Fated || Bang Chan

Від azaluvx7

22.5K 648 175

Most people would be happy to find their fated mate, but when Chan figures out it's you, he doesn't react the... Більше



1.9K 70 22
Від azaluvx7


"Yah! Listen up!"

The girls fall silent and turn toward Y/n. The prime omega stands in front of them with her arms crossed over her chest, eyes glazing over each member.

"I want professionalism, okay?" she glares at them. "You can mess around after your work is done. We're going to be here pretty much all day and it'll be the same for the next 3 days. There are 16 of us so there's a lot we have to cover. Let's work hard and show them why we're Lavish, yeah?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Let's do this!"

"I'm hungry."

Y/n snorts as the others burst into laughter. "Me too, but luckily for us, Chris has a meal ready for all of us. We're gonna eat first before getting started."

"Chris, huh?" Jihye smirks, wiggling her eyebrows. "When did that happen?"

"Probably when he drenched her in his scent," Sevie smirks, crossing her arms over her chest.

Y/n feels her face heat and adverts her gaze. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do," Hyunjoo smirks. "You came home last night with the goofiest smile on your face. Care to explain what happened with Chris?"

They continue to jeer and tease her and Y/n endures it all before glaring at them.

"Alright alright enough!" she laughs along with them. "Scenting helps our instincts. That's all it was."

"Then why did he ask you for a kiss on his live?" Yuaimo grins.

Eisaku blinks and turns to her. "He did? Wait, huh?"


"There you guys are," Felix opens the door. "Come on. We're starving."


They quickly follow Felix into the room and the moment Y/n steps up to him, he flinches back with an amused smile on his face.

"You smell more like Chris than Chris does," he chuckles. "I take it things are starting to go well for the two of you?"

Y/n sighs and blatantly ignores him. "Quiet."

Felix laughs brightly but relents. They turn the corner and as soon as the guys notice them, they cheer brightly.

"Finally! You guys take forever!"

"Sorry," Y/n laughs. "I had to give them a pep talk before coming inside."

Chan smiles up at her. "It's fine. Come sit."

They make their way over to the table with vocal expressions of gratitude for the pure amount of food on the table.

"Ugh, it smells so good!" Sujin groans.

"Thanks for the food!" the girls say.

Chan chuckles picking up his chopsticks, his ears tinting. "It's nothing."

They begin to eat in earnest, the two idol groups loudly interacting with each other. Y/n and Chan watch them in adored silence. After a while, Y/n quickly pats Chan's thigh.

"Hm?" he swallows his food. "What is it?"

"Look," she whispers, pointing towards the end of the table.

Chan follows her gaze and laughs softly to himself. He elbows Minho's side and he glares at him before noticing. Jeongin and Yuaimo were talking... more life flirting with each other and heavily at that. Y/n can smell Yuaimo's pleased scent from where she sits and she purrs to herself.

"Called it," Minho mutters.

Y/n laughs at that. "Wah! They're so cute together."

Chan grins. "I am so gonna tease him for that later."

She shakes her head. "Leave him be, Chris. They could just be talking."

Chan deadpans at her. "Yeah, right. I can smell his pheromones from here and I know you can too."

Y/n chuckles, picking up a napkin. "Yeah, alright, fine."

Chan's eyes dip down to her full lips as she wipes them with a napkin, briefly listening to something Sujin said. He instinctively leans into her and she tenses as he wraps his arm around the back of her chair.

"Um-" she blinks.

"How are you feeling? You okay?" he asks, his voice low.

Y/n glances into his eyes and nibbles on her lips, watching as his eyes dart down to watch them. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. What about you? Did my scent help you sleep?"

Chan's eyes widen at that and he smiles shyly. "H-How did you know that?"

She shrugs, fidgeting with the napkin in her hand. "I remember you said you had trouble sleeping around this time of year. I-I was just wondering."

He nods at that with a hum. "Well, I did sleep well actually. Probably the best sleep I've gotten in months so... thanks for that."

