Unexpected Changes. Arianaxgi...

Bởi gxgwriter

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Hey, I'm Skyler I'm 23 years old I live in my apartment in New York. I have a pretty basic job whilst I atten... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18.

Chapter 16

97 7 5
Bởi gxgwriter

*Skylers POV*

I was honestly shocked that she said yes, I mean I am genuinely glad she did but I'm taken back by it. I want her to feel important tonight, I wanna regain at least a little bit of connection between us.

Ariana smiled as she glided past me, passing me her car keys in the process.
"You're driving."

I don't know why but this new attitude she has was a turn on, there's something about chasing her all over again that gives me those old thrill feeling.

I followed nervous behind her through the corridor between loads of people, you could tell she grew herself a fantastic reputation as everyone she past was telling bye whilst smiling.

I smirked to myself seeing her approach the Range Rover that was indeed hers, as I got in the Range Rover she spoke in a playful tone.
"Are you sure you can drive this?"

I raised my eyebrow eyeing her.
"Of course i can drive this what are you talking about?"

She pointed outside the window at the rental car outside, whilst laughing to herself playfully.
"I mean you aren't parked very straight."

I shook my head laughing along with her.
"And how do you know exactly that's my car?"

Ariana leaned her head back against the headrest giving me her cocky but jokey smile.
"Well, you're the only person I know that would spend extra money for a classic muscle car, two your parking is just terrible, it had to be you."

I leaned slightly towards Ariana resting my hand behind her headrest, grinning at her.
"Why does it feel like I'm gonna regret inviting you out?"

Ariana shrugged, her tone changed the closer I got to her.
"Where are we going?"

She really is mad at me... maybe I should give her space? I felt maybe I'm coming on too strong considering the circumstances.

"I think we should keep our distance Skyler, you have a girlfriend now and I respect other people's space. I don't step on people's toes." She mumbled leaning against her door staring out her window.

Fucking idiot! Of course, I have a girlfriend what am I doing.

I nodded, starting the car driving towards the city.
"Right, I'm sorry."

It was silent for a moment as we followed heavy flow of traffic.
"What is Alex like?" Ariana spoke.

I shrugged keeping my eyes on the road.
"Um, she's friendly? Has banter."

I felt arianas eyes on me, I could tell by her tone she was curious.
"Is that all you can say? You don't have to narrow it down to make me feel better."

We came to stand still, i looked Ariana in the eyes as I spoke sincerely.
"I'm honestly not. I just... I don't know. She's my usual type I go for the flirtatious bad girls, but they never work out. I don't know, this time doesn't feel like it's working this time round."

Ariana laughed awkwardly.
"Basically opposite of me?"

I smiled, she was completely right she was completely opposite to anything I was used to.
"You? Well, you're just completely different. Your confusing, harder to read but in a way it's exciting I wanna stick around to figure you out. I don't have to beg for your affection, you just love it. Your full of banter and sarcasm which was unexpected, you challenge me to keep me on my toes."

Ariana seemed taken back by my comment, she just sat staring at me shocked.
"I didn't know you thought of me that way..."

I smiled like an idiot as I spoke.
"You're sweet and caring, you are considerate of everyone's feelings no matter who they are. There's a bunch of other things I think about you but, I don't think it'll be appropriate."

Ariana eyed me confusingly, frowning as she attempted to read the situation.
"I want to know but I feel like I shouldn't ask"

I shook my head grinning, I knew it wouldn't be appropriate considering I have a girlfriend. I continued on down the road, I pulled into Wolfgang pucks restaurant.

Arianas hand stroked my arm, as she smiled.
"Oooh I like this place!"

We got out the car walking closely side beside each other towards the entrance, the door man beamed with happiness at the sight of Ariana.

"Miss Grande! Welcome! Please follow me, would you like a private area or would you like to pick your table" he spoke leading the way inside the restaurant.

Ariana spoke smiling so sweetly and politely, she spoke as if she was really great friends with the staff showing them so much sweetness.
"Private please, it's been such a long day!"

The host nodded.
"Of course, right this way Miss Grande."

We was led through the restaurant to a dim lit room, there was a a small round circle with chair either side. We took our seats taking the menu handed to us.

I nodded smiling at the waiter.
"Thank you."

"No worries Miss?"

I smiled shaking my head.
"Please just call me Skyler."

He nodded proceeding the leave the room.

"You seem very known here" I laughed.

"Believe it or not happens everywhere, not to sound big headed it's just how my life is" Ariana smiled.

The waiter came back with a bottle of what looked to be expensive champagne.
"Perhaps our finest champagne for you?"

I shook my head.
"Unfortunately, im driving."

Ariana clapped her hands together with excitement.
"Just one glass please!"

"I'll just take a water" i smiled.

We were finally left alone, which I am so grateful for. But before I spoke Ariana asked me further questions about Alex, why was she so curious?

"Do you find her attractive?" She spoke as she rolled the champagne around her glass.

"I do find her attractive, but something is missing."

Arianas foot slid past mine.

I cleared my throat trying to gather myself.
"I like her but not romantically. She doesn't make me excited, she doesn't make me nervous, there's no tension in the air when we speak."

Ariana kept a straight face shaking her head, with confusion.
"Then why date her?"

I sighed with frustration.
"I don't know why I did it Ariana! Because I'm fucking selfish okay"

Ariana rolled her eyes getting frustrated at me, i can tell she's getting annoyed at me and I hated it.
"So when things don't go your way you just hurt people around you?"

I leaned forward trying my absolute best for her to understand.
"No! Yes.. I don't know. I fucking regret it Ariana. I've never felt what I've felt for you with anyone else in my entire life! You make me nervous, you actually make me want to do better and get better. Yes, I fucked up I know I did, why did you agree to meet me if you can't stand to be near me?"

Something lit a fire in Ariana as I said my response, catching me off guard.
"Shall I just leave? You hurt me Skyler more than I can express, I've tried so hard to push what you did to the side but I can't. I'm not mad at you just because you ran off with someone else, I'm mad at you because while I was gaining feelings for you I was scared, I've never done this before I don't know what to do and you were suppose to be there..."

I shook my head wanting her to elaborate.
"Never done what before?"

Ariana's hands were cupped over her face as she sighed.
"I've never done anything with a girl before, I'm nervous and scared. What will people think when they see on the news, Ariana Grande dating a female! I'll have paparazzi constantly on my doorstep for months, I'll have people wanting to interview me just to ask me questions I'm still trying to understand myself."

Suddenly I felt the guilt swallow my entire body, I never ever thought about that...
"Ariana... I'm so sorry I didn't think."

She continued.
"Skyler, I wanted to meet you because I enjoy your company, but I also hate it.I love it because we just get on so easy, but I hate it because all the things I want to do scares me. When you look at me I wanna explode, when you touch me I feel adrenaline fuel my body. But I hate it because I know I'll be a evil horrible person, Alex is probably at home missing you."

I grabbed arianas hands desperately trying to get her to relax.
"You aren't evil I am. I sit thinking about you all day everyday, yet I have a girlfriend sat beside me. I hate myself for that but I cannot get you out my head."

Arianas hands pulled away from mine.
"Skyler. Please let's just keep this a friendship. Think about it? How was this suppose to work for us? I'm in the public eye, you can't sneak around with me away from your father, people will find out and it'll ruin you and complicate my life."

Her words shot through my heart, I cannot let this happen this can't happen! I didn't fucking want this I want her!

"Ariana..." I pleaded.

"Skyler, please just make it easier." Ariana spoke in a tearful tone.

Suddenly we were interrupted by a waiter with a notebook and pen, Ariana quickly wiped her eyes avoiding eye contact with him.

"Can I take your order?"

Ariana gathered herself as if nothing had just happened.
"Can I have a vegetable terrine? And a vegan chocolate soufflé?"

He noted down her order, then looking at me.

"Could I have Italian pasta and a chocolate soufflé too?" I smiled.

He nodded disappearing quickly out the room, I think he knew we was having a deep conversation.

