The saloon

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I woke up precisely early in the morning, my body was still tired and my eyes were droopin, I checked outside and saw in the clouds were still blue and it was still slightly dark outside, 'it's still early', I mumbled, there was no clock nearby so I would assume that it was at least 2 or 3 so without thinking I pulled the covers over me and allowed myself to drift asleep again.

After finally having woken myself from my slumber, I went to the drawer got dressed, and headed downstairs for my coffee which was black.

I grew to love black.

Since today was finally the day I would go alone, Mike handed me some coins and bits for me to buy anything I want, either food or anything I would find valuable, before I left he offered me some corn bread and we did some small talk, he told me how recently, a man who was shown to escape from jail, 'the man has a 10,000 bounty on his face, he dipped his corn bread on his coffee, 'he he, believe me when I say this you should have an eye out, he's been out for five months, and no one spotted him, he took a bite out of his bread, 'just keep that piece I gave you though in case someone tries to stab you.

I dunk my cornbread, I took a bite from my corn bread, the sweet sugary flavor courses my tongue,' it was pretty disturbing honestly, hearing that report for the outlaw, however I doubt he would be here on this country, I thought.

What could go wrong.

Moving from home.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें