd like some." Yuli was busy stuffing her face as she quickyl shook her head from side to side. I chuckled to myself slightly as I ate away.

Yuli sat back in her chair as I wiped my face. "Ahh that was good." "Mhm mhm! You make the best eggs Xi!" "Haha thank you Yuli but really I'm still no professional like my mom." "Haha you'll make some women happy in the future." I grabbed the dishes and walked over to the sink and let the hot water run. "Eh...I don't plan on getting a girlfriend anytime soon, I just want to focus on myself for now." The room went silent as the sound of rushing water and dishes clicking and clashing against one another filled the quiet space. "What about you Yuli, do you plan on dating someone?" Yuli was quiet as I looked over my shoulder to seeing her looking at me, her eyes were wide and her cheeks red and dirty from the food. I smiled as I looked over at her and walked over while grabbing a rag that was on my waist. "Your face is dirty, how do you plan on getting a boyfriend soon." I wiped her face clean as she tried grabbing at my wrists.

"Stop I'm not a child!" I grunted as I held her still. "Hold still I can't clean your face properly if you keep-" Yuli knocked us both over and onto the floor, she fell on top of me and I pushed my arms out to keep the chair from falling and hitting her on the head. "Hey careful, you ok?" I asked, Yuli looked at what happened and than down at me. "O-oh!" She yelled rocketing up and standing over me. I didn't expect her to do that and the chair accidently fell down and smashed me in the face. I could hear Yuli scream as the world around us slowly went black.

I slowly regained consciousness and looked up to see nothing but white, I quietly grunted as I reached for my head. "Ugh...what happened...?" "Oh you're awake Xi!" I heard someone say, I couldn't tell where that voice was coming from but I could tell it was close...and familiar. "Y-Yuli?" I slowly asked, suddenly the white above me shook and shifted when I could see the forehead of my close friend. "Xi are you ok, you've been out for a while, the sun is already going down?" "Y-yeah I'm fine...ugh my head hurts..." "S-sorry..." "What happened?" "When I got up...the chair fell and...hit you in the face...I'm so sorry Xi!" I struggled to get up when she held me down. "No don't get up, just lay in my lap for a little while longer."


It felt as if the world had shocked. I was in Yuli's lap. I sat up and felt my face rush with blood. "Boo! You were suppose to lay down for a little while longer..." "Yuli! W-why was I in your lap in the first place!?" "I needed to make sure you weren't too hurt and when you got knocked out I didn't think I just acted." She got on her knees and crawled over to me and rested her forehead on mine. "You don't seem warm...hmm. I think you should lay down a little while longer." Yuli grabbed my head and rested it on her chest. I was blushing so hard I felt as if I was going to blackout once again. I didn't expect the softness to envelope me and I just laid there when reality hit me once more and I pushed myself away from Yuli.

"Y-Yuli th-that's something you only do w-with someone you l-l-like!" I shouted, I held my eyes shut as I sat there on the floor when I felt an almost animal like paw touch and rest itself on my lap. I opened my eyes to see Yuli so close to me, I instinctively backed up until I my back was against the wall which only made Yuli crawl closer to me. Her hands were on my lap but her face so close to me...t-to close! "But...I really like you." She said, we both looked at each other. The orange light coming from the falling sun only made her beautiful face glow more in the light, I...I always forget that...Yuli is a women now...

Yuli grabbed my face and brought me closer to her as I could now only focus on her lips...those soft...plump lips...I-I was hypnotized by her beauty...to think this was the same girl I use to shower with. That I would always go swimming with in the nearby lake even from when we were teenages. The same girl...who comforted me after my first ever breakup. "Xi..." She only said, as I heard my name slowly drain from those lips she moved herself down to my lower body as she stared heavily at my crouch. "Y-Yuli..." I said, I could feel her hot breath blowing against me as she spoke softly with that angelic and seductive voice.

