Heroes and Villains Never go...

By imintoidiotcowboys

1.8K 89 34

Jedediah hates the city's hero, but Octavius thinks he's not so bad for someone trying to do good. Octavius d... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
cronchy leaves
chapter 8
Dreams and Nightmares
chapter 9
Halloween special part 1
Halloween special part 2
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Pre- Christmas chapter
Christmas chapter
New Year's special chapter
chapter 16
Like Father, Like Daughter
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26

chapter 7

65 4 0
By imintoidiotcowboys

As they enter the restaurant, they see chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, illuminating light in every corner. Windows with large drapes, there were a lot of people here and Jedediah wasn't sure if he'll be alright. The blonde starts sweating whilst also breathing unevenly.

Octavius notices how Jed starts acting nervously and checks up on him “Diah, is something bothering you?” the blonde frowns “I ain't the best with crowds or anything, not sure if I'll be alright..”

Octavius looks around, the host is still leading them to where the others are “We'll be there after a few minutes, what usually helps you to calm down?” before Octavius can continue, Jedediah holds onto the sleeve of his suit.

“Sorry, I cling onto the one's I'm comfortable with..” the brunette only smiles “It's alright, as long as you're doing okay, I don't mind.”

After a few more minutes, the host leads them to a private room in the restaurant, where you can dine with the people you've invited, no noise or people gazing at you.

There Octavius sees Teddy in a khaki suit, standing by the doorway, waiting for them.

Teddy spots them and a jolly smile was automatically seen “There you are! We've been waiting for you.” the host leaves and Teddy thanks him.

“Octavius! Great to see you again dear friend, and is this the friendly Jedediah I've been hearing about?” Theodore asked, looking at Jedediah in a friendly manner. The Texan smiled sheepishly “Uh yeah, name's Jedediah Smith or Jed for short. Nice meeting you sir.”

“Nice meeting you Jedediah! I'm sure you've already heard of me but just in case, Theodore Roosevelt. Pleasure to meet you boy.” Teddy says in a chuckle “Teddy, is Octavius and Jedediah here yet?” a soft voice called out, it was revealed to be Sacajawea, she walks out of the room to check on her husband wearing a mocha colored blouson dress.

“Oh, there you two are.” she smiles and waves at them and they wave back “Please, come in you two, everyone's waiting for you.” Wea ushers them inside the room and they follow.

As they step inside the private dining room, they see Larry and his son Nicky both in denim blue suits, and there was Attila who was wearing a tea green suit.

“Dad, uncle Octavius is here!” Nicky said before standing up and running to Octavius to give the brunette a hug.

“Woah! Hello Nicky, I've seen you've been growing.” Octavius chuckles, the little boy giggles in response before looking curiously at Jedediah “And who are you?”

Jedediah waves awkwardly and sheepishly smiles “My name's Jedediah Smith..”

Nicky smiles as well, a cheerful smile.

“Hello Jedediah, we've heard of you. I'm Larry Daley, and this is my son Nicholas Daley or Nick.” the man in the denim blue suit introduces himself and his son.

“And this is Attila, he doesn't talk much since he's still learning to speak in English, but he's a very nice person.” Sacajawea said, introducing Attila to Jed. Attila waves and so does the Texan “Nice to meet you Attila.”

Octavius turns to Teddy, Nicky still hugging onto him, “Teddy, Where is Ahkmenrah?” he whispered, Teddy puts on an uneasy expression “Well, he said he's gonna be a bit late since he's uh--” Teddy doesn't finish nor does he want to finish his statement.

Nicky continues for the older man “Ahk is bringing his older brother, Kahmunrah.” he said in a loud but sorrowful way.

Everyone falls silent, even Jedediah.

The blonde starts breathing hysterically, fidgeting his suit “Jed, is there something wrong?” Octavius asks, Nicky let's go of him and this let's the brunette walk up to his friend.

Octavius holds the blonde in a protective manner, Jed fumbles on his words “I... I don't think I can be here tonight, Kahmunrah-–”

Before Jedediah could finish, the door opens and reveals two men, one in a butterscotch yellow suit, and another in a dijon yellow suit.

“We're here~!” Ahkmenrah exclaimed in a singsong tone, extending his arms up. The man beside him wore a dark and grimacing smile, one that would instantly send shivers down your spine.

The whole room stays silent, Nicky hides behind his uncle and aunty Roosevelt.

“Eh? Why's everyone so quiet?” Ahkmenrah asked, stepping inside the room, the young man spots Jedediah and makes his way to him “Greetings! You must be the famous Jedediah, my name is Ahkmenrah, I've heard so much about you from both Sac and Octavius.”

The blonde smiles sheepishly, his legs shaking, he feels like he'll faint any time soon just by Kahmunrah's appearance “Nice to meet you too Ahk! And Kah...”

The room puts on a puzzled looks, especially Octavius and Ahkmenrah “Do you know my older brother? What a coincidence.” the younger Egyptian tries to joke, but none of them laugh.

Kahmunrah makes his way to Jedediah and snickers “It's great to see you again Jed! Y'know, me and this guy go way back a few years ago...” Kahmunrah chuckles, trailing off.

Sacajawea clears her throat “Maybe we should take our seats now?” she said as she let Nicky walk back to his father.

Octavius and Jedediah sat next to each other, the two brothers sit down as well, Ahkmenrah by Larry's side and Kahmunrah next to... Jedediah's side...

The blonde fidgets his fingers under the table, Octavius notices this and asked in a whisper “Jed, do you still want to stay? Wea and Teddy are alright if you leave.” Jed shakes his head nervously, before whispering “I'm alright kemosabe, it's just one night.” he reassures.

Theodore speaks up “I just want to start of with saying, thank you everyone for attending! This is a pretty important dinner for me and Wea, because we have a big announcement..”

Sacajawea smiles wide “I'm pregnant!” she cheerfully announces, the whole room–except for Kahmunrah– cheers in joy.

“Woah guys! Since when?” Larry asked, grinning.

Wea giggles “I've been pregnant for three weeks now, Octavius already knows.”

The lot look at the Italian, who puts up his hands in response “I didn't wanna spoil the surprise!” he jokes.

The whole table cheers “We should get some wine for tonight!” Ahkmenrah exclaimed, Larry aches up an eyebrow “Ahk, how old are you?” he asked “I'll be 21 soon so you don't need to worry guardian of Brooklyn.” the young man limps his wrist in response.

Jedediah smiles, he's really happy he attended this night's dinner, even if Kahmunrah was here next to him.


He spoke too soon.

The blonde sighs, before turning his head to Kahmunrah “What is it wet noodles?” he whispered. The Texan was still nervous of the man, although he just tried to keep himself calm and collected.

“Maybe we should talk later? There's some important things I need to discuss with you..”

Jed tries to protest whilst whispering “... But couldn't we just talk ‘bout this next meeting?” Kahmunrah shakes his head “Like I said, this is important and we need to discuss about it immediately.” Kahmunrah said in a harsh tone.

Jedediah doesn't say anything anymore. The conversation between them was done.

Octavius turns his head back to Jedediah to see that his friend had a sad expression on his face.

He pokes Jedediah's shoulder, before whispering “Jed, is there something wrong?” the Texan nods “Do you want to tell me about it?” the blonde shakes his head.

Octavius sighed “Alright then, but if you want to talk about it I'll be there to listen.” he assured, a smile placed onto his face.

“... Alrighty then, thanks Tavi.”
It was about 9:45 P. M, Octavius sits there, half drunk with a cup of half empty wine in his hands.

He looks to his side to see if Jed was still there and to his surprise, the blonde wasn't by his side. This sends Octavius to an instant feeling of worry “Hey... Has anyone seen Jed?” he asked.

Sacajawea answers “He said he needed to go to the men's restroom.” Octavius nods and stands up to check up on his friend, Ahkmenrah stops him.

“Dear friend, do you mind if you also check on my older brother? He's been there for a while now..” Octavius hesitates although he reluctantly nods, Ahkmenrah mouths a ‘thank you’ and the brunette goes on his way.

As Octavius walks to the restroom, he also searches withing the crowd of customers to see if Jedediah had gotten lost in one of them.

The Italian keeps looking until he sees a familiar silhouette of the Texan and the Egyptian, standing near the balcony exit.

Octavius walks closer to them, hearing faint voices talking to one another.

“...But I can't!” he hears Jedediah's voice protest.

Kahmunrah's voice claps back “If you don't do this, you know very well what I'm capable of doing.” the Egyptian said.

Both men stay silent for a while.

Octavius manages to get the courage to interfere.

“Jed? There you are! I've been looking for you.” Octavius said, acting like he hasn't heard anything.

The Texan's eyes relaxed, quite relief that Octavius arrived, Kahmunrah however... His eyes were dark and scary, eyeing Octavius.

“Jedediah, I'll talk to you some other time... My little brother might be wondering where I am right now.” Kahmunrah breathes in a cigarette “Alright then wet noodles.” the Egyptian puffs out the smoke in front of Jed, making the blonde cough.

Kahmunrah leaves, that gives Jedediah and Octavius time to talk to each other.

“... So what were you two talking about?” Octavius starts, Jedediah turns at him with a worried expression “You... You heard all of that?!”

Octavius shakes his head “No no, I didn't so don't worry.” he lied, not wanting to stir up any trouble between them.

The blonde lets out a sigh of relief “Alright then... Why'd you come lookin’ for me?” his friend asked, Octavius puts a hand on his forehead and goes “I got a bit worried, you could've gotten lost and I wouldn't had noticed..”

Jedediah chuckles lightly to himself “Y'know you sound a bit drunk. You alright there pardner?”

Octavius doesn't reply, only leaning his back on the stone fence “... You're accent really reminds me of someone..”

Jedediah scoffs “Really? Who is it?” he tries to joke around, Octavius looks up at the sky and sighs “The Explorer, he has an accent just like yours..”

Jedediah gulps “Really? An’ how does that make ya feel?” the Italian shrugs “I don't know really... His voice just seems so annoying to me, especially with that accent..” the blonde doesn't say anything for a while, seeming to not have any idea how to respond.

“.... But, whenever I hear YOUR voice, I feel like everything is going to be alright. You're accent seems so cheerful and enthusiastic. I like it.”

Jedediah rests his arms on the fence, before chuckling out “That's a real nice thing to say Tavi, I was never really fond of my accent..” the Texan trails off.

Octavius quickly turns his head “What?! Please keep that accent, it really sounds nice on you..” Jed laughs “You really are drunk, ain't ya Sweater boy?”

Sweater boy.

Sounds kind of like Spandex boy, doesn't it?

The brunette laughs along “I may have had a few sips here and there...” Jedediah laughs once more “Just don't overdo it pardner, you might not be able to get back home.”

Octavius hums “You aren't my mother to nag me.” he chuckled, pointing at Jedediah. The blonde laughs even more and Octavius joins him.

They stay there for a while, talking and joking about one another before having to go back to the private room and explaining to the others why they were gone for a little longer than usual.

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