I dont do drugs.| JangkkuπŸ’

By chaesidesofficial

18.6K 706 746

A model student, meets her sisters bestfriends brother, on the first day of school, the professors favouritis... More

Authors introduction
doin' too much, relax a bit.
love and war?
New charater + update😰
not cheatin' if i wasnt with you.
kiss me more.
he got that lipstick, lipgloss, hickeys too.
said its her first time, think she mighta' lied.
then we're lost till we're found.
when the parties over.
I don't give a fuck about you anyways, who ever said I gave a shit about you?
if i was you, i'd wanna be me too.
if you love me won't you say something?
you drew stars around my scars.
when i touch her i feel like im cheating on you.
i'm sitting here, crying in my prom dress.
promise i'll never leave you again, i'll take you to my loving arms.
i don't even know im talking nonsense.
can you love me like that?
yes, I'm blaming you and you know I can't fake it, now or never.
i don't do drugs, still i want you.

'mi amor start it slow.

1.5K 45 82
By chaesidesofficial


A girl was peacefully sleeping, on her comfortable soft bed... Though it didn't last when she heard a loud noise beside her bedside table.

She moved her body closer to what she heard, trying to turn it off. Unfortunately, she couldn't reach it due to the sleeping mask that was covering her eyes.

Groaning in annoyance, the teenager took the sleeping mask off her face, turning the alarm clock off with her hands adding weight to it. I need to fix my sleeping schedule she thought before putting her sleeping mask back on cuddling with one of her pillows drifting to sleep.

Her sleep was once again interrupted by a young lady, that looked 3 years older than her or so, „Wonyoung! Get your ass up you're running late!" the girl shouted in panic making the said Wonyoung whine, sitting up on her bed taking her sleeping mask off once again.

Jennie, calm down! Stop acting like you weren't always late when you were at school." she mumbled making the olders mouth disappear „LEAVE. My highschool days out of this!" she defended as Wonyoung didn't respond making the older sigh in relief.

Bu-" as the younger tried to speak, Jennie dragging Wonyoung out of the bedroom making her rushed, „WAIT-"


Have fun at school losers!" The oldest teased them, „Taehyung, stop teasing us just because you're done with school and you're almost 50." Jungwon responded receiving a blowed raspberries making the two younger roll their eyes.


Reaching their destination, the car window rolled up driving back to where they came from, „Im so glad i dont have to go to school anymore." Jennie told her older brother who agreed with her statement, „word."

Wonyoung and Jungwon split their ways up to walk down their own paths. Meeting their own friends.

Wonyoung went towards her friend as they cheered for each other missing one another through summer break.. „I missed you so much~" her friend exaggerated putting her hands on her chest with a sad face, „Stop being so extra yujin" Wonyoung giggled as they had their conversation going.

They talked for a little while, catching up with each other. Though, their conversation got interrupted with the bell ringing, biding their goodbyes and going to their classes.


Starting off with a day on hell, Wonyoung really tried her best to be the best model student she can be, as she wanted to keep her family-school-model-role going. She paid her best attention to her teacher, as it was currently, attendance.

Kim Wonyoung?" the advisor called out as she happily raised her hand up replying with a „Here" making the advisor squint his eyes, pulling the paper close to him, „Hmm.. Kim... Are you perhaps-" the advisor looked at her in shock as Wonyoung let out a not-so-real laugh covering her mouth as she does so with a well mannered giggle. „Yes,! I am indeed related to Kim Taehyung and Kim Jennie, I am their third sibling~" she explained making the advisor smile, „Is that so? Please do tell your sister and your brother that I missed them." he asked with pleading eyes as she nodded, „I will inform them professor" she replies, gaining the advisors favourite place.

Myoui Sunghoon?" the advisor called out...

„...." silence filled the room as the mr. looked around the room to find no presence for his searching student, „hmm.. Myoui... Ah yess.. Thats it! ~ Myoui Mina and Kim Jennie used to be bestfriends, does that mean you and Sunghoon are friends too?" The advisor asks as Wonyoung was about to reply though someone barged into the room with a heavy breath, „Sorry I'm late, I got lost since I wasn't able to attend the school tour," he bows.

„And you are?" The advisor squints his eyes once again, „Myoui Sunghoon." he introduces earning murmurs from the class. As Wonyoung looked at him up and down contageously judging him.

Silence!!" the proffesor demanded banging his hands on the table, as silence quickly took over the room, „Oh.. You look just like your sister!" he sais adoring him as Sunghoon doesent smile nodding, „You and Wonyoung must be close friends!" he assumed, „Were no-" before the Kim could continue her sentence the advisor cuts her off, „You can sit beside Wonyoung !!" he tells him pointing at Sunghoon as he hurried his seat beside her, Wonyoung sighed in defeat.

During lesson, Wonyoung turned to her seatmate who was busy sleeping, which the advisor couldn't see since they were both sitting at the back. She decided to watch him sleep, though he noticed something on his neck, Is that a fucking HICKEY?! she thought as her eyes widened. Now that her eyes were finally on it, more marks started becoming visible, she could see not one, not two, but THREE different shade of lipstick with three different lip shapes.

„Holy fuck!" she mumbled as she tried brushing it off and didn't put it to mind and tried focusing on the lesson.

[Lunch Time]

„So you're saying that, your sisters bestfriends brother is the Sunghoon Myoui, which you found out to be a play boy ¿?" Yujin questioned as Wonyoung sighed in relief „That's exactly right!~" she sais as Yujin rolls her eyes, „Doesn't make sense, let's go line up before we're at the back of the line, Im STARVING!" she exaggerated once again as Wonyoung chuckles.

As they line up they weren't far too behind at the line when a group of girls walked towards them with a dirty look as their arms were crossed suckling on their lollipop. „So.. You're the school model are you?" one of the girls said as Wonyoung sarcastically laughed.

„Yes! I am? And what is your business about that?" Wonyoung replied, „Just because your sister and Hoonie's sisters are bestfriends it doesn't mean you and Hoonie are close!" the girl hissed once again, her minions behind her agreed with a deathly stare which Wonyoung couldn't help but laugh.

ME?! AND THAT DOUCHEBAG?! CLOSE?!" she accidentally blurted out making everyones attention turn to them, „Summer! She just called your lovely Hoonie a douchebag!" one of her minions said offended as this so called Summer looked at her in disbelief.

How dare you!~" Summer roared raising her hands up in the air planning to attack. Though, before she could, she felt a mascular hands stopping her, turning to look at, it was her beloved Hoonie. „Hoonie- Let go! She called you a douchebag!" she refused trying to let go off this mans grip but his grip was too strong.

What the fuck. Sunhoon looks so ho- No no no. That douchebag is not hot at all, Wonyoung thought to her self, gulping, as Sunghoon turned to her with a smile, „The proffesor called me to tell you that you have to give me a tour around the school after school since I missed it" he sais winking at her before leaving.

Everyone around them started smiling at them, Wonyoung let out a gross face as she turned back to her friend who was smiling at her weirdly ,„Yujin, please.. shut up" she said in a high pitched voice while Yujin could only stiffle a giggle, while Summer and her minions left

Come to sudden realisation, Wonyoung gasped as she ran away from the cafeteria as if she was in a rush, „Wonyoung! Where are you going?!!" Yujin asked, shaking her head

Meanwhile with Wonyoung, she had realized that she had forgotten her wallet on her bag, walking to the classroom.

On her way to the classroom she heard some questionable noises, like kissing noises and heavy breath. Thats it stop being so dirty minded. Widening her eyes she decided to peak through the classroom seeing the one and only expected person, Sunghoon.

She covered her mouth seeing, she could've sworn that she saw a completely different girl than what she had seen earlier than the girl named Summer. She also widened her eyes seeing Sunghoon lit up a cigarette blowing the smoke onto the girls mouth before throwing it outside, finally grabbing each others head aggressively making out.

Wonyoung gagged seeing them as she couldn't care less if she was interrupting anything, so she went into the classroom and grabbed her backpack making the most noises she can, like stomping her feet up to her seat, grabbing her backpack with , and closing it. Basically she was doing everything with aggressiveness. Wonyoung just broke a make out session and she was proud of what she did, eyeing the two of them before leaving the classroom.

Though, she felt a hand grab her arms making her turn back to see Sunghoon with a heavy breath. His hair was very messy, there was so much lipstick on his neck, 7 DIFFERENT LIPSTICKS she thought, as part of his blouse was unbottoned. Making her gulp, „What do you want?" she questioned annoyed while Sunghoon smirked at her, „You left your ID you stupid" he laughs handing her ID out.

Before Wonyoung could take it he raised it up high so she couldn't reach it, „What are you doing?! Give it!" she said annoyed, „What's the magic word?~" Sunghoon asked completely teasing her. Wonyoung just walked away, rolling her eyes. Hmm, I guess I could keep it then Sunghoon thinks to himself giggling.

Wonyoung came back to the cafeteria seeing her friend with girls eating with them making her raise her eyebrows, „Huh? Who are they?" Wonyoung asked as she sat down beside Yujin, „Oh these are Yuna Shin and Karina Yoo!" she introduced as Wonyoung smiled at them „Nice to meet you!~" she smiled receiving the same warm smile she sended.

Not too soon, they got along with each other as they finally got comfortable enough with each other sharing some questionable things that they have done and sharing giggles.

So what are you gonna do? You have no choice!" Yuna asked her as she shrugged, „Good luck to me i guess." she mentally sighed as the others agreed with her, „Well after school, I have to give this guy named Heeseung Lee a tour." Karina rolled her eyes as they both sighed. „Luck issue." Yujin and Yuna teased making fun of the both of them as they both rolled their eyes.

Wait. What if after the tour you and Sungho-" Yunas sentence got interrupted, „Mmh, hell no. Save that thought to yourself" Wonyoung warned her munching on her food.

[After School]

Even if it was against Wonyoungs will she still had to give Sunghoon a tour. Weirdly, she enjoyed doing so but tried not to show any signs of enjoynment. She was on poker face the whole time.

„And then this is our classroom. The way to get out incase of fire was to take the fire exit which is right at the end corner." She pointed while Sunghoon nodded paying close attention to her.

There, were done. Don't talk to me ever again bye." She said blantly before walking away, though she heard his voice stopping her from walking turning around. „What." Wonyoung answered, „Heres your ID" he stretches his arms to show it to her. Wonyoung looked at the ID not convinced he'll actually give it to her. „What do you need this time?" she groaned as the boy chuckled

„Let's play a game, date me. Just for fun, no feelings attached, let's see who falls inlove."

What do you thinks gonna happen next👀


Comment i dont bite🛐

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