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By gonsleftcheek

62.6K 2.7K 2.1K

โ ๐™Ž๐™ค...๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช'๐™ซ๐™š ๐™œ๐™ค๐™ฉ ๐™–๐™ฃ ๐™š๐™ซ๐™ž๐™ก ๐™จ๐™ฅ๐™ž๐™ง๐™ž๐™ฉ, ๐™๐™ช๐™? โž โ๐™”๐™š๐™–๐™ ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ฃ๐™ค๐™ฌ ๐™„ ๐™๐™–๐™ซ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ ๐™–... More

๊ง๏ธŽ Characters & Stand Info ๊ง‚
1.0 || Evil Spirits!? ||
2.0 || Returned Friend. ||
3.0 || Airplanes & Rapiers. ||
4.0 || Boats. ||
5.0 || Freighter. ||
6.0 || Singapore.||
7.0 || Feuds & Loss? ||
8.0 || Return!? & Cars ||
9.0 || Creepy Town. ||
10.0 || Steely Dan? More like Dirty Dan. ||
11.0 || The Sun. ||
12.0 || Baby...STAND? ||
13.0 || Retrival. ||
14.0 || Almost There. ||
16.0 || Recovery and.... Family?! ||
17.0 || Dads....amiright? ||
18.0 || Split. ||
18.5 || The Lost. ||
18.7 || The Deal. ||
19.0 || Awakening. ||
20.0 || The Friend. ||
20.5 || Ready to Love? ||

15.0 || Cat & Dog. ||

1.6K 84 89
By gonsleftcheek

Egypt. A nation that's 97% desert. But, thanks to the blessings of the Nile, beautiful, fertile green spreads all the way down it's river banks. As well as the culture of the ancient Egyptians, Egypt is also home to Persian, Greek, Roman, Muslim and Arabian cultures. It is a blended nation. In this eternal land, what misfortunes await you and the others on this journey?

You took in the scenery of the endless desert as the others hopped out of the topless car. The moment they did you sighed and laid yourself across the seat.

"How long will I have to be squished between muscular bodied men!" You whined stretching your arms.

Kakyoin leaned against the door, "When you stop losing rock paper scissors for the passenger."
"Seriously Y/n, you always pick scissors."

You sat up, glaring at him. "No I don't."

"Yes you do." Jotaro joined in agreeing with the red head.

You held your hand out to Jotaro and he rolled his eyes but lifted his hands out of his pockets.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors Shoot!"
Y/n: Scissors
Jotaro: Rock

"Wait no, rematch!" You demanded and Jotaro sighed.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors Shoot!"
He won.

Jotaro shook his head, "I can't believe you're a smartass in geography but at the same time can't beat a game that requires little to no skill."
He put his hands in his pockets,
"Guess you aren't the strongest in everything.."

You felt your nonexistent honor fly away from you. "You take that back you wannabe Clint Eastwood!"

He leaned in and the scent of smoke and surprisingly, a nice cologne filled your senses. "Only if you win."

Kakyoin shifted awkwardly, watching you both so close to each other, "Uh guys, remember it's just a simple randomized game-"


Jotaro won again.

And again.

And again..

And again....man are you that unlucky?.

Wait you didn't pick scissors this time!
Jotaro still won though.

OH MY GOD! A Tie!! You both picked scissors!

"Rock Paper Scissors shoot!..."
You tried using mind games by saying you'll put out paper and of course put out scissors again!

You lost though. You are definitely unlucky.

Kakyoin frowned and Polnareff laughed at you.
"I don't know why I hoped for a different outcome." Kakyoin muttered and Avdol nodded, somehow invested in the game now too.

A loud chopping sound diverted your attention towards the sky.

"It's a helicopter?!" Polnareff pointed.

"You don't have to state the obvious. We can see that." Kakyoin replied.
You leaned over the door, "I'm guessing they're your friends, right old man Joe?" You questioned and he nodded.

"Yes, they're from the Speedwagon Foundation."

Jotaro spoke up, "Don't tell me we're going for a ride in that helicopter.."

Joseph shook his head and you internally screamed for joy, "No. As much as I'd like to, the crew aren't Stand users. If we were attacked they'd be at risk."

"So why's the helicopter here then?"

"They've brought us a helper." Joseph revealed and Copycat came from behind you, taking a seat on your shoulder.

"Hm..a helper." You smiled at the possibility of a new permanent Stand in your collection, and hopped out of the car standing between Jotaro and Kakyoin.

Joseph scratched his head, "Well he has a few personality issues, so it's taken a while to get him here."

Avdol's head snapped over to Joseph, a look of shock and disbelief on his face. "Mr. Joestar!"

"Oooo he's in troubleee..." You commented and Kakyoin nudged you.

"It's impossible for him to come with us on this trip! There's no way he could be helpful."

"I'm guessing you know him Avdol.." You said aloud and he nodded.
"Yeah, very well."

Jotaro spoke up, "Hold on. If he's a helper, he's a stand user, right?"

You scoffed at his question,"Wow you're really asking that Jotaro? I thought asking questions with an obvious answer was Polnareff's thing."

"Like how losing simple hand games is your thing?" He snapped back.

"I'm going to shove my foot so far up your ass it will come out of your damn mouth, Kujo."

"I'd like to see you try sweetheart."

Kakyoin yanked you to the other side of him before you'd actually try doing it, "Keep the elderly arguments for later in your lives. Okay guys?"

Joseph stared at you two for a moment before concluding it was hormones and moved on. "Um back onto topic, this guy's Stand suggests the card called The Fool."

"The Fool?" Polnareff chuckled, "HAH! That card sounds like an idiot."

Avdol crossed his arms, "We're lucky he's not our enemy. You wouldn't be able to beat him."

Polnareff stomped over, "What'd you say asshole?!" He grabbed his collar, "You better watch your mouth."

"It's the truth. And what's with your hand? That hurts."

"Sounding all high and mighty and shit-"

Kakyoin rolled his eyes, "First them, now you two? Knock it off already! The helicopter landed."

The two Speedwagon employees opened the door, hopping out.
One shook Joseph's hand, "Mr. Joestar! Thank goodness you're safe."

"Thanks for coming out here. I appreciate it."

"So... who's the user?" Jotaro started, "I'm asking which one of you is the Stand user."

"Is it you?" He pointed and the male shook his head.
"No, it's not either of us. He's in the back seat."

The other guy slid the back door open.

"I don't see anyone there."

"No he's there."

Polnareff chuckled, walking to the opened door. "Hey, Hey, Hey! You say he's there, but where is he? Is he really short or something?"

"Get the hell out here! Come on!"
He hit the seat multiple times.

"W-Watch out!"

Polnareff's hand became coated in a clear substance. "Hm? What's this sticky stuff?"

"Please be careful! The helicopter ride was rough so he's in a really mad mood!" They warned.

Joseph also looked frightened, "Don't get close to him! I told you he's got some personality issues!"

You placed Copycat on Kakyoin's shoulder and crossed your arms, "Man this guy sounds like a real dog.."

The pilot and co-pilot snapped their heads in your direction. "How did you know!?"

Copycat made a face and you furrowed your eyebrows, "That he's a dog? I was jus-"

On cue a black and white boston terrier jumped out of the helicopter, planting itself on Polnareff's face while and biting his hair and face.

"AHHHHHHHHH" Polnareff screamed and your jaw dropped.

"An actual dog?!"

"So that means-

"Yes. He holds The Fool Stand." Joseph confirmed.

The dog began to bite and pull out Polnareff's hair.
"His name is Iggy." He introduced, "He loves to tear out human hair by the mouthful. We don't know where he was born. When even the dog catchers in New York couldn't get him, Avdol was able to find and finally capture him."

"Oh and I forgot to mention,"
"While he's ripping out hair he likes to..."

A toot sound was heard and Iggy had a satisfied look on his face.

"—Fart in the humans face... He's kind of vulgar."
You gagged at the action and Iggy hopped off of Polnareff's face.

Polnareff fell back and you flinched at his fall.

You took Copycat from Kakyoin's shoulder, speaking, "Man Polnareff... Personally if that were me I'd never let a dog fart on my face."

"Don't encourage him!" Avdol scolded and you shrugged watching Polnareff stand up.

"Damn it! Yeah, You'll pay for that!" He yelled.
He called for his Stand and you made sure both your eyes were on Iggy.

The sand circled around him in a powerful manner then a being made of sand towered over the dog. It growled and transformed from sand to metal.

"So that's The Fool!" You grinned and Avdol shook his head in disappointment at your baiting tactic to get another Stand under your belt.

