1 - Confession

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They left the wedding party heading towards the other side of the roof as she looked at him baffled.
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere were we won't be interrupted," he said as they boarded the helicopter. Leaning against him she closed her eyes as he held her hand in his covering her with his jacket as he massaged her wrist making her sigh.

Helping her out of the car he carried her into the house after hearing her complaining about her shoes.
"I need some water," she smiled dangling her feet as he chuckled.
"You really are enjoying this?" He said depositing her on the counter and going to grab a bottle.
He watched her closely seeing a sparkle in her eyes he knew all too well.
"Baby, what did you drink?" He asked as she smiled at him.
"I don't know. Hannah gave me this really nice drink. Then Lisa asked me to try another juice," she said in thought as Greg smiled.

"Drink some of this," he said handing her the bottle. "Stay here," he said heading to their room to get some painkillers.
She sighed looking at the pill.
"What's this for?" She asked.
"For your head," he said as she looked at him in confusion placing a hand on her forehead.
"But my head is not sick," she said watching him try to hold back her laughter.
"Just drink it please," he coaxed her. "When did they give you these drinks baby?" He inquired having spent most of the night with her as he cupped her face in his hands.
"When you went to the gents and when I was dancing with them," she said with a frown drinking the medication as he looked at her fondly.
"Your alcohol tolerance is very low," he said as she looked at him wrapping her arms around his neck thus making him step closer to her as he kissed her forehead.

She never saw the look of fear that crossed his face as his thoughts wondered onto how he would tell her what had happened with Tatiana. The thought of breaking her heart was killing him. He knew he should have told her before even proposing marriage but call him selfish. He still wanted the woman for himself despite what had happened.
"I'm glad we got married Gregory," she sighed sleepily as he stepped back pulling her into his arms.
"So am I love," he whispered taking her to their room.

"Let's get you out of this dress before you sleep," he said as she gave him her back allowing him to lower the zip.
Stepping out of the gown she walked towards the closet pulling out one of his shirts to wear as she headed back to the bed.
"Come here," he said allowing her to sit on the bed pulling a chair to sit before her.
Placing her feet on his lap he started to massage her aching feet as she sighed her thank you.
A few minutes passed before he saw her dozing off.
Putting her legs down he moved to tuck her in before he went onto their balcony after pouring himself a glass of whiskey his thoughts taking over.


T woke up finding Gregory sound asleep as she lay on him, his hands secured around her. Moving away from him he too followed her laying on his side facing her. She smiled seeing how childlike he actually appeared as he slept. The innocence she saw was the complete opposite of what he portrayed to the rest of the world.
She reached out to trace the faint scar that was barely visible to the untrained eye. She recalled how he had looked the previous day as he looked at her in an enamoured manner. She stopped her movements as he shifted slightly becoming still allowing her to continue as her fingers moved to his neck running over the tattoo.

Realizing he had no shirt on she pulled the sheet down, sitting up her eyes following the intricate work. Gregory shifted again moving his arm to her luck as she gasped seeing the face of the lion that had been covered by his arm as she leaned closer to study the letters that seemed to be guarded by the lion's paw.
She read the children's names but was even more surprised to find Theo's name there making a smile appear on her face.
"Good morning," she heard startling her as she looked up finding his eyes closed.
Opening them she felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach as his lips curled up into a smile.
"Done exploring?" He inquired as she looked away shyly.

King Maker: Revelations. (Part 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora