Kinesmen 2:Religion Awaken(+1...

By drkmattervik

217 23 0

4 years had passed since the Kinesmen 1 events and the world is now much better. Paratina became free and wit... More

Chapter 1:Part 1
Chapter 1:Part 2
Chapter 1:Part 3
Chapter 2:Part 1
Chapter 2:Part 2
Chapter 2:Part 3
Chapter 2:Part 4
Chapter 2:Part 5
Chapter 3:Part 1
Chapter 3:Part 2
Chapter 3:Part 3
Chapter 3:Part 5
Chapter 3:Part 6
Chapter 3:Part 7
Chapter 3:Part 8

Chapter 3:Part 4

8 1 0
By drkmattervik

           Being thrown into the air immobilized by chains, Carla uses her circus-related powers to explode the chains and around her create several train cars that fly towards Deimos who was heading towards the clown. The demon quickly generated her chains from her hands, launching them towards the projectiles and cutting them with ease. The third, which comes by surprise, she splits in two with her gravitokinesis. However, fragments of the vehicle gather around Wimbleton that would become a real train, where the former guardian lands on the ground looking around. From the walls, floor, ceiling and even the benches, hatches open releasing monkeys with magician's hats in hand. Deimos finds that strange, until he sees them pointing their hats at her, shooting doves as fast as bullets, hitting her and causing her to be pushed back. Rabbits are also darted towards her, but she quickly cuts them off with chains, with the animals not bleeding and only crumbling into confetti after being killed. She creates a gravitational attraction point on the wagon where all the monkeys gather and Deimos creates a chain that wraps around their necks, spinning them around and then throwing them all to the ground, creating a hole that makes the wagon shake due to running over the monkeys.
           Martares runs to the next car, receiving cards that explode when approaching her, causing her to fall to the ground. She quickly gets up and sees a magician in front of her and the demon nimbly throws her chain that divides him in two, but that "being" was crossed like smoke, then he was solidified and a box appears around the two parts, with the two splitting once more, making 4 boxes. They fly towards Deimos, smashing into her and knocking her back while dealing damage. Deimos grabs the last box, releasing a blast of gravitational repulsion that throws the box against the wall and it shatters, showing the magician again fallen and leaning against the wall. Martares manipulates the walls of the wagon to join them together and create a structure that would be flung towards the mage. However, the projectile would stop in the air, leaving the woman confused, but then her enemy raises his head with a confident smile as wires appear holding the construct. The object is thrown back at Wimbleton which sends several chains through the floor and ceiling, destroying the wall that would have been thrown and piercing the magician, but then the chains release an explosion that destroys the wagon completely. Deimos landed on the next car, already getting a little impatient and realizing that this place was unusually large for a car.
           She is greeted by an elephant that grabs her with its trunk and throws her up, with an acrobat taking the demon by the arms and throwing her onto a tightrope, where she grabs her and in an acrobatics she stood on the rope, seeing several cannons aimed at her. The objects shoot bullet men and Deimos soon creates several currents that stop on the ground and she starts to skid on the metallic objects, catching the kamikaze with her gravity. One she punches the chest with a punch and then raises her arm, destroying the body until the arm comes out of it. The second she breaks his neck with her hands and the third she implodes it. Landing on the ground, she sees several flaming rings held by ropes and a giant tiger run towards her and pass through the rings, catching the flames that would make the tiger ignite. Deimos catches the chains that she has skidded with his hands and throws them at the tiger who holds them and pulls the girl, headbutting her and throwing her to the ground. The ex-cop becomes completely impatient, concentrating demonic energy in her fist and then punches the tiger, being possible to see the fabric of space-time and it distorting and creating a wormhole, sucking some things present there.
           Kika, as a machinist, was at the control panel watching Deimos. However, the cameras go still as the demon throws the punch, with her noticing a gale coming from behind that was the gravitational portal her opponent would have created, with several currents coming up destroying the panels and the wagon. A gravitational repulsion shoots the clown away, creating a hole in the train and throwing her out. Carla invoked her stop sign, slamming it into the ground to slow down and creates several spheres and throws them in the direction of the train. The vehicle starts to levitate and then becomes a wheel, going at extreme speed against Villágran. Its projectiles would be easily deflected, with the spirit sinking into the ground with only the plate sticking out, with it resisting everything that passed through it. As soon as she leaves the ground, Deimos would emerge with her rock-covered arm in the shape of a large sharp arm. At that same moment, the spheres that would have been reflected come back with everything thanks to the former guardian's bounkinesis, with such projectiles reaching the back and back of Deimos and ricocheting back, with the spheres hitting her steadily. Martares manipulates the gravity of the spheres and makes them rotate around itself, but then a large arm of spiritual energy comes out of the ground and traps Deimos, that was the work of another spirit that would have approached. Another spirit appears, pointing its hands together in a triangle shape and thus an eruption of spiritual lava comes out of the ground and damages Deimos. Wimbleton with difficulties divides that eruption and hand with his gravitokinesis, throwing the chains against the 3, but Carla generated 3 knives in her hand and throws them against the chains, passing through the span of the object and pushing the chains back and soon after the knives turn into large trains that throw the demon backwards, with the spirit appearing behind it and creating a spiritual construct around its hand, forming a large hand and thus delivering a punch that crushes it to the ground, so the 3 join and begin constantly attacking her so she can't react.
           While being beaten, the struggling woman sees a few meters away the demonic version of Joshua who was killing several spirits easily with his energy waves. She quickly repels them with her gravity so she can draw Josh to her and she can pierce his chest with her arm, converting him into a halo. The 3 spirits try to stop Deimos, but she places the halo on the back of her head, releasing a wave of energy that pushes their powers and even throws them away, making a large energy geyser. Cracks appear in the beam of light, with a floating hand making a hole and then transformed Deimos was visible.

The monstrosity roars and creates several cracks in the ground that cause the spirits to sink into the ground. She then punches the ground that sends them falling into the cracks, with them being transported to a cavernous, red, volcanic landscape, Hell.
           That group lands on that spot, with Deimos quickly transporting herself there and grabbing Kika, throwing her to the ground several times and beating her up. The two spirits try to help, but a horde of lesser demons begin grabbing them, slashing their claws and biting, preventing them from reaching Carla. Outside, spirits and seraphim gather near the geyser of light with a rocky crack. A spirit approaches, being pulled in and ten spit out from the other side in demon form, falling to the ground and spewing fire. A seraph then asked his partners to protect him with an angelic aura, with himself creating one for himself. The primordial angel entered the crack of the geyser, falling towards Hell.
           Villagran was lying on the ground, all finished, until a rock fell on top of her, leaving only her arm exposed. Deimos watches as he laughs and turns away, however, Carla's arm still moves. Kika summons her stop sign and throws it at the halo, locking the angelic weapon onto the demonic object and causing Deimos to become unstable and release several discharges of angelic energy. The warrior souls gather to attack the creature, however, Wimbleton reaches its point of singularity, becoming a kind of black hole that begins to suck things and beings close. Carla soon leaves with her partners, but the seraph appeared there, observing the situation. The angel deduces that he has to sacrifice himself to stop it, flying into the black body and being sucked in, causing the black hole to absorb itself and then disappear. At that same moment, the geyser disappears and the 3 head towards the nearest Hell portal to exit and return to the battlefield.
           In the pile of sand that was on top of Aurora, several boreal tentacles appear and cause the sand to melt and erupt, causing lava to fall on Setekh. That gives Borisalin enough time to get out of that mound of dirt, with her raising her arms and emanating electrical charges. The magma quickly turned to stone, with Seth transporting himself on top of the rock in the form of sand, so she sees in the sky several metallic objects flying under the influence of Magnum. The demon hurls the magnetic objects towards Neferu, while creating lightning through her auroras. Atumrá destroyed the metal projectiles with blades of sand, however, the metals exploded electrical discharges and then the fragments were quickly repelled against Seth, hitting his body with small damage, but the fragments emit magnetic fields that pull with all the other heavy metals that fall on the egyptian. From under the ground would come out a gigantic spider that headbutted Aurora on the back and darts forward and in her direction was summoned a large scorpion that strikes her upwards with its pincers. A hawk takes Borisalin by the arm and flies at high speed to a location, but it is soon fried by Aurora's boreal shock. The woman levitate around the place, seeing that she was in a desert and then she would see a colossal pyramid emerge from the ground, with Seth being visible at the end of it.

Seth: Now you're in my domain!

           With the right hand, it points up and with the left it leaves it below the other hand, leaving it open and pointing down. Other pyramids emerge and then join together, becoming a huge sphinx. The giant construct swipes at the demon with its paw, flinging it at high speed. The woman in the air notices her body is covered by snakes that bite her body and inject their venom, with the distraction causing Aurora to fall to the ground with everything and crawl. Along with the poison, sand enters her wounds and begins to destroy Borisalin internally. To get rid of it, she emits a great aura borealis that evaporates the toxin and expels the degraded rocks from her body. However, she sighs and the steam is visible, with her feeling very cold. Magnum found herself paralyzed from thermal shock, as the desert was cold from the atmokinesis that Setekh has over deserts. Through subterranean paths, she connects all the Earth's deserts to what the former guardians were, empowering herself with all of them. The desert kineswoman spirit points its index finger upwards and then creates a hand of sand on kilometer scales, covering the entire sky of that region. Using enormous mental strength, she manages to undo the degradation of the rocks that make up her sand, transforming the material into several mineral rocks. Neferu disappears and appears just behind the construct she made, pointing to where Aurora was and hurling a titanic crystal fist at Borisalin.

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