12 - Oksana or Command

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Looking past Oksana he saw T and Cindy making their way down the stairs. She had trimmed her hair at the sides leaving the top with short styled curls. He swallowed watching his wife slowly descend the stairs. The blue gown she had on seemed to be made for her and her alone as she walked beside Cindy who wore a red gown which appeared to be made by the same designer judging from the style. Though they wore masks he knew it was his daughter and wife as he saw the initial they wore making it easier to spot who they where. He smirked as he realized that it was Fiona's doing as the culprit appeared wearing her own masterpiece.

"Oksana," He said clearing his throat about to excuse himself as he watched Fiona walk up to the ladies pulling them in another direction.
"What is the matter, Gregory?" She asked reaching out to caress his cheek once she secured her own mask looking into his eyes.
"Nothing," He said as he stepped back dodging her touch as she reached out to him once more.


"Who is that woman?" T asked with a smile as Fiona looked at her expecting to see anger.
"Duchess Oksana Fedorov. Married to billionaire tycoon Duke Bohdan Fedorov," Fiona said.
"Oksana. I've heard that name before. Isn't that another of daddy's friends," Cindy said making Fiona slightly chuckle. "Cindy, go make sure Andrew isn't getting up to no trouble dear," Fiona said knowing her son.


"You refuse my touch?" she gasped. "So it is true," Oksana murmured as she grabbed a glass of wine from a waiter who passed by. "Is it love?" She asked turning to look at what had Greg's attention. Spotting Fiona with another woman. "She is indeed gorgeous," she said with an envious expression as Greg's expression softened when he looked towards his wife hearing Oksana gasp. She easily spotted Fiona as the Rhymes family had masks with an R on the temple making it easy to spot them. Gregory had insisted Fiona and her husband also wear them so as to allow his security easier location of them.

However no mask could hide the emotions that Gregory revealed there and then.
"It is love," she said in surprise just as her husband walked towards them.
"Mr Rhymes. Thank you for the invitation," Bohdan said as he looked at the man before him.
"Pleasure is all mine Duke Fedorov," He said with a slight incline of his head.
"Shall we?" Oksana said as she linked arms with both men slowly leading them to where Fiona stood.


"Duchess Oksana was the woman who kept the coals burning when Tatiana was on time out," Fiona whispered into T's ear.
"No one else knew of this except for me. I mean he is a hot-blooded man and she has been there longer than the others," she said as they watched Oksana lead Greg towards them but came to a halt as they were stopped by a guest.
"Hot?" T asked raising a brown.
"My dear. We all saw the marks on his wrists yesterday. Only a man tied down will have such and judging from how you rarely sat down except on his lap; you yourself wore the marks of pleasure. Let's not forget I did see your train tracks the day you came to buy clothing after your little morning session," she whispered seeing her smile shyly. "You two are indeed meant for each other," she said

Turning away from them T looked at Fiona.
"How you can hold so much power and still act shy about bedroom talk baffles me, my dear," Fiona murmured in surprise.
"I have heard of ex-wives and then there is you. You, woman, are an exception. Thank you very much for being who you are," she said as Fiona smiled. "You make my life easier," she said.
"I'm enjoying this more than you dear," she said looking at T in one of her latest creations as the woman let out a frustrated breath seeing Oksana pulling Greg closer. "I knew this design would go well with you," she said as the dress showed off her curves which had most of the women looking at her in either envy or hatred at the same time hiding her wound. "Shall we go find a table to sit at," Fiona said just as her husband, Fernando, showed up offering his arms to both ladies. With one last glance, T looked towards her husband as she took in his appearance. Most men donned the penguin suit but he wore a dark blue tuxedo with a matching bow tie and crisp white shirt. On his pocket was a pendant that looked familiar as she looked at her clutch bag seeing the exact same pendant. His wrist was adorned with the exact same beads she wore and a male replica of her watch. Turning away before he spotted her checking him out she took Fernando's offered arm.

King Maker: Revelations. (Part 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz