Darvid Suppassit Heaven

By FlyingApsara

16.8K 619 569

It can be MewTae or TaeMew A compilation of OneShots. Hot, Fluff, Romance, Mature and bit Tears. Dont proce... More

My Mute Sub
Innocent Devil
Sugar Candy
Alphaa!!! Who??
Addicted to my Alpha
Daddy's Little Prince
Call of the Devil
Bigger Punishment
Daddy's Little Prince 2
Daddy's Little Prince 3


1K 46 52
By FlyingApsara

A MewTae OneShot


"Mew ... Moreeeee".
"I will give you everything you ask. Phi"...

"Mew..... Dont".
"I will not leave you no matter what".

"Then i will leave you. Mew"....

"What do you want now huh? You left me when i needed you the most".

"I cannot live without you Mew. I tried. I was scared. Please forgive me".

"On one condition. If you ever leave me again, i will kill myself".

"Even death wont do us apart Mew. I love you".


Lust. 1

"Mmmmhhh... Its soo gooood". He moaned loud. It was so good to let himself loose, not afraid of anyone disturbing them or listening to their noises. He licked his lips, fisting the sheets tightly with one hand, while strongly holding the bedhead to balance himself on his shaking knees. He was sweating, his back arching in the middle and his lower half was being cradled by his hungry boyfriend who had still got lots of stamina to fuck him senseless.

"Good huh? I will make you see heavens Phi". Mew pulled out his condom covered dick and pushed his one year senior boyfriend Tae on his back. "Thats my boy. My good boy". Mew smirked looking at the messed up state of him. Tae saw the smirk on his face and smacked his arm. He could never face Mew while the younger would be pistoning inside him hard and fast. It would always get so difficult for him to keep a hold. Those dark, intense eyes, the lopsided smile. The strong muscular arms, the flinching abs.

Tae was no less than a man himself. Around 5'11 he had a bulky physique just like Mew. No one could ever guess the Seme and Uke in their relationship. But those veins popping out, his rings adorned hands, those pectorals would always make him weak in knees that he would always surrender in front of him. Mew had opted many times to switch, but so far he had not taken the offer. And apprently he was too shy to admit that he loved to be the bottom.

They were boyfriends for last 3 years since Mew was a freshmen and now Tae was in his finals. Mew didnt waste a chance to propose the greek god Tae, and well Tae was just waiting for Mew to ask. Tae had a mother and no one else in the family. He wasnt as rich as Mew but he was doing very good with his Mom working in a multi national firm and Tae with his side jobs. Mew was a son of a billionaire and he himself had few grand bills in his personal accounts too. He wasnt a boy to rely on his father's wealth only and Tae was so proud of him.

They were currently at Mew's personal apartment, sound proof so that his boyfriend could scream as loud as he could. He loved the fact that all strict and cold Tae Darvid in the university was so lewd in the bed. No one knew this place and it was the perfect hideout for both of them to sneak out.

"Nhhh. Fuck Mew...". Tae said holding Mew at his arms.

"You can Babe, if you have any strength left. Yeah"? Mew winked bending down on him, he kissed him soft and then hard, working his hips hard. Soon he filled the condom inside Tae and Tae cum hard between their bodies. They were still basking under the awesome fuck, when Tae heard his mobile ringing. It was 7 in the evening. Mew laid beside him not disturbing. Tae took a moment to even out his breath and then picked the call.

"Mom. Are you home"?
"No Tae. Am not. Am at the restaurant and i want you to come there. I want you to meet someone". His mother told him. He frowned and turned to Mew who raised his eyebrows showing him a message from his mobile where his father had texted him to reach some restaurant and it can be a coincident right that the place was just the same as Tae's mom mentioned.

"Tae. You there? Well i had to say that come soon. See you around. And yes, be presentable". She hanged the call leaving Tae all confused and dumbfounded.

"I guess something big is awaiting". Mew voiced out followed by Tae who nodded his head thoughtfully. They both got ready after a quick bath. Tae wore his formal shirt and slacks, Mew wore the same combination. Something presentable means they could not wear their jeans or tee.

"Want to come with me or"? Mew asked strapping his wrist watch.

"Nope. I will take my car and will go back home with mom". Tae buckled up his belts.

"Now thats the worst part. To part from you Phi". Mew pouted, hugging Tae to see their reflex in the mirror. Tae smiled turning in Mew's arms. He kissed his forehead, his cheeks, with love, with care. He caressed his cheeks who leaned in his touches..

"This is my last year Mew. Then i will meet your father to ask for you. For now i have nothing to make myself eligible in front of his eyes to ask for your hand. Give me a little time hmmm"? Tae spoke in his utter soft tone. A voice only for Mew to hear.

"I know Phi Tae. It just hurt me when i have to go back home alone. I want to stay with you always. You know you are everything a father would look for their children, but i respect your decision. I would never step on the line. But yes, i love you so much". Mew booped their noses, before kissing him softly and they both parted ways.

Keeping the time check, Mew parked the car in the restaurant and got a text from Tae that he would be there soon. He was about to go inside but just then one of his Dad's managers called him to reach their office since the chairman was out of reach and they had to fix some issues with the labor.

Mew groaned but texted his dad, and left. Without a word or going inside.


Tae entered the restaurant and asked for his mother from the reservation counter. He was guided to a table located at the other end. She was sitting with a man. Graceful personality. He politely greeted him who stood up and patted his back. Tae took his seat, looking at his mom with questioning eyes.

"I guess lets have dinner first. What you say"? Tae's mom, Jena, asked, while the man waved for the waiter. They had a decent chit chat and surely Tae was impressed at the man, who spoke money but so down to earth and humble.

"So young man, what you do"?

"I. Uhh. I am an Engineer Sir. Final year of my Bachelor Degree. Mechanics as major". Tae replied with respect.

"Great. Jena, i mean your mom told me about your side works too"? He queried and chuckled to see the light pink dust on his face.

"Yeah. That. Mom just..just exaggerates it. Nothing special sir". Tae replied glaring secretly at his mom who was busy sipping her wine.

"Well, Wier, your son"?? She asked from him who sighed.

"Actually. He just came but one of our company had some issues with labor staff. And you know, no one can handle the lower staff better than him". He spoke with a little irritation but Tae smiled to hear the love behind those words.

"Tae. I wanted to talk to you about something important son". His mom held his hand. Tae looked at him with confusion.

"What is it mom"?

"I.. Actually we want to get married. You know him virtually, so i wanted you to meet him tonight. If you agree, i..".

"Mom... Why you even need my permission. I know your struggles, your lonely life that you chose for my future. I am the witness to your tears and hardwork. I am happy with anything that makes you happy. Its time for me to repay you mom". Tae said holding her hands with tears in his eyes.

"Tae. We had discussed it a while ago. It wont be anything like a lavish thing. Its that i feel so good with your mother that i want to spend life with her. She had already talked about everything. And i wanted to meet you personally to know your opinion.

Look, i have a son too. Only child like you. More or less your age or may be a year or two younger.He is in University too. And conincidentally Mechanical Engineer. I have spent so many years with him and he might be possessive about me as the way you would be about your mom. But i assure you he is the most freindliest boy on earth. I am disappointed that you couldnt meet him today, but we will meet soon. I hope you both will get along good". Tae listened to Mr Wier. He nodded his head again in understanding. It was good to get a nong for yourself.

"I believe in that Sir". He said but fell silent when he saw him flicking his finger softly.

"This.. Would be the last time i would hear a SIR from you. Call me Dad or Daddy or Papa anything. Not sir okay"? He patted Tae's son who looked at him with a biggest smile. It was more than a decad to call someone DAD. But surely he was hesitant a bit and that was quite understandable.

They discussed a few more thing when Tae saw the time. It was past 10. His mom noticed too. They had such a wonderful evening that they lost the track of time.

"In a hurry Tae"? His mom asked.

"Its late mom. I have to prepare for morning too. But..".

"Ohh. I was planning to take you guys for a little shopping. Have to buy a ring too". Mr Wier said in a disappointed tone.

"Its okay sir. Mom can accompany you. I would loved to go to but i am rrally sorry. I had to review my project that i have to present in the morning. Please forgive me". Tae was really embarrassed. First he lost the track of time with Mew and now this.

"Oh no boy. Its okay. Well i think i can take your mom with me and will pick you when my son would be available too. What say"? Mr Wier said and Tae was happy with it. He stood up to bid his mother a good bye before whispering in her ear. "I like him". He kissed her cheeks with a smile and bow in front of Wier who pulled him in a hug. He couldnt help but melt in the embrace. Strong and caring just like a father.

He left in his car to his home although he only wanted to go to Mew and snuggle into him but he had not received any message or call from him. He dialled the number and it directed to a voice mail, indicating he must be busy. Tae sighed, tapping his fingers on the wheel. No other option but to get busy in the notes.

"Hi Love. How was the presentation? Swadees Phi". Mew entered the cafe to the particular table. He was wearing his maroon jacket with black tee and jeans.

"Hi baby. Yeah it was great. How was your hazing? Hungry"? Tae held his hand, making him sit beside him. He racked those sweaty locks with his fingers.

"Hazing. You are asking him Tae? Ask the freshmen did they survive or not"? One of Tae's friends said and the table erupted into laughter. It was true. Mew was the most strict, yet most in demand and responsible Hazer for past 2 years. The seniors had targeted him since day 1 to train him and since he became Tae's boyfriend, they all got a valid reason to keep him pinned with them.

They head started with the lunch and Mew just laid down on the bench, head in Tae's lap. "Wake me when you would be free. I have no more lectures". He murmured in sleep. He had returned almost at dawn and didnt sleep a wink. He knew Tae had no more lectures too but they had some work to do related to their final project. Tae hummed, kissing his cheeks and Mew was out of the world.

Tae got free after 2 hours of brain storming. There were many points where they all wanted to wake up Mew to help them solve a problem but everytime they would stop. Tae had assured them that he would ask Mew and will tell them the next day.

"Ask about what"? Mew said waking up from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes feeling fresh.

"Aowh you awake. Feeling good"?

"Yeah Phi. What happened hmmm"? He turned to the notes scattered around when Phi Sun told him the problem they were facing. He checked the books and notes and picked a pen. The seniors were surely proud of their nong who was so genius to explain them a problem from the senior course. It took him another 45 minutes and the solution was scribbled on the paper with their graphic and image representation.

"Shiaaa. We didnt even include the value of Delta". Sun smacked his own forehead. How could they conclude by ignoring the main variable?

"Tae. Am telling you. This boy of yours will surpass us all. Mew why dont you take extra credit hours"? Phi Bright said but he waved his hands.

"Oh no. The freshmen and the 2nd years have already drained my brain. I cannot take extra burden. Plus i have to keep my boyfriend happy too". Mew stuck his tongue out and laughed out when Tae smacked his forearm blushing.

"Anyway we be leaving now. Its 5 in the evening. Lets go". Tae tossed Mew the keys to his car that he tossed back again. "Not in a mood Phi. Just stop at the take away". He said taking the passenger seat of the Audi M8 and Tae could do anything for him.

"So what was the meeting about"? Mew asked Tae waiting for the food to be packed.

"Well. Mom decided to start over he life. She wanted me to meet the man she wanted to marry. And no doubt she is happy as he treats her really good. He is her boss in a way". Tae told in details.

"Are you happy Phi"?

"I am Mew. Because mom is happy. She has sacrificed herself for me so this is the least i can do for her. Besides, the man is really humble and caring towards her". Tae said. Mew smiled too. He pecked those lips softly.

"I am happy if you are happy. She does needs to live her life now. I hope he treats you good too or else am gonna punch him hard". He said and Tae knew Mew wasnt bluffing.

The food arrived and Tae sped up to Mew's place. Mew dished up the food while Tae was gone to get fresh quickly. They had so much work to do and the night had already fallen.

They both took their laptops and notes to start their work and soon the silence of the night was disturbed with tapping sounds of the keys. Tae saved his project notes and turned to Mew who was still reviewing his notes. He arranged his books, his bag, cleaned the table and turned to Mew. Sitting close to him he rubbed his head on Mew's arm. Mew looked at him and smiled, kissing his head, before turning back to the page he was reading.

Tae tugged his sleeve, showing him a big pout and puppy eyes. Mew bit his inner cheek not to laugh. He knew what Tae was doing. He just wanted him to say.

"My boyfie doesnt wantsh meee". Tae pouted a bit more. Speaking in a baby voice. Mew was done. Soooo done. He started laughing at the cuteness of his boyfriend.

"What does my baby wants hmmm"? He gathered Tae in his arms, making him sigh in relief.

"Milk". Tae loved milk. Especially before going to sleep. But he miscalculated the words and Mew's eyes.

"Oh boiiiii. I will feed you sooo much milk. Energy filled. Full of nutrition". In an instant Mew flipped him on his back, hovering him.

"Nuuuuu..... Aaaaaaa. Someone save meeeeee. This boy has trapped meeeeee... Someoneeeee.....". Tae was being all dramatic and soon he was discarded of his clothes as a hungry and an equally naked Mew hovered him. He was well aware of those fake screams of his virgin marry boyfriend and he knew soon those cries for help would turn into pleasured moans asking for more.

Tae had a busy weekend and so had Mew. He was summoned by his dad to join him over lunch. And he didnt say no because one, he wasnt in a mood to spend the Saturday alone, second, well, he was missing Tae. So the best option was to join his dad over lunch.

"Hi Dad. How you doing handsome"? He greeted his dad with a warm hug and his dad chuckled. Mew turned to his left and saw an elegant, beautiful lady. Wearing a semi formal business suit. She was simple, just simple ear studs and a braclet. But that smile.Mew dramatically clutched his chest, sitting on the chair next to her.

"Oh Mi'Lady. Can i be honored to kiss these beautiful hands of yours. I feel my heart is lost somewhere, may be i can find it in the stones of this braclet". Oh god... Mew.... His dad was looking at him with wide eyes, as he was busy holding the hand of the lady, delicately, and planted a soft kiss as soon as she allowed, like a gentleman.

"By the way, i am Mew Suppassit. The only heir to a multi billion estate. I am a CEO to a few independent firms too and have my own penthouses and cars. Will you be my girlfriend? Yeah"? He was flirting in full swing until the lady clutched her stomach laughing so much.

Mew's dad looked at him with unamused look.

"Seriously Mew. This is how you meet all girls eh"? He raised his eyebrow at his son who shamelessly grinned with all teeth on display.

"My God Wier, your son is so funny". Jena wiped her eyes with a tissue. Mew gaped at her as if enchanted again.

"Gorgeous, tell me this old didnt trap you with promises and dreams hmmm? Believe me this old man is really a man of sweet words. He can easily manipulate you. Only i can save you from his claws tell me". Mew alll sincere, with the visible hint of tease in his eyes.

"Jeez Mew. Will you please keep quiet. Jena, i told you he wont let you live in peace once you be a part of our family. Do you still consider my proposal"? Wier turned to Jena who blushed at the statement.

"Jokes apart Mew. She is Jena. We want to start our life together. Last time if there hadnt been the issue at company, you would have met her son too. He is a couple year elder than you. Am sure you will love to have him as your Phi, only if he survived your tease. Poor boy. I pity him already". His dad told and this time Mew smiled warmly.

He scooted close to the women, wrapping his strong arm over her shoulder. He tenderly kissed her temple making her swoon over him.

"Welcome Mom. Welcome to the family. I dont know when and how you have planned the wedding, but for me, you are already my mother the moment i saw you. I had lost my mom when i was a kid, and now i believe when they say that our loved ones come back to us in another person. And i got my mom again". Jena was touched at his words. She removed the fringes off his broad forehead, caressing his cheeks.

"I am your Mom baby. I know i wont be as loving as she was to you but i promise i will cherish you as you wanted your mom to do". Mew leaned into those touches that he missed a lot.

Wier was looking at them, bonding so perfectly. He was happy Jena accepted him just like Mew accepted her. They were having food when Mew saw his mobile. It indicated a new message. He read it and smiled big.

"What"? His dad asked raising his eyebrow.

"Got to go Dad". Mew finished his food quickly.

"Where? Ohh dont tell me". His dad finally caught the reason behind his hurry.

"Mom. I got to go now. I am so sorry i couldnt stay longer. My boyfriend is back and i cant make him wait". He kissed Jena on cheeks before going to hug his dad and rushed out.

"Mew... Was a bi. Not a player. But he loved to be surrounded by girls and boys. All cute and fluffy. But then, he met a boy in his university and i saw how quickly he fell for him. Since then he is just into him. He is... Uhmm.. Just like it. I...i hope it wont disgust you". Wier said in a bit unsure tone. Jena looked at him and smiled holding his hand.

"Its okay Wier. We cannot judge and force our children who they like or not. All that matters is, his boyfriend treats him good. If he is happy, i will support him always. Besides, Tae had not come out yet, but i think he likes a boy too. He sometimes talk in a HIM pronoun. I havent met him thgh, but Tae's eyes shine at his calls". Jena told making Wier sigh in relief.

"I am relaxed. I was afraid of your reaction. So whats the plan now"? They both started with a bit of business professional work until they finished their lunch and drinks.

The parents had informed their boys about the close group marriage in the mayor office followed by the family dinner. Tae and Mew had to wear formal suits and so far they had not met each other. Not even names to say. They would spend their time without any idea or fear of what fate had decided for them, until it was just one week left.

Mew was teasing his father about the decoration and renovation of the master bedroom when he received a call from his maternal uncle. His dad had very good terms with them even after the death of his wife. Mew was closed to his maternal cousins too. He saw how his dad frowned and then saddened at some news. He waited for the call to end, impatiently.

"Mew. Your grandmother has died. Her funeral is on Friday. I.. What should i do"? He was rubbing his forehead in tension. Sunday was their wedding. And now...

"Dont worry Dad. I will go". Mew was so much upset about the news. His grandmother had brought him up when his mother passed away. And now...

"But Mew... I think i should postpone it". His dad fished out his phone to call Jena but Mew stopped him.

"Dad. Dont. It wont be suitable. I will go there and will join you guys later at home. It will take 2 3 days for the rituals. I may come back on Monday. Hmmmm". Mew told. He was sure about his program.


"Its okay Dad. I will say sorry to Mom, i know she will understand. God .. I have to arrange tickets too. I think i should hurry its already Monday". He rushed out talking to his assistant for tickets to London.

Tae was upset to know that his nong wont be able to attend the wedding. He wanted to meet him so bad. But he understood when sir, no Dad, told him about the mishap. Mew wasnt in the city too. He had to leave for foreign in a hurry that Tae couldnt get to bid him proper goodbye because of all preps. But they were understanding boyfriends, mature enough to talk it out than to sulk and pout.
They had a close registered wedding followed by a little lunch because Jena was a bit sad that Mew wasnt present at the wedding. She opted to wait for celebrations once Mew was back.
Although Tae told he was okay to live in his previous home, but Wier insisted him to pack his bags too. He wanted to live as a family. His mom said too, so here he was busy arranging his luggage in the room on the second storey. There were two rooms upstairs. With a library. A study room. Gym and game room. The ground floor was the main living area, with the master bedroom and guest room. A master kitchen and living room.

Tae loved it all. Although dad told him that he could visit his brother's room, but he refused. He wanted his brother to show him himself. He was excited to meet him. To experience the joy of siblings.

He was currently studying in the study room, peace and quiet, when he heard a knock on the door.

"Master Tae. Young Master is home. Madaam has called you". The staff member informed him with great respectful tone. Tae nodded his head and said he would come downstairs soon. He rushed to his room to have a quick look at himself. Satisfied with his look he climbed down the stairs. He could see a boy, sitting with his mom and even if it was their back to Tae, Tae smiled looking at him being all spoiled.

"Ohh. Finally your phi is here". Tae felt a little nervous when his Dad saw him and introduced him to the boy. He took a step in the lounge and was rooted on the place. So was the boy.. Excited? Surprised? Shocked? How on earth could it be possible. Standing in front of him was none other than his boyfriend for past 3 years. His junior in university. Mew...

"Phi Tae....".
"Mew....". They both said in unison although there was a of difference in their tones. Mew jumped over the couch and hug him tightly making everyone shocked.

"Mew.... He...".

"I know Dad. He is Phi Tae. My senior in university. Oh my god i cant believe it". Mew saw him with star shinning eyes and Tae was yet to respond. His mind was shut down at the moment. He could see his mom dad relaxed at the fact that they know each other but... How would they react to know that they were not only Phi and Nong but... Boyfriends too.

"Mmm.. Mew". Tae licked his dry lips trying to smile but Mew saw his reluctant eyes. He even had not returned his hug. He stepped back a bit.

"What happened Tae? You are not happy to meet your nong"? His mother saw them with confusion. Mew was so happy while Tae was so reserved.

"Nn.. No.. I.. I am happy Mom. I ...".

"Dont worry Mom Dad, its an unexpected situation. Phi Tae really l...". Mew was about to declare but Tae cupped his mouth with his big palm.

"I really like him Mom. He is such a competent nong. Our group, even my seniors admire him so much. As he said, just surprised to know the change of events. But am so happy to have Mew as my nong". Tae said in a calm tone. Words that Mew didnt expect to hear. Relationship he didnt want to built.

He turned to Tae who silently pleaded through eyes. Mew wanted to scream but he held his tongue. The lunch was served and he was waiting for the perfect time to talk to Tae. Mew had brought gifts for everyone. Including his PHI. Apparently everything was great. The lunch. Food. Chatter. Expect the turmoil inside two boys who were trying to get a grip on reality.

"Why didnt you let me tell them"? Mew was looking outside the window of his bedroom when Tae came inside. It was past dinner and their mom dad were asleep.

"What to tell them Mew? That they bound us as Phi Nong while we are boyfriends"? Tae said in a low hiss voice.

"What the hell Phi. You are not bloodrelated to me. My dad married your mom to complete each other. That doesnt state us being brothers. Hell i even hate the word on my tongue for you. I love you Phi. You love me. We are boyfriends for so long. Dad wont oppose us believe me. Please Phi". Mew held his hands begging him.

"No Mew. It.. It is not right. Blood related or not, we are b..brothers now.. It.". Tae gulped a lump. He knew Mew was right. He hated the word too..

"The fuck Phi. Look at me. Look into my eyes. You love me. I am your boyfriend and nothing else. This brother shit... I dont believe. I will tell Dad in the morning. I will talk to him. I will talk to mom. If they didnt agree i will take you away. Phi dont do this to me Phi". Those tears lingering in his eyes were always a weak point for Tae.

"No... You will not speak a word. I dont want to be in the bad side. I wont elope with you Mew. This isnt how i imagined my life. Try to understand Mew. Atleast we will live together, we wont have to go home separately. Why dont you look at this". Tae tried to cup hi face who stepped back.

"You... You dont want to be my boyfriend anymore"? Mew said in a cold voice.

"No its not like that Mew.. I..". Tae held his hand desperately.

"What? You want us to pretend as Brothers in front of all and fucking behind the closed doors huh? This is how you want it. Okay. Let it be this way". Mew pushed Tae to the bed but he resisted and wiggled out of his arms.

"Mew... I think i should leave. Think over it and then we will talk in the morning". Tae said calmly before going to his bedroom.

"It means you want to break up". Tae turned to see Mew standing with arms crossed. He came close to him. Looking straight in his eyes. There was nothing in his eyes. Except a determination for an answer.

"If it requires the happiness and saftey of the relationship of our parents". Tae didnt stay in his bedroom and left quickly. Mew slumped down on the bed. He was frozen at his place. Here he wanted to introduce his boyfriend to his parents, and it turned out to be a breakup. He chuckled dryly, wiping those tears from his eyes that slipped down.

On the other hand, Tae slid down behind the closed door of his bedroon. He tucked his face in his knees, crying silently. He had never thought about even imagining a break up with Mew. He was his lifeline. His only happiness after his mom. The only motivation to go to university everyday. And now... .

They had spent the night, in tears, for the first time.

The morning was more lively than it used to be. Dad was busy with Tae related to some business talk while Mew was busy teasing his mom. They got ready for their university when Dad opted Tae to go with Mew.

Before he could say anything Mew was all smiles and held the keys, ushering Tae to come soon. He kissed both of his parents cheeks and left followed by Tae. Tae thought may be Mew had realised what he had talked to him and it would be easy. But no. He looked at Mew like he was looking at a total stranger in the car. No tease. No ruffling. No hand on gair. No playing with his thighs or brushing his hand over the bulge.

Mew had his sunglasses on and he was solely focused on the road. Once Tae tried to place his hand over Mew's on his leg, but Mew pulled out his hand. He was cold. Distant. And that pained Tae so much. In their longest period of relationship, they never got angry or upset or mad at each other. Their friends would always quote their understanding level for a strong relationship. And it all changed over a night.

Tae thought may be Mew would take some time to adjust to the new relationship, but he somehow ignored the fact that it was never easy to impose something on Mew. Mew parked the car at the designated parking space and went direct to his class without a goodbye sneaky kiss to Tae who was rooted at his place. This was really painful to imagine a life with a cold Mew. But atleast he was a good pretender than Tae who couldnt hide his anxiety.

"Where is your boy Tae"? Bright asked Tae who shook his head.

"He had some early leactures so he went to his class. He would join us at lunch. So where did you guys proceed"? He opened his laptop followed by all, just to hide the ache in his heart. The lunch hour came and gone, no sign of Mew. Tae went to the field but came to knew that the hazers were busy with the seniors in a meeting. He wanted to see Mew, just one glance. But he couldnt catch till the end of the day when he came to the parking to an awaiting Mew.

He didnt know, a smile of relief washed down his face to see Mew after a boring day. He dashed in the car and like habit he leaned in to kiss him, but suddenly.... Mew looked at him and chuckled sarcastically. It was an uncomfortable, nerve wrecking silence in the car. Mew focused on the road while Tae looking out of the window. No words were spoken until they reached home.

Their parents welcomed them as they took a few days off the office, and surely they were happy to see the boys bickering with each other. Mew left for his room after lunch stating he had a presentation to prepare but Tae knew, Mew was tired of faking it all. He went upstairs too, to the study but stopped to see Mew working on his laptop. Mew lifted his head up to see him reluctant on the door.

"You can come inside. I dont bite. Dont worry i wont invade your space. Phi". Mew turned back to his work sparing just one glance. Tae dragged his feet to another chair. It wasnt the PHI he was used to listen from him. The Phi full of tease and lust, especially when Mew would be pounding into him hard and fast. It was their relationship as Tae told. Brothers. He felt a bitter taste in his mouth. Only if his mom was not married to Mew's dad.

He didnt know when Mew finished his work and left the study room. Tae was so deep in thoughts, working on the assignment, fighting with himself that he didnt know it was already night time. Tiredly he picked his books and laptop. Arranged in his bag and went in his bedroom to get freshen up. He sighed to put a happy face mask before entering the living room. And even if he didnt want, a smile stretched on his face to see mom dad being targeted by Mew.

"Come here Phi. Lets roast them together". Mew beckoned him with hand and as if there was some invisible thread attached, Tae sat with him on the couch to do whatever Mew wanted, because he knew, that was the only time when he could see a genuine smile on Mew's face. He tried to focus his senses whenever Mew would hold him at shoulders, or shake him to mock his parents. Everytime that smile would capture Tae's heart. How he wished to steal all those smiles from his lips. To kiss him senseless. Right in the lounge, on the very couch they were sitting.

"Those eyes full of desire for me, the lust for me would explain all to mom dad". Mew said pulling him out if the trance. His mom was busy arranging the table while his Dad was on some call. Apparently Mew was watching TV but one sentence from his mouth was enough to snap Tae to the reality. He didnt need to see a mirror to know how he was looking at Mew. He left the couch quickly when his mom called everyone for dinner. It was way more difficult than he had imagined.


"Tae... Did you fight with Mew"? He was digging the food with fork when he was frozen at what his friend said. Mork, looked at him with judging expressions.

"Fight? Why would i"? He tried to sound casual.

"Its been a week Tae. Mew had not visited us. Greeted us. Not even in the library. Whats up with both of you"? Sun spoke too, stirring the soup. Tae bit his lower lip. Everyone would have noticed it he was sure about it. Since Mew had no other friend but Tae and 90% of his time would be spent with Tae.

"I.... Its complicated Guys". Tae held his head in his hands. He was missing Mew so much. Not only emotionally but physically too. His body craved from him. He wanted to touch him, hold him. He wanted to feel him all over his body. Everywhere. But ..

"Tae.... What the fuck. What actually happened huh"? Bright was startled to see those tears.

"Nothing happened Phis. Its that my dad married his mom. And now we are brothers. Right Phi". Just then Mew sat on their table, spreading his hand over Tae's shoulder. Everyone was stupified.

"Brothers? And how does it matter in this"? Mork asked confused.

Mew calmly held a drink on the table, taking a sip before looking straight into Tae's misty eyes. He wiped his face with a tissue and turned to face all. "It matters because apparently we are bothers and its all taboo. So phi Tae opted to break up". Mew said with a smile that could freeze the sun. So cruel. So crude. So cold. Those words burnt their souls. Tae gulped a lump in his throat as more tears rolled down his cheeks, patiently wiped by Mew, while there was an eerie silence on the table.

"The fuck. Do you even know what you are saying? Brother? Taboo? The fuck". Sun bursted out in anger. He slammed his hand loudly on the table making everyone in the cafe cower away. "You guys are not brothers. You are boyfriends. You love each other. And nothing else. Its all pure shit". He was enraged. Mew calmly looked at him, glaring back at both of them. Tae snuggled into Mew, he was tired of fighting alone. He was drained of everything. He wanted Mew, just like Mew.

"And you call it a breakup huh? Just look at you, seeking comfort from him. How would you live without him or stay away when you practically live under the same roof with Mew". Bright said in an upsetting tone. They had seen them grow together. Everyone in the mechanicals was aware of Tae and Mew being boyfriends. Especially their friends. And it was hurting them to see them apart. Even if Tae was curled in Mew's arms. Even if Mew was still attentive and concerned about him. It wasnt the same anymore.

Mew waited until Tae calmed down. He cleaned his face, gave him water and then stood up.

"Mew...". Tae called him with still quivering lips. His eyes pooled again with tears. He knew it was going to happen. Hell, he brought it on himself. He knew it was a goodbye.

"Dont Phi. Dont stop me now. We will be at home, together, as a family. Thats it. That would be the only introduction we have. Brothers". He turned around to leave but quickly pivoted to his feet. He bend down and kissed Tae full on lips. A longing, lingering feeling of their love that they lived together. "We are over now". Mew said and this time he didnt stay. He couldnt stay anymore because he knew one more moment and he would shatter into pieces, like Tae, who broke down into tears, hiding his face in his arms. He wanted to scream out the pain. He wanted to hold Mew. To never let him go. But he was gone...

Mew had returned to his apartment from university. He informed his dad that he would stay there for a while sincs he has some work to do. His dad was a bit disappointed but Mew promised to join them over the weekend lunch. He excused his mom too who understood his work and didnt complain.

And then there was Tae. Sneaking around in Mew's room for the much need comfort. He would cuddle with his pillows or duvet, when everyone would be asleep. He lost his diet, he lost his interest. He would join his parents in lounge, or at food, empty eyes searching for Mew. One laughter to hear. One smile to brighten up his time.

His mom saw him wandering around aimlessly in the garden at nights. Her heart was telling her something. Something big had happened with her son and she couldn't get a hold on it.

Sunday rolled over too late for Tae. He had waited with every pore in his body for morning to come over. And finally. He woke up early. Took a refreshing bath and went downstairs for breakfast apparently. But his ears would perk at everytime anyone would mention Mew.

And then... He came. On time as promise.

"Hi dad. Hi gorgeous. How you doing pretty lady. Is this old man treating you good? If not tell me or Phi Tae. Your sons would save you from the claws of this old wolf". Tae chuckled. Like old time. The cheering on the table was back. The laughter was back. Mew was back...

Tae didnt know he was staring at Mew when he sat beside him.

"I know i got more handsome right? Or you missed me you much". Mew winked at him. Tae softly smiled at him. He ruffled his hair, out of habit.

"We all missed you Mew. Me too". Tae admitted. Though it was just a statement for everyone but only Mew knew the meaning behind it.

"So whats the plan"? He turned to see his parents and although they had planned for lunch, he drag them to a shopping mall for lots of shoppings, followed by a lavish lunch, a treat from Mew. They had a great time. Though Mew had bought gifts for Tae so many times, but this time hit hard. The way his parents were happy that the brothers were bonding good and they were exclaiming their happiness too. But everytime it would punch Tae hard in his heart.

"Mew. Coming home"? His mom asked Mew and the shine in her eyes was down as soon as Mew shook his head.

"I am sorry Mom. Not today. Next time". He kissed her cheeks.

"Mom misses you boy". She caressed his cheeks. Tae wanted to scream too. "Home is silent without you baby".

"I miss you too mom. Just a little wait and i will settle back. I promise". He hug her tightly. "Besides Phi Tae is there. Fill my space with him for time hmmm". He said pulling off the hug.

"He is Tae. You are Mew. You are different baby. Mom cannot fill both the spaces with one person. You have your own space, your own place in mom's heart". Jena kissed the back of his hands. It was taking every ounce of self control for Mew to stay in control. He knew everyone was suffering but he had to do it for the sake of his mind.

Everyday it would be more and more difficult for him to stay at home. Looking at Tae from afar. He couldn't touch him, hold him. He couldn't make love to him. And going to the apartment was even more worst. Everything, every corner would remind him of Tae. There was not even a single spot where they have not marked each other or made love to each other. But at least he had the freedom to cry his heart out

"I am sorry mom. Just a little wait hmmm. I will be back soon. Never to leave you. I promise". Mew turned and left to his car. It was a plus point that his car had tinted glasses so it was easy for him to wipe his tears without being seen. Leaving a distressed Tae behind, who didnt know how much time Mew would take to be back home, his home, that he had to leave because of Tae.

Mew was in pain. So much pain. His heart was yearning for Tae. At least he could see Tae daily living under the same roof. But his heart would not accept him as a brother. How could he. He wasnt a one night stand. He was his only love. First and surely last because even if the whole university knew about their breakup, he never looked at anyone who approached him.

He got so many proposals, so many offers, both boys and girls to be their boyfriend but he declined. He could not love anyone or even look at anyone except his Phi Tae. He would look for his face in every face. And he could not replace Tae in his life and heart ever.

It was the gear night. The night to celebrate. They had arranged a camp fire and as always they were head over heels for the arrangements Mew made. He proved himself to be the best Hazer continuously but laughed out to wave the spot for the next year. The next year was his final year and he wanted to focus on his major than hazing and all. The seniors respected his choice because he always said Yes to them. It was their time to repay.

Tae was so proud. Mew was honoured with customised badges from his both seniors, Tae and Phi Wai their senior. Tae waited until Mew got his pin from Phi Wai and then came to him.

"You have proved yourself the best in everything Nong Mew. Studies, sports, hazing. You are always the best. Am so proud of you". Tae said pinning the badge to his jacket.

"I dont think i deserve to be called perfect Phi. Because i failed. Bad". Mew said looking sraight into his eyes. He had his voice low, just for Tae to hear, and left to his hazing group. The freshmen and second years were having the time of their life. A little scolding of discipline from their Hazers was just a formality. They playfully waved it off but they all were sad when Mew stepped down of the title of being Hazer.

He got free late at night, tired and exhausted after making sure each and every junior had left for their home or dorm. He cleared the area and left with his team. He had not seen anyone from seniors or Tae. He wanted someone to drive and drop him at his apartment but sadly there wasnt any help. He reached his apartment after a while and fell down on the couch. But he was drenched wet since it had started raining by the end.

Mew sighed. A whole week of hectic schedule had then tonight. He rubbed his temples for a while, waiting for the tub to be filled with hot water and soon he laid his tired body in the hot water, letting it calm him down.

He closed his eyes in relief but it was disturbed by a blare of his phone. He checked the time and then phone and quickly straightened in the tub.

"Mom. What happened? Are you okay? Dad? Phi Tae? What happened"? He was worried.

"Mew. Please come home son. Your dad is out of city. Tae had come home an hour back. He is wasted. He never got this drunk and he is drenched in rain. I am scared Mew". His mom told. Mew closed his eyes for a moment.

"I am coming mom". Tae was never this drunk. They would usually go to bars but Tae would held himself. So what happened now. He changed into comfortable dress and rushed home. As he had predicted, Tae had locked himself in the bedroom, not letting anyone enter.

"Mom. Calm down. I am here. Dont tell dad and go sleep now. I will take care of Phi". He hugged her.

"But Mew. Tae.... He...". She pointed at the closed door.

"Ssshhh. Dont be upset. I am here. Go take rest now. I will look after him. Trust me mom". He tried to comfort his mom who was a bit reluctant but she listened to him and went downstaires.

"Suzi. I need soup, medicines and lemonade ready". He pressed the intercom in the kitchen and turned to his bedroom with spare keys. He opened the lock and entered Tae's room. His heart shattered to see him so broken, crying. He had not changed and Mew knew he would catch fever soon. He had to hurry up.

Cleaning or changing Tae was nothing new for him. But the situation was different. He focused on making sure he was dressed up in clean clothes and tucked in the duvet. Meanwhile he heard a knock from the head butler who informed him about medicine and soup.

"Phi.. Open your eyes Phi". Mew sat on the bed beside him, rubbing his hands. Tae was distressed. He was murmuring something with closed eyes. Mew bend down to listen and he felt his heart would stop working. Tae was asking for Mew. He was begging for him to come back home. Mew facepalmed himself. He sat with the bedhead, carefully pulling Tae to his chest. He sighed to feel the body temperature rising.

"Phi. Am here. Mew is here. Open your eyes Phi. You need to drink soup and then medicines". He patted his cheeks. Tae tried to open his eyes but could work more. He snuggled into Mew, whinning and pouting. It was even more difficult for Mew to feed him soup but he had too, so here he was, after half hour of pampering the big baby, he managed to feed him half of the bowl and then medicine. He slipped in the bed, and on instincts, Tae curled in his embrace, clutchig his tee shirt. Mew wanted to pull himself away, but ..... He wanted to cherish the closeness as much as he could.

Mew hug him tightly, looking at his tired face.

"Why are you so stubborn Phi? You know we cannot live without each other. And still you are punishing both of us. I need you to live Phi. I want you. You are my peace. You are my calmative. Come back to me Phi. Dont distant yourself, i dont know how long i can hold myself. I am afraid i will blurt it all someday. I dont want to do anything reckless Phi. Please". Mew talked to a sleeping Tae, who was feeling bit better due to the medicine. Mew kissed him lightly and closed his eyes too.

He woke up in the morning by the knocks on the door. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. Tae was still sleeping, tangled to him. He carefully pulled himself out of the bed and went to see the door. It was his mom.

"Morning mom. Come inside. Phi Tae is better now. I have placed lemonade on the table. Please give him once he wake up. I got to get fresh hmmm". He said and went to his bedroom to take a bath, although he only wanted to sleep again, but he was stinking. Tae's sweating had wet his clothes too. Mew was free for a week off his lectures and all stuff. And he really wanted to relax.

He took a bath, changed and then laid down on the bed closing his eyes and soon he was out to the world.

"Tae. Wake up. You are worrying me". Jena stroked his hair who was fluttering his eyes open.

"Jeez. My head". He felt the instant jabbing pain in his head.

"Here. Take it. Who told you to drink when you cannot hold it". Jena scolded him lightly giving him lemonade. Tae remembered Mew would always give him lemonade whenever he had a hangover. He blinked his eyes to clear the tears but failed.

Jena was shocked. In Tae's 24 years of life, she had never seen him in tears. Especially not after his father passed away. His tears were scaring her. He was fisting on his own hands to silence his sobs but he failed. Jena held him tight in her arms. He was crying non stop. His body was trembling with the intensity.

"I lost him mom. I broke up with him mom. I cant live without him please mom". He was wailing like a little kid. Oh... Tae broke up with his boyfriend. Was that a reason of him being so not Tae.

"Tae. Baby. Who". She cupped his face but he couldnt mutter anything. He was murmuring something loosing his consciousness again. The fever was taking over again. Jena laid him down properly and left the room. She went to see Mew to talk to him if he knew anything, but smiled to see him sleeping too. She was aware of his tough routine. Planting a soft kiss on his forehead she left his room too. Now she was waiting for Wier to come back and he was right on time.

"Hi honey. What happened"? He quickly came to her to ask her the visible sign of worry on her face. She sighed and told him everything. Tae's drunken state. His fever. His broke up. She told Mew was home too. Sleeping though.

"Hey. Its okay. We are with our sons. We have them yeah? Lets go meet him. Come". Wier held her upstairs. He first went into Mew's room, but it was empty. He must be in the bathroom considering his jeans and tee placed on the bed. Wier gestured Jena to visit Tae..

Tae was awake. Sitting on the carper near the window. He was looking outside. He was missing Mew so much. His care, his pampering. Even his nagging. He wasnt aware that Mew was home and it was him who took care of Tae.

"Tae. How are you son"? He turned to see his mom dad and smiled at them. His mom held her heart. It wasnt her son. He was always strong. Standing firmly. But in just 2 days he lost his shine. He lost his smile. His eyes were red and stinging and still so many tears rolled down when Jena hug him. Wier was just standing, helplessly looking at them.

"Tae. Son. Talk to me. Tell your mom, what is it that bothering you. Causing so much pain to you son. If you are not comfortable, why dont you talk to Mew. He is your nong, your friend. Tell him to lessen down the burden son". Wier sat with him, wrapping his arm over his shoulder. Tae was so far non responsive but his eyes lit as soon as he heard Mew's name. But it died again. Jena caught the little flicker in his posture but she chose to ignore. It wasnt the case right?

"Mew is home by the way. If you want to tal....".

"Mew is home? Really? Where is he"? Tae desperately cut Jena's words and held her hands.

"In his rooo.... Taeeee". She didnt understand how and why Tae was so desperate. He was almost stumbling upon his feet to go to Mew. He knocked at the door but didnt wait for a 'come in' and barged inside. Mew looked at him, little confused. He was just buckling the belts of his jeans when Tae stormed inside.

"Phi Tae"??? He was clearly taken aback when Tae ran to him and hug him tightly. He was worried if Tae wasnt feeling good, but his fever had reduced than night. Then why.... He wrapped his arms around Tae, rubbing his back gently. "Its okay Phi".

"Dont leave me Mew. I cannot live without you. Please". Tae hug him even more tight. Wier who was about to enter with Jena was stuck at his place. This.... They both looked at each other with some knowing eyes. Although Jena wanted to talk but Wier held her hand and took her downstairs. They could wait a bit to confirm their suspicion.

Back in room.

"Am sorry baby. I am really sorry". Tae cupped his face, peppering kisses on the face he had missed a lot. Mew let him. He wasnt sure if it was some emotional turmoil or... Tae stopped when he felt Mew wasnt responding to him. He looked into his eyes and when he found nothing like in the past, he stepped back. He didnt find the love but only confusion in those warm eyes.

"You..". He gulped down his tears. "You dont want me now? I... I hurt you so bad. You ha..hate me now right. You wont take me back now right. I... I am.." . Tae was blabbering something between his sobs when he was silenced by a pair of lips he craved most. Mew wrapped one arm around his waist, while held his nape with the other hand. He took all his time to kiss Tae's doubts away. He pressed open his plump lips, sucking his upper lip, kissing his lower until Tae stopped murmuring.

"I can never take you back Phi, because i never let you go. You were mine yesterday, you will be mine always. I will never leave you even if you throw me out". Mew smiled softly gathering his big baby in his arms again.

"I am sorry Phi for the pain you had to suffer". Mew was just rocking them side to side. He was just cherishing their closeness. He had missed him being in his arms. Tae pulled off a bit, still in the embrace.

"I shouldnt have said that Mew. I tried so hard, but i couldnt make my heart understand it. I need you Mew. You have engraved your love so deep in me that i cannot spend even a single moment without you". Tae admitted in a calm voice. He felt his heart at peace. Having Mew in his arms made his nerves relax. The insecurity in his heart died the moment Mew smiled back at him with love in his eyes. He had not stopped loving Tae and that was enough to make him smile too..

"I love you Phi. Only you. Just like you do. I dont need and i dont want anyone else in my life but you. You complete me Phi. I have spent so many nights alone without you. There were moments when i wanted to scream in front of you, or even beg, if i had to. Dont ever leave me again Phi for any reason. We have to fight for each other Phi. You are my boyfriend. Its the only introduction i want for us. Hnmm"? Mew booped their noses and Tae nodded. He didnt have any other word to assure Mew but..

Mew smiled when Tae kissed him on lips. Full of love and authority and possessiveness. Mew let him lead the kiss. He opened his mouth for Tae to dominate him. He wanted Tae to know only he could own Mew. Only he can have Mew. That Mew only belonged to him. They spent a good hour in Mew's room. Giggling and rejoicing. Talking about the pain they had to suffer. Mew had to threat Tae that he would kiss him everytime he would say sorry and Tae made sure to say sorry every minute.

"Young Masters. Master and Madaam have called you down". They head a voice of the butler calling them. Mew and Tae looked at each other with horrific eyes. They had forgotten their parents.

"Phi Tae"....
"Mew...". They both gulped, before Mew stood up to pull his tee shirt. He was about to go to door but turned to face Tae. He held his face and planted a soft kiss on his lips making him smile..

"We are together in it Phi". He stretched his hand and this time Tae wasnt reluctant a single bit to hold his hand.

"How long"?

"Almost 4 years Dad".

"And you never spoke to us. Why"?

"Dad. I wanted to get a grip on my career first before i want to talk to his Dad, thats you". Tae said with head hung low.

"Even after you got to know it was me, still you didnt"? His dad asked in a reserved tone.

"How could i dad? You married mom and i thought it wont be suitable for us. So i.. I opted to break up". Tae said in a low voice. His dad clucked his tongue. They were sitting in their father's study. His mom had not spoke a word yet.

"So what made you realise your feelings now"? He asked in a stern tone making both of them flinch, who were sitting side by side.

"I... When Mew left home, and i was alone here. The loneliness reminded me of Mew. How much i missed him. Also my friends, they all know us since his first year. They all reminded me numerous times that you both married is nothing to do with us being boyfriends. That i dont need to mask my feelings for Mew under the confines of b..brothers". Tae stuttered at Brothers.

"And Mew"?

"Dad. I love him. Only him. Since my first year, the moment i saw him, i fell for him. It will always be him. I know it would sound odd to you guys, but please. We need your blessings. Its been hell Dad, Mom. I cannot live without Phi Tae. He is the only strength i have to move forward". Mew said in a pleading tone.

"And what if i dont approve of it"? For the first time, Jena spoke. A distant, dominating voice. Tae and Mew looked at each other before turning to her. Her expressions were as raw as her words. For the first time Mew felt he wasnt looking at the woman who he would tease everyday. No smile. No warmth.

He looked at his Dad, same cold expressions. He turned to Tae once again. Who was on a verge of break down. He held his hand, squeezed it once gently, as if assuring him and went to kneel before Jena.

"Mom". He placed his hands on her clasped ones. Tae wanted to pleade his mom, but he was stuck at his place as of someone casted a spell on him. "Mom. You are his mom first and always. You have all the rights to decide about his future. His dreams, his partner, everything. But Mom, i dont have anyone else besides you and dad to ask for someone who i love. I dont need anything else please. Just give me my Phi Tae back. His love is all i need Mom Dad. Please". Lots of tears slipped past his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.

Tae held his own chest. He had his head hung low. He couldnt see into his mother's eyes. He felt he disappointed her. And dad. And Mew. He couldnt fight for his love like Mew could. He was disappointed at himself. Only if he had the courage.

"How can i trust my son to you Mew"? He snapped his head up to listen to what his mom was saying. How he wished he wanted to scream.

"Mom. I dont know how to assure you. But, i have only loved him. And thats the only thing i am sure about, i dont want anyone else mom. I never looked at anyone even after people in our university got to know about our break up. For me, it will always be Phi Tae. I would love to introduce him to both of you as my boyfriend, my would be husband, only if you agree. But if not, then i would probably not let anyone in my life. Thats the only thing i can say. I love you and respect your decision". He stood up after kissing her hands. May be he lost the fight. But he had no objection. Like he said, his mom had all rights to decide for Tae.

He went to sit by Tae, to listen to the final words for their parents. "I am sorry Phi Tae. I lost it". He said in a sad voice. Tae couldnt say a word. His eyes were shedding as many tears as Mew.

"Tae". She called Tae who lifted his head up to see his mom.

"Yes Mom".

"Who is he"? She pointed at Mew. Tae was confused for a while.

"He.. He is.. My.. My nong". He didnt know what to say. His mom facepalmed her self. His dad tried not to chuckle. He looked at his left to Mew, licking his dry lips. Mew wasnt different than him. Now what was it?

"Still a nong huh"? She almost said in a frustrated tone.

"Huh"? Tae was stupefied and then.... "Oh my god.... Mom. Dad. Meet my boyfriend Mew. He is the only son to his dad. His mom passed away and now his dad married another woman. He is my junior in university. Direct in line. A hazer for 2 years straight. He is intelligent, he is capable of everything. He doesnt depend on his Dad. And... I love him so much. Will you please approve us". This time he said with confidence and the pride he had for his love.

"And Mew? What do you have to say"? This time Wier spoke to Mew who was grinning ear to ear. And Tae knew it would be hell tease.

"Well Dad, meet my boyfriend. I wont say in details, but i want to ask his mom, if she would accept me to be her only capable and eligible son in law"? He winked at Jena who laughed out at the boys. One cheeky and one biting his lips, and wait was he blushing. .....

"Oh my God Tae..... Wierrrr. I thought Tae would propose Mew and here....". She just unfolded a truth and all they could hear was a hearty laughter from Mew and a whining MOMMMMM from Tae....

"My my my.... Look who is back"? Mew giggled at his seniors being dramatic. Infact everyone in the cafe was looking at Mew who walked in the cafe after 2 weeks and went straight to the table. He bend down, lifting Tae's already baked face by chin, and kissed him full on lips.

"Ohooooo. The princes are back eh"? Phi Bright threw chips at them who were so happy.

"Well. I couldnt live without my prince Mew". Tae leaned into him, looking at him with those love stuck eyes, that they all were used to see.

"About your parents"? Phi Sun asked.

"Well we had a word with them. And they accepted us. Infact, you are cordially invited at the ring ceremoney of Tae Darvid with Mew Suppassit this weekend, at our place. At 5 pm". Tae announced proudly. The table erupted into cheers and laughters while the boys were busy looking at each other. Like old times.

Their friends were happy and they all decided to bunk their lectures and celebrate outside. Coaxing the seniors was a different story though. Who agreed to post their professors about some meetings, bargained over lunch.

The Joongcheeveevat Place was lit in so many lights. Fair lights at every tree and bush. There were floweres scattered around. A few people in their circle, still it was a big crowd. Everyone was chattering happily, waiting for the boys to come for the ceremony to begin.

"Mmmpphhh. Mew... We.. Nghhh. Have to.... Mmmmhhhh". Tae wanted to say that they were getting late, but he couldnt, not when he was cornered on the big study table. Being kissed hungrily.

"I.. Uhhhh. Wait... I know...". Mew thrusted his tongue inside the heavenly tasting mouth, blocking all his movements and reluctancy. But...

"Tae. Mew. The guests are waiting. Gosh these boysssss". They pulled off groaning lowly to hear their Dad calling them.

"Coming dad". Mew said the same answer he was telling everyone for past half hour. But this time it was his Dad, not any housestaff.

"Dont forget Mew, i have the keys to all house". This time his Dad said and Mew, who was about to dive his tongue back in Tae's awaiting mouth, quickly pulled off. Tae saw him with wide eyes and started giggling.

"Laughing eh. Watch your back tonight Phi...". Mew raised a finger with those burning eyes that made Tae yearn and hungry for him.

"Oh that. I will wait". He pushed Mew aside to see himself in the mirror before going out, just a little plump lips, nothing to be caught.

The engagement was lavishly designed. Their mom presented them rings. Mew and Tae were in tears to see the rings that bonged to their late parents. Mew picked the ring, that belonged to his mother and put in Tae's finger while Tae put the ring that belonged to his dad, in Mew's fingers.

They faced their parents with the smile that had been vanished from their faces for weeks. Their parents smiled at them too. They were so proud of their children. A complete family picture. Their friends were happy for them. Their friend made everyone burst into laughter by gifting Tae a bouquet of condoms. But no one mind it a bit. It was a moment of joy and laughters. With dinners and drinks for everyone.

"Going some where"? Jena asked Mew who was twirling the keys on his fingers, waiting for Tae to come. The ceremony ended after dinner and everyleft them with the gifts to open.

"Yeah. Out with Phi Tae". He replied casually.

"Eham... Celebration night eh". She winked at Mew, making him blush a bit.

"Aowh Mom no. Just some shopping. Had not bought any gift for him". He replied with a warm smile. Wier chuckled at the disappointment on Jena's face who failed to get some secrets out.

"Mew is not easy to spill the beans Jena". He chuckled with Mew who shook his head at his parents. Just then he saw Tae climbing down the stairs. They had changed into comfortable clothes than suits. He was wearing a simple blue shirt, folded sleeves and black jeans. But there was something in his eyes that made Mew gulp the saliva in his mouth. Tae was surely upto something.

"Am ready. Shall we"? Tae stood by his side, holding back his smile. He knew Mew had seen that shine what they call LUST in his eyes. Mew turned to bid goodbye to his parents and went outside, with a meaningful smirk.

"Oh boy.... I think they wont come home tonight". Jena sighed. Wier wrapped his arm around her slender waist with love.

"Thats so thoughtful of our sons. Someone looking so breathtaking today". Weir bit his lip.

"Hawwwww. You old perv. Can someone save me and my son from these perverts"? Jena turned to loop her arms around Wier's shoulders, who bend down to kiss her forehead.

"No one darling". He sealed their lips together, closing all doors for her to escape.

Meanwhile in the car....

Tae was trying to act cool, looking here and there outside the window, as if he had not lit the fire. He was passing just lame comments but was silenced when a familiar hand rested on his thighs. He looked at Mew who was casually whistling on the shop playing on radio.

"Someone needs to be punished hmmm". Mew said in a dark tone. A voice Tae had missed alot in the 2 weeks he spent without him. He instantly caught the hand, crawling dangerously close to his zipper.

"Punish. What? Mew... We are in the car". Tae held his hand, palming gently his hardening cock.

"And since when its a problem Phi Tae". He looked at him with intense gaze. Tae looked back at him with pleading eyes. He knew he wont be able to resist Mew and they were almost at the parking of a plaza. Mew chuckled once he made sure Tae was all hard for him. He licked his lips in pure lust, winking at Tae.

"Though i dont like you showing off this impressive cock, all hard for me, but am sure you can endure it for a couple of hours". Mew being wicked was something Tae would call a trouble. But...

"Ohhh. Just you wait Mew. Once we reach back. Hmpphhh". Tae stomped out of the car huffing and sulking and great, it was a dark corner, that gave Tae the margin to tuck down his cock that was twiching since Mew had touched him. "Goddddd. Go down will ya". He frustatedly said followed by a laughter from Mew.

"Only i can make it go down. Need my services". Mew kissed his ear lobe in tease. Tae was soooo done. He turned and kissed Mew deeply.

"I will need so many services of you Mew. Just wait and watch". Tae said and this time he walked to the escalators to go to floor 1. The 4 hours they spent in the mall were not less than any torture. Call it physical needs, Tae couldnt get it down the whole time, while Mew was trying to calm his heart down of the suspense Tae had put him in. He saw Tae walking a bit different. As if he was wearing someone else's clothes. Too fitted for his taste of clothes.

Tae felt pampered and loved when Mew bought him so many gifts. And he did too. Well, they both didnt know their Dad had given money to both of them. Mew had reserved a private booth for dinner. They had not eaten much in the party, besides, he wanted to spend some private time with Tae. Where he could pull him in his arms, kiss him after every minute. Fondle with his butts. Making him blush. Just for his eyes to see. He loved to see Tae all soft for him. All needy. He saw how Tae wanted to just run away to somewhere, where Mew could do anything to him. And his wish was granted soon....

Mew sped the car to his apartment, making sure to break all signals, he would give a damn about the tickets. He was way too hungry for Tae. The head he gave to Mew was more than enough to snap him. And how he wanted to pull Tae in his lap, while driving the car and make him scream in pleasure. But he held himself till he parked in the basement and lifted Tae on his shoulder to take him to their penthouse.

He made Tae stand in the elevators, kissing and devouring his mouth and neck. Tae wasnt less. He had waited for long. He was equally feasting on that pale white skin. Placing bold hickeys. They reached their floor, in front of the door. Stumbling on each other, Tae opened the lock with his finger print and they walked inside quickly.

Mew unbuttoned his shirt and then almost ripped open Tae's shirt too. He sucked in a breath to see the surprise unfolding. Tae was wearing a white lace crosett. He hastily pulled Tae closer.

"Are you kidding me". He growled on his face. Tae placed both his hands on his study chest, subtly playing with those perky nipples.

"Just an engagement gift. Also, its been weeks I.. Havent felt you close. Make love to me please". Tae said looking direct in his eyes. The dark in Mew's eyes was replaced by the love he had for Tae. He held his hand to his lips. Kissing the back of his palm before pulling him to the bedroom. Beautiful people need beautiful care. Worth them.

Tae could sowrn, all he could see was love. Mew was so gentle in treating him. But then, his eyes. They scream desire for him. The longing. The yearning. Tae pulled Mew for a snearing kiss. He wanted to compensate those days and nights he spent without him.

"Strip....". Mew whispered in his ears and stepped away, leisurely sitting on the bed. Tae looked at him once and smirked. He moved his hands to open the crosett but Mew flicked his finger.

"Keep it on". He ordered in his dominant voice. Keeping a steady gaze, he opened his belt, and was about to throw it but Mew stretched his hand to take the belt. He wrapped its buckled around his hand, waiting for Tae to remove his jeans and briefs. He licked his lips to see Tae all hard for him. Mew twirled his finger in the air, pointing him to bend over his knees.

Tae bit his lower lip. His cock twitched. Ohhhh.. He liked it. He bend over Mew's knees and sighed. It was perfect touch. His naked cock touching the hard clothed dick. But no... He could bargain. He pulled off a bit.

"I will do whatever you want me to do. You want to punish me. Spank me. But, i want you out of these jeans and briefs". He said in his husky voice. Mew leaned back on the bed, opening his legs wide.

"Do the honors". Mew said in a calm voice. Tae didnt waste a moment pulling off his jeans and briefs and threw them away in the room. Without a word, he bend over his knees again.

"Thats.....". They both hissed. The hard lengths rubbing together were sending sparks to their brains. Mew slightly groped his butts, fondling them with his big hands before holding the belt.

"What are the words Babe"?

"More love". Tae said making Mew raise his eyebrows. These were not the safe words. Tae smiled too. He knew why Mew stopped. He sligtly bend his neck to see Mew. "Tonight i wont stop you". He said and turned back again. Mew growled deep. This submission and trust. This permission. "Tonight. I want you to make sure that i wont say the words again. That i will never even think about leaving you Mew". Tae's words were adding to the number of spanks Mew was going to implant.

Mew raised his one hand, moving the belt lightly on the golden skin. Change of plan baby. He smirked. Tae was surely anticipating belt leashes on his butts but he shivered when the cool leather touched his skin soft and slow.

"Me.... Ahhhhh". He moaned at the sensation of the buckle pressed between his ass cheeks.

"You what huh"? Mew bend down to kiss his nape and strong shoulders. "Tonight i will make you forget yourself". Mew whispered and all Tae knew, he was straddling Mew in a sitting position instead of lying down. "Ride me baby". Mew bit Tae's lower lip making him hiss in pleasure.

Tae stood up to get lube from the drawer. He knew it would hurt like hell because it was long back they did it and he was well aware of the size of his boy... No fiance. He picked up the bottle, pushed Mew to lay back on the bed, while he straddled him again. Purposely capturing his cock between his ass. Mew smirked, spanking his baby in his lap.

Tae really put a show, taking the lube in his fingers, he pumped Mew's cock, as if some girth was left. He lubricated it good, making sure it would slip in nicely. Mew sooo wanted to just bend Tae and smack inside him, but he held himself. He held his own cock, tightly, waiting for it to go down a bit, looking at a moaning mess over him. Tae was three fingers down in his ass. He was rolling his hips and was this close to cum. His dick was leaking so many white drops that Mew picked on his fingers and direct into his mouth.

He licked his fingers clean, to memorise the taste again, making it so hard for Tae to keep in sane. But he had a perfect retort to it. He pulled up, taking out his fingers off his hole. He aligned the thick throbbing cock to his hole and sat down on it.

Mew groaned at the tightness chocking his dick. He moved his hands up, pinching the nipples over the crosett. Tae moaned feeling so full. He wanted to ride him wild but Mew held his hips tightly. He wanted Tae to adjust a bit. Once he and Tae were sure, Tae pulled up to the tip and smashed his hips over Mew's pelvis making them moan out loud. It was soooo satisfying. So fulfiling.

Tae felt a happiness passing through his body. His lips stretched full, as he placed both his hands over the sweaty chest of his hot as fuck fiance. He arched his perfect waist down in the middle, meeting their chests together. Mew looked at him. His own sexy god, riding him in full glory. His chest heaving with deep breaths. His full erect cock springing between their bodies. Mew sat up, pulling his knees up. He held Tae by his thighs, giving him all the edge to dominate him.

He kept licking and biting Tae's skin, with every thrust. He felt he was getting close. Tae smirked at him. Mew smirked too. Tae thought he would get an upper hand, but at the very last moment, Mew hug him tight and flipped them.

"Mewwwww.. Nooooo. Not thereeeeee". Tae was screaming, laughing out loud when Mew kept brushing his length at his prostate. Something he couldn't reach himself. Mew knew his body so well, he knew where to hit and push. Mew just paused a bit, he angled his body, pulling Tae closer and started plummeting the gaping hole. Squeeshing his dick inside.

"Fuckkkk. I... I missed youuuu". Mew moaned out.

"I missed you too baby..." . Tae said in ragged breaths too. Mew felt the love in his voice. He slowed down his speed. Hovering Tae, he clasped their hands together. Clinking their rings. Mew kissed his lips in a hungry kiss, hiding his face in the crook of his neck. Inhaling the sex smell.

"I love you Tae. I love you so much". Mew said in a soft voice. Tae felt his heart would stop beating. The tone he heard was so full of love that he cum between their bodies. Mew laughed heartily at his reaction, blasting his hips full, he cummed hard too.

"I love you too Mew... But the lust isnt going down". Tae licked his lips riding his orgasm. Mew looked back at him with equal lust in his eyes..

"This lust will never end Tae Darvid. Brace yourself now". Mew pulled up on his knees for round two. And it was their time to unleash their lust for each other.

Okay a fucking 14000 words oneshot.

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