Tokyo Mew Mew: An American Me...

By TheBlondeAdventurer

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Whenever Tokyo Mew Mew finds out about another Mew, they are in a panic. What if they don't get to her first... More

Chapter 1: Beating the Aliens to America!!
Chapter 2: Who do I trust??
Chapter 4: Back to Japan!
Chapter 5: Changes that come with a new school
Chapter 6: Promises
Chapter 7: Why me???
Chapter 8: Confessions
Chapter 9: The easy days
Chapter 10: Getting back on track
Chapter 11: Surprise!!
Chapter 12: Staying Alive
Chapter 13: Coming back to a scary situation
Chapter 14: Unexpected Visits
Chapter 15: Getting ready for a fight
Chapter 16: A new ally?
Chapter 17: The First Fight
Chapter 18: Battling For What?
Chapter 19: A Deadly Encounter
Chapter 20: Fate?
Chapter 21: The Finale

Chapter 3: Decisions and Betrayal

2.8K 84 17
By TheBlondeAdventurer

Hey guys!! I updated sooner than I thought I would be able to! Hope you like this chapter! I'm really happy with how everyone is responding to this! I love you guys so much!! 

Heirii’s Point of View:

I started stuttering, not knowing what else to do. “Wha-what do you me-mean? I wasn’t lying t-to you??” Way to sound convincing, smart one. Pudding stood up, and pointed at me, and yelled “That’s not even believable! Pudding trusted you! Why did you lie?” My heart sank, I didn’t want to, I just didn’t know what to do. “What do you mean you didn’t know what to do?” Lettuce asked me confused. Crap, I said that out loud. “Um, I just…didn’t know how to handle something like this. I’m so sorry guys.” I mutter, hanging my head down. I feel someone hug me, and I see Ichigo’s red hair, so I know it’s her. I hug her back immediately, and we stay like that for a while. When she pulled back, she looked me dead in the eyes, and said “You didn’t have to try to deal with that by yourself. You should’ve come to us. We would’ve helped you!” I sigh, “I know, but I just feel trapped, I’m sorry for deceiving you guys.” “Stop apologizing, we already forgive you.” Mint said with an annoyed look on her face. I stepped back with a shocked look on my face. They still don’t know the truth, and yet they forgive me ALREADY??? “Really?” I say disbelievingly, and they all nod. “Well, there is something else I need to tell you then.” I say, giving in. I’m going to tell them I’m a Mew. They all look at me quizzically, and just as I’m about to tell them, I see Kisshu standing behind them, glaring at us. I freeze, and then mumble out another excuse. “I did see the red Mew, but it was briefly, she ran away really fast.” I look back to where Kisshu was, and I just see him smirk before disappearing again. WHAT THE HECK DID YOU JUST DO?? Make up your mind on whose side you’re on! Pull it together man! They look at me with there mouths a little “o” shape. “That’s why you were acting so weird when we saw you. But why didn’t you tell us then?” Ichigo questioned me again. “I-I don’t know, I guess I panicked. Haha, sorry.” I say lamely, giving them a small smile. They nod in understanding, and then Pudding randomly yells out that she’s hungry. I bust out laughing at that, and so does everyone else. They lead me to the kitchen, where I see all these desserts sitting out. My mouth hangs open, and I feel like I’m drooling. Lettuce laughs at me, and Mint just gives me a good looking piece of cake. “Eat up!” I quickly obey, grabbing a fork, and take my first bite. “Aahhh!!!! It’s so good!!!!” I squeal happily, digging into the rest of it. Pudding agrees, and we end up eating over half the desserts on the table. I sit back, sighing in happiness. “That was delicious! I’ll have to thank Keiichiro again!!!!” Ichigo says lazily. “Who’s Keiichiro?” I ask. “He’s one of our bosses. He and Shirogane are our bosses for the Mew Project.” Zakuro answers me. So I’d have to work with them…hmmm. I go up to the window, and look out. The sun is coming down, and I remember I told my mom I’d only be out for a bit. “Oh man! Guys, my mom is going to kill me!! I didn’t tell her I was going to stay out this late! I gotta go now!” I rush saying, running over to the door. “Sorry Heirii! Bye!” Lettuce quickly says, and I give a curt nod, and run out the door. I run into somebody again, falling just like I had the last time. I’ve got to quit falling down everywhere!!! I look up, seeing it was the same jerk that knocked me down last time. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” He replied uninterested, and looked at Ichigo’s door. He must be Keiichiro or Shirogane. “Yeah, obviously! That’s the second time you’ve knocked me down!!” I say angrily, picking myself off the ground. He just gives me a hard look, saying “I don’t have time to deal with a klutz. So please go away.” I snap, get up right in his face and yell at him. “You’re an annoying jerk you know that! You don’t care about anything or anyone do you? If I punch you, I’m just going to say I didn’t mean to and walk off. How would you like that?” He just stares back at me. He must be yelled at a lot… “I wouldn’t care. I doubt you can punch that hard.” THAT TEARS IT!! I cock my fist back, and punch him as hard as I can right in the gut. He looks surprised, but he doubled over when I hit him. “Looks like I can punch hard, huh?” I snap at him, and then I turn away from him, walking away. I look back once, and he’s giving me a glare, still holding his stomach. I just smirk at him as I leave, and exit the hotel. I’m sprinting home, trying not to be so late. Just who the heck does that guy think he is? He really ticks me off!!! I get home, throwing the door open, seeing my mom look at me sternly. “I’m sorry! I lost track of time!” I say pleadingly, hoping she’ll understand. She sighs, “I knew you did. I just expect a text or phone call next time. Understand?” I nod quickly, then go to hug her. “When is daddy coming home?” I whisper into her. “He’ll be home soon enough, sweetheart. Don’t you worry.” I sigh, then excuse myself to my room. After getting ready for bed, I lay down, staring up at my ceiling. Why did seeing Kisshu change my answer? Why can’t I make a choice? I groan, rolling around, putting my face in my pillow. I scream into it, and sit up, huffing. “Who knew a decision would be so hard??” I mutter, sitting up on my bed, and look out my window. I scream and jump, for I see Kisshu floating there. “He he, looks like I scared you Foxy.” He grinned, leaning onto my railing. I was clutching my chest, because he did scare the poo out of me!! “Yeah! You did! So don’t do that again!!” I say, but blush a bit, remembering the last time I saw Kisshu. “What are you thinking bout? You remember my kiss?” He says cockily, and I look defiantly back at him. “No. I wasn’t!” I say, trying to act brave, but inside I was shaking. He comes closer, and grabs my chin, tilting my head up towards his. “Well, maybe I should make you remember then?” He grins, and starts leaning in. My eyes go wide, and I have no idea what to do. Right before he kisses my lips, I push him off. “Why should I let you??” I growl at him. He simply laughs. “Just keep trying to fight me. I know you want me, or else you wouldn’t have made up a lie when you saw me at Ichigo’s. Am I right there?” He says, his voice dripping with sweetness. I just look at him shocked. “I just don’t want anyone getting hurt. At all!!” I answer back, feeling my eyes starting to mist up. Kisshu looks at me hard, saying “You just don’t get it, do you? Someone has to get hurt; it’s the way this goes. But if you become mine, I will spare you and your family.” I look at him with hopeful eyes, but then I remember what he means by that. “What about everybody else? Can’t we all just get along!!?” I beg frantically. He starts to look angry now. “I’ve given you this offer, and yet you ask for more?!?!” I back away from him, running into my wall. “I-I just thought…” I say quietly, but he cut me off by yelling again. “No!! How could you not understand what I’m saying, Heirii!! Someday I’ll make you mine, and you will understand!” I stand up against the wall, afraid of what he’s going to do next. “If you don’t become mine, I will end you myself.” He said harshly. My eyes widen even more, if that’s even possible, and I start shaking. He holds his hands out, and two swords appear in them. This is it? This is how it’s going to end? He starts walking towards me now, holding the swords down by his side. “You could’ve made a better choice, Heirii.” He said darkly, almost in front of me now. I looked around, and saw I could slip by him if he lifted up his arms. I just had to wait. Just as I had planned, he lifted his arm up to strike me and I bolted through his arms, and ran towards my window. “Heirii! Don’t try to run! It won’t work.” He growled menacingly, and starting after me again. I looked