His Alpha of Submission

By YOLOwriting101

138K 5.8K 1.4K

"I'd never like you...I could never fuck somebody like you." "Makes sense," Miguel snorts, entertained that... More

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thirty nine


2.9K 142 43
By YOLOwriting101

Omega-TOP x Alpha-BOTTOM
Miguel x Jacob

*** ^Jacob's eyes changing in anger

Jacob stood before his family, seeing his siblings looking at their parents nervously. While his dad just had his eyes set on his wife awkwardly, who glared at Jacob only.

"When I was eighteen, my parents had me marry your father to ensure my family name, Cythe. Your dad took my family name and he made the hard choices as a duty. You were raised to always appease the family and do what you must, and yet, you let Miguel ruin everything we have taught you." His mom sneered at him.

Jacob rolled his eyes, finding everything that came out her mouth ridiculous.

"I haven't forgotten my 'duty'. I just am choosing to fulfill that duty with someone I love. Why is it so wrong for me to be with Miguel-?"

"Because we already made plans with Gage's family! We were to eradicate the Volur's in placement so that they lose their placement. It was all perfect! We got rid of Callum's family, and yet the Volur's just won't disappear! There was even being able to convince them that their son was to not be accepted, and yet, they somehow took him right back-."

"What are you talking about?" Jacob interrupted harshly, causing his father to look away from his wife now. "So Callum was right...you are the reason Miguel isn't as accepted, it starts from us!"

Jacob shook his head wildly, stepping back as he felt that anger rising again.

"Not to mention you got yourself marked by him...you'll have to reject his mark." His mom shook her head, and that's when Jacob's younger brother, Mason, became upset.

To see his older brother go through this was becoming too much. He met Miguel that time around his birthday and remembered...seeing how happy he made Jacob. How dazed Jacob became in his presence. There was a happiness and love they had for each other that he'd never seen with his parents.

To see such a love between Jacob and Miguel was refreshing. For his mom to try and tear that apart...? It bothered him very much.

"Mom...you're being unfair." Mason spoke up, and his siblings that were seated on each side of him looked at him nervously now. "I saw Miguel and Jacob together and...Miguel is nice. Even if he is an 'abnormal', he acts and looks just like us. Why must you try and tear them apart...? If you love Jacob, you would let him love the person he loves."

Jacob looked at Mason, absolutely impressed by his words. Only to look back at his mom who just continued to look only at him, as if she heard nothing that came out of Mason's mouth.

"This isn't about love, it's about duty. I didn't marry your father for love, and he certainly didn't marry me for love. It's all about duties." She just says outright, and Jacob already knew that much.

It was just unfortunate that his two younger siblings had to hear such a thing.

When he looked at his dad, he could see that he was faltering. Not speaking as much as he usually did and was silent more ever since he met Miguel. He wasn't sure why, but it was like with him just seeing Miguel, it struck something within him.

Or more like...it caused something to fizzle out.

"Dad," Jacob purposely spoke to him now, seeing him look at him, "What do you think of Miguel?"

As soon as he asked that his mom was standing up, and he narrowed his eyes on her.

"I didn't call you here to talk about nonsense, I have rushed the conference in terms of inaugurating Miguel back into the Aristocracy, or rejecting. Us, his parents, and Gage's parents will be there. You already can assume how this will go. I told him I'd ruin his fucking life." She snickered, walking past him as Jacob glared forward.

His hands balling into fists because he just couldn't understand why she was hating on him so much. This was a hate directed at him that he's never seen before from her.

She never minded when it came to past relationships, and now when he wants to be serious...she acts like this? He felt like there was more to it that wasn't being said on...both of his parents ends.

Especially his dad, but more so his mom.

Rushing after them, when he got outside they were already driving off. His anger quickly rising again because he knew she probably wanted him to stay here and watch on TV. Except...he wasn't going to allow that. For Miguel to go through this alone.

"You are going too right?"

Jacob looked, seeing his only sister Lilibeth walk up beside him. His other siblings soon beside him too.

"I...I think I am."

"Not think," Jacob saw as Carter handed him Jacob's car keys, "You are, go."

Instantly a smirk came to his face, taking the car keys quickly as he rushed to his car. He appreciated that his siblings weren't...like his mom. They were on his side because he knew that seeing such a love...was fascinating to them.

They never saw true love between their parents. To see it between Miguel and their brother...they didn't want to ruin the first genuine relationship they've seen.

Jacob sped aft to his parents cars, amused that they were in separate cars going to this. Though...he could assume why considering how off his father has been acting since he saw Miguel.

Except he didn't believe it had anything to do with lingering feelings. It was almost as if just seeing Miguel reminded him of something that seemed to have stumped him entirely. He wished he asked...but he didn't.

Once he arrived at the hall, he already could tell it had already started with the crowd forming outside the doors. He pushed himself through, not caring about how others felt or what they said.

Getting inside, he rushed between the crowd that seemed to have formed a line path. Only to be stopped by his assistant who shook her head.

"What the hell are you doing-?!"

"It started, look." She nodded forward, and he did eventually look. Only to see Miguel standing in the middle with his arms folded behind his back.

When his eyes look over, he saw Gage smirking forward mockingly. Anger coming to him when he looked at Gage's parents who were glaring at Miguel only.

"I say no." Gage's mom sneered sharply, and Miguel wasn't surprised by that.

"No." Gage's dad said with no emotion. He had his eyes lowered like he didn't want to waste his time being there. That was the impression he gave to Miguel.

Now he looked at his parents, seeing them look at him. Their expressions soft on him as they both couldn't allow themselves to lose their son again. They couldn't let things go back to the way they were.

It almost brought his dad to tears because he had a feeling Jacob's parents would say no too.

"We both say yes." His dad spoke through it all, inhaling deeply to stop himself from crying. Miguel grinning at them solemnly because he appreciated just hearing them say yes.

Even if it was futile.

Now he looked at Jacob's mom, only to smirk as she had a smug smirk on her face. His arms folding because he felt like time was being wasted with her being so slow.

"No, obviously. You left and that is your fault. No one told you to leave and you must face the consequences." She smiled, glancing over at her husband now.

Only to flinch as she saw him looking at Miguel with a look she hadn't seen in a long time. A look she remembered he had for someone so long ago...and her eyes went back onto Miguel sharply.

She saw Miguel looking at him too. At that moment, she wondered if Miguel knew about Jacob's father's past. But based on how he looked...she didn't think so.

With that incredulity...it made Miguel much more hated in her eyes.

Because Jacob's dad didn't want to marry his wife, her. He was once in love with a man like Jacob was with Miguel. That man baring a similar resemblance to Miguel that he couldn't deny.

But instead of choosing the love of his life and fighting, he chose his duties. Something he always regretted...because he was with someone he didn't truly love. Except he was able to force away that pain by doing his duties and what was necessary.

He became lost in that persona he prided. Until he saw Miguel in person and he remembered everything.

This was never what he wanted, and now he was a part of something that wanted to tear people that loved each other apart. His eyes softened on Miguel as he looked at his wife, seeing her glaring at him. Only to look back forward with no hesitation.

"Yes, I say yes." He breathes, and gasps came from everyone.

Except Miguel found himself to not be that surprised, looking over his shoulder at Jacob who was ecstatic.

"No! Why must you ruin everything?!" Jacob's mother shrieks at her husband who ignored her. "One job...you had one fucking job-!"

"I'm not going to be a part of tearing apart people who love each other. I lost someone I loved because I placed my family first, instead of my heart; and look where it got me..." His dad hissed at her. "Got me nothing but nonsense from you."

"You're lucky I married your ass because I didn't have to!"

"Then why did you?!"

"It was my fucking duty like it is for everyone in the Aristocracy. You marry to sustain your position, to gain more power, to take down. You have been nothing but useless in terms of all of this ever since you saw that fucking 'abnormal'!" She shrieked right back at him.

Silence filling the room and her eyes widened now. Realizing where she was, she pulled back some only to see everyone looking at her.

Their judgmental expressions and that respect she believed she deserved...was beginning to dissipate from peoples expressions. They were judging her and she could feel it. Her eyes going onto Miguel who was looking at her son.

The both of them seeming to communicate to each other silently and it infuriated her.

At that moment, when Miguel looked back at her, she felt like this was all his fault. That none of this would've happened if it wasn't for Miguel. All she wanted...was for him to be gone.

"You've ruined...everything." She trembled, and Miguel tried not to laugh in her face.

Not knowing that she was more crazy than they gave her credit for. He went towards her now, standing before the podiums as he looked at her only. Not even wanting to be rude or start a fight.

