The Bad Guys Crossover

By J-Money78

9.2K 209 11

A group of criminals cause trouble in a city mixed with humans and animals. When caught, a guinea pig named P... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Epilogue + Author's Note

Chapter 7

396 13 0
By J-Money78

Later that night, everyone was asleep. Each of them on a bunk bed. Snake was still awake along with Red, Sly, and Wolf.

Snake: "Hey. You still awake?"

Wolf was playing with the cat.

Snake: "You brought the cat in?"

Wolf: "Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm just saving it up for later."

Red: "He just can't get enough of the little guy."

Wolf: "Why? What's up?"

Snake: "I was just getting a little worried, since you guys kind of became a..."

Wolf: "Became a what?"

Snake: "You know, teacher's pet. Getting all cozy with Marmalade. Your tails wagging and everything."

Sly: "Oh that was just Wolf."

Red: "Not true. We did it too."

Wolf: "Well, yeah, because it has to be believable."

Snake: "Uh-huh. Yeah, I guess so. As long as it's all part of the plan. It is all part of the plan, isn't it?" He sticks his head down towards Wolf's bed.

Wolf: "Snake, buddy, who made the plan to begin with?"

Snake: "You guys did."

Sly: "Exactly."

Wolf: "So we're the ones who stick to the plan the most, right?"

Snake was a bit hesitant. "I guess that makes sense, yeah. But if the plan were ever to change, you'd tell me, right?"

Wolf: "You have our word." Go bad."

Snake: "Or go home." Snake puts his head against Wolf's fist as a way to fist bump. Then he goes back to his bed.

Sly whispers to Red, "Do you think he'll keep that promise?"

Red: "I don't know. But let's get some sleep so we can get it over with."

The two go to sleep while Wolf asks Snake one more question.

Wolf: "Hey, Snake."

Snake: "Yeah?"

Wolf: "You ever wonder what it'd be like? The world loving us instead of being scared of us You ever think about that?

Snake: "Loving us? Hehe. Yeah, right. I don't waste time thinking about stuff that's never gonna happen. I can't wait for things to get back to normal."

Wolf looks at the ring he stole from Diane.

Wolf: "Yeah. Back to normal, back to normal."

They both go to sleep. The next night, the news turns on and Tiffany Fluffit is reporting.

Tiffany: "What up? We are just moments away from Professor Marmalade and Nigel Cockatoo's Gala for Goodness, where the legendary Love Crater Meteorite will be on display for the first time ever. But what everyone is really buzzing about is the Bad Guys, whose heart-melting rescue video has made them an overnight viral sensation."

Meanwhile, The Bad Guys are riding in a limousine to the Gala for Goodness all dressed up in fancy clothes.

Wolf: "All right, guys, this is the big one."

Sly: "Maybe even bigger than the last attempt."

Wolf: "The Golden Dolphin is inside a titanium case controlled by a randomly generated five-digit code, a code kept safe and secure inside a briefcase handcuffed to the chief of police and guarded by Nick and Judy.

The cut scene shows Chief Luggins carrying the briefcase and keeping watch with Nick and Judy.

Piranha: "They're not messing around."

Ralph: "I wouldn't blame them after last time."

Wolf: "The code is only accessible with her authorized fingerprints."

Snake: "Leave that to me and Skipper."

Skipper: "Should be a piece of cake."

Wolf: "While Snake gets the code, Shark and Ralph will secure the fake Dolphin."

Shark: "I like the sound of that."

Ralph: "100%."

Wolf: "Meanwhile, the rest of us plant circuit jammers."

Tarantula: "Allowing me and Bentley to hack into the power grid."

Wolf: "At the end of the night, we toast the professor and the actor, "Blah-blah-blah, yada yada," and when I say "Marmalade and Nigel," lights go out, and we'll have exactly four seconds to make our move.

Snake: "The old switcheroo."

Sulley: "We haven't done that in a long time."

Red: "That's right, so we're due."

The cut scene shows Snake enter the code and swallow the Golden Dolphin while Shark and Ralph place the fake one in the glass box.

Wolf: "Chief hands Marmalade the fake Dolphin, we get our pardon, applause, applause, exit stage right, and by the time they realize what happened..."

Over speakers: "So long, suckers!"

Wolf: "We'll be driving off into the sunset, legacy cemented."

They laugh

Murray: "Yes! I love it!"

Piranha: "Nice."

Snake: "Got to hand it to you, buddy. You're a real artist."

Bentley: "I can see it all happening now."

Wolf smiles. Then the limousine parks and the door opens.

Marmalade: "Well, Good Guys, this is it. Good luck out there."

Nigel: "Have fun. And remember, all eyes will be on you tonight, not us."

Marmalade: "Friends, meet the Good Guys!"

Nigel: "Give them a round of applause."

Everyone cheers and welcomes the Bad Guys, or Good Guys as Marmalade and Nigel call them. This shocked them.

Snake: "Uh, this is different."

Skipper: "What's going on?"

Piranha: "Is this a prank?"

Shark: "What's that sound? Like screaming but not terrified."

Murray: "I think Nigel called it applause? I hope that's right."

Sulley: "Something like that."

Wolf: "All right, guys, let's, uh let's mingle."

Tarantula: "It's crime time, baby."

They walk into the party. The singer on stage sings Fly Me to the Moon while a kid collects donations. As they walk into the party, they split up to their assigned positions.

Shark and Ralph look for the fake Golden Dolphin. Ralph sees it.

Ralph: "Aha! Shark look."

Shark: "Bingo."

As they walk towards the fake Golden Dolphin, people get in the way asking them questions.

Man: "Mr. Shark, is it true that sharks can smell blood a mile away?"

Shark: "What? No. That's freaky."

Lady: "Mr. Ralph, how do you have such big hands?"

Ralph: "I'm not sure. Working out I guess?"

Meanwhile, Snake and Skipper look around and see the cops standing next to the briefcase keeping watch. They chuckle.

Skipper: "Let's go get it."

They head towards them. Wolf was walking with Red and Sly when they were approached by a crowd of people. While they talked, they saw Diane, Silver and Carmelita waving hello to them.

Wolf: "Uh hey just a minute um we'll be right back."

They walk a different direction, leaving the ladies confused.

Silver: "Huh. I thought they'd come over here."

Chief Misty Luggins watched Wolf, Sly and Red walking away.

Chief Luggins: "Okay Wolf. What are you up to?" She takes off her glasses and places them on the briefcase. Snake and Skipper sneak past the cops while Chief Luggins talks to herself.

Skipper (whispering): "Use the glasses."

Snake grabs them and breathes on them to reveal a fingerprint on one of the lenses. They use the fingerprint to unlock the briefcase. Once they open it, Snake holds it open for Skipper to go in and grab the code in the envelope.

Judy: "Chief, what are you talking about?"

Chief Luggins: "What I mean is the moment they let their guard down. WHAMMO!!"

She slams the briefcase shut, catching Snake's tail and trapping Skipper inside. Snake bites his body to try and not scream.

Chief Luggins: "You gotta spring the trap! Always one step ahead."

Nick and Judy look at each other and shrug their shoulders.

Chief Luggins: "I think I've earned a tonic water. Put it in a fun glass, huh?"

She waves towards a waiter. He places three glasses of water nearby them.

Nick: "Look at that."

Chief Luggins: "Oh! Nice."

Nick and Judy grab their glasses of water, while Chief Luggins grabs Snake's neck without noticing.

Ralph (whispers): "Shark, we got a problem!"

Shark gasps.

Tarantula: "Oh no."

Bentley: "Snake no!"

Sly: "Wolf! Red!"

Wolf and Red turn around and see Snake. They get nervous.

Murray covers his mouth.

Sulley: "Oh that's not good."

Snake looked around, opened his mouth and looked up to act like the glass so the Chief wouldn't notice.

The Bad Guys rush towards the cops. Then they stop when the cops see them.

Chief Luggins: "That's right. Be intimidated!"

Judy: "We have our eyes on you all night."

Chief Luggins starts moving Snake towards her mouth. The Bad Guys start freaking out. All of a sudden, Piranha gets on stage and sings a tune.

Piranha: "Looooooooooooook at me!"

Everyone stops what they were doing and sees him.

Nick: "What the?"

Chief continues on. Then Piranha sings more.

Piranha: "Tell me whaaaaaaaaaaaat you see?"

Shark and Murray start playing the drums. A band member starts playing the piano. Sulley joins Piranha in singing.

Sulley: "Am I goooooood or bad?"

