New school

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A few months would pass, today was Thursday, the 14 of June, and today was the day where I had to take my Civics exam.

Was I nervous, not really, if I were honest the only thing I would be nervous about was if I didn't have any material to study with, I had at least everything I needed in my bag I carried everything that I would need so for the moment I thought I was fine.

I came at the hour of 4 during lunch since that's when our exams usually take place, Walking inside the large corridor again I made my way past the amount of classmates that were all here today, most of them were re doing their studying presumably to ensure they didn't forget any important detail or simply wanted to take a re fresher.

My hands held on tightly to the bag, I kept walking by making my way to the cafeteria, where they were once again serving my favorite lunch, cabbage salad with rice and meat and a side of water, each of these were already making me feel hungry.

As I walked along I spotted Mina sitting by with some friends near the lodge I called out and waved at her for her to notice me, she did and quickly waved back, my feet walked right where she was at, she was sitting on the lunch bench a book on her legs and a pen in her hands, it looked like she was studying for the exam today, 'how are you today,' I asked.

I am fine, she replied, 'you sure made it on time, the line is almost filling up, I turned around and looked at the aforementioned line, there were only fifteen people along three teachers on it which isn't much for cafeteria line standards, normally they're were at least fifty when I enter so I must have come early, I placed my bag down and asked her to keep it safe, she agreed so I walked right in, after waiting for a bit and getting my lunch served I walked back to where she was at.

She had her eyes on her paper again, 'are you ready for today's exam she asked softly.

 was a small mini fridge, a book shelf, a small T.V for me to spend my time on it, my neighbor was a middle age man named Joe, he was a bald head guy who wore a punk t – shirt, and had explorer pants, he had twenty year old daughter named Enaba and a son named David, I am friendly with them, they tend to casually visit my house nowadays, I usually have them invited at my place most of the time, during my time here, I would come to contact we would usually spend our time sitting in our apartments talking about things happening within ourselves, I always received letters from my parents and my brother, each of them were saying how much they missed me or they were proud of me, I sent them replies, informing them about possibly.

Since I got here, I have grown 22, and I've decided I would study for law class, and try to become a police officer, since learning of the events that have happened I thought it would be good to develop my career, I made the choice to go to law school at one point. It's always important to make your choice on a career beforehand, I spent years learning on it, and getting basics done.

During my stay here, I grew to learn a lot from this place, I got myself interested on the T.V I got here, I got to watch some interesting shows on the CW, there were many that caught my eyes like 'Reign', and the '100', I was surprised by this, never watched the T.V before and it is surprisingly entertaining, and sad, I cried having watched my first soap opera, I was invited one day by my next door I had Jamie and Mina as my roommates, the former was in hers right now, and we usually like to spent time playing a round of cards with each other.

'Wow, you are so good at this, she complimented,' that was true, so many days playing poker it got me interested in practicing more, so I decided to go read a book about card tricks, I placed down a diamond and Ace, 'he he,' she chuckled, placing a five on her floor, 'what did you say your name again,' she joked, I told I already mentioned my name to her a few moments ago, she grinned, 'I am aware, she replied, 'though I just love the way that you say it, we usually play at certain days of the week, mainly when I am free for the morning, Mina is actually a fond friend once you get to know her, she was had short red hair, a gap between her tooth, had mellow chocolate iris, had a short white shirt and a nice pair of sandals, she was a friend of Joe's that I knew the moment I came here.

We played the game for a while, until eventually she was called by Joe, saying she had to go home, though she asked me if I would like to come to her place, revealing that she was having a party, 'I remember her telling me the people that would be there, being Joe, the doughnut man named Jonathan who looked a lot like Jesus to me, Alex who resided in Texas once, and my neighbor Raffa.

Raffa lived next door to me his house was just a three walk away, he had three sons and one daughter, which I knew and met all individually, now Raffa wasn't a bad man, but he could sometimes have a bit of a short temper, he also had on a pair of glasses, was sort of bald, mostly wears no shirt every day and seemingly gains weight every passing day, but he seemed nice, I remember passing his house in the morning and always greeted him in Spanish, and he would respond kindly back, so there was no harm, he had three dogs in his house, one was named 'Allegria,' which was Spanish for happines, one was named Peluche, which was Spanish for plush.a black short dog named 'killer' and a dalmation looking dog named Poppy.

When I got to the house for the party, everyone were inside, though it wasn't really much of a party, since everyone simply sat in the couch and were watching sports on the television, I spotted Mina who smiled at me, she welcomed me to the place and offered me a gingerbread man she made herself, They were playing Hayes Carli, who from what I understood was a pretty famous singer, I heard some of his songs, like 'Nice things', which I still kept on my music list, in this party everyone simply talked to themselves and played board games on the table, not the kind of party that one would expect but it felt somewhat nostalgic, though there isn't much I can tell of the event, nothing that exciting happened that got me bothered to remember much.

There was one funny thing I remember of the event and that was how Joe, who was there had bought this large white cheese and put it in the fridge, no that one of the party, I waked over to the fridge and opened it, and to my surprise it was like a mouse ate like half the cheese, that got me laughing and it still does everytime I think about it.

To that day, I remembered I still had the yellow leaf, I took it out from my bag and saw the current state it was in, it noticeably changed during my travels, gone was the beautiful yellow tree plant I saw at my country, not it was barely intact, with only a bit of yellow remaining, 'oh you poor leaf', I guess it was symbolism, the leaf has changed a lot since it's journey here, now it has reached it's end, without any word I walked to where the wind blew and simply let it go, it fell that was it no wind no nothing, it just flopped to the ground, and so I turned and walked, wondering when the wind will take it.

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