Y/n waves her hand dismissively. "It's nothing. You don't have to thank me, Chris." She gives a light shrug of her shoulder. "It's my job as your omega to calm you down."

Chan jolts in surprise and blushes brightly as Y/n splutters, waving her hands out. Both of their scents become strong and overwhelming causing the members to watch them in confusion.

"No no, wait! That's not- I mean I-I am your omega but-but not like that! We-well, yeah like that but I just mean as your fated omega!" she rambles.

Chan throws his head back with a laugh as Y/n buries her face in her hands and groans. "God, this is embarrassing.

Sevie grins mischievously at Y/n's flustered state. "What just happened?"

Alani, who heard the entire exchange, bursts into laughter next to her and pats Y/n's thighs. "Oh, Unnie. It's alright."

Y/n smacks her arm. "Shut it."

Chan catches his breath. "That was cute. Don't worry, I know what you meant."

She makes a face and turns her body away from him, grumbling under her breath. "Whatever."

"Y/n-ah~!" he pokes her side. "Come on, Y/n."

Y/n smacks his hands away and begins to berate him before their managers walk into the room. "Can I have your attention please!?"

They fall silent and greet their managers. Euntae clears his throat.

"Hello, Stray Kids. My name is Hwang Euntae, I'm Lavish's manager," he bows.

"And Lavish, you can just call me Noori," he bows. "I'm the head of their staff."

"Alright," Euntae claps his hands. "We're gonna get started here. Since you have already dyed your hair, we're gonna start on hair and make up. We're doing the concept for 'Scry Glass' first so Chan, Han, Felix, Jeongin, Jihye, Sevie, Sujin, and Y/n, please go first."

And just like that, they're quickly swept into their idol life. Since the theme for the album is fantasy, both groups will have colorful hair. Chan and Y/n have the same hair color but different shades. His is a dark midnight purple while hers is a pale silvery lavender. Every member of each group is paired up from oldest to youngest with the same hair color but different shades. It goes along with their designated "assignments" for the album.

"I'm sorry, what?" Y/n turns in her chair. "You want me to be what?"

"The queen," Jisung shrugs. "Eisaku and I thought of you while coming up with the name of the album and since you're the leader of Lavish and Chan's the oldest, it's only fitting that the two of you are the King and the Queen. Plus, I mean, you're fated so..." He makes a gesture with his hand.

Y/n turns to Chan who's pointedly not looking at her with red ears.


He sighs, lifting his gaze. "Hm?"

"Did you know about this?" she asks exasperatedly.

Chan shrugs with a small smile on his face. "I did."

"And you're okay with it?"

He grins, bowing his head. "I am, Your Majesty."

Y/n scrunches her nose and turns away from him as she blushes furiously at the nickname, her scent skyrocketing around her. He does this shit on purpose.

"Please, Unnie," Eisaku presses into her side. "Do it for us."

Y/n shoves her off. "Alright, fine. I'll do it."

They cheer obnoxiously and Y/n shakes her head at them with a small smile on her face and goes back to her phone but pauses as someone clears their throat. She glances up and smiles at Minho.

"Hey. Did you need something?"

Minho absently nods his head as he takes the seat next to her. "Yeah, I wanted to talk to you."

"Alright, I'm all ears," she turns her phone off.

Minho stares at the ground for a minute, collecting his thoughts before sighing and facing her. "I... was also rejected by my fated mate, you know?"

Y/n lifts an eyebrow and shifts in her seat. "I- No, I didn't know that. I... I'm sorry."

He shrugs. "Nothing you can really do about it. I wanted to tell you just to let you know that you're not alone in this. I know exactly what you're going through. The darkness, the pain, the loneliness, and the longing... It's a lot to feel constantly. I'd say it gets better but..." he shakes his head. "If you don't bond with your fated mate after being rejected over time and fall in love, that bond breaks completely."

Y/n flinches and sits up. "I- What? What does that mean?"

Minho chews on the inside of his lip. "It means just that. That feeling of completion you get from them and everything along with it just... disappears. You not only lose a part of yourself but your inner wolf loses a part of itself as well."

Y/n slumps in realization as Minho tilts his neck. There's a dark spot where his scent gland should be. It's faint and can barely be seen but it's noticeable in the aspect that scent glands aren't supposed to look... dead. "The aftermath is different for every person... For me, I lost my ability to produce and release pheromones. My alpha saw fit that my scent was no longer good enough if it couldn't be used for my mate and now it's just... gone."

Y/n sucks in a breath and covers her mouth with her hand, tears quickly filling her eyes. She glances off to the side, mildly beginning to panic.

"I really don't want anything like this to happen to you," Minho turns to her again, his glossy eyes staring directly into her soul. "Hopefully, Chan-hyung pulls his head out of his ass before anything like this can happen to either of you... I wouldn't wish this on my darkest enemy."

"Oppa," she breathes, gripping his arm. "I'm so sorry."

He shrugs, settling his hand over the back of hers and squeezing it in acknowledgment. "It's alright. I... I have some help."

Y/n watches as he glances at Jisung with the softest smile. "Jisungie has been the absolute light of my life honestly. I've been able to move on with his help. Somedays are better than others but I'm making a lot of progress."

Minho turns to her with a serious look in his eyes. "Chan-hyung will come around too, but you've got to make an effort."

She frowns. "What do you mean?"

He shrugs. "You're gonna have to make him realize what he's gonna miss out on if he continues to reject you. Make him fall in love with you. Flirt with him, get close to him. Hell, court him if you really want. Anything to get it through his head that he can have his career and still be happy with you."

Y/n nods slowly as she lets his words settle. Get Chan to fall in love with her... That's easier said than done but she'll do her best.

"Courting, huh?" she mutters to herself, glancing over to where Chan's buried in his work.

Minho grins at the determination in her voice and pats her thigh. "There you go. Go get him, tiger."

Y/n snorts as he struts off. "Thanks, Oppa!"

He sends a wink her way before rushing over to the other side of the room and throwing himself onto Jisung's lap.

Jisung groans, going completely lax. "Ugh, hyung! You're heavy!"

The alpha simply gets comfortable, crossing his arms behind his head. "Hi, gorgeous," he kisses the air at him.

Jisung rolls his eyes but runs his fingers through his newly dyed hair. "You're so full of it, hyung."

Minho huffs a laugh, turning in his lap to bury his face in Jisung's stomach. "You love me."

"That I do."

Y/n pouts at how cute they are and glances at Chan. The enigma remains confused on his laptop, mumbling something inaudible and her omega squirms with the urge to devour him, love on him. If courting is what it'll take to get him out of his head, she'll do it.

"Y/n, your dress has just arrived," Euntae calls out, getting up and leaving the room.

"Ah?" she sits up again. Her hairdresser comes up to her and removes the cap. Y/n smiles brightly at the color of her hair.

"It came out so well!" she said. "The color really suits you."

Y/n bows her head. "Thank you."

"Let's get this dried and styled so we can get you dressed, Your Majesty."

She groans but sits up anyway. After she's done and her make-up is applied, Euntae pushes her into a room and leaves her with one of their stylists.

"You ready?" she grins.

Y/n sighs. "As much as I paid for this dress? Heck yeah, I am."

"So," she says, picking up the covered hangers. "It turns out that the seamstress thought you overpaid her for one dress so she designed 3."

Y/n frowns. "What!? I didn't overpay her. I paid her for her worth."

Chaewon laughs lightly. "I know you did but she already made them. I think we should go with one for the concept teaser and the other 2 for one of the music videos. Sound good?"

She sighs but nods her head. "Yeah, alright. Let's do this."


Y/n wishes she had a camera to record everyone's reaction as she walks into the room. Felix had tripped over something watching her instead of in front of him as he walked. Most of the girls from her group let out collective screams of excitement. She could feel a few crew members gaze at her with lustful eyes as well as hear some alphas from Stray Kids growl in interest. The only reaction she truly cared for though was Chan's. His eyes hadn't left her body for a single second as she sauntered up to him. His face was bright red and his scent poured out heavily into the room, causing many omegas and a few alphas to cower and cover their noses.

Y/n chuckles bashfully as she walks up the steps. "What's with your face- Oh?"

Chan manages to get over his pure shock and rushes down the stairs, holding out his hand. He bows his head, the crown on his head twinkling in the light before meeting her gaze with bright red pupils and pure black irises staring at her. Y/n gasps softly at the sight of his Enigma eyes and something warm blossoms in her chest with feelings of pure adoration, fondness, affection, and... love. Feelings that weren't her own. "You look... gorgeous."

Y/n grins brightly before curtsying and sliding her hand into his. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself, Your Majesty."

Chan glances down at his white suit and shrugs. "A little."

She snorts before leaning in and rubbing the glands on their cheeks together. "You're gonna have to calm down, Chris. Your scent is everywhere."

Chan flinches, glancing over her shoulder and notices everyone covering their noses. Chan curses under his breath and closes his eyes, calming his heart. Y/n laughs at him and patiently waits for him. Someone turns on a fan and his scent begins to filter out the room.

"Thanks," he mutters, scratching the back of his neck.

Y/n shrugs. "Don't mention it."

"Alright!" the director yells. "This is the plan for this scene. We're going to shoot Y/n walking up the stairs toward the throne where Chan is already sitting. Then when she gets to maybe the third step, Chan, you're going to stand up and hold out your hand to her. Y/n, you're going to take his hand and slowly walk up the remaining steps and then pause at the top and gaze into each other like you're ridiculously in love as the King and Queen. Got it?"

"Y-Yeah, I got it," Y/n stutters out.

"Here, I'll help you down," Chan offers.

Y/n takes his hand and carefully walks down the stairs. She feels his eyes on her the entire way down, delighting her omega with too much power, and once they make it, Chan stands there for another moment just staring at her, his eyes flicking from those pretty silver contacts to the intense black and red.

"Earth to Chris," she huffs out a laugh, waving her ringed hand in his face.

The enigma flinches back. "Huh? Sorry, what?"

Y/n snickers. "Go sit so we can do this. I wanna get the shot in one go."

"Right," he blushes, bashfully. "Sorry."

She grins. "Can't get enough of me, I see."

Chan sputters and Y/n belts out a laugh. She gently pushes him away. "Go. We've got work to do."

Chan glances at her one more time before leaving, grumbling some heavy curses under his breath. Y/n turns, biting his lip, and catches Minho's eye. He gives her his usual devious smile and holds his thumbs up. Jisung and Felix also give her gestures of encouragement and she laughs, bowing to them.

"Alright! Here we go! Aaand... Action!"

Y/n stands up tall with her chin up and walks gracefully up the stone steps. Once she sees Chan hold his hand out, she makes a new decision.

Y/n curtsies before sliding her hand in his and smiling, adoringly. The feeling is made so much easier by the way her omega is screaming to get closer to him. "Your Majesty."

Chan sucks in a sharp breath before smiling at her, his deep dimples showing as he grips her hand. Y/n takes the final few steps and once she's close enough, Chan lifts her hand and presses a kiss to the back of it, his beautiful silver eyes never leaving hers. Y/n yelps as he suddenly pulls her in by her waist. The two of them laugh in unison as Y/n settles her hands on his chest. She delivers the final move, gazing into his eyes and leaning in, gently nuzzling their noses together.


Y/n stands on the tips of her toes and kisses his nose. "Cute."

"Yah!" he throws his head back, biting his lip. "You're killing me."

The director laughs behind them. "That was perfect! Great job, guys! Had me blushing over here."

Y/n snorts as Chan turns a deeper shade of red.

"We're gonna do this again with Chan in his black outfit and while he changes, Y/n, we're gonna do a few quick shots with this dress. Sound good?"