towards my window, seeing it as my only escape. I have no other choice. I’m going to have to jump. I ran towards it, and jumped out my window, hoping I land on my feet. My animal instincts I now have must’ve kicked in, and I landed on my feet. I look up, seeing Kisshu above me. Okay, now what? I look around, and I see an abandoned lot just a bit away. Bingo! I start running, feeling Kisshu flying behind me. I reach the lot, and I know I can’t do this by myself. Or at least a normal human. I grab my pendant, but before I can transform, Kisshu knocks me over, and I fall down to the ground, though I keep a grip on my pendant. He stands over me, and puts the swords across my neck. “Why don’t you just die now?” he says with an evil look on his face. I can’t move without getting sliced! What can I do??? I decide to try and distract him, so…I yell at him. “What are you going to accomplish my killing me? There are still five other Mew’s out there!! You obviously fail every time you face them!!” His face gets angrier and angrier, but I can tell that the swords have lifted just a tad off of my neck. I take my chance, and kick him in the shins, making him fall. I get up quickly, and yell “Mew Mew Heirii! Metamorphosis!!!” My body started glowing, and I felt my ears and tail pop out. When the transformation was complete, I looked back up at Kisshu. He takes me by surprise, and hits me with an explosion. I flew back into a concrete wall, wincing as my back hit. I drag myself up, willing myself not to give up yet. I stick my hand out, and say “Heirii Staff!” My rod appears in my hand, and I hold it in front of me, ready to attack when I need to. Kisshu laughs at me, “Do you really think that’s a good idea, Foxy? You aren’t that strong, are you?” I grimace, but I hold my ground. “I’ll never give up! No matter whose side I’m on!” I say forcefully. His eyes widen, then he smiles. “You’re really going to pull that? You can’t be on both sides!” I could tell that he was getting upset, so I gave him an answer that would make him think. “Who says I can’t? We both have our reasons to fight! I’m protecting the people I love, and you’re fighting for the ones you love. Is there a difference? Why can’t we get along, Kisshu? Haven’t you ever thought about that?” He stays silent for a while, them gives me a hard look. “Are all humans the same?” I’m shocked by what he said, and I don’t understand it. He flies down, landing on the ground. “Don’t be selfish, Foxy. You want both, when you know it’s impossible.” I put my head down, but that was a mistake. The next thing I know, I’m being slammed into a wall, Kisshu holding me there. I look up into his eyes fearfully, and I realize how scared I am of him. “It’s not that hard of a choice.” He says, struggling to keep me down. I keep trying to fight him, but he’s a lot stronger than he looks. Finally breaking free, I hit him in the side with my rod, sending him backwards. “No! It is a hard choice Kisshu!” I yell at him, trying to make him understand my point of view. “Heh, sure.” He glances over, and I see the other Mews appearing. “I’ll see you again Foxy.” With that, he disappeared, leaving me to once again fend for myself with the Mews. I look at them, but they are already to me. “You’re hurt!” Pudding exclaimed, looking me over. I can’t talk! They’d recognize my voice! I just nod, then start walking away. “Heirii, stop.” Zakuro said, and I froze, my eyes widening. I slowly turn, facing them. Ichigo’s eyes widen in recognition. “Oh my gosh…it is you!” They all seem to see through me now, and I know I’m caught. “Yeah, it is me.” I say, hanging my head. Next thing I know, I’m being dragged into a hug by everyone. “What are you guys…?” I start, but Ichigo cut me off. “I know now why you didn’t tell us. It’s okay Heirii. Really, it is. We’re just glad you’re safe, on our side, and that we know who the 6th Mew is.” She says with a smile, and I feel truly grateful to have her as a friend. “Thank you Ichigo, Pudding, Lettuce, Zakuro, and Mint. It means a lot to me.” I smile sincerely, knowing I hadn’t done that in a long time. It feels good to actually smile…it’s been awhile. They start to lead me away, but I still feel as if I’m betraying them. They don’t know what happened; they didn’t know I was close to being on Kisshu’s side. I sighed inwardly, but let them lead me to the hotel. It’s going to be an eventful evening.

