Od tvwriteher

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This season takes place during the Spring semester of the school year that began in season one and continues... Více

EPISODE FIVE: If I aint got you
EPISODE NINE: If I should die
Episode 10: Run This Town
Epsiode 11: Dilemma
Episode 12: LOVE FACES
All I want for Christmas is you. IM Special
EPISODE 20: Seventeen* Candles
EPISODE 21: Suspects, Rules And Requels
EPISODE 22: Suspects, Rules And Requels PART TWO


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Od tvwriteher

Neal sits at the table a birthday cake in front of him with seventeen candles.

Deandre Kent Kelly Morgan Reggie Tammie Tavon Taylor and Zhuri stand around him celebrating.

MORGAN- blow out your candles.

Neal smiles and blows out his candles.

Everyone celebrates and claps.

REGGIE- so what's next for you son?

KENT- what are you going try to accomplish at seventeen little brother?

REDZ- probably jail.

Neal jumps.

NEAL- what the fuck?

REDZ- hell it your ass might get smoked too. You played a dangerous again little nigga I know you don't think this ends's no happy ending for you...enjoy this shit while it lasts.

TAYLOR- Neal? What's wrong?


Neal wakes up in his bed screaming. Kent and Taylor by his side.

TAYLOR- Neal what's wrong?

NEAL- you don't see him?!


Neal blinks in realization he was dreaming and calms down a bit.

NEAL- nothing it was just um...a bad dream.

Taylor looks at him confused for a second and then stops and becomes excited and jumps on.

TAYLOR- Happy Birthday Bestfriend!

Neal laughs.

NEAL- Thank you.

KENT- Yeah I'm not doing all of that but happy birthday bro.

Kent nudges him and walks towards the door.

KENT- I made you breakfast.

Kent leaves.

TAYLOR- You're really seventeen omg.

NEAL- T don't start.

TAYLOR- my oldest boy I'm so proud I can't believe it.

Neal laughs.

NEAL- I'm older than you but I'm your son?

TAYLOR- let me have this.

NEAL- Nah not today.

Taylor rolls her eyes and then playfully hits him.

TAYLOR- but seriously happy birthday Neal...I love you and I'm really happy you were born...don't know what I would do without you.

NEAL- I love you more and you would definitely be lost without me.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- maybe that's the other way around.

Neal laughs.

NEAL- absolutely.

TAYLOR- well I'll let you dressed.


Tammie has just waken up and gotten out of her bed and walks downstairs to the kitchen in her robe still yawning.

When she walks in the kitchen Reggie stands in the middle cooking breakfast and she's startled.

TAMMIE- What the hell are you doing in here?

REGGIE- making me something to eat.

TAMMIE- Don't okay dense I mean in this house.

REGGIE- is it not still my house? And would I not come here for Neal's birthday.

TAMMIE- well as you can see he is not here.

REGGIE- And I wonder why that is.

TAMMIE- because he wants to stay with Kent and I'm not going fight him on it.

REGGIE- He needs structure right now Tammie I mean not today obviously it's his birthday and I want him to have a good day and even better night at his party but we need to talk as a family.

Tammie rolls her eyes.

TAMMIE- talk about what?

REGGIE- Neal needs both of us we have got figure out a way to co parent....and I'm not going back to Boston so we definitely have to figure out this living situation thing.

TAMMIE- I'm moving in with Garret soon.

Reggie looks stunned and confused.

REGGIE- Say that again?

TAMMIE- I'm pregnant...and we're going try and work it out.

Reggie laughs.

REGGIE- you've got to be fucking kidding me....the guy you left you're having a baby with? And trying to make it work as soon as we divorce?

Tammie smirks.

TAMMIE- well that's easy Reg....I've never loved you I settled for you because I could be with the person I wanted to be and you were easy to pretend real passion...I knew you would marry me and I knew you would create a life with me...Garret had always been the love of my life.

Reggie stares at her down he's broken. Tammie still has smirk on her face.

Reggie walks towards her and begins choking her. Tammie can barley breathe.


REGGIE- How much you think Garret going love you when he remembers how much of crazy bitch you are. I could end your shit right now and no one will even miss you or that baby.

Tammie gets tears in her eyes. Reggie let's her go and she begins to gasp for air.

REGGIE- now get the fuck out.

Tammie looks at him still a bit in fear.

REGGIE- Yeah you quiet now....I said get your shit and get the fuck out now.


Taylor walks into the kitchen and looks around the entire apartment is decorated with with balloons and birthday decorations for Neal.

Kent is making himself a fruit smoothie.

They avoid trying to look at each other for a moment and then Taylor goes towards the door.

Kent sighs a bit and then gets the courage to talk not wanting her to leave.

KENT- you um staying for breakfast?

Taylor stops in her tracks and turns around.

TAYLOR- Um sure...

Kent pulls out a chair for her.

TAYLOR- made all of this?

KENT- hell no...catered.

Taylor laughs.

Kent makes Taylor a plate of pancakes eggs and bacon and begins to pour syrup on her pancakes.

TAYLOR- just a little not too much where it's-

KENT- soggy I me I know you well.

Taylor smiles a little.

TAYLOR- thanks.

Kent smiles at her as he slides her the plate.

TAYLOR- wait are you not eating?

KENT- nah my diet is entirely different right now after all the drinking I've been doing lately I've got to get my shit together I've got a meet coming up and the Baltimore all star game.

TAYLOR- So what are you eating? Like what's your diet?

KENT-no sugar or junk food green veggies Pasture fed beef, chicken, and eggs-

TAYLOR- okay you lost me at no sugar or junk food.

Kent laughs.

KENT- trust me that's the hardest part for sure....have to stay disciplined.

TAYLOR- so how disciplined are you?

A flirty beat between them.

KENT- You want to see?

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- no I think I've seen enough of you this week.

KENT- We haven't even talked all week how could you possible have enough of me?

TAYLOR- and whose choice was that?

KENT- Absolutely not mine....I would always choose you to talk to.

This lands with Taylor she hopes he doesn't notice though.

TAYLOR- Yeah well even when we wasn't talking I've seen nothing but you up and down my time line on all the blogs.

KENT- (embarrassed) eh that was not my finest hour.

TAYLOR- that Marvin's room cover...

KENT- (embarrassed) fuck you saw that?

Kent's embarrassed Taylor tries hard not too laugh, but he's too irresistibly cute. She can't help but smile.

TAYLOR- yeah you're a meme on twitter.

Kent shakes his head.

KENT- that's sick.

TAYLOR- yes singing is not for you Kent Davis.

KENT- trust me I've officially retired....I knew it was bad when even Neal told me he was embarrassed.

TAYLOR- oh yeah because he's the king of embarrassment.

KENT- did you see the video of him at the white party?

TAYLOR- going on stage with that speech? Yes.

They both crack up laughing it's a great moment between them a moment of pure joy.

TAYLOR- I guess you would do anything for someone you love...

The laughter dies down slowly and they share a look.

KENT- so um I'm curious...did any of those things this week make you jealous?


KENT- damn not once?

TAYLOR- I knew you were trying to make me jealous so it didn't hurt me....I actually I don't know....felt bad for you?

KENT- Ouch bad for me?

TAYLOR- You were hurt and you were trying to force yourself to ignore that so yeah I felt bad for you because I know it wouldn't work.

KENT- Yeah it definitely didn't and honestly ...none of that should of bothered you anyway.

TAYLOR- why because I don't remember us?

KENT- no because...nothing I'm ever doing or not doing will ever be better than what me and you had....

A beat between them Taylor's listening.

KENT- I um I admit I was jealous seeing you with Zach.

Taylor looks down wanting to avoid what he's about to say next.

KENT- but I get it I mean you're a beautiful girl Taylor I should of known guys would be knocking at your how are things with you two? How was the date?

TAYLOR- do you really want to know?

KENT- absolutely not.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- exactly.

Kent begins to drink his smoothie.

KENT- plus Kyle already told me everything.

Taylor gets up from her seat and playfully hits him in the shoulder.

TAYLOR- I can't stand y'all.

Kent laughs.

Taylor laughs and playfully attempts to hit him again but this time Kent grabs her hand.  Taylor looks at him for a moment and then:

Neal appears.

NEAL- yo is that bacon I smell?

Taylor pulls away from Kent and he sighs.

Neal walks over to the kitchen and begins to grab some food.

NEAL- K you did all this for me? You really love me that's crazy.

KENT- don't ruin the day.

NEAL- trust today is a good day obviously because a king was born but y'all want to know what I want for my birthday?

TAYLOR- something marvel related?

KENT- Morgan?

Neal takes a few bites of his food and then looks up and smirks.

NEAL- good answers both of you but no...I want for one day for all of us to be like it use to be you know before all the bad shit happened.

KENT- everything has changed Neal. Not even you can fix all of this.

NEAL- I'm not saying that I can but all I want is for all my friends to be together tonight.

TAYLOR- Listen we will all be together tonight and your birthday will be great.

NEAL-this party is going be lit I want everyone who's anyone there.

Kent and Taylor laugh.

TAYLOR-  be calm.

NEAL- I you only turn seventeen once.

TAYLOR-that's I guess you get a pass to be extra Neal today.

Neal smiles.

TAYLOR- wait so Kent you're giving up on drinking the day of a party where there will be alcohol.

KENT- Dre is not giving have alcohol at a teen club.

NEAL- he might not but you know kids from school going sneak that in.

KENT- I'll ignore it then I got way too much shit coming up.

NEAL- yeah okay you're definitely taking a shot with me.

KENT- just one and you don't need to be drinking either you need to get back in shape. You know how many colleges are going be at that game next week.

NEAL- I've already got that offer from UCLA.

KENT- and that's all you want? Your fine with only having one offer?

NEAL- Bro I didn't say that,  please don't try that big brother shit today.

KENT- I'm just saying.

Taylor sees the tension between them.

TAYLOR- okay so let's not do this today and let's enjoy the fact that Neal is back home to enjoy his seventeenth birthday with his friends and family and Kent took all his time and energy to make sure you woke up to something nice.

NEAL- thank you I appreciate it K I really do.

KENT- of course I got you forever.

They shake hands and hug.


Kim Morgan Marvin Tavon and Zhuri sit and have  breakfast.

MARVIN- Morgan we need to talk about this credit card bill.

Morgan smiles.

MORGAN- I did good this month didn't I? I think I'm starting to learn this budget thingy Neal taught me.

MARVIN- you spent $800 on boots.

MORGAN- but I didn't get $500 purse I put it back...and got the the $300 one.

Tavon tries to hold his laugh and Marvin glares at her like she's impossible.

KIM- I'm still on the Neal part you two are back together?

MORGAN- is this a Morgan intervention? Because I missed the memo.

KIM- we're just catching up.

MORGAN- Well I'm not the only person sitting here.

MARVIN-  Zhuri Tavon what's new with you?

TAVON- Um nothing much...same stuff...I'm thinking about taking some AP classes though to help my transcript next year.

KIM- AP classes that's really good.

TAVON- Yeah I've been thinking about college a lot and I really want to improve my grades for my applications...I actually need to go meet her now to get over some things for this test.

Tavon picks up his plate and goes towards the kitchen.

MARVIN- Thinking about your future that's good Tavon and Zhuri?

ZHURI- nothing interesting...actually I have to leave in a few so I can make it to see Michael off before school starts.

Tavon rolls his eyes.

KIM- off? Where is he going?

Zhuri sighs I guess they were bound to know anyway.

ZHURI- he's going to rehab.

Everyone looks shocked and pauses for a second.

Morgan and Tavon both give each other a look.

MARVIN- what the hell do you mean rehab?

ZHURI- (sighs and annoyed) You know what rehab is Dad.

MARVIN- Zhuri...I don't think dating someone who's fighting addiction...I think that's too soon.

Zhuri stands up at the table.

ZHURI- Why because it's going make me want to use Dad?

MARVIN- Maybe it could I'm not sure but all I'm saying is I don't think that's a good thing....I mean you've already kept it a secret that he was using in the first place.

ZHURI- I didn't keep anything a secret I just didn't tell you because since when do we tell you guys every detail about our boyfriends?

MARVIN- you do when it's something like that.

ZHURI- Oh because he uses he's such a bad person...does that make me bad too?

KIM- You know that's not what your father is saying.

ZHURI- whatever I gotta go.

Zhuri walks out of the dining room. Tavon looks like he wants to go after her. Marvin is pissed and Morgan quickly hops up trying to break the tension.

MORGAN- let's all remember that Zhuri is the good child she doesn't break curfew she gets good grades where me on the other hand-

Marvin glares at her..Morgan tries to come up with something quick.

MORGAN- I spend $800 on shoes...(nervous laugh) so that's the actual problem here.

Didn't work tension is there.

MORGAN- okay so I'll be back.


Morgan catches Zhuri before she gets in her car.

MORGAN- Z what the hell?

ZHURI- What Morgan? You want to judge me too? Because I really don't want to hear that right now I can't.

MORGAN- I know our parents have been trying to be parents for like the last few months now and we joke about it but Z what Dad said is true...Michael isn't good for you this whole thing is just it's not hasn't been since London.