Y/n sighs and turns to Chan only to realize that they're still embracing each other and he's still staring at her like she hung the moon itself. She laughs at him and drags her finger across his jaw, preening at how he leans into her every touch as a small rumble grows in his chest.

"Chris, if I didn't know any better, it'd look like you're almost a little bit in love with me right now," she teases.

Chan nods absently, his eyes darting over her face and in the softest voice he says, "I might just be."

Y/n flinches at that and before she can respond, he lets her go and rushes down the stairs. She watches with a slightly dazed but amused look on her face. A camera goes off and she flinches at the light.

"Sorry!" someone says. "It was a really good shot."

Y/n laughs and shakes her head. "It's alright. I do look rather dashing, no?"

"Gah! Noona! I'm falling for you!" Jisung shouts.

"Marry me, Noona!" Hyunjin calls out.

Y/n cackles at that but stands up and shakes her head. "Sorry, boys. I'm already taken."

"Ah, right," Changbin grins with his arms crossed over his chest. "Hail to Queen Bang Y/n!"


The production team laughs at them completely unaware of just how accurate his sentence had been. Y/n makes a face and plops down onto her throne. "You guys are so lame."


Y/n does a scene where she's sitting by a window in the castle staring longingly at nothing and does another where she walks into the lake in the garden with tears falling down her face. The production team heavily praised her for her acting but a part of it didn't feel like acting... just a little part. Chan and Y/n redid their throne scene with him in a ravishing black suit under a colder, tenser atmosphere. After that, they were separated with different scenes, apart from each other for a few hours much to her omega's chagrin.

Y/n stands behind a screen, monitoring Eisaku and Seungmin's scene when a familiar song starts to play somewhere in the background.

"Yah! I love this song!" she turns to see Minho dancing to the beginning of the song.

"Come dance with me!"

Y/n happily puts down her fan and skips over to him just in time to dance to the chorus.

'When my eyes are on you

숨막힐듯한 전율

Oh, you know you get me loose

Make me go 비틀비틀'

A/N: song credit BTBT by B.I (go listen to it and stan Kim Hanbin! He's amazing!)

For the next part of the choreography, Minho slips behind her and grabs her hips. Y/n laughs and goes along with it. Jisung, Hyunjin, and Felix holler and catcall them. Y/n playfully shoves him away and he grins, licking his lips.

"You have some nice hips," he teases.

Y/n rolls her eyes. "I'm not the leader for nothing."

Minho shrugs. "Yeah, but-" He lifts his shirt and rolls his body. "I'm better."

"You wanna bet?" She grins.

"Ohhhh! Dance battle!" Jisung yells, grabbing the phone to pick a song.

"Sexy! It's the sexy dance battle," Hyunjin says, smacking his arm.

"Even better," Jisung mutters.

Felix laughs next to him. "My money's on Y/n."

Minho fakes a heart attack. "Yongbok, my child."

Hyunjin cackles next to them. Yuaimo and Sevie walk up to them with their hair and make-up finished. The others audibly gasp at them while Jeongin drops his fan along with his jaw.

"Whoa! You guys look awesome!" Jisung compliments.

"Don't we!" Yuaimo flips her hair. "These concepts are so cool. The time in make-up was worth the result."

Yuaimo's role had been the Oni Queen. Two bright red horns had been attached to her forehead along with some really cool make-up. She chose it because she had always liked the Oni growing up in Japan. Sevie was the Siren Queen as one of the main vocals. Her makeup had exaggerated the veins in her face and neck with beautiful shades of red.

"What's going on here?" Sevie grins, placing her hands on her hips.

"Y/n and Minho are gonna have a sexy dance battle," Felix tells hers.

Yuaimo snorts. "Oh, you are so gonna lose."

"We'll see about that," Minho playfully glares at Y/n.

Jisung starts the song and the girls groan.

"That's not fair! It's literally his song!" Sevie complains as 'Taste' starts to play.

Yuaimo's grin deepens as she crosses her arms over her chest. "Unnie's got it."