"I've liked you ever since we were young Xi, when you saved me back in elementary school from that bully to middle school when you stopped one of the boys from grabbing my chest to highschool where you took care of me every single day. Even if you were with someone else, I could never get you out of my mind, or my body." Her soft and thin fingers tugged away at my waist as her fingers wrapped themselves around my private part. Slowly stroking it and kissing the tip, she had me caught in her web, I was at her mercy now,

"In college. That day in my dorm room when we were drinking. I never stopped thinking about how you touched me even though you called me by someone else's name. I could never forget how wet I got, covering your fingers in my love juices. I wanted you to keep going and teasing my body but when you shoved this in my mouth. I couldn't help my take it all~" I felt myself being sucked inside her, I moaned softly as she stroked me more and more with a heavy amount of saliva. She suddenly popped me out and licked my shaft. "Feeling you pour your love down my throat...the heat that came from it almost made an inferno erupt in my stomach. But you weren't satisfied with that." She took me all in once more and she let out more saliva and sucked harder.

"The way you pinned me to my bed and played with my softest and naughtiest part. I couldn't stop you...and I didn't want you to~" She sat herself up and looked down at me as my private was pressed up against her stomach. "You dug yourself so deep inside me. Right here~" She said pointing at her stomach. "It never hurt, when you took my first, in fact...i-it was something I never felt in my life~" She pulled her shorts down and threw them to the side as she pulled her panties to the side as well and rubbed herself on my tip. "Feeling all this go inside me...it made me feel something. It made me feel so wet, so hot that not even the sun could reach my temperature."

I could feel how wet she was...d-did I really do this to her that night? I know we were drinking and I do remember waking up but only missing my shirt, nothing else. Hell Yuli wasn't even in the same room as me!

I suddenly felt the tightness that was Yuli, her insides were hot and warm...and wet. I could only gasp at what air I could fine when I felt my tip hit the deepest part that was her, I could feel her insides moving and twitching around me. "F-fuck...s-so tight..." She grabbed my chin and brought me up and into a deep and passionate kiss, I could feel her tongue dig into my mouth as she moved herself high into the air and down with a heated passion none of my ex-girlfriends could hold. "Uh! O-oh god!~" Yuli moaned loudly while I could only let out my small noises. I looked her deep into her crystal blue eyes where I could almost see hearts glowing.

I grabbed her waist and lifted her into the air, never slipping out but only holding her there with the sounds of our hot breaths filling the air. "Y-Yuli..." I slowly and softly said. "X-Xi~" I thrusted deep into her as she cocked her head back with a loud cry of pleasure. I lifted her into the air and held her against the wall as I thrusted deeply into her. "O-oh god I-I-I'm gonna~!" "M-me t-too!" I said through my hot breathing as I kept thrusting into her more and more feeling how wet she was combined with her tightness. "F-fuck Y-Yuli I-I-I'm-" "C-come inside me! P-p-please i-inside!" I heard her cry out only for her to look up at me with those big blue puppy dog like eyes. I couldn't control myself any longer.

Grabbing her hands and tipped her forward as I thrusted deeper and harder inside her only for everything to finally build up and me to release inside her. I held her there in place pumping more and more of my seed inside her. After what felt like an eternity of holding onto her I slowly let Yuli's arm go as she leaned against the wall while I fell back onto my butt. Both of us breathing hard as if we just came back from the longest work out in history. I looked at Yuli's thick ass as a thick line of white poured out from her hips. "F...uck..." I whispered out, Yuli looked down at me as she tackled me and nuzzled herself into my chest. "Mmm...my Xi...~" She said with a cheerful smile. Through my hard and heavy breathing I laid back and held onto her as we laid there on the wooden floor.

"You weirdo~" I said as I cuddled Yuli. "I'll only be weird with you my Xi~" She held onto me tightly, I could feel her big and soft breasts resting on my chest as I grabbed on in one hand and played with it making her quiver and squirm on top of me. "Well...how does it feel to have your very first boyfriend Yuli?" I asked, she only giggled through pleasured moans and sounds. "G-good oh god~" "Looks like someone is ready for round 2~" She suddenly looked up at me with her big eyes while I was still playing with her breast. "Please be gentle?~" She said in that childish tone, my grin quickly turned evil as the sinister plans I had for this thick and curvy women can finally happen. Who knew this would be how my weird neighbor would act when we would become adults.

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