15 - Trouble is coming

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"Baby make sure your parents don't step foot on this premises ever again," she said through clenched teeth as they watched them leave.
"Yes ma'am," he murmured wearing a frown as he watched the said people leave.
"Be it that I don't talk back to my elders or in-laws, with them I am willing to cross that line," she said turning in his arms as the car left their premises.
"Ignore what they said. I don't even speak to them not after what they did to me all those years ago," he sighed holding her close as he kissed her head.

Two weeks later

"Ladies," T said walking into the room finding Lisa already at the meeting venue.
Madam Claris sat nursing a glass of wine by the bar as the other ladies enjoyed their chosen beverages.
"Mistress," she heard some acknowledge by mouth as others nodded their heads towards her.
"Pregnancy does suit you my dear," said Vivian, wife to a senator who was friends with Greg.
"Thank you," T smiled placing a hand on her stomach as they all knew what had happened to her son.

"I called you here because I need Salazar and his friend on a leash," she stated.
"That is not a problem," Madam Claris said as T looked at her in question.
"Your Shadows know where they are," Vivian said making T smile.
"The said man came to my husband looking for weapons. I threatened my husband to not sell them anything or there would be hell to pay," Nicky the wife of a weapons dealer added as she swirled her red wine before bringing the glass to her nose taking in the scent.

"My husband managed to get two of his men employed for their services recently so soon all their movements we will know first hand," T said before drinking her orange juice. "They should report to my Shadows with any intel they might have," she said.
"If you may. Please forward their details. They will be compensated immensely for their efforts," she heard one lady say as the others nodded in agreement.
"I am tired of Salazar  ladies. May you please help me," T said as she saw smiles around the room as they nodded their heads in approval.
"And they say it's a man's world," Madam Claris chuckled nodding towards T as they had an understanding.
"Clearly the men are incompetent in finding one of their own," one said making the other ladies laugh.
"We always clean up their messes," another added in a bored tone as T smiled looking at the different women in the room. Her eyes caught Mr Tanaka's wife as she played with a blade in her hand before she slowly peeled the apple in her hand not saying a word.

"Madam. Tell us about your fiancé I hear congratulations are in order?" T said lightening the mood as Claris smiled.
"Only if you tell us how it is that you caught Gregory Rhymes in your net," she smirked as the other ladies agreed.
"Last I heard Oksana was his plaything. I never thought of him as the settling type," Vivian murmured.
"We all know Oksana is a very difficult woman to please and for her to be so strung up on Mr Rhymes it says a lot about the man.
"I hear Oksana wasn't the only one. The man has an insatiable appetite I heard," Nicky added.
"The man has a reputation. Many women have fallen prey to his sweet tongue," another added.
"I can vouch for that," Lisa blushed making everyone laugh as she remembered how he would complement her each time he came to see T and how T would hide her true reaction to his words.
"Let's just say fate had a mind of its own," T said looking away from her friend.

"Fate made me lose a client," Claris mumbled faking disappointment as T chuckled.
"The man is damn scary out there. My husband doesn't even want us to cross paths with his when we dine out," they heard another say.
"My Greg? Why he is the sweetest," she said in mock outrage making the others chuckle.
"This coming from a woman who can be as equally ruthless. You two deserve each other clearly," Claris said saluting her with her glass.
"We understand one another," T said wearing a smirk as she sipped her juice before asking Claris to tell them what they wanted to hear.

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