King Maker: Revelations. (Par...

By kudz12

2.5K 377 65

Power; the ability to control people. "Ma'am your afternoon appointment is here," she heard Lisa say via the... More

1 - Confession
2 - Consumate
3 - Taking care
4 - Morning Glory
5 - Past & Present Problems
6 - Wealth ~ Power
7 - Blood For Blood
8 - Love & Lies
9 - Lose control
10 - Revelations
11 - I'm Sorry
12 - Oksana or Command
14 - Yes Ma'am
15 - Trouble is coming

13 - Next time we meet

160 24 5
By kudz12

"Oksana must have forced that kiss. If I know Gregory very well he didn't instigate that kiss," Fiona said as they rode the elevator to their floor.
"But he could have tried to stop her at least. How did she even get that close to him?" She said in exasperation as Fiona shook her head.
"Oksana can make any man do her bidding. Heck any woman," she chuckled. "If I swung that way I'm sure her and I would have had an understanding of some sort," she said as T looked at her in question.
"You have a crush on her or something?" She asked wearing a smirk.
"I can admire the creations put on this here earth from time to time. There is no harm in that is there?" She said.
"Hmm," T hummed as they reached their floor.

A loud explosion had them coming to a halt as the lights went out.
"We need to move," T said as they walked towards her room once the back up power turned them back on.
"They wouldn't dare attack him here of all places. No one is that ballsy," Fiona said.
"Someone is and that someone is going to pay," T said wearing a serious expression as she opened a wall panel Greg had shown her just that morning as she grabbed a pistol handing one to Fiona. "I hope you can shoot," she said as Fiona smiled removing the safety.

"We need to move," she said grabbing her pain medication.
"We won't make it. The panic room is safer," Fiona said.
"How safe?" T question.
"The only person who knows of it's existence are myself and Gregory. Everyone else was disposed off," she said leading the way.

Using her wrist band they reached a wall section which revealed a scanner that in turn revealed a room.
"Not bad," T smirked as they entered the room as the door sealed shut.

Taking a satellite phone she dialed a number as Fiona retrieved a change of clothes for them from one of the cabinets.
"Fifteen minutes," she said ending the call.
"What's happening in fifteen minutes?" Fiona asked turning her back asking her to pull the zipper down before doing the same for her.
"Whoever is still on this floor will be dead," she said as she slowly pulled the dress seeing that her bandage was still in place.

"You mean them right?" Fiona said pointing to a small screen as several men moved around the floor.
"Such a waste," she whispered seeing the person who seemed to be their leader making a call.
"Five minutes left," T whispered as she grabbed the boots sitting down to wear them as Fiona followed her.

"I should have taken care of Salazar a long time ago," she said in frustration as Fiona kept her eyes on the screen.
She saw the first man falling to his death but didn't see the individual responsible just as another fell.
"Who is he?" Fiona asked.
"My bodyguard," T said checking her gun securing a silencer. "How many are left?" She asked.
"Five," She said counting the people on the screen.
"That's okay. We can go out. I need two alive," she said. "Especially their leader," she said seeing the said man who appeared to be their leader on a phone.


"We will take them down one at a time. Quietly," she said as Fiona nodded her head in confirmation securing her silencer. "Then afterwards we can get something to eat," she said as Fi smirked.
"First we need to survive," she whispered.
Quickly dealing with the task on hand both ladies heard a crash in the living room. Rushing they found her man fighting off the leader and another of his team members.
"Aaw look Fi. The people we want are right where we want them," she said as one of them turned to look at them. Before he could make a move towards them she shot him in the leg watching him fall to the ground as he cried out in pain.
Reaching for his mask he pulled it off as both ladies smirked.
A few grunts were heard before a crack as the team leader held onto his arm crying in pain.
"Mistress," the man said bowing his head.
"Excellent job as always," she said as he took out a device pressing a button.

"We need to move," she said as both men where tied up. Securing them to a harness they were told to move.
"T?" Fiona said in question as she saw them being thrown off the balcony.
"Take care of her," she said to the man who nodded moving towards Fiona.
"Permission to touch you ma'am," he said.
Fiona simply nodded her head yes just as they heard a loud bang at the main door.
Securing a harness around her he pulled her close to him just as another man appeared on the balcony helping T into a harness before tugging on the rope moving towards the edge of the balcony only to sidestep and be pulled away from the building.

"The last transmission?" She asked as soon as they were pulled up into the helicopter.
"His safe house," she heard as she was handed a fresh clip removing the silencer.
Her bodyguard simply tapped his shoulder as a way of asking about her shoulder.
"Still patched up," she said.

"Tell him to shut up I need to think," she said motioning to the guy she had shot.
"Send in only the best," she stated.
"They are on their way ma'am," the pilot said.
"How many men?" She asked.
"Twenty ma'am," she heard as she closed her eyes analyzing everything that had occurred.

"Turn us around. Head to the airport. They are going to leave the country," she said wearing a smirk as she held her hand out for a phone.
"Find out whose house has the most activity as we speak," she said.
A few minutes passed before she was informed.

"Clever," She said as she turned to Fiona.
"Salazar's decided to use my husbands house as a hideout," she said as Fiona laughed.
"Doesn't he know that's a graveyard?" She said as T looked at her in question.
"Who knows that house better than the people who live in it. They are as good as dead once any of them gets free," she said.
"There won't be need for all that. I hope to get there before they do. If not that's still fine they won't lift a finger," she said wearing an expression Fiona has once seen on Gregory's when he was beyond angry.
Heading towards the airport Fiona watched as T kept scrolling on her iPad clearly looking for something. Seeing the jet before them as they walked towards it she realized the woman meant business seeing the security before them.

"Gentlemen," She said looking at their captives. "I don't want to mess up my aircraft. Give me what I want and we will be on good terms," she said once they were airborne.
Both man remained tight lipped as T took out a blade. Before any of them could react she shoved the blade into the team leaders throat silencing him at once at his subordinate looked at him in horror.
"Okay okay I will speak," she heard.
"They wanted to take your husband out, for his position," he said. You are right about your house, that's where they are headed," he said. It's all just for power. I was just hired to capture you and bring you to them," he said.
"Well then, thank you for your services. You may leave," she said as the man looked at her confused.
"Open the door for him," she said as Fiona looked at her in horror watching her tap on her iPad.

"Please. I. I...," he stuttered shutting up when she looked back up at him from her iPad.
"I do not like repeating myself. You signed away your life when you came after my family," she said as her bodyguard grabbed ahold of him just at the door was opened resulting in alarms going off.

A couple of minutes later the door was closed as Fiona noticed that none of the crew members were phased by what had just happened whilst Lisa walked towards them.
"Lisa. Be a dear and inform the police chief to not interfere in my affairs no matter who calls," she said as Lisa went to do as told.
"Wait a minute isn't that your secretary and best friend," Fiona said as Lisa walked away from them.
"Yes. I met her after I gave birth to Theo. She was going through a rough patch in her life hence she joined my group," she said as Fiona decided not to poke any further.


"You don't know what you have done," Gregory said as a fist was slammed into his face hearing Cindy and Andrew call out to him as he looked at them. He never wanted them to see him like this. He simply shook his head no telling them to not try anything as they tried to get loose from their restraints. Dereck sat calmly looking at Salazar as though picturing what he would do to the man once he was free.
"Shut up," he heard the guard say as Salazar simply chuckled leaning closer to Gregory.
"Everything is in order. Though I hear your wife escaped. Someone helped her and your ex-wife. Such a shame. I would have loved to see the woman who was stupid enough to get married to you," he said as Gregory slammed his forehead into Salazar's nose hearing the crack before a smirk appeared on his face as the man cried out in pain. A sharp blow to his gut had him buckling over in pain as the rifle barrel was moved away from him before he was dealt with several blows to his face and abdomen.

"Such a shame," he said shaking his head as Salazar looked at him in confusion as he spat out blood grunting in pain as he took a deep labored breath.
"What is he talking about?" Mr Tanaka asked as he came to sit in the seat opposite him watching Gregory as he sat up looking at his family spotting one of the guards eyeing his daughter.

"Keep looking at her like that and I will personally gauge your eyes out and let those two loose on you," he said nodding towards his sons who were looking murderously at the guard.
"Bring the girl over," Gregory heard making him slowly turn towards Salazar.

Remaining silent as she was dragged towards Salazar, Cindy wore a stone faced expression when Salazar reached out to caress her cheek only to feel her spit on his face.
Before she could react he gave her a resounding slap across her cheek which would definitely leave a bruise.
Salazar narrowed his eyes getting no reaction from her as she looked at him wearing a smirk before she slammed her forehead against his nose watching blood run down onto his shirt as he groaned cursing whilst she was dragged back to her brothers.
"I'm going to enjoy watching you get killed," she said in a chilling tone as Gregory chuckled looking at Salazar before he felt the butt of the gun connect with the side of his temple making blood run down his eye.

"We are about to land sir," one of his men informed him as Salazar acknowledged the information.
A few minutes passed before they were headed in the familiar direction.
It proved to be a challenge as they encountered a road block along the way which was least expected making them use a longer route.



"Gentlemen I will not be 'fully' active due to my condition as you all know. But please let's make sure everything goes smoothly once we get there. The package is stuck in traffic as you all know and they don't know what's in store for them.
I know you all want to go back to your homes. To your loved ones. Please help me get my family. I can not afford to lose another child," she said wearing a murderous expression as they weaved through the traffic. She turned the com off informing Lisa she would be taken to Fiona once they dropped her off. T sighed as the tried to beat the traffic which proved futile glad to have sent her men ahead who were already on ground as they travelled. Each passing hour she had been restless thinking about them and what was happening to them.

Lisa appeared ready to object but stopped when she saw the look in T's eyes as she sat starring ahead. It appeared as though her mind was not even there.


Reaching his house Gregory looked around seeing the unfamiliar faces before he spotted a man he had seen at T's office. His expression told him things where about to get interesting as the man wore a hard expression.
"The team you hired looks very competent," Salazar smirked looking at the men.

Taking in the estate Salazar whistled.
"You sure have done well for yourself Gregory," he said as the other men scoffed once they got out of the other vehicles.
"It's called working hard. You should try it some time," Gregory said looking beyond irritated as he tried to hide his pain.

He looked at his sons and they didn't need to be informed what he wanted of them as they made sure Cindy was between them once they where told to move.
Walking into the house Salazar let out another whistle seeing the design just as the door closed.

"I am sorry it had to come to this. If only you had handed over the reigns quietly," he said shaking his head as he walked into the living room stopping as he lost all color looking at the wedding portrait in front of him. It was the first thing you would see upon walking into the room as he swore under his breath. The large portrait sized picture of Greg and T as he held her in his arms looking at each other both wearing expressions that clearly showed their devotion to each other.

" that your....your...," he stuttered looking towards Gregory who wore a smirk.
"What is going on Salazar?" He heard one of his comrades ask.
"Shut up and let the man speak," Salazar spat looking panicked as he slammed the butt of his gun on Greg's temple making him go on his knees.

Cindy yelled for him to stop as Salazar repeated the action again before he grabbed his shirt dragging him outside.
"Move!" Salazar yelled as Greg moved as instructed.
"Where is he taking him? Where are you taking my father you sick bastard!" Cindy yelled as one of Salazar's man moved towards her as Gregory and Salazar disappeared. A few minutes later they heard several vehicles arriving before they heard the main door open as T arrived.


"Tsk tsk tsk, Gentlemen," She said walking into the room followed by her bodyguard as she munched on an apple slice. "So good to see you gentlemen. Oh, thank you for bringing my family home. I do apologize for the delay I should have been here to welcome you," she said in a flat tone taking a seat as Salazar's comrades looked at her baffled whilst she ate.

"Forgive me I am rather famished," she said upon finishing the fruit. "Where is my husband?" She asked searching the room just as her men walked into the room aiming their firearms at Salazar's boys as others moved to remove the restraints on the children. Once they were done she inclined her head as a thank you as they awaited further instructions.

"Mr Tanaka," she simply said with her head tilted to the side giving him a small wave as the man quickly took out his gun pointing it at the other gentlemen who had betrayed her.

"What the f**k Tanaka," one of them spat looking beyond pissed as he watched his men being lined up outside whilst T walked out of the house.
"What are you doing?" He asked angrily as Tanaka told him to move whilst he watched the other men marched out of the house.
"Where is my husband?" She asked again silencing the man who was asking Tanaka multiple questions.
"Salazar took him mistress," she heard as Tanaka pointed in the direction they had left in.


Walking slowly Salazar shoved Greg forward making him fall down before he felt a kick as the man told him to get up. Gregory grabbed Salazar's leg pulling him as the man was caught off guard. Pointing his guy at Gregory he came to a halt before Greg could punch him.
"I swear. I will end your life here. Get up!" Salazar yelled as he stood up.
The sound of a vehicle coming towards them had him reaching for Gregory to act as a shield.
Gregory looked up to see his wife disembarking wearing a serious expression as several men followed her.
Looking behind him in the direction they were heading towards he saw several men walking out from behind the tree line as he realized he was surrounded.
"Let my husband go!" She said as he looked at her angrily before he shoved Gregory forward watching the man fall to the ground groaning in pain.
"Shall we," she said as Gregory was helped up by her bodyguard and without any other word they headed back home with Salazar in tow.

Cindy rushed towards T giving her a hug sighing in relief. Stepping back she held her chin looking at her cheek as she sucked her teeth informing her to go to her brothers as she cursed in her native language moving towards Gregory.


"Sit," she ordered in a low voice such that only he heard her. Gregory looked at her hiding his emotions as she nudged his legs apart standing between them before tilting his head up as she took a look at the bruises on his face. She tentatively touched the cut on his brow that had dried up blood. He would need stiches. Judging from how he was sitting she could tell he had received a beating.
"Who hurt you baby?" She asked, gently touching the bruise as he kept his eyes on her.
"I'm sorry. She is the one who kissed me," he said looking sincere.
"I said, who hurt you?" She asked ignoring his words.

She raised her hand snapping her fingers just as her bodyguard punched Salazar's friend sending the man down but Greg shook his head no realizing she was not in the mood to talk about Oksana.
"Not Victor? Then it must have been his men," she said clapping her hands as her men moved to stand before each of Salazar's men. Looking down at them as they knelt she simply stated, "Begin," as they all simultaneously received a sickening punch from her men whilst she leaning down to kiss her husband slowly stopped his hands from holding her by pulling back.
"How are you guys?" She asked the children who sat looking at her in shock.

Thinking they hadn't heard her over the groans of the men behind her she turned.
"Gentlemen, please," she said.
"Apologies mistress," they heard one of the newer members say as she inclined her head in acknowledgment.
The cold air made their breaths visible as they awaited her next command.

"They didn't hurt you?" She said turning to look at her family whispering into Gregory's ear with a smirk as she awaited their response looking towards them.
Each shook their head no to her satisfaction though her gaze remained on Cindy's bruised cheek.

"Again," she said as another round of grunts was heard whilst Salazar watched in horror as T inspected her husbands' cheek who had by then pulled her onto his lap as he leaned forward to kiss her neck forgetting about his pain before she undid a few buttons of his shirt looking at the bruises he was trying to hide from her.

"Again," She said doing the buttons up again as another round of punches landed on each individual.
"They are all yours baby," she whispered gripping his hair pulling him back as he looked at her in question before he simply said, "Again."

One of the man tried to make a run for it despite being beaten black and blue as several safety pins were removed at once making him stop.
Visibly trembling he turned to look towards them.
"Move," one of her security members ordered signaling with his firearm as the man moved with his arms up in surrender.

"Plea... please," he begged going onto his knees at their feet as T whispered into her husbands ear as they watched Gregory smile despite the circumstances as he turned to look at her a certain amount of danger glistening in his eyes.
"There is a ringing in my ear baby," she said tilting her head to the side irritated by the man's pleading.
"Let me take care of that," he whispered as he leaned to kiss her ear making her smile.
"Get up," He said in a deep voice as the man looked up at him standing up after T removed herself from his lap.

Moving aside for him to deal with the current problem he stopped her.
"Where do you think you are going? You haven't finished your story my dear," he said as she smirked moving closer to him as he circled his arm around her.

"So I was saying," she smiled as he leaned closer giving her his ear as he turned slightly to look at the man before them.
"The guy is too scrawny. You could show off some of that strength you use to, you know," she said suggestively running a finger down his neck to his chest as he turned to look at her in question as she bit her lip wearing a mischievous smile.

Before they knew it the man stopped his ranting as he looked at them angrily seeing that his pleading was falling on deaf ears as they seemed to be in their own world.
"You are indeed a weak man," he said as T smirked whilst she continued to get Greg worked up. "Salazar was right. You can't lead us," he said spitting out some blood from his mouth. "And it's all because of a piece of pussy. Who is stupid enough to take orders from a woman," he said trying to get a reaction from Greg who simply turned to look at T.

As though they had spoken he reached out for the man's throat whilst T grabbed his crotch silencing the man instantly.
T smirked looking at the man as he whimpered judging from the grip Greg had he hadn't even exerted any pressure yet allowing the man to breath.
She twisted her hand as the man reached for Greg's forearm.
"What is your name?"
"William," he choked our instantly.
"How ironic. Such a shame you have a little willy," she said as several men scoffed covering up with coughs. "See William. My husband has you by the neck and could cut off your airway but I've got you by your balls, I can cut off your lineage. On both ends life is on the line. Question my power or his again?" She dared as the man shook his head no just as Greg began to squeeze.