All Miguel wanted to do was make things right.

"Look...I know you hate me and I might've ruined your plans, but just think about it like this. We all can come together and build an even greater dynasty. I never really planned on joining the Aristocracy back, I'll be honest; but if it's for Jacob and I... I will gladly do so." Miguel grinned at her, glancing down at Jacob who happened to walk up beside him. "So I beg of you, please break the draw and give me the honor to be with your son. That's all I ask for, and after that, I'll do all of the necessary duties. The duties to make both of our families something better."

Miguel stuck his hand out, leaning over some as he wanted to come off kind. He hated the woman, but he would speak nicely if it could end in the result of him being accepted back.

"So...what do you say?"

As he waited, he saw her stand up. Looking down at her still as one hand was behind her back, not knowing what she was holding.

When she took his hand, he began to smile. Jacob becoming excited as he finally felt like things could change. Until he saw his mother's eyes darken.

His smile faltering when he saw her begin to smile back, but...sadistically.

"I say..." Jacob's mom pulled on Miguel's hand as he staggered forward some, her other hand coming from behind her as she shoved the knife into his heart. Almost as if time froze when she pushed it deeper. "Death."

Miguel found himself at a loss for words as he knew there was something shoved into his chest. Though it was like his mind tried to convince he otherwise until he looked down at it, taking in a hitched breath.

Cries of terror filled the room, but the one person who was silent was Jacob.

His eyes fixated on Miguel who had a knife pushed into his chest. A state of shock was all he could feel because it was going so well.

He saw Miguel gripping the handle of the knife, whimpering in pain as people came to help him. Jacob just frozen in place to see Miguel in such a predicament. His eyes moving onto his mother who was pinned down by his father.

Seeing her smiling, she laughed at Miguel. Laughing at his suffering as his eyes became bloodshot, his everything becoming weaker. Miguel's body beginning to shut down right then and there...dying right before her.

That's what she wanted, to be rid of him. Because then, things would have to go her way.

Only to suddenly feel someone grip her face harshly, looking to see Jacob before her. His eyes glowing in a way she's never seen before as he drew closer. Except when he drew closer she began to not be able to stop looking at his eyes that were showing her all of her fears.

Just like what happened with Callum, except this was different.

Pain riveting throughout her nerves as everyone saw his mother's eyes begin to bleed. No one knowing what was happening as it wasn't Jacob in control of his body anymore. The power that was riveting through his fingers into his mother's nerves was divine energy from the baby itself who took him over entirely.

His mom suddenly felt a sharp jolt ripple through her, and she went stiff. Her vigor within his fingertips, Jacob turning around as everyone moved back quickly, seeing his hand rip the knife from Miguel's chest. Only to press his hand on the wound itself.

Not knowing that the baby took Jacob's mother's life essence to give to their father, Miguel. In doing so, they didn't outrightly kill Jacob's mother. All they did was make her into a shell of herself...with no life within her.

All of the life and vigor any average person would have, was taken to save Miguel. Except in doing so, Jacob was coming back to much earlier than was needed. And because of that, the baby wasn't able to do what was properly necessary to treat Miguel.

Because technically, Miguel did die. His memories lost from him as was his life, and before their child could retrieve them, Jacob came to. Without being able to do so, all they could do was bring him back to life.

And that would result in one thing being lost in the continuum beyond average reach.

Miguel's memory altogether.

The only person who could've reached it then and there before other deaths came was their baby. Now...?

"Miguel..." Jacob whimpered, lifting his hand up and seeing there was blood on it. He felt sick to his stomach in seeing such a thing, but when he lifted his shirt, the wound wasn't there.

That confused him immediately despite the fact that everyone was confused around him. Only to look over his shoulder and saw his mother was lifeless. Almost like a living doll as he didn't know what the baby did to her.

Her life and vigor...taken to save Miguel's. Leaving her a shell of what she used to be, but seeing her in such a state meant nothing to him now.

Once he looked back at Miguel, he saw his eyes were open. Except when he helped him sit up, Miguel shoved him back from him. Jacob becoming confused as he still didn't know the truth.

"Miguel what are you doing-?"

"What are you doing?" Miguel sneered at him, confusing Jacob further.

"I helped you up, my mom just stabbed you. You're lucky to still even be alive. I think the...you already know who saved you." He chuckled, except when Miguel didn't react he began to frown. "Do you understand?"

