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...-TOP x Alpha-BOTTOM
André x David
*** ^André in a suit

"I can't believe you."

David looked at Jacob in frustration as he frowned at him.

"You can't believe me? What did I do?"

"You know what you did!"

"I don't think so." Jacob continues to play dumb, already now aware of Miguel's escape. It only a day later and Gage happened to wake up.

Except things didn't turn out how they were supposed to turn out. André was set to see Gage today and David didn't know whether to cut his losses, or see it for what it was. What it was, was obvious. He was annoyed to the fact that it didn't have to come to this point if Jacob never said what he said.

"You knew I liked André."

"I actually did not. I knew you two were well-acquainted, but there was never anything said. Making assumptions isn't good, and I didn't want to make one about you two." Jacob shrugged, leaning his hand against his palm as he looked at his frustrated dad. "If you like him, like you say, go after them. Meet them where they will be meeting."

"I don't know...where that'll be."

David not even knowing that at that moment as they thought about it, André was at Gage's house. The both of them standing before one another.

He looked around Gage who still had a pretty big mark on his neck from Jacob.

"I just wanted to tell you, honestly, that I can't-."

"Marry me?"

André just looked at him, seeing Gage sigh as he nods.

"I know, I was going to break it to you when we met up. It seems though, that we both are agreeing equally. Neither of us want to marry one another and pretend. I heard from my mom that you and Jacob's dad seemed pretty close." Gage starts, André already knowing it was because they were quite close when they were children.

That same vibe...was beginning to come back despite all that has happened in the years from when they were a child to now. He was looking past it, and speaking realistically...and honestly.

"Yes, that's why I can't pretend. It'll only bring more drama, it'll hurt you further, and...I'm only continuing the pattern that occurred with my lovesick dad and David. I was just angry because...I just want him to like me for me. Not for what he sees on me." André confesses, seeing Gage nod slowly. "I understand if you don't get what I'm talking about."

He saw Gage roll his eyes, causing him to snicker in amusement.

"I'm over that family, they are nothing but...crazy. I did do my fair share of messed up stuff, but not anything that warrants being choked out. I don't think." Gage says with full certainty and André wasn't going to waste his time pretending choosing sides.

It was best he stayed silent for this one.

"I have no desire to marry you, so that has been established; but can me with something?" André asks him, seeing Gage shrug.

"It depends on what it is."

"Can apologize to David for me?"

Gage looked at André like he was crazy, but when he saw his expression didn't falter, he just snorts.

"Why? I haven't done anything to the guy, actually."

"I know, but you stressed him out when it came down to his eldest son. I was there for him and seeing him that way...was because of you. You stressed him out and I don't like seeing him stressed; so you must apologize to him." André explains to him without any malice.

Because of such a thing, Gage sighed as he nodded.

"Fine, but I'm not apologizing to Jacob. I don't want to see that...that crazy guy again. He's literally crazy." Gage whimpered, causing André to grin at how Gage's obsession turned into complete terror. "When do you want me to apologize to him?"

"I'll tell you when, but I need to do something that I haven't had the guts to do for too long."

André turned away, walking away from Gage's house as he began to go towards his car. Except right when he was about to get into his car he heard a car drive up.

Only to look and see it was David's car.

His eyes widening when he saw him rushing out of it and towards him.

He grabbed his arms and looked up at him with full-on determination.

"André don't marry Gage, please!" David exclaims, causing André to feel his eyes widening. "I like you, and I want you to be with me. Don't marry Gage, you won't be happy, be with me. I know you like me too."

When he said that, André found himself gripping David's arms quickly. Only to press him against his car and looked down at him with complete love.

"I don't just like you, I love you." He said firmly, nodding quickly. "I was jealous of my father and I grew up watching you. I fell in love with what he saw in you, and I knew I looked exactly like him. If I could just hold you and have you in my presence, I was willing to pretend like I was him. Except it began to hurt because I wanted you to like me for me, like how I liked you for you-."

"And I do, André..." David breathes, cradling his face. "I really do."

"Do you...mean it?" André found himself whimpering, shocking David completely.

He found himself nodding, meaning every word. His lips tightened together as he began to realize how wrong he was for imagining André as someone he wasn't.

Andreas was gone... He knew this, and yet he wanted to relive what he once had. Not even realizing he could make new memories in the present, and living in the past only hurt it.

His present and future was right before him.

"I mean it André...I'm so sorr-."

André captured David's lips, the both of them kissing one another hungrily. Now in their own world, Gage looking on with a blank expression.

He was seeing everyone around him have their happy endings; then there was him. Began to feel like a waste...trying to find someone to love.

Looking away, he went inside his house now and left them to do their own thing. Fully aware that Miguel was close to getting to Jacob. He didn't even care anymore. At this point...he wanted them to be together.

So that they'd forget him even faster in each other's presences.


yes it's short. 🤨

i have been so busy tho, it's ridiculous. 😩🤞

and i can barely write since the last update i had on another book. 🫠

even after this- 😮‍💨

it'll lead onto Jacob and Miguel. 🌚🌝

where it should be. 😌

i missed them too. 🙇🏽‍♀️

vote, comment, follow~

- yolo 🫶

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