Minho starts to do the choreography but is surprised when Y/n joins the choreo during the chorus.

"Huh?" Hyunjin blinks with his jaw open.

"What!?" Jisung cackles.

Felix bends over laughing as Y/n outshines him. "She knows the choreo!"

Once they get on the ground to do the famous grind, Y/n slides over to Minho and grinds over him. His face turns bright red in shock and she falls over laughing.

"What just happened?" he huffs a laugh, eyes rapidly blinking in surprise.

"Y/n wins!" Hyunjin shouts.

Jisung laughs brightly and comes over to Minho who's blankly staring at the ceiling. He giggles to himself as he presses his cold hands on his cheeks. "There there. It's okay."

Minho makes a face and slaps his hands away. "You- Oh fuck."

Y/n flinches as she feels his furious scent wash over her. She barely has time to turn around before she's lifted off her feet and tossed over a shoulder.

"Wha- Yah!"

"Quiet," Chan snaps.

Y/n's jaw audibly clicks shut at his command and she gives the others a perplexed look as they watch Chan carry her away with a firm grip. Never has anyone's command worked on her before and it's then that she remembers her mate is an enigma, completely overpowering everything that she is as a prime omega. Yuaimo and Sevie have their mouths and noses covered as Hyunjin and Felix give Y/n a remorseful look.

The command doesn't last long and she glances over her shoulder, trying to get him to talk to her. "Chris-"

Chan glares over his shoulder. "I said quiet, omega!"

The command washes over her harsher than before and she lets out a small whimper from the impact, her body going lax. That same something she felt earlier cracks open in her chest again and she feels waves of unbridled rage and jealousy that aren't her own. The world around her is blurry as Chan darts out of the castle and into the mazed garden. He stops sometime after and pulls her from his shoulder, shoving her against a pillar. Y/n recoils at the angry red pupils staring down at her.

"What the hell was that?" he shouts.

"I- We were just dancing!"

"Just dancing!?" Chan scoffs. "That wasn't just dancing, Y/n. You were practically dry-humping him. Am I some kind of joke to you?"

"What!?" she waves her hands out frantically. "No! Chris-"

Chan growls harshly and punches the pillar next to them but Y/n doesn't flinch an inch. "Don't call me that right now!"

Y/n shudders but shakily nods, whispering a small apology under her breath. Chan huffs air out of his nose and turns his head, the muscles in his jaw flecking repeatedly as he pulls himself together. Y/n quietly lets her scent out and the moment he breathes it in, his shoulders slump and his anger depletes within seconds.

"Fuck," he hisses, dropping his head on her shoulder. "I-"

"I'm sorry," she cuts him off. "I realize now how bad that really looks. I shouldn't have been dancing on him like that but I didn't mean anything by it, I promise."

Chan doesn't say anything for a few minutes as he buries his face in her neck but when he does, Y/n barely catches it. "I shouldn't be upset. I rejected you after all."

Y/n rests her head on his, running her hands up and down his back. "That you did."

Chan takes a step back with a furious frown on his face. "Wha- Why aren't you yelling at me?"

"Huh?" she makes a face. "What-"

"You should be angry with me right now. For not only rejecting you but for reacting like that!" he throws his hands up. "You're not even mine for me to act like such a fucking knothead!" His voice cracks, laced with frustration and anger as he pulls at his purple locks.

Y/n sighs and places her hand on his cheek, gently shoving his hands out of his hair with the other. Chan stops in his tracks and turns to her, eyes intently darting over her face as his chest rises and falls rapidly. He lets out a small whimper as he starts to break down into tears and Y/n presses herself against his front.

"I'm a little mad," she shrugs, wiping away the tears on his face with her thumbs. "But honestly, Chris, I'm choosing to have faith. I know you have your reasons but I just... I don't wanna think that can prevent us from being something great."


"Can you honestly stand there and tell me that after this short amount of time, you don't have feelings for me?" she tilts her head in question, briefly glaring at him. "Can you tell me you don't feel at peace from just being around me? Can you tell me you don't long for me or that my scent doesn't drive you crazy but ridiculously happy, content?"

