Broken soul. (A fanfic starri...

By LadySchneefee

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Adar had been captured by Halbrand and Galadriel. Not knowing what to do with him, Galadriel asks Eilith, an... More

Adar's character


81 4 0
By LadySchneefee

Adar stayed with her the whole morning, he told her that she had been unconscious for nearly a week. He also told her that he had spend time with Gil-Galad and that the two of them were slowly mending their friendship. Gil- Galad had been very distraught when he found out that his little brother was no longer, as well as the others. 

During the morning a young elven woman brought some food and around midday the doctor came to see her. He took of her bandages and declared that she was now able to leave them of. There was still a little scaring from the burns but they would mostly heal and no longer show. He also said that she should maybe try to get up and get a bit of exercise. Adar left with the Doctor to fetch some ointment for her. 

Eilith decided to get dressed. She didn't mind Adar seeing her like this but any other made her feel uncomfortable.
There was a grand washroom adorning the equally grand bedroom. Eilith couldn't quite fathom why anybody needed big rooms such as these? She would have like to use the most inviting bathtub but the doctor had advised her not to, not just yet. So she washed herself gently with one of the many facecloths, neatly stacked away. Soft as bunny fur and matching the interior. All of this was Gil-Galad, of course he wasn't soft as bunny-fur, he was still very male in his own way but he was elegant,  clean, grand... How different Adar was to him, especially when he had first come to her. He was rough, tough and he owed next to nothing. He was the one she had chosen though because there was a deeper connection between them, their souls just matched.

Gil-Galad had provided Eilith with some clothing, a beautiful elleth gown. She hadn't worn anything as elegant as this since she had left the city. 

It took her some time to put it on because some parts of her skin was still a little sensitiv. Once everything was in it's place she looked at herself in the mirror. She did like what she saw, it wasn't quite her though, the elegant dress, she rather wore practical clothing, fit for living in the woods but, on occasions, why not.

There was a knock on the door, Eilith thought it would be Adar, so she didn't turn around when he came in. 

"I do look quite beautiful, aren't I," she said, it was meant to be a little jest. 

"You're always beautiful," Gil-Galad said. 

Eilith had a bit of a fright, after all she had expected Adar to be there. She turned around not quite sure how to behave. She hadn't been alone with Gil-Galad after her running away. 

"You also look well again," Gil-Galad said, taking away a little of the awkwardness. 

"Yes, thank you," Eilith felt a little bit at ease now. "Thank you Gil-Gald for taking me AND Adar in and making sure that I got the medical attention that I needed!" Shecpaused for while and than added, using the moment of being alone with him. "I'm also grateful for all you have done for me over the years but Gil-Galad, you should have never forced me to live alone in that hut in the forest, however comfortable and fair it was! Now, after I have finally learned to take control over my own life, I am weary towards you. It saddens me, because I want to be your friend!"

Gil-Galad looked pained. "Yes, Eilith it hadn't been right! I have come to realise that I lost you as a friend, the moment I forced you into that bondage. I really hope that we will be able to restore our friendship one day! I really do love you Eilith and that's why I want you to be free now, I want to see you soar like an eagle and be happy!" 

His words touched her heart and so she went over to him and hugged him. He returned her embrace with so much fervour that it almost hurt. Than he let her go.

"Thank you, Eilith!" He said trying to wipe a tear away, in such a way that Eilith wouldn't see it but she did and in that moment she forgave him. 

When Adar returned, Gil-Galad hat already left. Maybe it was a good thing, because maybe Adar would have worried about her and Gil-Galad and that was completely unnecessary.

The next couple of days, they kept to the grounds of the palace. Eiliths mother came of course to see her too. She had been worried sick, when she couldn't find Eilith at the hut and the fact that Eilith nearly had been burnt alive didn't make things better. But after a few days she calmed down seeing with her own eyes that Eilith was well and very much alive.

Gil-Galad showed them around the city, when Eilith was feeling strong enough. It was strange being back in Lindon, also maybe because much had changed. Those  days when she had been rooming the streets of Lindon, felt like another lifetime now and she realised it wasn't her life at all anymore, she longed to settle down somewhere quiet with Adar!


When Adar had realised that Eilith was so badly wounded, with burns worse than his had ever been, he was desperate. He knew that only elven-medicine could help her. So he rode and rode with Eilith unconscious and fading, until he arrived in Lindon.  He hated the fact that he needed to ask Gil-Galad for help but he had the power to ensure the best treatment for Eilith and that was all that mattered. He could have maybe gone to his parents but he didn't know how to face them.

Of course Gil-Galad lived in the grandest way possible, he was the high king after all. It felt unreal and wrong in a way and also Adar felt completely out of place. Once he used to be in and out of the palace being one of Gil-Galads friends and than it hadn't been that different from his own living situation, his family being one of the influential families of the city. Adar's relationship with his parents had never been very close, one other reason why he didn't feel like he could face them. Love was something he hadn't known until Eilith.
So he decided he would stay as long as long as it was necessary for her health but than he would return to his children where he felt comfortable. He hoped Eilith would come with him! Some part of him feared that she would want to stay, now that she was no longer forced to live in the forest.
He had to ask her eventually, so one evening when the where walking in the garden he said:

"Eilith, now that you are well, I will have to return to my children. I left so sudden that day, when you were injured, I had no time to inform them about my whereabouts. They're a little lost without leadership and I fear they might start bickering between the different groups, now that my friends children have joined." He paused for a moment he was a little nervous saying the next bit. "I was rather hoping that you would come along."

"Yes,"Eilith said with conviction, "I need to get out of here. I long for the quiet beauty of the forest." Than she added a little unsure.

"I understand that you need to be close to your children but I have been thinking whether it might not be possible for you and me to life near the mountain in a small little hut maybe. If you wish, of course." She added.

Adar was overjoyed, he had had similar ideas. " Yes, I would like that very much! We can build a small home, somewhere on the mountain, where the sun shines into the windows waking us in the morning."

And than because he felt reassured, he went down onto his knees and ask Eilith if she wanted to be his wife.

"Yes, most certainly yes!" She exclaimed, beaming at him. However could he be so blessed, after all he had done?5

Adar was glad to have Gil-Galad back in his live and to have overcome this 'hate' he had been harbouring. He'd realised, that he had always just wished he had gotten away, like Gil-Galad had but it hadn't been Gil-Galads fault that he hadn't. 

It was in a way sad leaving him but Adar was a little relieved as well. It had been a strange situation. Firstly this being completely dependent on Gil-Galad and living in all this grandeur made him uncomfortable and somehow when Gil-Galad was spending time with them it felt as if they were kind of a threesome. 

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