Letting him go she turned to Greg as he watched the man's face turn purple whilst struggling to get out of his hold.
"Again," She said as the men behind her landed their fists on those kneeling before them just as the man slumped to the ground.

The Rhymes children where at a loss of words as they finally saw how ruthless their father could be but also just how alike his wife was.
"Your wound?" He murmured his eyes searching hers as she smiled.
"Now you think of my wound?" She asked wearing a smirk as he shrugged.
"I was distracted," he said with a smirk.
"Hurts like hell," she stated as Greg sat down pulling her along.
"Serves you right for getting shot without telling me your plan," he said looking away from her.
"Are you still mad about that?" She asked astonished when he turned away from her.
"Greg," she said turning his face towards her finding a smile she knew. "That won't work now," she said giving him a peck.
"There is one fellow who was eyeing Cindy," he said as the men were punched over and over again.

"Which one?" T said narrowing her eyes.
"That one over there," he said nodding to one of the men.
"What do you want to do?"
"Fulfill the promise I made," he said getting up and leaving her seated.

Sinking his thumbs into his eye sockets he whispered something that had the man shutting up as blood ran down his face feeling her palm on his back as he tossed the man aside.
"Should we let the boys finish him off, they look thirsty," she whispered into his ear making him look in their direction finding them fuming in anger.
"It's up to them," Greg replied as she turned to look at the two.
"Make sure he is dead," she said looking directly at them as Andrew smirked cracking his knuckles.

"Please, have mercy," the man pleaded as both brothers held each arm.
T looked at them with a raised brow surprised when they both twisted the man's arms as Cindy raised her knee connecting with this crotch before landing a punch on his face as he looked ready to pass out. Meanwhile Greg washed his hands removing the man's blood before Eli handed him the water bottle as he poured the rest on his head feeling the constant pounding that has been there for some time now.

"Again gentlemen," She said waiting for one to break as her men panted in exhaustion whilst she sat in the arms of her husband as they murmured amongst themselves not even caring about the people around them. The sound of several gunshots was heard as Cindy shot the man after her brothers had beaten him. Returning to their seats wiping their hands with a towel as though nothing had happened.

"Please," she heard one groan before she raised her hand stopping all movement.
"Let me take care of this," she said holding out a hand as her gun was placed in the said hand.

"Now, I don't know why you wanted his seat when you could have come after mine," she said pulling the trigger as the first shot sent one men falling to the ground. With each click of her heel a man fell until Salazar and his accomplices stood looking beyond afraid as she left the one who had spoken.
"You know where all his accomplices are right?" She said crouching down before the bloodied man who simply nodded his head yes.

With a nod of his head he was lifted off the ground to be carried away.
"Oh. You are still standing. Forgive my manners," T said as the group went down on their knees once one of them received a bullet to the knee.
"Now whose idea was it to touch my family?" She asked feeling her husbands arm around her as he pulled her back resting his chin on her head.

"I pray it wasn't you Salazar. Not after the chat we had last time," she said turning to look at her husband. "See baby. I told him to get his affairs in order and he didn't heed my word but chose to attack you. And because people never do a thorough check he didn't know you and I were together," she said with a sorry look which she sent to Salazar. "Tanaka you may leave," she said.

"Not many people know of my identity. I preferred it that way. Tanaka told me about this lot before I was shot. I gave him Salazar's puppy which he gifted to you. Had Salazar heeded my words, his death would have been a painless one," she stated as Salazar cursed in Russian.

"Ne preryvay menya," she said hearing Greg swear under his breath as Salazar looked at her in surprise.
"I know Russian Salazar. It comes with the job description," she said. "I should have simply killed you that day but I didn't want to be the one to do so," she said turning to hand over the gun to her husband.

Just as he raised the firearm the sound of helicopter blades distracted them as Greg pulled T away rushing for cover as bullets struck the floor. Salazar's laughter was clear enough for them to detect as a man jumped out of the plane rushing towards him alone leaving his accomplices.
Greg got a glimpse of one of the man sitting beside the pilot making him close his eyes as he couldn't believe it. Turning to look at T who also turned to look at her at the same time as Salazar escaped.
"Cindy, Derrick, Andrew!" They both called out their names as the individuals rushed towards them just as Eli rounded up Salazar's accomplices.