"We met an orangutan user off the shore of Singapore, but..." Kakyoin gaped at the Stand before him.

You shivered, "Ugh don't remind me."

"Don't make me cut you in half!" Polnareff cried and he sliced through the Stand only for it to turn into sand.

"What the!? It's turning into sand- I can't cut it!"
The sand wrapped around Chariots rapier and hardened into its metal form.

"Wow a Stand made of sand."

"The simpler they are, the more stronger they are too. I'm not sure if I could hit it." Jotaro confessed.

Iggy was now on Polnareff's face once again, ripping and pulling at his hair and face.

Kakyoin, twirled his fringe, "Sorry Polnareff, but I'm not about to get my hair ripped out too."

Copycat jumped out of your arms and you dropped to the floor screaming for your cat to stop walking towards Polnareff. "Copycat, STOP! GET BACK OVER HERE!"

Copycat meowed in retaliation and you lowered your head in sadness.

Jotaro sighed at your dramatic posture, "Why won't you just call your Stand back?"

"No he's maturing, it's good for him UNLESS HE GETS FUCKED UP THEN THATS MY BODY INJURED!" You directed the last part to the cat yet he ignored you, meowing to Iggy gaining his attention.

Iggy barked in response and Copycat meowed and meowed... and meowed. Copycat then cocked his head towards the pilot and Iggy barked, hopping off of Polnareff.

"What is happening..."

"Y/n can you translate?" Joseph questioned, watching the two animals talk more then shake paws.

You scoffed, "Do I look like Dr. Dolittle? I can't understand a word they are saying."

"But then why do you talk to your Stan-"

You cut him off, "I only really understand Copycats body language so all I really know is that he plans to-"

The two pounced on the pilot and stole the coffee gum in his pocket.

"Steal something from that guy..." You trailed off watching Iggy devour it and Copycat giving a piece of gum to the pilot in apology for their actions.

The others looked at both animals in shock.

Copycat appeared on your shoulder, eyeing the dog chewing the gum, "Wow your Stand knows Iggy loves coffee flavored gum.." Joseph said, still staring at Iggy.  

Copycat jumped out of your arms turning into The Fool.

"OH MY GOD!" Joseph shouted.

"Your cat made a deal!?" Kakyoin questioned shaking you.

"Well if he's showing it so freely than of course!" You yelled taking his hands off your shoulders.

"He thinned my beautiful hair!" Polnareff cried, trying to fix it.

Joseph clapped, "Well he's fine now.. let's get the supplies out so these men could be on their way."

"Good grief."


You leaned on the car, trying to pet Iggy. But everytime you got close a growl would erupt from the dog.
"How can you shake hands in a nice matter with Copycat but not allow me to pet you!?"

"Don't you want some form of affection in your life?" You asked and Iggy only barked twice and Copycat meowed in response, patting your shoulder.


Jotaro watched the interaction. "You're weird." He commented and you nodded.

"I am, but you are too. Seriously man I've never met such a brooding person like you ever."

"If I'm so brooding why try and speak to me in a jail cell."

You turned away from him, watching Joseph speak to the pilot from afar.
"You had something in common with me and that was cool! Apart from Kakyoin I hadn't met another Stand user. Plus you locked yourself in a jail cell to prevent hurting people, I admire that."

Jotaro took a step closer to you and opened his mouth but Polnareff pushed his way in between you with a loud groan.
"I thought that was going to be more juicy! Cmon Y/n, just because he had a Stand you wanted to speak to him?!"

"No that's not the only reason I-"

Polnareff threw his arm over Jotaro's shoulder, pulling him close to the male, "He's a real eye-catcher! Could it be the reason you wanted to speak to him is because you were infatuated with Jojo here!?" He grinned and you awkwardly laughed.

"Actually no-"

Jotaro brushed him off and Polnareff moved to your side, grabbing your chin and making you lock eyes with the dark haired male, "You should see the way he's been eyeing you recently, he even drunkenly told m-"

Jotaro tugged his hat down and turned to look another way, "Polnareff you're being a real sore, cut it out will you?

You agreed with him though you were curious about Polnareff's claims, "Yeah, your making things weird."

Polnareff raised a non-existent brow, "Why? Wait! Oh my gosh you must be into Kakyoi-"
You kneed him in the balls, watching as he fell holding them.