ZHURI- I told you-

MORGAN- I get it you want to help him and you don't want to seem like you left him when he was down ride or die blah blah but sometimes relationships happen and serve their purpose and it's time to move on.

Zhuri looks at her.

ZHURI- you don't get one leaves you.

Morgan looks at her confused.

MORGAN- The only person who ever mattered left me for two months are you serious right now? And this isn't about me this is about you and I'm telling you, when you see Michael off to rehab I think you should break up with him.

ZHURI- Break up with him as he leaves for rehab Morgan what the fuck?

MORGAN- (jokingly) I mean at least you'll know that he's already at rehab and he can now overcome two things.

ZHURI- this isn't funny Morgan.

MORGAN- Im sorry Im not trying to be I just I don't like him especially not with you...he's pulling you away from the people you care about he's cause you to spiral.

Zhuri looks at her apart of her knows she's right.

ZHURI- I got to go....I'll see you back at school.

Zhuri status to get in her car.

MORGAN- I love you...I'm just looking out for you.

ZHURI- I love you too.

Zhuri gets into her car and pulls off.


Kent Neal and Taylor arrive to Neal's locker he opens it and it's decorated with birthday decorations and marvel and basketball decorations.

Neal smiles.

NEAL- Bro y'all did this?

KENT- not at all.

Morgan appears holding a gift.

MORGAN- Happy Birthday.

Neal smiles and hugs her.

NEAL- you did all of this? And got me a gift? You not beating those girlfriend allegations.

MORGAN- we are not back together.

NEAL- we kissed in the rain.


NEAL- it was a long great kiss.

Morgan rolls her eyes and tried to brush him off.

MORGAN- Neal please.

TAYLOR- This is really cute but I need to get to my locker and get to class there is this debate thing and I'm in a mood to be right.


Taylor sticks out her tongue.

KENT-I'll walk you.

Morgan and Neal both look at Kent with a confused look.

NEAL- Isn't your class the opposite way?

Kent eyes him.

TAYLOR- it's okay. I can manage...I'll see y'all later.

Taylor walks off.

KENT- Neal what the hell?

NEAL- I'm sorry that just caught me off guard.

Morgan smirks.

MORGAN- you're really down bad aren't you?

KENT- we kinda had almost kiss moment in the kitchen this morning.

NEAL- I did feel like I was interrupting something.

KENT- you always do.

MORGAN- maybe still take it easy you know give her her space.

KENT- I have been giving her space...wait I know y'all are talking again...did she say something?

Morgan sighs.

MORGAN- look I'm not breaking girl code but I want you two back together as much as you do..she just thinks whenever you two get around each other somehow it turns intense.

Kent looks at her.

MORGAN- just let it flow okay?

KENT- okay...wait did she kiss Zach after their date? Kyle didn't get that part.

MORGAN- oh no now you're going too far go to class Davis.

Kent laughs.

KENT- whatever I'll catch y'all later.

Kent walks off.

MORGAN-so are you going open your gift or not?

NEAL- I'm sure it's coal.

Morgan laughs.

MORGAN- can you just open it?

Neal opens his gift and a huge smile comes across his face.

NEAL- Bro! Marvel Comic con tickets?! In New York this weekend? Girl I could slob you down right now.

Morgan blushes but them gets a smirk on her face.

MORGAN- just think about it a whole weekend away in New York with me alone. No interruptions.

Morgan leans in like she is going to kiss him Neal is giving in.

NEAL- Okay what do you want like my unborn child? What's the catch.

MORGAN- nothing at all...just tell me why you went to Boston.

Neal sighs.

NEAL- Morgan.

MORGAN- tell me.

NEAL- I already told you.

MORGAN- Neal it's not the truth....I want the truth.

NEAL- That's all I got.

Morgan eyes him.

MORGAN- you're right that's all you got and that's all you're going get it.

Neal scoffs.

NEAL- are you gate keeping sex from me? Morgan be serious.

MORGAN- I'm very serious.

NEAL- no I'm saying be serious because you can't go without sex longer than me.

MORGAN- what? Yes I can.

Neal steps closer to her.

NEAL- So if I pull you closer to me right now and got closer to your neck....that wouldn't be a problem for you?

Morgan looks at him trying not to cave but it's hard,

NEAL- because that is your spot right?

MORGAN- Neal...
She's caving.

NEAL-you'll be saying Neal again very soon just not in the same context.

Neal winks at her.

NEAL- I'll see you tonight...

Morgan watches him walk away and is gagged.

MORGAN- I hate him.


Michael's parents are packing their car with a few of Michael things. Him and a Zhuri stand in from the car.

MICHAEL- I wasn't sure you were going come.

ZHURI- I told you I would.

MICHAEL- I know but the way things I have been I don't know if I deserved you to come.

Zhuri steps closer to him and grabs his face.

ZHURI- what happened to your face?

MICHAEL- got into a fight at school.

ZHURI- Mike.

MICHAEL- I know I've been fucking up. That's why I'm doing this.

ZHURI- well I'm proud of you.

MICHAEL- I hope you are because I want us to be okay when I come back like a fresh start?

Zhuri forces a smile.

ZHURI-it will be.

MICHAEL- I can't wait.

Zhuri kisses him.

ZHURI- me either.

Michael smiles.


Taylor goes to open her locker and Jazmine and Riley approach her both with sneaky smiles on their faces.

JAZMINE- Hey Taylor what costume are you wearing tonight?

Taylor smirks.

TAYLOR - Not telling anyone.

RILEY- I don't think we ever met I'm Riley.

Riley puts out her hand. Taylor looks her up and down.

TAYLOR- ...hey.

Taylor turns back around to her locker.

JAZMINE- well when you see me and Kent's costume it's going to be so cute.

Taylor turns around.

TAYLOR- you and Kent? Kent's taking you to the party?

JAZMINE- Yeah he didn't tell you?

TAYLOR- Not at all...I mean he doesn't have to tell me anyway.

Taylor grabs her books and closes her locker and walks off.

RILEY- Wait you're really going with Kent?

JAZMINE- nope but she won't be either did you see her face?

Riley laughs.

RILEY- oh my God we should of been made this duo happen.

Jazmine smirks.


Taylor is about to walk to class and pulls out her phone to make a call.


ZACH- Taylor hey good morning.

TAYLOR- I'm sorry are you in class?

ZACH- No I had a dentist appointment so I'll be to school a little late today.

TAYLOR- oh um great...I mean not great that you have a dentist appointment unless that's bad then-

Zach smiles and laughs to himself.

ZACH- Taylor you're rambling.

TAYLOR- I am aren't I? I'm sorry.

ZACH- what's wrong?

TAYLOR- (nervous) it's really last minute but I was wondering if you were free to come to my best friend's birthday party tonight its a celebrity costume thing?

ZACH- you know I would love to but I don't know parties aren't really my thing and I have a project due tomorrow I really have to finish tonight, I'm sorry.

TAYLOR- no it's cool it was last minute I get it.

ZACH- I'm sorry.

TAYLOR- no it's okay...I'll talk to you later.

Taylor hangs up.

Zach mother walks in his room.

MOTHER- I thought you liked that girl?

ZACH- Wait were you just eavesdropping on my call?

MOTHER- I came in here to make sure you were awake and I just so happened to hear you.

Zach laughs.

ZACH- yeah sure....but anyway to answer your question I do like Taylor a lot...she's beautiful but that's not the first thing you notice about her, she's smart she's funny-

MOTHER- okay be calm.

Zach laughs.

MOTHER- so why aren't you going with her to this party?

ZACH- For the reason I said....I'm not a party type of guy.

MOTHER- Yeah because you take everything so seriously. School with no play even look after your little brother...I think you can make time for some fun for the girl you like.

Zach looks at her taking it all in, maybe she's right.


Kent Neal and Tavon sit in the cafeteria together eating lunch.

TAVON- my youngest child really seventeen today I'm so proud...I still remember you taking your first steps.

NEAL- shut the fuck up....this party is going to be insane tonight.

Zhuri walks pass them sitting at another table and Tavon watches her and goes back to eating his food. Neal catches it.

NEAL- still not talking?

TAVON- nope.

NEAL- look all of that goes out the window tonight. This party is going be perfect not just for me but for all us. I want us all to have one night of fun. Just one night where things could maybe feel like it use to be.


Young Neal and Taylor sit in his room. Neal reading a comic book Taylor flipping through channels on his tv.

YOUNG NEAL- T did you see that Kent Davis game last night? They're actually showing his games on tv in middle school. That's so cool.

YOUNG TAYLOR- Yeah I guess...anyway I think we should go outside.

YOUNG NEAL- And do what?

YOUNG TAYLOR- I don't know but this is boring I'm not about to sit and watch you read comic books all day.

YOUNG NEAL- this is only my second one. T I'm telling you these are fire you should read them.

YOUNG TAYLOR- no way that's your thing they're boringgg.

YOUNG NEAL- they're not they're cool!

They begin to bicker and Young Tavon enters and sits on one of Neal's bean bag chairs.

YOUNG TAVON- what are y'all arguing about?

YOUNG TAYLOR-  Neal being a nerd again.

YOUNG NEAL- I'm not a nerd.

YOUNG TAYLOR- it's not a bad thing well when I say it anyway.

Neal rolls his eyes.

YOUNG NEAL- you guys never thought about being a super hero before?

YOUNG TAYLOR- I mean yeah when I was five I wanted to fly.

YOUNG TAVON- super speed for me.

YOUNG NEAL- For me I don't know I just want to help people and be someone that people can count on you know. Like you hear my name and you know it's something good behind it....I don't know give people hope maybe m.

Taylor smiles at him a little.

YOUNG TAVON- I could use that right now.

YOUNG TAYLOR- what's wrong?

YOUNG NEAL- did you lock yourself out the house again?

YOUNG TAVON- I didn't lock myself out the house that was you.

YOUNG NEAL- Oh yeah.

Taylor laughs.

YOUNG NEAL- but what's wrong?

YOUNG TAVON- my Dad he um he left last night and hasn't came back...and I don't think he's going too.

YOUNG NEAL- I'm sorry Tae...

YOUNG TAVON- My mom won't get out of bed...Redz keeps saying she's probably going use again.

YOUNG TAYLOR- he said that to you?

Tavon nods.

YOUNG TAYLOR- ugh I hate him.

YOUNG NEAL- Me too....look Tae I know everything will work out with your mom and your Dad and no matter what happens we'll get through it.

Taylor smiles.


Tavon let's out a small smile.

YOUNG TAVON- thanks you guys are more like my family than my actual family.

Neal smiles.


TAVON- how do you think that's going happen? With everyone broken up or having having unresolved issues.

NEAL- well that's getting put aside's all about fun vibes.

Kent looks aground the cafeteria.

KENT- have y'all seen Taylor?

NEAL- oh brother especially you man.

Kent rolls his eyes.

TAVON- she's at the Taylor daily editing.

KENT- I'll be back.


Taylor sits at her desk typing on the computer Kent enters.

KENT- missing lunch?

TAYLOR- I'm still kinda full from breakfast so I figured I'd get this done.

Kent walks over and sits next to her.

KENT- what are you working on?

TAYLOR- I did that interview with the kid from pikesville I'm just editing it and I wrote an article about the volley ball team.

KENT- the volley ball team?

TAYLOR- Yeah I figured why not? I wanted to write about a sport.

KENT- you could of picked the track team.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- you just want me to write about you.

KENT- I do... I mean you are the best and I like the best.

Taylor smiles.

TAYLOR- you think I'm the best?

KENT- most definitely.

Taylor blushes a little.

KENT- so um about tonight...I wanted to talk to you.

Taylor quickly cuts him off.

TAYLOR- It's okay I understand you don't have to explain anything to me.

Kent looks at her surprised.

KENT- Huh?

TAYLOR- You don't owe me anything.

KENT- I'm confused-

Principal Preston enters.

PRINCIPAL PRESTON- Taylor can I bother you for a second.

TAYLOR- Sure be right there...(to Kent) I'll see you tonight.

Kent sighs a bit....upset he didn't get out what he wanted to say.

KENT-Yeah see you tonight.


Zhuri sits at a table by herself drawing in her sketch book and Tavon walks over and sits next to her.


ZHURI- (still drawing) Hi. I didn't know you were talking to me again.

TAVON- honestly I shouldn't...but after what you said this morning I just u wanted to make sure you were okay.

ZHURI- I'm cool but wait what do you mean you shouldn't be?

TAVON- after what happened the other night and you didn't say anything...I still feel a way about that.

ZHURI- (defensive) You walked out.

TAVON- Because you couldn't say anything....I say I love you and you look at me like I'm a stranger.

ZHURI- You know the situation Tavon I don't know what you want me to do.

TAVON- what I want you to do? know what I don't want you to do anything Z. you cool right? So I'm going dip. Enjoy your lunch.

Tavon gets up and walks away.

ZHURI- that's starting to become your thing...walking away!

Tavon keeps walking.

ZHURI- ugh.


Kent is putting his key in the door him and Neal both standing to go inside.

NEAL- you still didn't tell me what your costume was.

