Batfamily one-shots

Por Coffeeaddicted106

13.3K 200 68

Just as the title says. All characters belong to dc. None of the art is mine. Más

Damian and fireworks
Jason and thunderstorms
Damian and nightmares
Brothers by heart not blood.
Tim can get sick?
Wally and Damian
Back from the dead into hell
Please read
Damians first snow day
Nightmares and Christmas Lights
Damian Part Two

Midnight coffee run

345 7 0
Por Coffeeaddicted106

Prompt: Tim runs out of coffee and decides to go to the manor to get some. Alfred is dead. Sorry.
Tim Drake: 19
Damian Al-Ghul Wayne: 13
TW: abuse & racism.

Tim's POV

"Fuck" I mutter when I realize I'm out of coffee. I look over at the clock that reads 23:40/11:40pm. "Fuck it I need coffee." I grab my keys and slam my apartment door.

I drive down Gotham streets. Even though it's almost midnight Gotham is still booming. "Where the hell can I get coffee?" I ask myself. "Ooh I know the Manor!" I speed off in that direction.

I pull into the BatCave and park my car. I jump out still wearing my black pj pants and oversized tee and head upstairs. The closer I get to the kitchen louder the screaming gets. "I don't give a fuck Damian!" Bruce yells.
"Of course you don't! You never do!" Damian screams back. I slowly walk into the kitchen to find Bruce and Damian staring at each other. "Huh what the hell is going on?" I ask. Both of their attention snaps to me. Bruce lets out a sigh. "When did you get here?" He snaps. I hold back a flinch at his hostility.
"Just now." I answer. He nods and then turns back to Damian.
"You're grounded. No patrol. No friends. No books. No art. Nothing. Here me?" He angry states. Damian's arms fly up in the air.
"How the hell is that fair! I've done nothing wrong!" He screams. Bruce takes a threatening step closer to Damian. I quickly run in front of Damian scared of what might happen.
"Let's all take a chill pill. What happened?" Bruce directs his glare to me.
"What happen is that Damian almost killed a man on patrol and started a fight at school." Bruce answers. Damian then quickly jumps in. "Tt wrong. I defended myself on patrol and the man got broken ribs. Which is what happens when you point a gun at the back of someone's head!" He yells.
"That doesn't mean you can try to kill someone!" Bruce roars.
"I didn't fucken try to kill him!" Damian screams. (Shit. Shit. Shit. I should have just went to the store.) Bruce then turns to me.
"Move." He orders. I freeze. I look behind me to see Damian. I tense.
"No." I answer. Bruce first tighten.
"Move Tim, now." He hisses.
"No. I don't feel confutable doing so." I fight back. I don't know what the hell is going on but I know one thing. Bruce is going to do something bad. Bruce lets out a sharp sigh threw his nose. "Fine you deal with him." He spits out. He then turns on his heels and marches out of the room. I let out a sigh and let my shoulders relax. I turn to Damian. He is stiff with his firsts clenched. His eyes wet. I kneel down to where we are eye level. "Dames can you look at me?" He slowly looks at me. He lets out a chocked sob. I quickly pull him into my chest. "I'm sorry Damian." I whisper. I pick him up and walk to the living room.

I take a seat in the couch with Damian in my arms. After around five minutes his sobs die down to hiccups. "Damian can you look at me?" I gently ask. He slowly looks up from his lap with red puffy eyes. (Fuck you Bruce) "can you tell me what happened?" He slowly nods.
"I-I g-got into a f-fight at school. Bruce was mad so I w-went on patrol by myself. I saw a g-guy trying to mug a women so I stepped in. I threw him off of her. When I was checking on her he p-pulled out a gun. I reacted. B-broke his ribs." By the end Damian is softy crying again. I pull him back into my inbrace.
"It's okay. You're okay." I whisper. When he calms back down I start to talk again.  "What was the fight about at school?" I ask. Damian looks down at his lap. "I won't be mad promise." He slowly looks up.
"The k-kids called me a terrorist." He whispers. I see red. I see fücken red. I then remember I have a crying kid on my lap. I take a deep breath in trying to calm down.
"Damian look at me." He does. "You are not a terrorist nor have you ever been one. Do you understand me? You. Are. Not. A. Terrorist." He lets out a sob. I pull him into my chest. (Fucken brats.) I then think back to the kitchen. How Bruce acted. How he walked towards Damian. I need to ask. I don't want to ask. But I need too. "Damian I need you to answer me honestly okay?" He nods while wiping his eyes. "Does or has Bruce ever hit you?" I ask. Damian freezes. That's all the answer I need.
"It's-it's—mother was worse." He stammers out. I let out a shaky breath. I might not kill but Jason sure as hell does. I pick up Damian and start to walk upstairs. I walk into his bedroom and place him on his bed.
"Pack a bag." I state. He gives me a confused look.
"What? why?" He asks.
"Because. Pack clothes, all your art things, your animal things, school supplies, and whatever else you need." He nods. It takes him about 20 minutes to back everything. I then help him put on a coat and shoes. We both then get Alfred the cat into a carrier and Titus leashes. We walk down to the BatCave in silence. "Go out everything in my car and wait for me."  I state. He nods. I grab some batarranges and other weapons. I am not coming back here and neither is Damian. I hop into the diver seat and pull out. We drive in silence. About half way there Damian breaks it.
"Where are we going?" He asks. I glance over at him. He is looking down at his lap fidgeting with his hands.
"Home. My apartment." I answer after a moment. He nods.

We walk into my apartment. I point down the hall. "First door on the left. Go out your stuff down and come to the living room." He nods. After a couple minutes Damian walks into the living room with Alfred in his hands and Titus following behind him. I pay the couch cushion beside me. He sits. "Damian you are going to be staying here for a while are you okay with that?" He looks up at me and quickly back down at his cat. He nods. I place a hand on his shoulder and he stiffens. Fuck you Bruce. "Damian look at me please." He slowly looks up from Alfred. "I am not nor ever going to hurt you okay? I will never put my hands on you." I state desperately searching his eyes to make sure he understands. He slowly nods. And then looks back down at Alfred. I let out a sigh. I'm going have to call Dick and Jason.

Word count. 1,176

We all know if Alfred was in this he would have already kicked Bruce's butt.

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Requests sent in the first page or if anonymous DM me! I don't judge! Please read the dos and don'ts list on the first page!
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Exactly what the title says.
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One Shots and headcanons from my Tumblr. They are mostly x reader. Enjoy!
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This story is complete, it will no longer be updated and I am no longer taking requests. :)