"You know it's still a little early, would you like to catch a movie?" I smirked, I'm not gonna stop trying my luck.

Ariana paused for a moment really thinking about it deeply.
"You can stay over mine for a film? Just one Skyler."

I nodded with so much joy.
"That'll honestly be amazing."

"You should bring Megan, we can get her on the way?"

Was she really trying to avoid being alone with me? I mean if she doesn't want to be alone with me that's okay, but I just hoped it'll be us. I texted Megan asking her.

"How are you liking the voice?" I spoke attempting to create conversation.

Finally Ariana was looking at me actually smiling genuinely, I hoped changing subject would help.
"I really enjoy it! It's passion working with people to follow their dreams, so many people out there have such talents."

"You are definitely funny" I chuckled.

Ariana frowned playfully, she spoke in this weird flirtatious playful tone.
"You saying I look funny?"

I held my hands up laughing.
"Not at all!"

Arianas chin was rests on the back of her hand, she playfully squinted at me.

I grinned.
"Having trouble seeing me again? I could go back to the car and fetch the glasses?"

Her mouth hung open.
"Rude! I'm just focusing on that piece of food in your teeth."

I panicked licking my teeth, Ariana's hands clapped together as she laughed at herself hysterically.
"You Bitch..." I groaned.

Her smirk was so sexy, she was back in her playful mood just like that.
"Don't like the taste of your own medicine?"

I leaned forward eyeing her beautifully plumped lips, then straight at her deep brown eyes.
"Maybe I'm a bad influence on you."

Her lips spread across her face as she smiled, revealing her gorgeous dimples.
"Maybe I should think about what company I keep?"

I looked away from eyes before I completely crumbled under her eye contact, I really missed this.
"I miss being around someone who dishes it out."

She spoke in a sexy bossy tone, I felt her eyes still on me causing me to grow nervous under her stare.
"About time someone put you in place."

I took a deep breath before looking back up into her eyes, they searched deeply back into mine causing me to grow extremely weak.
"That's true..."

Her lips twitched slightly into a slight smile, her eyes didn't break from mine. I could feel the stress lift from us, there was something relaxing about gazing into her eyes it wasn't awkward it was just... amazing.

"Are you coming back to the set tomorrow." She titled her head still not breaking her eye contact.

"Do you want me to?" I questioned.

She rolled her eyes.
"Uh, I guess. You're okay I guess."

My body shivered suddenly as I felt her foot skim past my leg, she just smirked at me as if she knew exactly what she was doing as I stuttered a response.
"I- I suppose I'll make an appearance."

Is she doing this on purpose? She's so difficult to read at the moment, one minute she wants space and the next she's acting so playful she was so impossible to figure out.

The waiter walked into the room carrying our dishes, causing us both to awkwardly shift in our seat breaking eye contact. This is probably what I hated, acting like this so nobody would suspect us.

"If you need anything else please let me know" he smiled leaving again.

We both force laughed awkwardly to fill the awkwardness in the room.

"How are you liking La so far?" Ariana spoke whilst digging into her dinner.

"I've not really been here before, I've never explored it properly." I shrugged.

Ariana glanced up at me smiling.
"I guess I'll have to show you guys around."

"Like our tour guide." I winked.

Ariana groaned.
"Actually... I think i rather take Megan out, she's more tolerable than you."

I scoffed playfully at Ariana's respect, she's fucking on one tonight.
"To be fair I feel the same way about you with Frankie!"

Ariana finished her mouthful of food crossing her arms on the table, she eyed me curiously.
"Did you actually want to stay here? I honestly thought you were going to leave again."

"To be honest with you, I knew the second I saw you I was going to instantly change my mind. I think that's deep down why I left so quickly." I answered.

Ari's eyebrows rises curiously.
"What do you mean?"

I put my knife and fork down giving her my full attention, I want her to know I mean everything I'm telling her.
"When I am around you I can't seem to keep away, I find myself so drawn to you."

Ariana's eyes travelled down to the table as she spoke quietly, her entire face was red and her cheeks were stretched across her face.
"Yeah, well I find you interesting too. You're completely opposite to me, you're so relaxed and chilled out but also deep."

I laughed, that's funny because I'm anything but chilled out. Im a nervous wreak, but only when it came to her.
"I've never met anybody who's the complete opposite to me but yet, conversation just bounces off one another."

Ariana laughed to herself as she covered her face.
"Amazing choice of words..."

I opened my mouth in playful disgust.
"You dirty bitch!"

Ariana raised her hands in defence with her face flushed red.
"Hey! You said it not me!"

I tapped her hand giggling at her response.
"You took it a completely different way to what I meant it as!"

Ariana smacked her lips together.
"Mmm... did I? I feel like those word choices were intentional."

The words just vomited out my mouth without actually thinking it through.
"Maybe you should stick around to find out."

Ariana froze with her mouth hung open in shock.

I quickly slapped my hands over my mouth.
"I'm so sorry!"

Ariana was hysterically laughing not taking it seriously, which was a MASSIVE relief.
"Don't be!"

The waiter came in with our deserts whilst me and Ariana were restraining our laughs like complete children, finally bursting out laughing in hysterics.
"Thank god he had no idea! He probably thinks we are right weirdos!" Ariana spoke howling with laughter.

I clapped my hands together, hysterically laughing.
"I was laughing because of you! You looked like you were going to explode!"

Ariana leaned back regaining her breath.
"We're literally laughing for no reason."

We finished up desert acting like absolute children throughout the rest of the meal.

We walked closely beside each other as we approached the counter to pay the for the food, but now we were both fighting over who's paying.

"I said I'll pay!!" Ariana laughed whilst waving her card around.

I quickly grabbed her card shoving it into my back pocket, then whipping my card out.
"Nope! I said I'll do it!"

Arianas hand blocked the card machine as she yelled.
"Try me! I won't allow it!"

The man stood awkwardly in the middle just watching us back forth not knowing what to say or do.

Ariana pointed her finger at me giggling to herself!
"Give me my card before I call the police for theft!"

I tried squeezing past Ariana with my card whilst she stretched her arm around me towards my back pocket, but as I almost tripped her over she grabbed my ass causing me to jump.
"You'll have to get it yourself!" I called out.

"I'm trying but your body bashing me!" She squealed with laughter.

I wrapped my arm around her head, swiping my card on the machine cheering in victory.

Ariana pushed me playfully as she groaned.
"You literally cheated what the fuck!"

I could tell by the hosts face he was completely done with mine and Arianas shit, we left leaning against each other laughing hysterically like absolute children.

We stood in front of her car carrying on, with Ariana edging closer to me.
"Now give me my card Skyler!"

I pulled out her card lifting it in the air above her head, she kept jumping up against me trying to grab her card before grabbing the tip of her card, we stood inches apart whilst we both held the card between us. We were both staring at each others lips for a few moments, we were both high from happiness from our laughing fits.

Ariana mumbled whilst staring into my eyes whilst repeatedly staring at my lips.
"Give me my card Sky..."

I slowly let go completely of her card, I found myself in a complete trance staring into her eyes, I couldn't move away it felt I was completely stuck in place. The air around us grew silent and the tension was growing thick around us, I could tell in her eyes she was contemplating something deep down.

We both swooped in for a kiss, I felt Ariana's fingers intertwined into the back of my hair and my hands found her waist. The kiss felt eager and desperate, our lips wrestled tightly together as if it was something we both desperately wanted more than anything. Our breathing grew heavier as she leaned back against her car pulling me in for a deeper kiss, I tilted my head in response also deepening the kiss.

Her hands slip to my chest pushed us apart quickly, she stood in complete shock as she moved away from me.
"We shouldn't have done that..."

As I approached trying to apologise Ariana took more steps back, she couldn't look me in the eyes as she was clearly in shock.

She just shook her head folding her arms as she cut me off.
"We should go, can you take me home? I don't think you should come over tonight..."

Shit... has this fucked everything up again? Nobody was here in the parking lot just us! Nobody saw us, unless... shit Alex, she's guilty because of Alex I am such a fucking IDIOT!

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