KENT- You'll find out soon.

They walk inside.

KENT- what the fuck?

JIMMY DAVIS late 20s Caucasian a free spirit the total opposite of what we've seen so far from Kent's family sits on the couch with his feet on the coffee table and he's smoking a vape.

NEAL- who the hell is this? And how did he get in here?

KENT- Uncle Jimmy what are you doing here?

NEAL- uncle?

Jimmy smirks.

JIMMY- if it isn't my favorite half white nephew.

Kent storms over to him.

KENT- can you take your feet off my table? And no smoking in here.

JIMMY- it's just a vape little dude relax.

KENT- I don't care what it is.

Jimmy laughs.

JIMMY- when did you become such a white collar?

NEAL- White collar?

JIMMY- means like stuck up a nark you know just a lame.

Neal just stares at him like "okay I guess"

JIMMY- who are you anyway? Is this like your boyfriend nephew? Hey I don't judge. I'm like pro all that shit.

Kent rolls his eyes and sighs.

KENT- (annoyed) This is my brother Neal.

JIMMY- oh shit Tammie's son? That's wicked you look just like her bro.

NEAL- you know my mother m?

JIMMY- How could I not? My brother use to sneak her in the house back in the day and fuck he brains-

KENT- Uncle Jimmy!

NEAL- Kill me now.

Jimmy shrugs.

JIMMY- What? It's a natural thing. I'm sure you guys are having sex...especially you nephew I remember I bought you condoms before.

KENT- (annoyed) What are you doing here uncle Jimmy?

JIMMY- I missed ya.

KENT- You didn't show up to Grandpa's funeral. You haven't been to Kate's.

JIMMY- I was in Dubai on tour. Cell phone service was shitty.

NEAL- you're a rapper?

JIMMY- Nah I was fucking one.

Kent puts his hand to his head and holds his head down.

KENT- I can't do this today. Nope I can't...look we gotta go.

JIMMY- I'm not here to ruin your plans continue whatever it is you two are doing....which is?

NEAL- it's my birthday.

JIMMY- oh shit Happy Birthday full black half nephew.

Neal laughs and Kent shakes his head.

JIMMY- What are we doing?

NEAL- I'm having a party.

KENT- Neal. Don't tell him that.

JIMMY- Whoa I like to party.

KENT- it's a party full of teenagers you won't be there and you can't stay here while I'm gone.

JIMMY- Whoa nephew what's all the hostility?

KENT- nothing ever comes good from you uncle Jimmy and I really don't have time for that shit tonight .

JIMMY- you sound just like Garret.

NEAL- well that's not going help.

KENT- you got to go man.

JIMMY- let me just stay here until tomorrow morning and I'm out your hair I'll promise I'll be chill man.

Kent looks at him debating.

KENT- Tomorrow morning and then you're gone.

Jimmy smiles.

JIMMY- Favorite Nephew!

Jimmy takes out some pills and gives them Neal.

JIMMY- take this shit before your party you're going to be so fucking lit out your mind kid. Best night of your life.

Kent smacks it out his hand.

KENT- are you crazy? Don't give my little brother drugs. See this is way-

JIMMY- I'm just fucking around man...damn you need ti loosen up a bit you need to get laid.

Neal laughs and Kent glares at him.

NEAL- I'm sorry it has been a way man.

KENT- Whatever...go get dressed man so we can go.....(to Jimmy) tomorrow morning.

JIMMY- you have my word.


Taylor sits at her desk looking into a mirror applying makeup.

Nate knocks on the door about three times and enters.

NATE-baby girl.

TAYLOR-(still applying make up) Hey Dad.

NATE- I need to talk to you about something.

TAYLOR- I kinda have to leave in a few but what's up?

NATE-I need you to bare careful around Neal tonight.

TAYLOR- What do you mean be careful?

Nate sits on her bed.

NATE- The police are looking into Neal for the murder of Redz.

Taylor begins to laugh.

TAYLOR- be serious Neal can barely walk without tripping over his own feet but you want me to Beckie he's a murder suspect?

NATE- I'm not joking T.

Taylor hops up and begins to panic.

TAYLOR- Where did you hear this from? Like why- why would they be looking into him?

NATE- calm down.

TAYLOR- you come in my room telling me the police are looking to my best friend for a murder and you think I'm supposed to take this calm? This is Neal he wouldn't kill someone and he's not the jail type he barely could survive high school if it wasn't for me....

NATE- Exactly you two have been close since before you were even born destined to be friends...your parents were friends and then y'all basically played in the sandbox together...who do you think he would pull a trigger for? More than anyone else in the world.

Taylor looks at him still not wanting to believe him.

TAYLOR- No...he wouldn't.


TAYLOR- how do you know that he's been looked at?

NATE- I've been working with the cops to take down Redz former gang and a few others in the old neighborhood.

TAYLOR- Dad what the hell?

Kyle storms in.

KYLE- yo you a rat?

NATE- boy watch your mouth.

KYLE- do you know what could happens to us if that got out?

NATE- It's not going get out and even if it did you let me worry about that.

KYLE- why would you even do that?

NATE- Last time I went away and left my family because I didn't want to snitch and look what the fuck that lead to...after I found out Taylor got shot...I had to find a way to get home.

Taylor is still in shock and begins to cry.

TAYLOR- (crying) I gotta the um party.

She wipes her face.

NATE- Taylor.

TAYLOR- Dad I gotta go.

Taylor leaves.


Kent and Neal are dressed in their costumes and begin to walk to Kent's car.

KENT- Where are you going?

Neal gives him a confused look.

NEAL- to your car so we can go what you mean?

KENT- I figured I would drive my car and you would want to drive your car.

NEAL- What?

Kent points and it's a brand new all white Mercedes Benz.

NEAL- (smiling) Bro what?

KENT- Happy Birthday man.

NEAL- K you're fucking with me right?

Kent laughs.

KENT-nah I'm not.

Kent tosses him the keys. Neal gets a huge grin.

NEAL- K...Man.

Neal hugs him.

KENT- Neal um my whole life has been hell man I mean you know the stories and shit....I thought finding my mom or even what me and Taylor had was the things that could save me but you know how our mom is and me and Taylor aren't together right now and the only person who has been making it better is you....I'm happy you're my brother.

Neal is touched,

NEAL- Aw man...come bring it in.

KENT- don't ruin this.

Neal hugs him.

NEAL- I love you.

KENT- I love you more little brother.

Everyone arrives to Neal's 17th birthday party and the opening of Deandre's teen club, except Kent and Neal.

The place is filled with kids from Lynview and family members of Neal. Reggie is catering and servers fill the floor serving the guests. There is a DJ playing music. Tammie and Kelly sit at table talking near the booth.

Zhuri sits at the bar.

ZHURI- wait is alcohol being served here?

WAITRESS- of course not just juice water and soda.

ZHURI- oh um can I have a lemonade,

WAITRESS- Coming right up.

She hands Zhuri a glass of lemonade and starts to drink it and stops.

ZHURI- Yeah this is not going to work.

She walks off towards the back exit of the club.


Deandre is greeting people as they come in and Tavon approaches him.

TAVON- coach this place is lit,

DEANDRE- Definitely a nice turn out.... where is Neal?

TAVON- His location says he should be here in about five minutes.

DEANDRE- good.


Morgan and Taylor stand taking selfies on the dance floor.

MORGAN- could you look any sadder?

TAYLOR- I don't look sad.

MORGAN- you're pouting.

TAYLOR- I am not.

Tavon approaches them.

TAVON- Whoa let me get in some.

The three of them begin to take pictures.

MORGAN- Who are you even supposed to be?

TAVON- Im michael b jordan..

Morgan and Taylor both look at him.

TAVON- his met gala look.


MORGAN- I see it now.

Taylor laughs.

TAVON- What Britney Spears...(to Morgan) what are you supposed to be?

MORGAN- Morgan Alexander duh.

TAVON- but that's not-

MORGAN- Im literally a celebrity don't be stupid.

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- in your head of course.

Morgan gives him the finger. Tavon looks down at his phone.

TAVON- Yo Neal is pulling up.

Tavon and Taylor walk towards the entrance. Morgan looks around.

MORGAN- Where the hell is Zhuri?

A random girl walks pass.

RANDOM GIRL-she's in the bathroom making bomb ass drinks.



Morgan enters the bathroom and Zhuri is pouring alcohol into a cup.

MORGAN- Zhuri what the hell?

Zhuri is a little tipsy.

ZHURI-(laughing) What?

MORGAN- it's not supposed to be liquor in here and you shouldn't be drinking anyway.

ZHURI-oh shut up you drink all the time at parties hell everyone here does.

MORGAN-Im not talking about everyone else I'm talking about you-

ZHURI-Why because I'm a former addict? You think I cant handle a drink?

MORGAN- if you got to sneak it in here maybe you can't.

They hear cheers from outside.

ZHURI- Neal must be here.

MORGAN- You're going home.

ZHURI- No Im not Im fine....It's just one damn drink...stop acting like you're my babysitter damn.

Zhuri storms out.


Kent and Neal have arrived. Everyone cheers Happy Birthday Neal and greets him. Morgan is the last one to come outside still upset from her fight with Zhuri.

TAVON-Okay Michael Jackson.

NEAL- I mean it's only right me being the goat that i am dresses up as another goat.

KENT-This guy.

Tavon notices Neal's car.

TAVON-Bro hell no a new whip?

NEAL- K loves me sometimes.

Kent laughs.

KENT-Shut up.

PHOTOGRAPHER- Let me get some pictures of you guys.

NEAL- My Day ones, wait hold up where is T, Morgan Zhuri?

TAYLOR- Im here.

Morgan and Zhuri walk over Neal puts his arms around Morgan.

KENT-(to Taylor) you look good.

TAYLOR-Thanks...nice hair.

Kent laughs.

PHOTOGRAPHER- Happy Birthday on three. One Two Three.

They all smile and say Happy Birthday for the picture.


Everyone is on the dance floor except for Morgan and Zhuri who stand near the bathroom.

ZHURI- No way you are about to babysit I am need a drink yourself.

Morgan looks at her not believing her.

ZHURI- The cup I had is gone Morgan I swear Im fine I just wanted a buzz damn. That was my first drink in forever.

Morgan sighs.



Kent Neal and Tavon are dancing together having a ball and laughing together.

NEAL- Whoa Whoa's lit as hell in here like everyone I ever know.

KENT- That was the plan.

NEAL- I need to go mingle a bit.

TAVON- The fuck are you 40? who says mingle?

NEAL- are you judging me on my birthday?

TAVON- you right I'll let you slide today.

Neal laughs.

NEAL- bet...I'll be back.


Neal goes inside the kitchen to talk to Reggie who is sending food out.

NEAL- Hey Dad.

Reggie hugs her

REGGIE- Happy Birthday son.

NEAL- Thanks, I'm happy you're here I missed you.

REGGIE- Missed you too.

NEAL- I'm sorry about everything that happened in Boston-

REGGIE- Let's not do this here...I love you and I'm proud to be your father. The best thing I ever did.

Neal smiles.


Taylor sits at the bar and Kent comes over and sits next to her.

KENT- Hey.

TAYLOR- Hey. Jaden Smith?

KENT-Yes! thank you.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- You put it in no effort at all.

KENT- I really didn't. This hair dye is the most you can get.

TAYLOR- It suits you.

KENT- You think so?

Taylor laughs.


Kent laughs.

KENT- you're gaslighting me.

TAYLOR- definitely.

KENT- since you making fun of me you owe me a dance.

TAYLOR- is that how this works?

KENT- Yeah it does.

Kent puts out his hand and Taylor looks at him debating for a second and then she takes his hand and they go dance.


KENT- Did I tell you that you look nice?

TAYLOR- with your mouth and your eyes.

Kent laughs.

KENT- I can't take my eyes off you.

TAYLOR-stop making me blush.

Kent smiles.

TAYLOR- You know I almost felt like a jealous girlfriend today.

KENT- Really when?

TAYLOR-When Jazmine told me you were coming together to the party tonight.

Kent looks confused.

KENT- What?

TAYLOR- it's okay...I mean why would you not have a date?

KENT- No Taylor-

Zach appears entering.


Kent sees him and Zach approaches them.

KENT- I guess I'll um let you go.

Kent walks off disappointed.

ZACH- I hope I'm not interrupting.

TAYLOR- What are you doing here?

ZACH- I was a idiot for saying I wouldnt come in the first place.

Taylor looks at him wondering what he is going say next.

ZACH- I am not the party guy..I wasn't sure how I would fit in...but if you're here it's no other place I'd rather be.

Taylor smiles.

They begin to dance.


Kent approaches Jazmine at the bar.

KENT- Jazmine what the hell did you see to Taylor?

JAZMINE- What are you talking about?

KENT- You told Taylor I was bringing you as my date tonight?

Jazmine laughs.

JAZMINE- I'm not sure I know what you're talking about.

KENT- This is not a game...stop fucking with my relationship...I don't want to be with you.

JAZMINE- I said I don't know what you're talking about.

Morgan approaches.

MORGAN- Kent what's going on?

KENT- Nothing I'm good.

MORGAN- it doesn't look like it...Jazmine what the hell did you do?

JAZMINE- I didn't do anything.

MORGAN- You're such a weird bitch.


MORGAN- I said you're a weird bitch what are you deaf too?

Morgan gets closer to her face.

KENT- Morgan.

Morgan smiles

MORGAN- Im done...I'm about to get me a nice soda, by the time I finish it you better be gone bitch.

Jazmine looks at her confused.

JAZMINE- you're seriously threatening me?

Morgan smirks.

MORGAN- You'll see how serious my threat is once I get done my soda.

Jazmine storms off.

KENT-Thanks...I guess.

MORGAN- Whatever.

Kent laughs.


Neal goes over to Kelly and Tammie as they sit.

KELLY- Neal Happy Birthday Nephew.

She hugs him

NEAL-Thanks Aunt K.

TAMMIE- My son.

NEAL- Hey Ma..

He hugs her.

The DJ plays "When I See You" by Fantasia from the dance floor Tavon calls Neal over.

NEAL-Hold up not the throwback.

Neal rushes to the dancefloor.

TAVON-(singing) I lay my head on my pillow.

Neal laughs.

NEAL- Fuck it up Tae.

TAVON- (singing) staring out the window.

NEAL- (singing) Wish on a star for a sign.

Taylor walks over and dancing with them.

TAYLOR-(singing) What's the reason why.

Tavon begins to dance again and then they all laugh together.

TAYLOR- TNT selfie.

Neal pulls out his phone and they all take a picture and then go back to dancing.

TAYLOR-(to Tavon) What the hell are you drinking?

NEAL- who snuck liquor in here?

TAVON-Someone in the girls bathroom was making drinks...this shit is bomb.

TAYLOR- the girls bathroom?

Neal spots Morgan talking to Kelly and walks over to her.

NEAL- Can I grab my girlfriend for a second Aunt Kelly?

Morgan blushes.

KELLY- Sure can.

Neal pulls Morgan on the dance floor and they dance together.

MORGAN- Neal we are not together.

NEAL- you keep saying that but Im not believing you.

MORGAN- Well believe it.

NEAL- Nah.

Morgan laughs.

MORGAN- you're insane.

NEAL- and you look insane....I mean wow.


NEAL- All I been thinking about is ripping your clothes off and kissing you all over your body starting at every spot I missed you at the most.

Morgan looks at him this time it works.

MORGAN- Do it then.


Neal locks the bathroom door and turns around to Morgan they lock eyes and then they kiss passionately. Neal begins ripping her clothes off. Kissing her all over. Morgan takes off his jacket and shirt and kisses his neck.

Neal picks her up and places her on the counter as they still kiss Morgan wraps her legs around his back.


Tavon sits in the middle of two girls babbling you can tell his drink is kicking in and he's drunk.

TAVON- so then I said I told her I loved her and asked if she even loved me and she just left......I mean what does that even mean? and now she's acting like I did something wrong...I thought girls liked when you expressed your feelings?

RANDOM GIRL- All I asked was where did you get the alcohol from?


Kent and Zhuri sit at the bar Zhuri watches Tavon.

KENT- I get your pain.


Kent nods his head to Taylor and Zach dancing together.

ZHURI- Oh...sorry.

KENT-Hey it's life I guess.


KENT- if it makes you feel any better he's been saying you look hot all night.

Zhuri laughs a little.

ZHURI- and between me and you.... if it makes you feel any better Taylor said she had a nice time with Zach on her date but that there wasn't a spark...she never said that about you.

Kent smiles a little.

KENT- She said that?


Kent smiles.

Zhuri walks into the bathroom.

Kent continuous to watch Taylor and Zach dance debating if she should interrupt.

DESTINY 16 black very pretty and funny approaches him.

DESTINY- staring at them isnt going to make her walk over here.

KENT- What?

DESTINY- you heard me I've been there getting over a ex is tough even tougher if you're staring across the room at her. it's kinda giving stalker.

Kent laughs.

DESTINY- Im Destiny.

KENT- play volleyball?

DESTINY- I're a fan?

KENT-Relax let's not go that far.

DESTINY- It's okay I get it I would be a fan of me too.

Kent laughs.

KENT- I just happened to see yall practice.

DESTINY-(laughing) Sure.

Kent laughs.

DESTINY- you have a nice smile you should do it more.

KENT- Thanks.

Destiny takes his phone off the bar.

DESTINY- unlock it.

KENT- what?

DESTINY- unlock your phone.

Kent unlocks his phone and Destiny takes it back.

DESTINY- I put in my number...if you want to smile some more after the party tonight... text me.

She hands him the phone back and walks away.

Tammie goes near the DJ booth.

TAMMIE- We're going to start opening gifts...does anyone know where Neal is?

Tammie looks at Kent and he shrugs.


Morgan and Neal are trying to fix their clothes after just having sex.

MORGAN-I cant believe we just did that.

NEAL-(smiling) I can.

Morgan hits him in the shoulder and then laughs.

MORGAN- this is not funny, we're going walk back out there and have a walk of shame.

NEAL- I'm not ashamed about anything.....from the way you just was five minutes ago I dont think you are either.

Morgan laughs.


Neal kisser her.

MORGAN- stop before we miss the rest of your party.

NEAL- I don't care.

Morgan kisses him and then both their phones get text messages.

NEAL- they're about to open gifts.

MORGAN- yeah I got the same thing....we better get out there.

Neal smiles at her.

MORGAN- stop looking at me with that grin...are you insane?

Neal laughs, and Morgan tries not to laugh but cant help it.


Neal sits in the middle of the club everyone around him watching him open gifts.

TAYLOR-(whispers to Morgan) Yall totally had sex.

Morgan smirks.

MORGAN- Im not sure what you're talking about.

Taylor laughs.

NEAL-(opening a gift) this is from Coach Dre...bro wizard lakers tickets. This lit thank you Coach you've done more than enough for me.

Neal shakes his hand and hugs him.

DEANDRE- of course kid you deserve it.

Neal smiles and picks up another gift.

NEAL- Oh this is from Tae.( he opens it) Neal its a comic book?

TAVON- I made it, it's you... you always said you wanted to be a superhero and man you are. You're the person that brought all of us together the person we all can depend on to cheer us up and make things better.

Neal looks at him feeling guilty.

NEAL- Yo you made this for me even after me being gone for two months.

TAVON- You let me stay at your house after how I treated you for two years....we're brothers man.

Tavon hugs him Neal is speechless a little.

NEAL-Yeah brothers.....yo Tae I need-

KENT- next gift is from your mom man open it.

Kent and Neal share looks and Kent passes him the gift.


Neal has finished opening his gifts and everyone goes back to dancing.

NEAL- Yo what the hell was that back there?

KENT- you fucking tell getting worked up over a comic book so you wanna confess.

NEAL- Did you not hear what he said up there? I can't continue to keep this from him....I'm telling you Tavon will understand.

KENT- You think because yall fucking traded pokemon cards as kids he's gonna forgive you? Over his own fucking brother?

NEAL-I know you don't understand but he was my brother before you came here....our bond runs deeper than this.

KENT-Did you forget he was fucking bullying you before I came here?

NEAL-and he explained why and we moved passed it.

KENT- I forgot how fucking naive you can be sometimes.

NEAL-That's right Neal is naive Neal see's the good in people why cant you trust that?

KENT- because you fucking trust everyone!

Neal looks at him tension thick between them.

NEAL- you know what Im sorry that I had a good childhood filled with good memories with good yell I can trust. Im sorry that you didn't make friends until this year and you don't know what that feels like.

KENT-what the fuck did you just say?

NEAL-you heard me keep calling me naive for wanting to see good in people but what should I call you for thinking the world is out to get you?

KENT- fuck know what I dont give a fuck what happens to you tell Tavon whatever you want.

NEAL-you do care and that's okay...and just because I disagree with you it doesnt mean Im going against you.

KENT- that's literally what the fuck that means Neal.

NEAL-shit is so black and white with you.

KENT-and shit is so delusional with live in a fairytale!

NEAL- it's not my fault that your childhood was ripped away from you so you never got to experience one!

Kent punches him. Neal falls and gets up and hits him back. They begin to fight punching each other back and forth.

Taylor runs outside.

TAYLOR- Neal Kent! What the hell?

More guests from the party begin to rush outside.

TAYLOR- Can you stop?

Taylor tries to break up the fight and Kent pushes her.

KENT- Shit Taylor....Im sorry hold on...I didnt know it was you.

NEAL- You fucking crazy?

Neal punches him.

TAYLOR- Neal stop!

Deandre and Reggie break up the fight.

DEANDRE- Do yall know yall fighting each other? Like y'all sure yall have the right people?

Tavon runs outside.

TAVON- What the hell is going on?

KENT- As far as I know we not brothers anymore.

NEAL- Fine by me..I made it 15 years without you!

Kent claps.

KENT-he's your brother right....go stay with him.

NEAL- Fuck you.

TAMMIE-Is someone going say what the hell is going on?

Neal throws the car keys at Kent.

NEAL- (to Morgan) can we get out of here?

Morgan nods her head yes and then sadly looks over at Kent and then her and Neal leave.

Kent snatches away from Deandre.

KENT- Taylor are you okay?

TAYLOR- No...what the hell is wrong with you two?

KENT- Can we go somewhere and talk?

Zach pulls up in his car.

TAYLOR- I gotta go...I'm sorry.

KENT- Taylor..

TAYLOR- Im sorry.

Taylor gets in the car and they pull off.

DESTINY- You want to get out of here?

KENT- Fuck it let's go.


Morgan and Neal sit in his room.

MORGAN- what the hell happened?

NEAL- it doesn't matter.

MORGAN- Kent is your brother it does matter....

NEAL- no it doesn't.

MORGAN- back with the secrets again.

NEAL- Morgan please don't start this.

MORGAN- how can you expect me and you to be together and you won't be honest with me...if you can't do that this isn't going to work.

NEAL- I don't want to lose you.

MORGAN- it's nothing you can do to lose me don't you get that? I love you so much it's nothing you can say or do to change that.

NEAL-Morgan I killed Redz.


NEAL- it's why I left that night...I had to leave fast.My Dad had already planned to move there so I just went.

Morgan stares at him in shock.

NEAL- can you say something?

MORGAN- Oh My God Im in love with James St.Patrick.

NEAL- Morgan.

MORGAN-I got to go.

NEAL- You said you could love me through anything..

MORGAN- I did and I do...this is just a lot to take in Neal...I need some time....Im sorry.

Neal looks at her.

NEAL- okay.

Morgan leaves.


Destiny looks around Kent's room.

DESTINY- Okay you were definitely in love....she is everywhere.

KENT-you going keep talking or take off your clothes?

She begins to get undressed and kisses him and they begin to have sex.


Morgan walks inside the house still upset from what Neal said to her.

She turns on the light on the kitchen and her mom is there having a second with a man that is not her father.


Kim hops up.

KIM- Morgan what are you doing home?

MORGAN-what the hell are you doing? Where is Dad?

KIM- He's working late.

MORGAN- Oh My're sick just in the kitchen? What if Zhuri or Tavon came home?

KIM- Morgan.

Morgan begins to cry.

MORGAN- Please just leave me alone.

Morgan leaves.


Tavon and Zhuri sit inside mcdonalds eating together.

TAVON- my head is killing me.

ZHURI-sprite and fries always fix a hangover.

TAVON- I see...thanks for looking out for me.

ZHURI-It's the least i could do...I know I haven't been easy to be around and it was my drink anyway.

TAVON- your drink? you snuck alcohol in?


TAVON-you're drinking again?

ZHURI- I had one drink that's it.

TAVON- one is still too much Zhuri.

ZHURI- can we not talk about that right now and just enjoy tonight just us talking again.

TAVON-I cant enjoy it if I'm worried about you.

ZHURI- and Im telling you it's nothing to be worried about Im fine.

Tavon is still worried but he lets her have tonight.

TAVON- Okay.


Kent and Destiny have finished having sex.

DESTINY- That was

Kent just lays not saying anything.

There's a knock at the door.

Kent goes to answer it and its Neal.

KENT-what the fuck does you want?

NEAL-I left my game.

KENT-be fucking serious.

Jimmy on the couch wakes up.

JIMMY-bro do yall ever sleep around here? first you and that girl and now this.

NEAL-oh you got a girl in there? I hope she knows you haven't cleaned your sheets since you cried over your ex!

KENT-Neal shut the fuck up.

NEAL- whatever Im getting my shit and Im gone.

Neal goes in his room.

KENT-Yeah you do that then.

Morgan appears and she's upset.

KENT-What the hell?

MORGAN- is Neal here? I need to talk to him.

Neal walks out.

NEAL-Morgan whats wrong?

MORGAN- (crying) Can I stay with you?

NEAL-Yes of course...come here.(he hugs her).

More knocks come the door these ones are louder.

KENT- I swear to god...who is it?

POLICE OFFICER- It's the police...we have a warrant.

KENT- What the fuck?

Neal looks at Morgan and she holds him tighter.


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