Walking away from the mess she stopped at the entrance.
"Who the f**k walked into my house with bloody shoes?" She said just as she saw the culprit returning with a mop and bucket.

"Dad!" She heard Derrick call out.
"Ari!" Greg said looking towards her as she turned to see him sinking to his knees.
"Gregory!" She yelled running towards him as Eli also rushed toward him.
"We need to get him to a hospital," she heard Eli say as he called another man to help get him into one of the waiting vehicles.
By the time they reached the hospital he had lost consciousness making her life a living nightmare in that particular moment. The last time someone she loved had been in hospital it had resulted in death.

"Mama," she heard faintly looking towards Cindy who was crying.
"Come here," she whispered holding her in her arms just as Lisa arrived with Fiona and her husband.
"He will be fine. We all know Gregory. He pulls these stunts," Fiona said looking beyond worried as she reassured herself that he would be okay. "The man finally had it all. He was finally happy," she said in frustration standing up as her husband pulled her into his arms.

"Mrs Rhymes," she heard an hour later.
T rose to her feet not realizing how exhausted she was as Derrick reached out to steady her.
"He keeps asking for you," She heard making her weak in the knees such that had Derrick not being holding her up she would have been on the floor. "I understand you had a bit of trouble ma'am. Maybe you should let a nurse check on you whilst the sedative we gave him wears off," the old man said with a smile.
Simply nodding her head she allowed for herself to be examined finding relief when the ultrasound showed that her baby was safe and sound. Walking towards his room she heard laughter in the room as Andrew teased his father about trying to scare them all to death.
Walking into the room she slowly walked towards him as he sat up in bed. He had a bandage around his torso having suffered some bruised ribs and had passed out from exhaustion and pain. He smiled seeing her but his smile fell seeing her troubled expression.

"Ari," he said as she started crying moving towards his open arms.
"We will be outside," Andrew said looking worried as they all left the room leaving them alone.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled as he rubbed her back soothingly.
"Hey," He said holding her chin making her look at him. "I should be the one apologizing," he said sincerely as she lay her hand on his cheek shaking her head no.
He groaned moving aside before he said, "Come here," he said as she kicked off her shoes before she lay her head on his shoulder as he took her hand laying it on his chest.
"I love you," she sighed tiredly feeling his lips on her forehead as she moved her arm stroking his beard as he succumbed to sleep with her beside him.


"Mrs Rhymes," she heard someone tapping her shoulder as she woke up to find a nurse trying to wake her up.
"I came to give him his sponge bath," she said.
"I will take care of that. Where is the doctor?" T asked as Greg opened his eyes.
"He is currently in another ward attending to other patients. He should be here in an hours time," the nurse said.
"Okay," She said dismissing the nurse as she turned to her husband. "Time for your bath," she smiled seeing his ears turning red in embarrassment. "Do not tell me you are embarrassed baby," she whispered wiping his face moving to his neck. "I know every inch of this body," he heard her murmur.
"You are enjoying this aren't you?" He said as she took his arm taking her time. After all they had an hour to kill.
He chuckled watching her yawn as she fought her exhaustion just as the doctor walked into the room.

"How is my new favorite patient doing today?" They heard him say as he looked at the test results. I would like to keep you here for a couple of nights but this lady here insisted she could take care of you and even go as far as hiring a home nurse," he said. "I am inclined to give in to her request as long as you promise to rest," he said making a note on the papers. "Nothing is broken. In a few days you should be well," he said signing on the clipboard.
Nodding his head the doctor smiled turning to talk to the nurse.


"Come in," he said careful not to disturb his wife as the door opened.
He saw his children standing by the door looking worried.
"Can we stay in here?" He heard Cindy say as he frowned looking at them.
A simple nod had all three rushing towards the bed careful to lay on the side he wasn't as Greg had pillows propped up behind him.


T woke up to find Cindy asleep beside her whilst the boys lay next to her.
She looked around the room finding Greg sitting in a chair holding a pad and pencil. This was not the first time she had seen him holding the book as he seemed engrossed in what he was doing.
"Hey you,"She whispered as he looked up slowly closing the book placing it aside wearing a smile.
Before he could say anything she got out of bed rushing to the bathroom. Calling out her name he woke the children up in the process.

"Call the doctor Derrick," Greg said as he went after her.
Finding her on the toilet bowl sweat covering her brow she reached to flush the toilet only to be stopped by him as he pressed a damp towel over her face handing her a glass of water at the same time.

Helping her back to their room she smiled seeing Andrew going hysterical.
"Calm down Andrew!" Cindy said making him stop once they saw her.
"You guys all slept here?" She said as Greg added another pillow behind her before she stopped him from moving away. Cupping his cheek she looked into his eyes checking to see if he himself was alright as he nodded his head in reassurance tilting his head as he kissed the inside of her palm giving her a wink. Derrick handed her a glass of water as she thanked him drinking it.

"Yes. We couldn't sleep," Derrick said scratching his head ashamed.
"Come here," She said as Cindy climbed onto the bed as the guys followed after her. Greg frowned as she looked at him knowing he was about to chase the children away. A slight shake of her head had him sighing in defeat.

Calling him closer she touched his cheek as he rested his forehead against hers.
"You called the doctor didn't you?" She asked as he nodded his head yes. "Okay," She simply responded.


"I will prescribe something new for the nausea. I don't know why it seems severe now than before. You mentioned the last scan said all was well right?" He asked as they nodded their heads yes. "Mr Rhymes please make sure your wife eats and stays away from any form of stress. You must come for a scan I need to see something," the doctor said as Greg nodded his head not taking his eyes off her. The doctor simply shook his head. "Just take care of each other please," he said seeing Greg's own condition.

"And tell these three that they should come in for their flu vaccines next week before returning to their studies," he said as T chuckled seeing Andrew snoring with his mouth open.
"That boy definitely takes after his mother. Not me," he muttered.

Showing the man out Greg returned only to find his wife still awake as she looked at him with a questioning look before she beckoned him to lay beside her making sure he was comfortable.
"You need to rest," she said placing a hand on his cheek.
He nodded his head in response closing his eyes allowing sleep to come as she remained awake until she heard his steady breathing. Turning around she smiled when his arms pulled her back allowing him to spoon her as she too succumbed to sleep.


She woke up to find the room empty. Grabbing a robe she left the room finding Gregory in the kitchen flipping some pancakes.
Reaching him she wound her arms around him placing a kiss on his back as he smiled turning around.
"As much as I love your arms around me, I need a proper greeting," he said cupping her cheek as he leaned down holding her lips hostage with his. He smiled as she teased him with her tongue whilst he lifted her onto the counter stepping between her legs as he deepened the kiss.

"If not for those little rascals I would have shown you exactly what your actions yesterday did to me," he murmured between pecking her lips and talking to her as she leaned back looking at him.
"That sounds promising," she giggled as he untied her robe. "Where are they?" She asked as his hand moved underneath the shirt she had on underneath the robe.
"I sent them away to their mothers. To see how she is," he murmured against her ear as she undid his shirt revealing his toned muscles. His skin was darkened from the bruises as she tentatively ran her fingers over them.
"The security?" She asked.
"Patrolling out," Greg said as he felt her hands glide down his chest as he cupped her breast.
"You know we can't relax now since Ridley is helping Salazar. Our two favorite people working together," she smirked.
"Worry not for all will be dealt with. Though I believe I will require your help in locating them. Eli can't seem to pick up their trail," he said as she smiled.
"It will be my pleasure. I will have to arrange a meeting with some ladies. Give me a day or two for them to come here," she whispered.

"Hey Gregory!" He heard making him curse as he pulled his hand away from his wife fastening her robe before the only idiot who could do such walked into the kitchen.
"I knew you would be here!" He smiled as Greg stepped back helping his wife off the counter.

"Mrs Rhymes," Carter beamed as he took her hand kissing her knuckles in greeting.
"I heard congratulations are in order. I just got back from my vacation. The wife was nagging me. No offense," he said before Gregory pulled his friend into a hug as Greg bit his lip to hide his pain.

"So what happened whilst I was away?" He asked as they both gave him a confused look.
"There isn't any security around guys; so something definitely happened," he chuckled. "I mean the last I saw of you was at your wedding reception before I was roped into vacationing and shopping," he said sounding bored but deep down they both knew he loved his vacation.

"Well the usual. Killed some people. Discovered my wife is my boss. Nothing much," Gregory said as he took the plate T handed him as he dished out some food for Carter.
"Wait, what?" Carter said mouth wide open in surprise.
"Yes. So you better watch yourself around this one. She is a good shot," he said as T smiled at him as he winked at her making her reach out to touch his brow running her fingers over the bandaid.