Jacob saw Miguel fall silent, his eyes moving off of his. Except when he looked back, Jacob instantly knew something was off.

"No, I don't." Miguel admits, causing Jacob to fear the worst. "I don't even...know who anyone is or where I am, so no. I don't understand anything or anyone."

Instantly, Jacob found no desire to be there as he stood up fast. Only to find himself be shoved back onto his bottom.

When he looked up, he was in that white abyss again. Wearing all-white, seeing only white, that white figure standing before him. One silver, one light green eye...gazing down at him.

He felt his lips beginning to tremble, shaking his head as he slammed his hands on the ground.

"Why is this happening? Why doesn't he remember anything-?!"

"You came to before I could retrieve his memories. When someone dies, their memories and soul does not. They're moved somewhere else, that place being their own version of heaven. I saved him, I saved his soul...but I wasn't able to get his memories in time before you awoke. All of him is there...just not his memories. Now retrieving them will be even harder because I wasn't fast enough." Jacob hears the voice speak, and suddenly he heard them whimper.

He watched as the glowing white figure collapsed to their legs, and he saw them begin to cry out. Almost like...a child despite being in a adult form. It sounded like two voices were crying out, one female and one male.

Their cries...becoming more child-like with every passing second.

"We failed...!" Jacob heard the figure cry, and before he could reassure them, the cries became deafening.

His eyes closing shut tightly as he covered his ears to lessen the painful cries. He opened his eyes and rushed at the figure, wanting to embrace it until he found himself falling right through them. Only to open his eyes again and look, seeing that he was back in reality.

Seeing that he was still on the ground beside Miguel, except his parents were with him. Talking to him, despite the fact that he still knew and remembered nothing of anyone.

As Jacob still sat there, he knew their child saved Miguel's life. Except he now knew how they felt...they felt like they failed because they didn't retrieve his memories fast enough.

In thinking about such a thing, he suddenly felt nauseous. His hand flying over his mouth as Miguel looked at him. When they made eye contact Jacob stood up quickly, rushing to the nearest bathroom.

And for the first time, he found himself throwing up.

Not knowing that through his own eyes, the baby seeing their failed attempt to save Miguel entirely, threw not only them off; but Jacob too. The nausea persisting the more he thought about it.

After all of this time...he finally had Miguel and they told each other how they felt. Only to lose it all...because of his mom's selfish greed and not being able to let him live his own life. Since hers was controlled, she tried to control his.

Now...he possibly lost the one person he loved with all of his heart.

That drove him...insane.


Jacob flinched, looking as he saw himself crouched beside him at the toilet. Their eyes more grey than silver, but he wondered if he was imagining things.

"You aren't as strong as you think, this...has broken you. I thought you were strong enough, but I was wrong...it was too soon. I thought you had a chance." He saw himself speak, and he flinched when the hand cradled his face. "Let me help you...one last time."

"Help...me?" He watched as he saw himself hug his own self. His eyes widening when he found himself hugging back. "Who are you?"

When he looked he saw himself looking at him, though the eyes were a clear benefactor that this wasn't him. It was him...but somebody else.

An alter.

"I never...gave myself a name but...Jake." Jacob heard himself say, and he looked off. "Let me protect you from any more heartbreak, I'm much stronger than you. Submit yourself to me, let me save you from this suffering until Miguel is well again. Then, I will go."

Before Jacob could respond, the door was slammed open.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw Callum looking at him worriedly. Only to rush to him and flush the toilet quickly.

"Jacob we need to go, it's getting crazy out there."

As Callum helped him up, he realized something was off. Only to look and saw Jacob grin at him...but it wasn't the same.

That pretty silver glimmer in his eyes was now a grey...which confused him. Was he seeing things?


Callum frowned, seeing Jacob just smile as he looked forward.

...Jake nodding forward as he insisted for Callum to go first.

"Lead the way."


now this is where... 😮‍💨

it gets crazi...er~ 🌚

see where his eyes are more grey than silver? 🫢

keep that in mind. 🙇🏽‍♀️

how throughout... 😦

grey was what was seen first until... 🤨

silver came through when Jacob finally was himself and loved. 😲

it was hinted this whole time. 😀🫵

i...bet you still don't know huh? 😩

what i'm talking about... 🥴

...good. 👹

vote, comment, follow~

- yolo 🫶

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