Ichigo’s Point of View

As Heirii follows us into the room, I feel a bit relieved. Just knowing she’s the 6th Mew makes me feel better, so we didn’t have to explain anything, but she had a lot to explain to us. How did she get the pendant? What’s going on between her and Kisshu? A lot of questions like these went through my head, but I knew this wasn’t the time to ask. When we all sat around the couches, Mint was the first to speak up. “I think you have some explaining to do missy.” Her tone was harsh yet playful, so I knew she was just curious. Heirii just smiled, knowing she did. But before she could begin, Zakuro spoke up. “She might need to meet Shirogane and Keiichiro first. Don’t you think? So we don’t have to re-explain everything to them.” It was a very good idea, so Pudding hopped up, and ran out, going to fetch the two. Just a few moments later, Pudding burst back in saying “Ta-da!!” And Shirogane and Keiichiro hurried in, obviously anxious to see the new member. As soon as Heirii looked over and saw Shirogane, her eyes grew angry. What is that all about? Shirogane did the same thing to her, and I felt the tension growing between the two. “So, where is the 6th Mew?” He asked, turning away from Heirii. I see her smirk behind him, but not say a thing. “It’s her!!” Pudding exclaims, pointing to Heirii. Shirogane frowns, but quickly puts that normal bored look on his face. “Oh. You?” He says, looking her up and down. She grins, but looks fiercely back at him. “Yeah, it’s me. You gotta problem with that?” They have some bad blood going on between them. He just sighs, turning away from her. “Well, at least we found her. Now we could go back to Tokyo.” He starts saying, and Heirii just looks at him shocked. “Tokyo? I can’t go to Tokyo!!” She looks lost, and I feel sorry for her, so I decide to take over, seeing Shirogane isn’t the best at explaining. “You see, our base is back in Tokyo. We only came here to find you. Now since you’re here and on our side, we can go back!!” She looks down at her hands, mumbling something I can’t pick up. “What was that?” Lettuce asks, trying to get her to speak up. Heirii stands up, and she starts to raise her voice. “How come you automatically assume I’m fighting with you guys? Don’t I have my own decision to make?” I step back, shocked at her outburst. Why would she doubt what side she’s on. Unless…KISSHU!!! “What do you mean? Did Kisshu tell you something about us?” I question her, determined to find out why she was conflicted. She looks uneasy, but answers. “Yeah, he did. Kisshu is trying to save their kind, but he also is hurting us. All we are doing is protecting the ones we love, and trying to get rid of them. We are in the same situation!! Can’t there be a way to find a solution for both kinds?” She says, her eyes pleading. My heart tugs at the way she feels for Kisshu and his people, but I remember that Kisshu tried to kill Aoyama-Kun way to many times. “He’s just trying to faze you! Don’t give in to him!” I say, bringing my hands up to my sides, balling them up. She shakes her head, “Never mind. I….I’ll fight with you. For now, until I can figure out a way to make both of us peaceful with each other.” I could sense the confusion in her voice, but I was happy that she didn’t go against us from the start. “I’m so happy. Now, you have some explaining to do.” I say, and she frowns, but sits down and starts her story. “Whenever you first left me at the café, I felt the need to follow you. I did, then after seeing you fight, Kisshu starting flying towards me. I tried running away, but flying is much faster than walking. I tripped around the corner, and he was going to try to take something he “wanted” from me. I saw the pendant in his hand, so I took it, and when I did, my body started glowing. I didn’t know what was going on, but it stopped, and I got this mark on my hand.” She explains, holding up her left wrist, and I see a pair of fox looking ears on it. “Kisshu was gone when I stopped glowing, then you guys came. I hid the pendant because I felt the need to. Whenever I got home that night, I figured it out, then transformed. Kisshu came and took me to this weird place. He started explaining everything about us, and the situation. I didn’t know anything from your point of view, so Kisshu took me back. That’s when I called you. After you told me your story, I became even more conflicted. I went off to think, but heard a Chimera Animal. I defeated it, but I didn’t want to face you guys, because I was scared, so I ran away. And that kinda sums it up.” She finishes, breathless. One question keeps nagging me though. “Why are you and Shirogane angry at each other?” I ask, and see her face show shock. “Shiro-oh…it must be him huh?” she said, glaring at Shirogane, who looked at her bored. I nod, waiting for her to tell us. “He knocked me down twice, and didn’t even help me, and then he started making fun of me, so I…punched him in the gut. But he deserved it!!!” She yelled, waving her hands in defense. “Shirogane!! Is this true?” Lettuce asked him, a bit bewildered. “Oi! It’s not my fault she’s a klutz. She didn’t even look before she sprinted out of your room.” He says casually, but with a defensive look in his eyes.  I sigh, seeing that the two started bickering again. This isn’t going to work out very well… Pudding looked confused as she glanced back and forth at the two as they were now screaming at each other. “STOP!!” Zakuro yelled, standing between them. They both looked shocked, but they did as they were told. “Well, I’m going home. I don’t know about going to Tokyo, I feel perfectly fine in America.” Heirii states, and then starts to walk out. “Heirii-onee-sama!! You have to come with us!” Pudding yells, flinging herself onto Heirii’s legs. She gasps in surprise, trying to get Pudding off. “Pudding stop! I need to make my own decisions! I might go, okay?” Heirii says desperately, trying to get Pudding to let go. “Please come! I need Heirii-onee-sama!! Don’t stay here!!” Pudding cries into her legs, and Heirii’s face starts to drop. She picks up Pudding, and hugs her. “I’ll be there for you, Pudding. I-I promise.” With that, she places Pudding down, who looks completely shocked with happiness. Heirii gives us all one final smile, a wave, and then walks out the door. I look over at everyone, whose mouths are hanging open. Glad I’m not the only one shocked on that promise. Wasn’t she the one who just said that she might not fight for us? Or go to Tokyo? She’s such a confusing girl. I stare at where she left, anxiously thinking about what she will decide in the future.