Chan meets her eyes and shakes his head. "No, I-I can't." Y/n nods and pulls him close. Chan goes willingly, quickly wrapping her up in his arms and burrowing his face into her neck again. "Y/n, I... I'm just scared."

"Scared of what, Chris?" she runs her hand up and down his back, leaning her head against his. "I'm not going anywhere. It's just you and me. Is that it?"

Chan sniffles. "That's not just it. I'm... I'm afraid of how people will see me after finding out. I don't wanna lose Stay and I'm terrified of being vulnerable with someone again. I can't take another heartbreak. The rejection was a stupid fucking idea and god did it mess me up."

"Like you could ever lose Stay. Stay will love you no matter what. Sure, you'll be breaking a shit ton of hearts but so will I. We can bear that weight together. You don't have to do that alone anymore. Stay will always love you and support you no matter what, you know that."

Chan nods shortly. "I know I just..."

"The fear's still there, I know," she pulls away to look him in the eye. "And that's alright but you can still face it. As for being vulnerable..." Y/n shrugs. "I don't think you should have any problem with that. You're being vulnerable with me right now just by saying it out loud..."

Y/n places her hand on his chest and stares at it. "Do you feel that extra emotion within you? Emotions that aren't your own?"

Chan places his large hand over hers and squeezes it. "Yeah. I- How did you-"

"That's me," she smiles weakly before shyly meeting his gaze. "When you let yourself feel for me in both love and anger, you were accepting our bond. I felt you, the way you feel about me. The way you felt when I danced with Minho. That's a level of vulnerability that I don't think matches any other rational fear, don't you think?"

Chan huffs out a laugh and drops his head on her shoulder. "How do you know exactly what to say?

Y/n shrugs lightly. "Because I'm the best."

He snorts and presses a light kiss on her shoulder. "A little."

Y/n rolls her eyes but smiles, cuddling up to him. "It's alright to be afraid, Chris. I know deep down I'm a bit scared as well, but we can do it together. Besides, we don't have to jump the gun. We can take it one step at a time."


"Like," Y/n slides her hands around his shoulders and into his hair. "Taking me on a date."

Chan belts out a laugh. "Yeah, okay. I more than owe you that."

She hums. "You can also let me court you."

Chan grins down at her. "Shouldn't that be my job as well?"

Y/n shrugs. "Courting goes both ways. Men deserve to be spoiled too, and you, Christopher Bahng, are one of those men."

He gives her a lopsided grin before kissing her forehead. "Smooth talker."

Y/n laughs as he showers her face in kisses. It's that instant of full acceptance when their bond snaps into place and they feel each other fully. Their inner wolves are soaring through the roof and their scents are flowing heavily through the air, twisting around each other. Y/n stumbles into Chan's chest at the overwhelming feeling of his Enigma and its sheer strength and power. Chan catches her before she collapses, her entire body trembling as she keeps herself from passing out.

"I- Holy fuck. Are you okay?" he grips her waist to keep her steady.

Y/n looks up at him and laughs at his bright red face. Her amusement filters through the bond making Chan laugh along with her. He playfully pinches her back. "Don't make fun. The bond is a lot to take in. It's... a nice feeling."

Y/n sighs blissfully and buries her face in his chest. "Kinda feels like an orgasm."

"Exactly like an orgasm."


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Jeong Y/n knows loneliness. A bitter thing but it's safer on her own. After entrusting her heart to others, only to be left behind so many times, she...
813K 32K 66
𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘶 School of alphas, betas, and omegas. Where four elite students live their life outside of school in a very fascinating way...
514K 18K 50
Felix, a banished omega accidently walks right into another pack's territory, but don't blame him, the coyote pup was too cute to ignore. Oh, and Fel...
6K 349 5
After being separated for nearly 6 years, Han Y/n returns home to surprise her fraternal twin brother, Han Jisung on their birthday... and forced to...