Kakyoin walked over placing the last jug in the back. "I heard my name, is everything alright?"
He noticed Polnareff's hunched figure, "Oh...."

Polnareff groaned in pain, "From how fast you reacted I'm taking that as a yes."

"So if I kick you again will you take it as a no?" You smiled and Polnareff put his hand out, "Please don't! I understand now! And I'd actually like to have children in the future."

You nodded in victory and Kakyoin stood there confused.
"Im not following. Why did you do that to him?"

Jotaro spoke up, "He asked her if she was crushing on you."

Kakyoin's smile faltered and Jotaro took note of it.
He cleared his throat. "Well he deserved it then."

"Thank you for understanding!" You chirped.

Kakyoin sent you a small smile and Avdol joined the conversation, "I think that Y/n would be nicely paired wit-."

"Avdol suggest someone and you'll be the next one on the ground."

He took a large step away from you, "Understood."

"Hey you guys!" Joseph called, holding up a new camera, "Lets take a picture!"

"It will make a good memory."

You walked up to Jotaro, noticing him staring at the photo.
"Oh my gosh is that a full smile I see Jojo?!" You grinned and he ignored you, handing you the photo.

"Here keep it. Maybe you could staple it to that decorated board you talk so highly about in your room."

You shook your head, pushing it back to him, "Tempting offer but I think it's better off with you."

"AHHH!" Polnareff ran past you, Copycat seated on his head of hair and Iggy chasing him, "AVDOL HURRY UP WITH THE GUM! AND Y/N FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET YOUR CAT!"

"But you're already such good friends with him!" Avdol laughed.

"Ah so thats what they were planning when I heard and saw them meowing and barking behind Polnareff." You muttered and Jotaro's placed the photo in his jacket pocket.

With the report of Holly Kujo & the Nine new enemy Users, the fully formed team was off!

While Kakyoin, Avdol and Polnareff squished in the far back, Surprisingly you and Iggy sat in the same row.

"I think I'm starting to like Iggy!" You grinned, finally able to have space to yourself.

"This isn't fair! Why does the shitty dog have a whole seat to himself and we're stuck in the back? And why can you sit there!!?" Polnareff pointed to you and you stuck your tongue out.
"It's so cramped and my back hurts."

Joseph sighed, "You'll have to wait for the flavor from his beloved coffee gum fades. Once that happens, I'll throw a new piece of gum into the back so he'll go there. Then you could change seats."

You glanced out the window and the sight caused you to scream so loudly that Joseph stopped abruptly causing the car to almost flip.

"What the hell Y/n?!" Polnareff yelled.

"L-Look!" You opened the car door, pointing at the crashed Helicopter.

"They just took off not long ago." You muttered.

Grey smoke polluted the air and with further inspection from afar, you all noticed the pilots body hanging out the window.

"There has to be a enemy around, look at him. Those are claw marks from his own fingers." Jotaro observed.

You put Copycat on your shoulder, "Well let's go get a better look." You suggested, already walking ahead.

"Wait up!" Joseph walked after you, "We need to tread carefully."

The pilots mouth was open, his face permanently frozen in fear. Yet what intrigued you was the amount of water in his mouth.

You lifted his head up to get a better look, and when you set it down the water fell out onto the sand.
"So much water....it's coming from his mouth, no his lungs." Jotaro said, watching the fish flop as the water dried.

You stood up straight noticing Jotaro's alarmed expression, "He drowned in the middle of the desert.."

"Hey!" Polnareff called, "The other one's over here."

"He's alive!"


You all kneeled around the dying male.

Joseph spoke up, "Are you alright? Get a hold of yourself! What on earth happened!?"
You sighed at his words and looked towards the co-pilot.

He slowly raised his hand, pointing. "Wa..... Water."

"What? You want water?" Joseph questioned and tapped Polnareff, "Pass me that canteen."

He gave him the canteen in the sand, "Here, get a hold of yourself, here's some water." Joseph lifted the man and hovered the canteen over his mouth. He tilted it and you watched the mans eyes widen in fear.

"NO!" He screamed, "THE WATERS GOING TO AT-" Without thinking you threw Copycat on his face to protect him.

A water shaped hand flew out and slashed Copycat's chest down to his stomach.
The water flew back into the canteen, landing away from the group and you doubled over, blood spilling onto the sand.



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