Moving from home.

By ClovertheGunslinger

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A young boy is given the chance to move from his hometown to a whole new country and place, as he grows up th... More

Part 1 ; Moving
Who am I
Meet the friends.
my friends are here
Chapter 5
Gwess's confession
Game Night
She left
Gardening and a fright to go
Hi Bobby
My invisible friend and Romance follies
A surprise encounter and final decision
Part 2 Dream
The saloon
Advice ?
Arachibutyrophia ?
Painting job
Meeting the family
New school
Two Boyfriends
A friend of Joe's
Trying Ice Cream

First job

1 0 0
By ClovertheGunslinger


the next day I simply wanted to sit down on my bed, read one of the books that were near on the shelf and hide again, but this time Mike made me get up, saying he wasn't going to bring me my breakfast upstairs this time, so reluctantly I picked myself up and got downstairs where he was, in his hand he held onto a giant bag filled with white bread, 'you allergic to nuts', he asked.

An odd question to ask, I said no, the only allergies that I know I have now were goldenrod pollen, which is very sneeze addicting, Mike would then pull out two jars from the cupboard one which was a brown jar of peanut butter, the other filled with grape flavored jam, at the time I didn't know of these two flavors so I was intrigued, I watched as he plopped both the jars open and then pulled out a knife, which made me shrink away slightly from the sight of it, though doing some close inspection I could see that it wasn't as sharp as most other knives I have seen. He then lathered the brown substance on it and then spread it out on the white wheat bread, then he did the same on the jam, then he placed the two pieces of bread on top of each other.

'One Pb And J, he called it, 'enjoy'.

Intrigued I was, I grabbed the sandwich in my hand , 'is this a native dish,'i asked, never having seen anytthing like this made, Mike in response looked at me like I was nuts, 'uh, yeah', he said, I suppose you could call it that,' he then took his eyes off me and grabbed the shovel from the door and headed outside, I smiled taking a bite out of my sandwich, I was beginning to feel slightly better then before, now that I think about it,0 I couldn't just hide in my room forever pondering on these feelings for Gwess, if I were to try and deal with these feelings one way or the other I was gonna have to talk to her.

After I made that resolve I prepared to stand up, when suddenly I felt an.....odd feeling on my mouth, it was on the roof of it to be precise, 'oh god,' some of the peanut butter was stuck on the roof of my mouth, I placed my finger inside and scraped it off, for some reason I was in a hurry to get it off, once I had scrapped a finger full I looked down at my peanut butter covered index, I didn't want to lick it off, what if it gets stuck again, so I got up from the chair and walked right over to the sink and rinsed it off. 'God, I thought to myself, 'that was the most weird experiences I have ever had,' once it was clean, I turned and looked at my half bitten sandwich, it was still sitting there. I didn't want to simply leave it there to waste, so I walked over to the table and sat back on my chair. 'Maybe that was just a minor reflex,' I thought to myself, 'a minor panic attack nothing else, I wasn't allergic to peanut butter I knew that so whatever it was I felt there must have just been a reflex, so I somewhat nervously grabbed the rest of the sandwich and took another bite, once again I tasted the delicious grape jam flavor mixed with the crushed peanuts, in my head I reminisced how my parents would make me this kind of sandwich every day for lunch at school, though they would always be simple sandwiches, this kind had a nice flavor, slightly bitter on one side, and somewhat fruity on the other, I was getting lost in the delicious taste when. My eyes widen, this time I felt like a wall of peanut butter on the roof of my mouth, this time with a load of the bread, I panicked suddenly I stood up from the chair and began desperately moving my finger on it desperately, even with the bread off though there was still a good amount of peanut on my mouth, sprinting to the covers I went and grabbed a cup and filled it with water and started chugging it down, when I finished, I went and grabbed another cup and chugged that down as well, I repeated this until I finally felt the peanut butter gone, I lapped my finger on it to be sure when it was confirmed I slumped down on the floor in relief.

 By that point Mike walked back inside the house, he looked completely dirty, must have been digging for something, he looked down and noticed me on the floor, 'what the hell happened to you,' he asked, I blushed, ' Arachibutyrophia', the phobia of getting peanut butter in your mouth, and I was one of the rare people to have them, which was funny, since I didn't think I was the type to have a phobia, let alone a silly one such as this, I had to explain this to Mike, and he had to explain it to me, he told me that those who have it immediately can be treated for it and offered to give me money for it, I accepted, might as well, I mean I was already dealing with a lot of things now.

Last thing I needed was getting scared of peanut butter, I never got to finish the sandwich however.


After having breakfast I went back outside and started going about my painting business again, I asked a woman from a shoe store and the same result she kindly declined stating she already had her house repainted , needless to say it wasn't an easy business, since I guess everyone didn't need their structures painted, so I stopped walking and stretched down to place my stuff to the ground, 'well, I guess everyone doesn't need a painter, I said, 'this is a lot tougher then I thought, eventually luck seemed on my side, when a man, he seemed to be rich as he wore a monocle and offered to pay me five bucks in advance if I paid his fence, I was ecstatic, my first customer, what a break.

'Of course sir,; I said, 'where do you need me and when I will be there before you know it,' the guy smiled at me, he kindly told me his location and said he simply needed me to paint his wall, which was on the verge of losing some of it's color, when I got there I could tell what he meant, it was a simple small sized house, looked like a barn from a certain point of view, the rooftop was square sized and flat looking, the front door was wide open, with both it's doors having large lined planks, there was hay inside possibly used to feed his animals and around it was painted orange originally, I was currently looking at the area he was talking to me about, on the wall to the right, it was slowly cracking, there was some paint falling to the ground and it looked like some were peeling off, 'I have a ladder to help you climb some of the unreachable area,' he said, 'I will help hold it for you, while your climbing up each one,' he offered, I was appreciated of it, ' I'll do it,' I said, with that the man paid me in advance before I even started, these were pure dollar bill, I had never gotten something like this cash so easily, it almost made me feel spoiled, so as promised I painted the mans house like I said I would, it took a long while for me to finish, due to most of the dry paint coming off so easily, I think the enjoyment of it is what made it easier for me, once I was done painting one half I climbed up the ladder carefully and resumed doing that part, then when I was done I would have the owner take me to another part and finish that, before we knew it, in the next few minutes I had completed painting the whole wall.

I felt satisfied, my first paint job and I have managed to not only get paid and a customer but also get a satisfying piece of work done, my eyes the glanced to everywhere else where I could see was still orange, I was feeling somewhat giddy and nice and offered to help paint the rest of the farm free of charge since he was so nice to me, the guy was surprised by this and asked if I was sure, I nodded, and so with that I continued to paint the rest of the house, I would move the ladder to one end, then shove the paintbrush in the bucket and move it one way to the other, and the farmer would help direct the ladder to the other end. Slowly but surely the whole farm went from orange, and got a new coat of white.

The man looked up proud of his new paint job, 'by god boy, I love it', he then pulled me in a tight hug, which I returned happily, he asked me if there was anything else I could do for him, I said no kindly, saying I had already got what I wanted, to help someone who needed it, so we said goodbye and I walked away, feeling content with myself.

That was my first ever job, I realized and I got paid for it, a smile came across my face, oh boy I can't wait to tell Mike of this, I reached In my pocket for my five bucks wanting to take another look at them, until I saw someone and froze.

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