Heirii’s Point of View

WHAT WAS I THINKING???? Making a promise like that!! I groan as I sit on my bed, listening to music. The look in Pudding’s eyes were heartbreaking, it reminded me of my sister, before she was killed. Tears pricked my eyes thinking back to what happened.


“Kira!! Kira!! Where are you?!?!?” I screamed desperately, looking for my little sister. I ran through the small town that was burning, trying to find her. One of the bandits came out, looking at me with an evil grin. He started walking towards me, but I didn’t have time for him. I had to find Kira. I ran by him, punching him in the gut as I went, and it was just enough to distract him. I looked around for her dirty blonde hair, when I finally heard her. “Heirii!! Help me!” Her voice was scared, and it seemed small compared to her normal happy outbursts. I looked towards the voice, seeing her trapped underneath some fallen wood. I raced over to her, throwing the wood off of her. We started running, praying we would get out before the flames engulfed us. I heard Kira scream, and I turn, seeing that same bandit from before, holding her. “KIRA!” I scream, reaching out towards her. “One more step, and your sister’s dead.” The man said threateningly. I stood there with fear laced in my eyes. What do I do? “Please, let her go! I’ll take her place. Just let her go! I beg you!” I plead to him, starting to cry. He grins, and then nods at me. We both start walking towards each other, but before I can get Kira, he says “Did you really think that would work? I like seeing people in pain, so I’ll make you see pain.” My eyes widen, and I see him plunge a knife into my sister’s back. “KIRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screech, and I feel completely blinded by rage. I charge the man, and punch him in the face. I push him away from me, but I accidently pushed him into a burning building. He starts burning, screaming at me “Why you little-” but the building fell on him before he finished what he was saying. I turn, sprinting over to Kira. I hold her in my arms, her green eyes a bit dull. “No no no no no!! Kira, stay with me! Please don’t die! I’ll save you!” I say, tears streaming down my face. “Heirii…it’s…okay. You tried to.” She says, struggling to breath now. “I will save you! Don’t go Kira! I have to have you!!” I yell, sobbing. I pick her up, and run out of the village. I don’t know where anyone is, but I set her down, taking the knife out of her back and taking off my jacket. I place it on her wound, laying her down. “Kira…Kira please don’t die.” I whisper into her hair, trying not to break down. I sober up, trying to look strong for her. “Heirii, I love you. I’m afraid, I am. I know I’m going to die.” She tells me, tears swimming in her eyes. “You aren’t going to die!” I tell her fiercely, trying not to cry anymore. “It’s…time. Bye-bye, Heirii. I…love…you.” She says one last time, and then I see her eyes slowly close. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I scream in agony, clutching Kira to my chest. Why her? Why did it have to be her? I completely break down now, my eyes overflowing in tears. I sit there, watching my village burn, and my dead sister laying in my arms. I don’t remember how long it is till someone finds me, but I feel my mom and dad crying by my side. I look up at the buildings that have fallen down. I will NEVER forgive that man.


I don’t even realize I’m crying until I wipe my eyes. I blocked everyone out that day. No one thought I was going to be okay, and they were right. I’m not. It’s been 2 years. She would be an elementary student, in the 5th grade, just like Pudding. I’m now 16, but I can’t go a day without the thought of Kira. Maybe that’s why I feel so attached to Pudding. I’ll go to Japan. I’ve got to convince mom. I made a promise to Pudding. I make sure all the traces of my tears are gone, and walk downstairs to where Mom is sitting on the couch watching TV. “Hey, mom. I have a question to ask you.” I ask timidly, seeing her eyes come to me. “What is it?” I sigh, I know this’ll be hard to her too. “I’m going to go to Japan.” I say, and see her face go into complete shock. “But, I thought you said you would never go back there.” She questions me, confused. Yeah, Kira was killed in Japan. We lived there for a year or so because of my dad’s business trips. “I know, but it’s for a job I got. It’s all paid for, and it’s a job I’ve promised to do. It involves my new friends I have.” I tell her, seeing if she’ll buy it. “Well, I suppose you’ve been stuck here too long. I haven’t seen you this happy in a while. Maybe it’s best for you to go.” She says, giving me a small smile. Relief washed over me, but then she added something. “I do want to meet them first. That is my only wish.” I nod eagerly, saying just to reassure her “I won’t break my vow, Mom. I’ll never go near that village again. And I’ll bring them over for supper, is that okay?” I said that so solemnly even I got surprised at my tone. She nodded her head, saying it was fine. I go get dressed, calling Ichigo up as I do so. I tell her I need to meet everyone, even Shirogane and Keiichiro. She sounds surprised, but she says I can meet them at the hotel. I go out the door and start running to the hotel I know so well now. I go into their room, and everyone looks at me expectedly. I see Pudding smile at me, and I return it. “Okay, so I’m going to Japan.” I say the words I never thought I would ever say again. They all looked excited and happy, besides Shirogane, and cheered. “On one condition. My mother wants to meet you guys, so tonight at dinner all of you are coming over.” They look nervous, until Pudding breaks the silence. “Let’s go eat!!” We all laugh at her, and I let them get ready. This is going to be an interesting dinner. I start leading them to my house, praying everything went in my favor tonight, or else my mom would defiantly change her mind. But I can’t break my promise. I look down at Pudding, who is holding my hand. I will be strong for her.

So how do you like the new chapter? Leave me some comments and ideas please! Vote, comment, whatever you want!  xx

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