Tarantula and Bentley get on the DJ booth and start working on it.

Sulley: "Don't you juuuuuuuuuudge so fast."

People begin cheering.

Piranha: "Hey, hey, hey, I know you think you know me."

Shark and Murray start playing more. Ralph starts clapping and stomping to the beat.

Sulley: "You've made your own conclusion."

Piranha: "You think that I look scary."

While they sing, Chief Luggins lets go of Snake. He breathes on his chest and uses it to scan the fingerprint. The briefcase opens and Snake's tail is free while Skipper gets out gasping for air.

Skipper: "So much for a piece of cake. Hey what? What's going..."

Snake: "Shhh."

They grab the envelope and see the code. It was 12345.

Skipper: "Really?"

Snake puts the envelope back in the briefcase and signals to Wolf, Red and Sly that they got the code. They give a thumbs up to Piranha and and Sulley on stage. They wink in agreement.

Diane: "Mr. Wolf."

Silver: "Mr. Red."

Carmelita: "Mr. Cooper."

They turn around and see them.

Wolf: "Uh what a surprise."

Diane: "You know if I didn't know any better, I'd think that you were avoiding us."

Red: "Avoiding you? Absolutely not."

Wolf: "Why would we do that?"

Diane: "Okay. But I have to say, we're a little disappointed."

Sly: "What's the problem?"

Carmelita: "Come on. It's obvious."

Diane: "We were hoping you three were gonna ask us to dance."

They walk away from them

Wolf: "Oh."

Red: "Let's go do it!"

Sly: "Heck yeah."

Piranha and Sulley continue singing while Wolf & Diane, Red & Silver, and Sly & Carmelita start dancing. The others around them watch and cheer them on.

Chief Luggins stands near the briefcase upset. Then she sees Nick and Judy were not standing next to her. She looks around, then sees them dancing to the music. Judy shrugged and smiled at the Chief. Then continued dancing with Nick.

Snake and Skipper get on stage. Snake starts playing the guitar while Skipper gets on the piano and starts hopping on the keys.

Diane: "I see. You lost the sheep's clothing."

Wolf: "Yeah. Figured it was time I got comfortable in my own fur."

Red: "Ya happy now?"

Silver: "You know it!"

Sly and Carmelita continue dancing until Sly kisses her. She blushes while everyone cheers.

Murray: "Did you just see that?"

Ralph: "Look at Sly making the move already."

Bentley: "He probably should've counted to ten before doing so."

While that was happening, people began donating more and more money.

Diane: "I think I like the new you."

Wolf: "Well that makes two of us."

Red: "It's not as bad as I thought."

Silver: "Of course not. Look at you."

Sly: "I hope that wasn't crossing the line."

Carmelita: "Just don't mention it."

The Bad Guys jump off stage and start singing or playing music next to the guests. While doing so, they attach circuit jammers to the power grids. Tarantula begins hacking while Bentley continues working the DJ booth to avoid any suspicion.

Chief Luggins begins dancing, but tries to hide it. Tiffany continues reporting the news.

Tiffany: "Break out the umbrellas, because it's raining money. All because of... I can't even believe I'm saying this... all because of the Bad Guys!"

The camera points towards the Bad Guys who were dancing and singing.

Chief Luggins starts dancing more.

Judy: "Nick, look at the Chief!"

Nick: "Ha. I would never have imagined her busting some of those moves."

Judy: "Yeah, and they are terrible."

Diane and Wolf continue dancing. Wolf lifts her up and the music begins fading.

Diane: "So, how does it feel to have everyone not fear you for a change?"

Wolf looks at the audience. Red and Sly do the same. They see the crowd cheering them on. Wolf looks down at his tail and it was wagging.

Silver: "Is that normal for Wolf to do?"

Red glances at her and smiles. "It is now."

Wolf: "It feels good. Real good. Diane. It belongs to you." He gives back the ring that he stole from her.

Carmelita: "He's giving it back?"

Sly: "Well if he wants to be good, he might as well start with that. I would have probably done the same."

The three couples start dancing again. Then they run up to the stage and finish the dance there. Meanwhile, Tarantula finished the hacking. Bentley signals the others to finish the song.

Piranha and Sulley: "We're the good, good guys!"

Piranha: "Oh yeah!"

The song ends. Everyone cheers.

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