The Ugly Dare

By imkindaofficial

1.2K 108 40

《 A truth may embarrass you but a dare will put you to the test 》 Calista Winters, a big mouth, queen of pran... More

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151 6 0
By imkindaofficial

"Oh my gosh Calista! Who was that?!" My friend Papaya screams into my ear.

"He was no one special just asked me for some homework for a class," I said shrugging.

"Oh," she says disappointed.

Let me fill you guys in on what happened.


It was the period before lunch and I was starving! My english teacher seemed to go extra slow today. I was staring at the clock when I suddenly heard my name being called.

"Ms. Winters since the clock seems to be more interesting than my class I wouldn't suppose you'd like detention." He says.

"No Mr. Trey," I say quickly.

"Then answer this question correctly and I might spare you from detention," he says, "What year did the book Catcher in the Rye get published and what was the authors name?"


"Um is not the answer Ms. Winters so I advise you to pay attention in my class for now on."

"Do I still have detention?"

"Ahh yes thank you for reminding me. I expect to see you after school," he says with a smirk.

After that whole exchange the bell decided to ring, I run out the class like my life depended on it. I should have just kept my mouth shut, then maybe I wouldn't have detention.

I walk to the lunchroom and grab two slices of pizza. I pay for it then walk outside and look for my friends. I can't seem to find them anywhere so I assume they are at meetings or other stuff. It kind of sucks because I have no where else to sit. Sitting alone at a huge table is not an option so I decide to sit alone against the school. I sat in the shade because it was kind of hot out. I set up all my stuff and plugged my headphones in. I start to eat my first pizza and I look around to see many groups of people sitting and laughing together. Some couples kissing or just holding hands while they eat. It's partly disgusting but at the same time kind of cute. Halfway into my second pizza I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see a cute boy crouching down in front of me. I raise one eyebrow and he motions to take my headphones off. I take them off and cross my arms after putting my pizza down.

"May I help you?" I ask somewhat politely.

"Will you go out with me?" He asks.

At first I thought he was joking, I don't even know this dude! But then I look at him closer and reconize him as Tyson Green. I give him a blank face and say no.

"Thank God. I really thought you would say yes and I would have to take you on a date," he says relived.

"Oh please from your group of friends staring at us back there it was probably a dare," I say.

He looks at me wide eyed and takes a moment before he speaks again.

"How did you know it was a dare?"

I roll my eyes at his stupidity, "Didn't I just tell you? You can go now and lie to your friends about how I was so suprised and said yes." I say flatly.

"Who said I would lie?"

"Then why did you accept the dare in the first place?" I challenge him.

"I never back down from a dare sweetie," he says getting closer to me.

"Well I dare you to go crying to your friends about how a pretty girl rejected you," I spat back.

He leaned back and smirked, " A pretty girl? The dare was to pick the ugliest girl and ask her out."

I tried not to let that hurt me and kept a strong face.

"Fine the dare is still in place but just replace the pretty girl with the ugly girl," I say.

"No problem sweetie," he says getting up and walking toward his friends who were laughing there butts off.

I didn't even get to see him complete my dare because I was to busy rushing in the school trying not to cry about being called ugly. When I entered the school my friend Papaya jumped in front of me in the hall claiming she saw the whole thing. And that's where we left off.


"Oh my gosh Calista! Who was that?!" My friend Papaya screams into my ear.

"He was no one special just asked me for some homework for a class," I said shrugging.

"Oh," she says disappointed.

I walk with her to our next class and throughout the rest of the day think about how I was called ugly.



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