Part 2 Dream

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When I slept the night as cozy as a dandelion, I took off my shirt, removed my footwear, I put on the warm pajamas from the drawer for once, after taking the cold shower Mike has decided to offer me.

And off I went to sleepy town as my father would put it, it was dark the windows were curtained up and the coyotes were asleep 'goodnight Mike', I called out from upstairs wether or not he heard me, I'd soon be answered however when I would hear him reply, 'sleep tight', Don't let the bed bugs bite, 'I chuckled quietly, how odd that I became acquaintance maybe even befriend this man, while the murder he committed could not be condone, at least he had good reasons for it. The sounds of a silent owl suddenly sounded from outside, it went.

'Hoo Hoo Hoo'.

With these comforting noises filling my ears I allow myself to drift to the land of sleep where I would dream through memories, my mind began to reminisce on a certain day.

Wednesday 28 of September.

Yesterday the school announced that my brother Koichi was free for that morning since he was so well talented, and so I went to school on that day, today it was my turn we both had a day off, I was staying with my grandma who was visiting for the week, helping my mom with her job, grandma used to live was a big square house, with white painted and a red roof my mother and I were visiting seeing if she needed help on business.

My mom offered help around on garden seeing which plants to grow, as I put myself in charge of mopping the floor, as I wanted to dry and do something responsible, a few minutes would go by when my brother who rode on a bike, it was yellow and had a nice bottle holder, he used to own the the thing for a few days or well it was actually months, until he decided to walk. Funny story, I remember owning a bike myself, and although I remember being scared of riding one, I fought through it thanks to my mom, thanks to my dad, I was encouraged.

When I learned how excited Koichi was when he learned he had a bike for his birthday, that eventually I wanted to learn to ride one.

It too weeks, but after many instructions to follow we eventually was able to ride without my father pushing me, he told me when we first did it, 'Don't look back and keep peddling,' I honestly could still feel when he let go of the seat, but I didn't stop I pushed on and managed to reach a mile on the bike, I rode this bike for months loving it in every moment. Unfortunately in present time me and Koichi would not ride our bikes were mostly kept in the garage, still my heart was proud that I was able to learn to ride, though me and my brother agreed that walking was more active exercise.

Anyway back to the present, when Koichi came he thought at that time that today he still had to go to class today too, until he learned that we were both free, and so he stayed for a while, Koichi grabbed some papers and started drawing on them, making up a character named 'Omnirus', which according to him he was an ancient god of chaos who after being rejected by Eris was banished to earth and forced to reside on the body of a human, I was amazed by my brother's character story, so much I had gone to grab and making one myself and came up with Boris, a dragon who was part of an ancient race that were banished living underground until one day somebody would dig a giant hole that ultimately caused him to be free and began to mind control everyone to do their bidding, he saw his race as the true land lords and planned to take it back, we had so much fun with it that by been lunch had come, my mom had made us some fine noodle on a sauce with chopped celery and onion.

Eventually Koichi would reveal to me he was heading back home with our dad and asked if I wanted to go, and after asking my mom, she allowed and took myself a bath and eventually after getting ready we both rode off to a mile ride to our father, while on my way there he would talk to me how just a few moments ago he spoke with Gwess about celery lunches.

Dad was happy to see us both, he was sitting on his chair preparing to play a game of cards for himself, he greeted me and hugged me kindly, and the day was as calming as to remember, my brother spent the day working at the garden, digging the dirt and planting some small trees to grow while I was playing with the sock puppets, in mid day our father decided to show us both a puppet show using the outside window as a stage.

I smile happily at these memories never go away, Paul remarked I rolled around in bed a lot which must have meant that I as really having a good one.

He didn't know how right he was.

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