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𝕬𝖉𝖆𝖒 π•­π–†π–“π–π–˜ 𝖝 π•±π–Šπ–’!π•½π–Šπ–†π–‰π–Šπ–— | in which two kids grow to love a sport called ice hockey and slo... More



435 8 5

i wake up with my arms wrapped around someone's arm, i open my eyes to see adam, listening to music on his headphones asleep.

i then feel someone on my shoulder, averman was softly snoring with his arms around me, muttering something about his grandma?

as soon as i'm about to go sleep again i feel the plane land, i take that as my queue to wake up the boys, i take off adam's headphones and gently shake him awake.

coach looked around to see most of his team asleep, he blows his whistle loudly and adam jumps awake, gripping onto the chair sides.

"mummy!" averman snores, snapping himself awake as he shoots up from his seat, the team all laughing at the boy.

"we've landed, averman" i tell the boy and he nods before moving down, drifting off again and falling onto me snoring, again.

everyone eventually got off the plane and made their way to the conveyer belt, i stood there trying to look for my suitcase.

i spot adam grabbing it on the other side, i then see his suitcase making its way around to me and also grab it.

i go over to the boy and roll the suitcase out in front of me, he gives me a smile before we exchange suitcases.

"thanks, banks" i smile, walking along side
him again as he puts his arm around me, looking around i see a mcdonald's.

i quickly move out of adam's grasp and move towards the fast food place, it was still morning time so breakfast should be on.

i turn around to see everyone smiling and walking in my direction, cheering as they do so, i make my way to the counter and order a double sausage with egg mcmuffin with hash browns and hot chocolate.

everyone else ordered right after me and we all huddled, waiting for our food together, i look up at the screen waiting for my number to pop up, i look over to adam to see his number was 53.

"my favourite number" he smirks, clearly noticing my gaze, i look over at the boy with a grin on my face shaking my head.

my number was then called out and i make my way over, paying for my food as i grab the bag and drink, walking towards the team.

we all joined some tables together and sat down, deciding it'd be best if we eat inside, adam slides down the cushion side of the table with me joining his side.

i open up my bag, taking out my food before playing it down in front of me, i unwrap my mcmuffin and everyone digs into their food.

i feel a hand on my leg and turn to see adam rubbing his thumb along my leg, giving it a small pat before whispering things into my ear causing me to laugh.

we all get off the coach and make our way to a hotel we were staying in, we all crowded into a lobby and bickered about who we hope we got in a room, i put a bubblegum inside my mouth and sigh.

"alright guys settle down! in room 4 we have dean and fulton, in room 5 we have goldberg, luis, dwayne and ken, room 6 we have guy, adam and charlie, room 7 we have averman and jesse, room 8 we have connie, julie and y/n"

the girls and i all high five each other before walking down the hall to our room, coach had given us a key so we could go straight in.

connie looks at the two of us before unlocking the door, a big smile on her face as we walk in, it was a reasonably large room, we had one small shelf on one side of the room and one large shelf on it's fair left both having doors on it, the large one had a mirror and the small one didn't.

i spot a few plants here and there for decoration, i pass the shelf wall and move into the next room, there was a small section for the tv and to our right was the bathroom.

we turn around and walk into the main room again and look at the three beds, they were all next to each other but with a reasonable gap in between.

i place my suitcase next to the large shelf, connie doing the same, julie went and put her one next to the small one, we then just walk to our beds, mine was the one at the very end of the room, connie's was the middle and julie's was the one near the other wall.

"bed test!" julie exclaims, the three of us all jumping onto our backs onto bed, testing the mattress, "it's... soft?"

"i could get used to this" i smile, hugging my pillow, the door then slams open and we all shoot up from our beds to see guy, adam and dwayne smiling.

"fun fair!" they all yell, dwayne swung julie over his shoulder causing the girl to be in fits of laughter, connie and i run around the room avoiding adam and guy.

"no, guy!" connie squeals, her and julie being taken out of the room on their shoulders.

"adam, please, no!" i laugh, the boy chuckling behind me, i jump onto my bed only for him to tackle me, tickling my sides, "s-stop!"

"gotcha" he smiles, i let out a few more quiet laughs before wrapping my arms around the boy's neck, pulling him down next to me.

a comfortable silence taking over the two of us as we look at each other, i go to lean in slightly only to get dragged back.

"too long!" dean yells, running out of the room with me on his shoulder, i scream as i cling onto him.

"no, portman! slow down!" i yell at the boy, clawing at his shirt to stay more secure.

"we have to go to the fun fair!" dean says, the group up ahead of us, julie still on dwayne and connie still on guy.

"please help me, don't drop me, dean, no, portman" i panic, scared i'll fall down even with his iron grip on my waist.

i look up to see adam, smiling and laughing at the scene slightly, he held up our hotel door key, he had obviously locked it before leaving.

"can we at least freshen up?" connie asks the boys, us two girls agreeing with her.

"nah" the boys say in unison, the team walking out of the door of the hotel, taking us towards the fair, i was currently observing my nails as i huff, chin on my hand and my elbow rested on dean.

the girls all bored out of their minds as the boys talk amongst themselves, i tuck my hair behind my ears and fiddle with my necklace adam gave me, blowing a bubble with my gum.

"so.. you ladies alright?" i sigh, clearly bored as we get carried.

"eh, could be better" julie shrugs, plaiting her hair as we talk.

"i think i'm quite alright" connie smiles, ruffling guys hair up, julie and i turn to each other with the same expression.

"they're so cute, aren't they?" julie smiles, connie snapping her head towards the two before guy turns around facing us.

"who's cute?" guy asks, connie trying to turn him around.

julie and i completely ignore him and begin to talk about different things that weren't even related to each other causing connie to relax as the boy turns around.

"but it's so obvious they like each other!" i exclaim, smirking at the two girls, julie and i laughing our heads off.

"and who does that remind you off?" connie smiles innocently, i turn to the two girls confused.


"oh wow, won't you look at that!" i exclaim, cutting off the girls, the whole team turning around.


"i don't see anything"

"must've missed it.. what a shame" i tut, hitting my fist on dean's shoulders pretending to be disappointed.

the whole team begin turning around again as the girls giggle silently, i shake my head at them slightly before slumping onto dean.

"yee-haw! ladies and gentlemen, we've arrived!" dwayne cheers, placing julie down, guy and dean following in suit.

as soon as my feet land on the floor i let out a sigh of relief, i then get dragged towards the fair by adam.

i see this rollercoaster and turn to the girls, dragging them onto the ride, i chew my gum impatiently as we queue up for the ride, the boys right next to us.

"guys look! this ride takes a photo!" connie says, we turn to the boys who's faces drop, i high five the girls laughing.

"next please!" the staff member says, grinning as we give her the money to go on, i watch as everyone gets into their seats:

dean, fulton
dwayne, jesse
averman, goldberg
ken, luis
charlie, julie
connie, guy

i look at adam and we both have huge grins on our face, we see the lights in front of us change colour, it turns green and we shoot off.

everyone was bracing themselves as we slowly went up the steep hill, adam places his hand in mine and we let out nervous laughs as we stop at the top.

everyone begins to yell and scream as we shoot down the rollercoaster, i squeeze my eyes shut, squeezing onto adam's hand, i open my eyes to see us doing loops, adam was next to me with his eyes squeezed shut, crushing my hand.

i let out a small laugh causing the boy to turn to me, a small terrified smile forming on his face, we then slowly go upside down and it was my turn to crush the boys hand.

"ow, ow, ow!" adam gasps, looking at our hands as i squeeze my eyes shut.

"shut up, shut up, shut up!" i slightly yell, terrified as we stop upside down for a bit.

"y/n, you're not gonna fall, ease up!" adam says, i let out a small yell as we zoom through the tracks again.

once the ride was over, no one moved, their hair was all crazy and they were just overall shocked at the ride.

"i'm gonna throw up!" goldberg squeaks, holding his mouth gagging, we all take that as our queue to rush out, staying as far away as possible.

"look our photos-" julie points out before puking inside a bin, i gag and turn away, taking adam with me to the stands.

you had dean and fulton cheering with their arms up, dwayne holding onto his hat with a terrified expression as jesse laughs, averman and goldberg were clinging onto each other screaming, kenney was passed out whilst luis was pointing at him laughing, charlie and julie were also laughing and cheering, adam and i we're holding hands with our eyes squeezed shut, connie and guy were looking at each other lovingly.

"i'm definitely buying one" i laugh, going to the till deciding to get a photo and a keychain of the photo.

"me too" half the team says, all of them getting one as they point and laugh at the photo.

julie and i make our way to tease connie and guy about the photos.

"hey lovebirds!" julie winks, the two of us wrapping our arms around them, "such a cute photo, don't you think, y/n?"

"very cute, what do you think, connie? guy?" i innocently smile only for connie to shove us away, "feisty! definitely guys type of woman"

connie then charges at us and we squeal, shooting up from our spot on the floor, racing towards the waltzers.

we pay the man in a rush and take a seat, connie racing after us, we see the rest of the group trailing behind and paying, the ride soon

i grip onto the ride, instantly regretting my decision, i spot a cowboy hat fly onto my feet and dwayne yelling in the distance.

"my hat y'all!" the boy gasps, i reach other and grab it, putting it on my head as we spin around.

"got it!" us girls say in unison.

"yee-haw!" julie screams, swinging an imaginary rope into the air.

once the ride was over i step out and do some fancy footwork as i make my way to the boys, the girls trailing behind me copying my actions.

"howdy boys!" i wink, dipping the hat ever so lightly, "here you are dwayne-y boy"

"thank you, ma'am" dwayne grins, placing his hat back on his head, making sure it's nice and secure.

we all go on various different rides before calling it a day, the sun was setting and we all decided to get ice cream.

adam was stood next to me and asked for a chocolate ice cream for him and a cookie dough for me, i quickly pay for both the ice creams.

"why'd you do that?" adam sighs, looking at me with an annoyed look.

"that's me simply repaying you for the hot chocolates, pretty boy" i smirk, taking my cone from the lady saying a small thanks.

adam goes a bright red, shaking his head as he grabs the ice cream, thanking the lady as he looks down.

"hey /y/n, you have something on your nose" adam says, i go to protest saying nothing was on it but he moves my cone upwards, cookie dough right on my nose.

i gasp at the boy who was in fits of laughter, i then get his cone and smear it all over his nose, the two of us laughing.

we hug each other in fits of laughter and adam places a small kiss on my temple, i smile widely looking up at the boy as he laughs.

we use a napkin and wipe our noses before continuing our walk back to the hotel, arms linked together as i rest my head on the boy's shoulder.

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