Sitting side by side Carter cleared his throat seeing that they had forgotten he was even there as Greg pulled her legs over his lap leaning towards her as he kissed her taking the offered pineapple before kissing her as she slowly pulled back chewing half the pineapple he had offered her. Taking another slice of pineapple she fed him as his hand moved between her legs making her gasp as he looked into her eyes whilst he leaned towards her kissing her hearing her moan.
"Ummm guys. I'm still here," Carter said.
"No one is stopping you from leaving," Gregory said in a lazy tone pulling his wife closer before she could protest.
"We have a guest, don't be rude" she murmured.
"He should leave," Greg growled not budging.
"Yeah. I think I should do that," Carter muttered quickly standing up just as he heard plates crashing to the floor as Greg lay her on the table before he leaned over her taking her lips in a lazy kiss that had her feeling dizzy.

"Tell the gatemen not to let anyone in on your way out!" Greg yelled as he stood up holding T as she held onto him kissing his ear before she smiled at his reaction as he groaned feeling her lips against his skin. "Not here," he whispered taking her to their room.

Laying her on the bed he smiled as she slipped out of the robe remaining in his shirt and boxers.
"So sexy," he whispered as he undid the shirt as though opening a gift.
Running his fingers from her neck he visibly swallowed leaning down to explore her with his lips as she gasped once he took a sensitive bud into his mouth.
"Gregory," she panted as he tasted every inch of her until she was writhing under him yearning for more.

"We have all day baby. Relax," he said before he dove between her legs using his tongue to bring her pleasure as she cried out his name making him smile.
"Please," she begged out in desperation as he obliged her.
Supporting his weight he looked into her eyes as he moved at a slow pace kissing her as she held onto him before he did the unexpected that had her gasping.
Seeing her reaction he smiled as she begged for more.
"Tell me what you want," He asked as he kept his strokes constant giving her pure pleasure.
"What you just did," she whispered shyly as he looked at her falling for her more and more as he moved his hips in a circular manner making her breath out in pleasure as his hand moved to stroke the back of her thigh as he slowly moved watching her head roll back as she climaxed. Not done with her he saw her letting go as another orgasm caught her unawares. He stopped moving watching her became undone wanting to retain this image to memory before he found his own release.
"I'm hungry," she whispered as he chuckled getting out of bed. "Come," he said holding out his hand as she went to him winding her legs around his waist as he smiled at her pecking her lips.
"Careful," he murmured as she swept the floor whilst he whipped up some scrambled eggs for her upon her request.

Putting butter on her toast realized it had become too quiet as he looked up finding her seated looking at the toast in his hand.
Cutting it in half he added it to her plate of eggs slowly pushing the plate towards her as he saw excitement in her eyes. Who knew eggs and toast would excite his wife, he thought to himself as he took a seat beside her. It didn't take long for her to finish off her food as she looked at his plate. Nudging the plate in her direction he smiled as she ate half his plate of eggs before sighing.

"I'm going to get fat," he heard her say as she buried her face in her hands leaning against the table as he stopped stirring the honey he had added to her tea.
Turning her around to face him he pulled her hands away from his face seeing her cheeks already wet.
"You are not going to get fat. You are eating for two sweetheart. And this little munchkin needs food too. You add on a few kilos here and there and then we are going to have fun shedding off those kilos here and there. In the words of Trey Songz we will be kissing," he said as he stood lifting her onto the counter so she was at eye level with him.
Slowly moving to her neck he showed her what he meant untying her robe as his hand cupped her breast hearing her breathing become labored as he moved to her lips.
"Then what?" She breathed out.

"There will be a lot of touching baby," he teased as his hand slowly moved to her heated core.
"I like the sound of that," she smiled pulling off his shirt as she dipped her fingers in the jar of honey he had used for their tea rubbing them onto his lips before he took her fingers sucking them one by one as she watched in fascination.

"And then what?" She panted as he continued to tease her pushing her legs wider apart.
"You will be begging," he smirked as he pulled out his hardened member teasing her.
"For what?" She whispered just as he pushed himself into her wet folds as her lips parted in an inaudible gasp.
"For this," he whispered as he moved at a pace that had her becoming more frustrated each time he pulled out as she wanted more but the more time he took the more pleasure she had as he pushed the right buttons making her cry out his name building up her climax.
"I hate you Gregory Rhymes," she whispered as her eyes closed.
"No you don't," he said with a knowing smirk as he carried her to their room.


Hope you enjoyed the Chapter.

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