Randicon One-Shots (cause I c...

De TimothyDuck777

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I really love writing about these two! So much so that I've decided to make one-shots cause... I can. It's be... Mais

Requests are Open!
Beauty and the Beast AU
Hanahaki Disease AU
What is love?
Hiding in plan sight
Dancing with Nobody Else
"Wait... You're Me!"
Rock and Little Love
Falling for a Civilian
Falling for the Ninja
Good Intentions
Coffee Break
Rough Day
Rainy Days are Sick
Wave Call
Heart Racing
009 the Spy
Love is Blind
First Date Mishaps

Pick a Side, FBI

202 10 5
De TimothyDuck777

Request made by: (the moefoe writing this)

(Part two! Let's goooooo!)
(Hopefully y'all will enjoy this bad boy! And apologies again for how long it's been lol!)
(Also, thank you for 15 followers! Y'all are awesome!)
(Another big thanks to @CartoonLoverGirl01 for helping me format this story! Literally wouldn't have been possible without their help!)

The party was still very much alive. Partygoers making small talk as they discussed McFist's donation party. Many of which were praising him for his generosity.

All I hear is, "He's a saint!" Or "How kind of him!" Or maybe even "He can do no wrong!"

Which kinda ticked me off.

I don't blame them since they don't know the full story but it's frustrating to know how easily everyone sides with him. All he has to do is flash a smile and everyone is willing to look the other way when he does wrong.

I'm even having urges to just call him out now in front of everyone here. Maybe even scream it at the top of my lungs.

But that would only hurt our investigation.

Howard and Heidi were still off doing their own thing with me having no idea where they were.
I suspect that Heidi was off making small talk and Howard was probably at the food bar.

I kinda want to leave already.

After all, what's there to do? I have nothing in common with any of these people. I'm at a party praising the one guy I hate, and just to add salt to the wound, the guy I found myself liking also just so happens to work for McFist.

I'm starting to regret taking this mission.

Nomi was currently taking care of whatever McFist had requested, leaving me by myself once again.

Even though it was stressful as fuck to have him suddenly ask my name; I still wouldn't mind chatting with him longer.

He's the kind of guy that has you wishing he'd stick around longer. And I'm certainly feeling the effect.
But I know it wouldn't work, I might as well cut my losses and just accept it.

Better than just feeling sorry for myself I guess.

"Yo, Cunningham, stop daydreaming and talk to me bruh,"

I finally crashed the train of thought in my head and looked over to see Howard who was trying to get my attention.

"Oh, sorry man," I sighed.
"Hey, I saw you chatting it up with the man of the hour. So when do you think you'll ask him out?" He teased.

"No one is asking anyone out," I stated.
"Oh come on. It's not like he's married to his job. He could quit whenever, he doesn't have to work for McFist," He shrugged.

"So I'll be the guy that arrested his boss? No thanks, I'd rather be the out-of-place-idiot that can't dress formally to save their life," I said.

"I don't hear any cons with that first outcome. I mean I wouldn't mind if someone were to arrest my boss," He chuckled.
"...Isn't Heidi our boss?" I pointed out.
"Ha, exactly," He laughed.

"Now, what do you need? I thought you were too busy stealing all the fancy snacks at the snack bar," I said.
"Well, Heidi wants to have a brief meeting. I guess the plan she had originally isn't working out. I wonder why, haha," He grinned.
"Ugh, fine. I really ain't looking forward to it," I sighed.

"Chill man, I'm sure she won't take it too hard to find out the guy she's been trying to flirt with has found interest in you~," He said with heavy sarcasm.
"...Uh huh,"

Howard led the way to Heidi, making our way out of the crowd and stepping out to the balcony.
There was Heidi, looking completely annoyed. Her attention faced away from us.

Right when we stepped before her, she snapped her head toward us. Her pure anger directed at me.
Sweat collecting on my face from fear.

"Finally, you two are so fucking slow," She growled.
"And close the door behind you, do you want someone to listen in?" She hissed, shutting the doors behind the both of us. Leaving the three of us alone finally.

"Geez, alright then, even though you should be thanking us," Howard sighed.
"...The more you talk the stupider you get," She said.
"For real though! We got something that will blow your mind! Look, show it to her, man!" He exclaimed

I reluctantly revealed the usb, holding it out to her to possess.

"Behold! What we need to take down McFist!" He declared.

Heidi took the usb from my hand, taking a quick look at it. Her eyes widened. Fear and then anger washed over her in seconds.

"Are you fucking kidding me! FBI?! Here?! Ugh, they're gonna crash this party before we even have a chance to get everything we need!" She groaned.

"But it's a good thing, we have their info. It's bound to set them back," I pointed out.
"Or have them coming after our asses! Ugh! If they find out we took it, we will all lose our jobs! Or worse!" She yelled.
"Look, we were just trying to help-,"

"Shut up, God you're both annoying. But especially you," She stated, taking a step toward me.
"I was the honey trap! Me!" She shouted as she shoved me slightly.

"Look, I'm sorry about Nomi but we just kinda got talking and we both just seem to... click-,"
"Shut it!" She exclaimed before I could even finish.

"It's all because of you the honey trap won't work! Who knows if this usb even has everything we need! What we need is McFist or someone else to reveal anything about their scam!" She snapped, her anger reaching a boiling point.

"Hey! Whoah! Whoah! Let's all chill out for a sec! The honey trap can still work!" Howard chimed in.

Heidi and I turned to face Howard, kind of confused by what he meant.

"Huh?" She and I said in sync.

"Ugh, and you call me dumb," He sighed.
"I mean, Randy has already gotten close to him. Just have the two of you swap roles," He said.

Heidi and I paused, the two of us wondering if we would be on the same page about this.
I was on board but I wasn't too sure about Heidi. For all I know she's still wanting to be the honey trap. She has been pretty stubborn about that fact.

The silence was broken by Heidi sighing from defeat, her anger turning to disappointment.

"Fine, I suppose you can be the honey trap. I still don't understand how you managed to get him to get close to you, but I guess luck is on your side. Just don't fuck it up," She said, her tone still hostile.
"I will try my best," I said.

The three of us all seemed to finally be on the same page. Our plan adjusted slightly but still had the same goal. But it was going to be difficult.

McFist has the advantage here. We are the ones stepping into his territory, we aren't even sure if Nomi would even slip any info about his boss.
For all we know we could be setting ourselves up for failure.

Not only do we have to worry about McFist executing us on the spot, but also unpredictable FBI agents that could either arrest us or see us as hostiles too. We don't even know what these agents look like!

Shit is about to hit the fan and we have no idea when that will be.

The three of us separated once again, now with slightly different agendas.

Howard is mainly examining the area for a plan of escape, Heidi is assessing the amount of security on this building, and I was off attempting to get closer to Nomi.

Walking out into the party surrounded by party guests was slightly claustrophobic. Everyone chuckling at any mundane joke while sipping on their champagne. Truly an atmosphere I hope to never experience again.

But as I made my way around the room, I bumped into someone, feeling embarrassed for how all over the place I am.

"Oh, sorry man," I said, regretting my word choice.

I'm at a fancy ass party and I still don't know how to speak.

"That's alright, boy. I should have been paying more attention," The stranger said.

For some strange reason, he wore a cowboy-style hat. He looked like one of those rich cowboys in the south. His hat matched his light brown party mask, a suit that looked inspired by the classic cowboy style. Clint Eastwood would be proud of his attire for sure.

Truly a strange kind of guy.

"Now, where are my manners? My name's Creed, now what's yours?" He asked, tipping his hat to me.

Again with asking for my name?! I really need to come up with fake names before a mission.
Kinda dumb of me to not already have some prepared.

"Oh, Um....Reginald?" I stammered, not even confident in my choice of a fake name.

"You said that like it was a question..." He stated.

His face was void of emotion for a solid minute, his eyes staring into mine as if he was trying to read my mind.

I knew I should have prepared better for this.

"...Ha! You're a riot!" He laughed as he patted me on the back.

Oh thank cheese, I thought he caught on.

"Now, you enjoy yourself, boy. The food here is to die for," He chuckled.

He then walked off, leaving me still unsure if I actually got away from that.

I guess my fake name is Reginald now. Not exactly the best name to choose out of the millions out there but it's what my brain came up with.

Maybe I just need some fresh air, the balcony doesn't sound like a bad idea to chill at for a minute. Just so I can have some time to myself.

Hopefully, that random guy is not someone to worry about...


Here I was. Standing in the center of the party room, completely clueless. I couldn't even hide it on my face. It was clear that I was silently panicking.

My eyes scanned everyone carefully as I tried to pinpoint who could have taken the usb.

No real suspects, but everyone started to look suspicious.

Did that man check his pocket? What does he have? Did that woman slip something to her friend? What could it be? What is that person talking about?

No matter how little these interactions were I still felt the need to overreact.

I'm definitely looking too much into this.

I need to find Creep and figure this shit out.

Before I could attempt to call him, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Realizing that I wouldn't have to call him at all.

"Did you find it?" Creep asked.
"That's the problem, it's not there. Someone took it," I stated.
"What? What happened?" He questioned.
"I'm not sure," I said.

Creep groaned, the frustration eating at both of us now. This was going to be more difficult than we thought.

"Did the cameras show you anything?"
"Nope, they are completely blank," I sighed.
"This is what happens when you start flirting with the guests rather than doing your job," Creep chuckled, the subtle jab far from subtle.

"...Whatever," I mumbled. He wasn't completely wrong.
"How about we actually do something rather than chat about our situation?" I pointed out.
"Relax, I think I have a hunch of who it can be," Creep smirked.
"Really? Who?" I asked.

He simply turned his attention to a specific person, his eyes pointing directly at who he suspected.
It took me a moment to realize until it dawned on me.

I almost couldn't believe that he actually thought it was him.
The purple-haired, sapphire blue-eyed, down-to-earth boy was our main suspect.

The same boy that had me interested in them from the start.

"Him? He couldn't be. He's less of a threat than a puppy," I said.
"You're not seriously letting him off the hook simply because you like him, right?" Creep stated, a smug look on his face.
"I...I'm not, I'm just sure it's not him," I mumbled.

Creep simply let out a small chuckle, shaking his head slightly in disbelief.

"Think whatever you want, that kid could be a threat and you not even assuming that fact could put this mission in jeopardy. How about you go do some more of that flirting you were doing back there and get some info out of him," Creep said.

Before I had time to argue with him any further, he walked off into the crowd. Tipping his hat goodbye, I didn't even get to finish my argument.

I've worked with that guy for years yet he still comes off as weird. Weird guy all around.

I guess that's why his nickname is Creep.

But, as much as I don't want to admit it, he is right. This boy I've found myself liking might just be the guy that stole the usb. I can't just skip over him just because I like him. As much as I don't want to look at him as a suspect, I have to be sure.

Besides, might give me a chance to get his name. Get to know him a little more.

I went off searching for him, silently hoping everything would work in my favor.
It took me a while to just search through the vast crowd of guests, until I finally spotted him in the distance.

He stood out on the balcony, his mood clearly not at its highest. His attention was only on the evening sky, watching the stars slowly appear in the clouds.

I'm not completely sure why but I can't help but be magnetized to him. My attention couldn't be swayed by anyone but him.

I made my way through the crowd over to him, keeping a calm composure.

He quickly noticed me and his face instantly turned slightly red. His attempts to hide it was just cute to watch.

I sincerely hope he's not the thief.

"Hey, sorry about that. McFist can certainly be demanding," I joked.
"T-That's fine," He stammered.
"So, about before, what's your name? I never quite got it," I said.

"Oh yeah, you did ask that question," He said awkwardly.
"My name is R-Reginald," He added quickly.

"Well, it's nice to finally know the name of the cute boy I've been chatting with," I smiled.

I don't think I have ever seen someone's face turn red so fast from shyness. Even the tips of his ears had a slight hue of red to them.
I couldn't help but smile, a chuckle escaping from my mouth. All I could think was how cute he was.

"So tell me, how did you hear about McFist's donation party? You must know some fairly wealthy people, what with you attending and all," I commented.
"Um... I guess so, I-I'm not really close with many of them though. I just kinda tag along when I have to," He said.

"Yeah, I noticed after I met one of your friends," I said, recalling how rude Heidi was.
"She's not all bad, she's just the kind of person that speaks her mind," He explained.
"Well, it doesn't mean she can just say whatever. I hope she's not always picking on you. It's not bad to stand up for yourself," I insisted.

"...I'll keep that in mind," He smiled, finally he gave a genuine one.

It's hard not to just call him cute again.

"Ya know, I haven't heard about what you do for a living. You've heard about my work but I haven't had a chance to hear yours," I said as I casually tried to get more information out of him.

"I...I do finance," He uttered.
"Oh, finance, what do you do specifically?" I asked.

"Um, you know, numbers and stuff like that... it's boring anyway! Besides, we're at a party, kinda not the place to talk about work," He awkwardly laughed.
"I guess so, but I do want to get to know you more. Even the supposed boring parts," I simply said.

"E-Even all the stupid stuff I say?" He asked.
"Ha, yes," I laughed.
"Even all the dumb jokes I make?" He added.
"Yes, I think they're funny," I smiled.
"Even all the cringe parts of me that's obsessed with Grave Puncher?" He pressed on.
"Yes, you don't believe me?" I joked.

"N-No, it's just that it's not every day I have someone so...i-interested in me," He stammered.

"Well that's shocking, I would have thought many others would've been interested in you," I commented.

His eyes quickly looked away from mine, his attempts to hide his blushing face didn't do much. All it really did was make me want to see his expression more at that very moment.

"So, what about you? Are you interested in me?" I asked with a smile.

He looked as though he was fighting the urge to look at me. But he cracked under the pressure, his eyes finally meeting mine once again.
I couldn't help but be practically mesmerized by his eyes.

"...M-Maybe," He stammered.
"I'll take that as a yes," I chuckled.

The distance between us was getting smaller and smaller. I could have sworn I could hear both of our hearts beating.

It was as if nothing mattered but this very moment. Any worry in my mind was gone and all that was left was warmth.

Before I even knew it, we kissed.

I wanted to be closer to him. The cold evening air didn't bother me in the slightest. All I could feel was that warm feeling around me.

A kiss that could cure all my problems in the world.

Until I heard the sound of something small drop to the floor.

I pulled away for a moment, only to see something I didn't expect.

The usb.

Both of us stared at it for a solid second until he quickly scooped it up, shoving it in pocket.

"U-Uh that was n-nothing!" He stuttered.

Time felt as though it stood still. I was practically in shock.

It couldn't be.

He's... he's the one who took it.

"...Why do you have that?" I questioned.

"I KNEW IT!" Yelled a voice.

We both turned to see none other than Viceroy, a grin on his face as he took a step closer to us.

"So you're the two agents that've been infesting this event. I knew it was you, Conico," Viceroy smirked.
"I have already alerted the guards. You're done for," He cackled.

Without any warning, he pulled a pistol from his suit, pointing it directly at both of us.

"How about we make this easy for everyone and you two surrender? There's no point in trying to salvage whatever dumbass plan you had in store," He laughed.

We stood still, not trying to catch a bullet in our heads. I wasn't sure if I could grab his gun. It would be too risky with him mainly aiming the barrel at me.

I knew I shouldn't have let my emotions take over when it came to Reginald, if that was even his name.

"Look, Viceroy, obviously I have nothing to do with this-,"

"Oh shut the fuck up! I'm not stupid. You really think, with all the dirt I got on you, I'd trust you? Ha! That's hilarious! You should really consider becoming a comedian," He snickered.

"Now, how about we stop this dance and end it here," Viceroy stated.

I was ready to just submit and be dragged away. Ready to make a plan to escape.

"Fine, whatever," I sighed, holding my hands up.

"Finally! God, you're really stubborn. Really had me thinking you would fight your way out of this-,"

He didn't even get to finish his sentence.

His pistol abruptly kicked out of his hand in seconds. It even took me a second to realize what was happening.

Reginald had managed to get close enough to make a clean kick at Viceroy's wrist, his gun no longer in the equation.

Viceroy was utterly confused as he tried to grab Reginald. But that plan of his failed before it even began. Viceroy's legs were swept before he could even land a punch.

He fell to the floor with a thud. Reginald, without any hesitation was kicked in the face, knocking him out clean. No hassle whatsoever.

I don't think I have ever seen someone get knocked out so quickly.

"We gotta go!" Reginald quickly stated, grabbing my hand and dragging us away from the scene.

I was just going with the flow at this point, not even sure who was on my side anymore.

We ran through the crowd, our heads ducked as we tried not to get spotted.
The two of us made our way further into the mansion. Looking for any place for us to hide in the meantime.

As we rushed down the hallway, we came to a stop once we noticed a guard about to walk in our direction.
Before we had time to think things through I simply took the lead. Taking us to the nearest empty room to not be seen.

I shut the door behind us, finally being able to get a breather.

But even with our seemingly decent escape, I wasn't too sure if Reginald was who he said he was.

"Oh thank god, I thought we were dead," Reginald sighed.

"...How about you tell me what's going on?" I questioned.

"Look, everything is under control. We just have to keep our heads down. We will just have to find a way to get out of here," He simply said.

"What are you talking about-?"

The door was abruptly kicked down, and a guard stared us down as he started to point his weapon at us.

I simply punched him in his throat. He dropped his weapon as he struggled to bounce back into the fight. But there was no winning for him.
A final punch in the face knocked him out cold. His body made a thud as he dropped to the floor.

"How about you tell me who you are exactly," I said to Reginald.
"W-Well what about you? Who are you? You work for McFist yet you go around punching your fellow coworkers?" He pointed out.

"And what about you? Stealing a usb not for you and lying to me, is your name even Reginald?"
"...Okay my name isn't Reginald," He sighed.

"Then who are you?" I questioned.
"Who are you? Is your name even Nomi?"
"It is actually," I simply said.
"W-Well, doesn't change the fact you lied," He said.

"I suppose we both have our lies," I stated.
"...I wasn't lying the whole time you know," He simply said, avoiding my eyes as he crossed his arms.

The tense in the air relaxed, my anger and confusion lessened.

"I wasn't lying the whole time either," I said.

He paused for a moment only to let out a sigh. He finally looked me in the face, his expression softened.

"How about we just start being honest then. I mean we seem to be here for the same reason," He pointed out.
"I suppose so," I nodded.

"...My name is actually Randy... I'm a police officer. I have been trying to take down McFist for years. My department has been trying to look for dirt on him for ages and tonight was supposed to be the nail on the coffin for him. I have two operatives with me, both working for the same thing... I guess that's really it," He explained.

That explains how he managed to easily apprehend Viceroy back there.

"Well, I'm with the FBI. I too have been trying to take down McFist. We were going over the whole ordeal legally but McFist has lawyers that could get him out of anything. So we took a different approach with me going undercover. I've been scoping the area but it was hard to find anything. Until today where his summer mansion had less security with his internet. I have one operative with me on the mission... we have the usb now. All we have to do is escape," I said in detail.

"So you're the FBI agent! I've been freaking out about you guys finding us and seeing us as enemies," Randy smiled.
"I mean if my partner sees you as friendly's then you should be fine,"
"O-Oh, I'll be sure to be on my best behavior," He awkwardly laughed.

"...So, are there any other lies we haven't talked about?" He asked.
"Nope," I said.
"But what about- um... what happened back on the balcony?" He questioned.

I could tell he was waiting for me to say that the kiss was just another lie. Just another way for me to get information out of him. His eyes looking down at his feet as he fiddled with his hands.

I simply placed my hand on his face, kissing him again with no hesitation. He was shocked for a second until he just leaned into it. No longer were there doubts.

If he thought I was lying about my feelings I might as well show him that I meant it.

I pulled away, seeing his face completely red once again. The face I love seeing.

"How about we try getting out of here?" I smiled.

He simply nodded, still in silent shock.

If I had to choose which undercover mission was my favorite, I would have to choose this one.


I'm not sure if my heart is racing due to hiding from high level security guards or the fact that the man of my dreams literally kissed.

Not to mention that he did it twice. Twice!

Someone shot me, I might be dreaming!

...Okay I'm going a little overboard.

"We should get our partners in on what's happening. Might as well merge our teams," Nomi simply said, his demeanor calm as he went through the unconscious guard's things.
"I'll try to call my partner and see if he has any way of scoping the area," Nomi added.

"Y-Yeah, maybe we can figure out our next move," I said.

Nomi took out his phone and dialed in a number. He waited for only a second until his call was answered.

"There you are, with all the guards scrambling around I thought you got caught," His partner chuckled.
"...That's because I was caught," Nomi said with a defeated tone.
"Ha, who would have thought that the Nomicon would have messed up an op," He laughed.

"How about you help us out," Nomi stated.
"Us?" He questioned.
"Um... hello," I awkwardly chimed in.

"...Hahaha! Of course it was you! I knew it. So what's your actual name, Reginald?" He teased.
"Wait, you're that cowboy guy!" I exclaimed.
"Yup, I'm dressed to impress," He joked.

"So, you two need my help?" He added.
"Obviously," I mumbled.
"Well I can't help you, McFist just canceled the party early and I'm one of the first few people that were escorted out," He explained.
"Of course," Nomi sighed.

"Welp, your on your own, sorry man," He simply said.

He then hung up, making our odds of escaping even smaller.

"Wait, I still have my team. Heidi might be easy to reach but Howard might be off doing his own thing," I sighed.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket, quickly calling up Heidi first. She might be rude to me a lot but she does know how to focus on the task at hand.

Finally she answered with a somewhat rude tone, "What?"

"Oh! Heidi! There's been a big change with the plan-!"
"Ugh! You and changing everything! Alright, tell me how you've royally ruined our current plan, again!" She groaned.

Before I could even speak, Nomi took the phone from my hand, his face showing that he was annoyed with Heidi's tone with me.

"Is there not a single nice bone in your body?" Nomi bluntly said into the phone.
"N-Nomi!? How'd you get this phone? D-Did you double cross us, Mandy?!" She hissed.
"I didn't double cross you, and it's Randy. You've known me for years," I chimed in.

"Then what's going on?!" She exclaimed.
"I'm from the FBI, I was sent here on a undercover mission-,"
"Wait, your FBI?" Heidi asked.
"Yeah? Do I need to repeat myself?" Nomi sighed.
"Ew! FBI?! And to think I thought you were hot," She said.

"...Can I finish explaining?" He asked.
"Sure, whatever," She said.

"Now, Randy and I got caught with a usb that contains every incriminating thing against McFist. So we need you to help us get out of here. Can you help?" He explained.
"Ugh, I would normally not even think of helping a FBI agent... but I can also acknowledge you have something I want," She said.

"I have an idea, I'll hand the usb over to you. No interference from the FBI. All you have to do is help us out, deal?"

There was a pause from Heidi until she let out a sigh. I guess she couldn't pass up such an offer.

"Fine, I'm not a completely heartless girl," She said.
"Hard to tell sometimes," Nomi mumbled away from the phone. Luckily Heidi didn't hear that comment.

"There's a way out of here through the service area, there's an exit door that leads out the back toward a dumpster. You two can try making your way over there. I'll try to get Howard to help me distract the guards. But the two of you will have to be quick," She explained.

"You think it will work?" I asked.
"Definitely, I'll give you both a two minute head start to get down to the party hall. Cause I'm gonna put on a performance of a lifetime~," She hummed.

She abruptly hung up the call. Leaving Nomi and I having a slight idea on how to escape.

"I guess we have no choice but to move out," I said.
"Here, you'll need this when things get too chaotic," Nomi stated.

He handed me a pistol, the same one that was once the unconscious guard's gun.

Even though I do many dangerous missions, I've never fired a gun at someone. I often use my tranquilizers but sadly I couldn't bring them.

Hopefully this gun won't have to be fired.

"Let's get going. Besides, I wanna get out of here as quickly as I can so I can take you out on a proper date," Nomi simply said.
"R-Really?" I uttered.
"Definitely, I even have a few places in mind," He smiled.

I could just feel my face turning red again.

Even though I was enjoying our small moments together, I knew I had to stay on my A game.

We stayed put, overhearing guards frantically walking up and down the halls. Completely oblivious to the two of us hiding in one of the many rooms in this mansion.

Before we knew it, the footsteps slowly disappeared. The sound getting further and further away.

That's when we took our moment to make our first move.

Nomi opened the door. He peeked out to the hallway, pistol in hand as he made sure that no one was around but us. He gave me a slight nod to signal the coast was clear.

The two of us crept our way out into the hallway. Commenting on the plan we had in place.
I gripped the pistol in my hand tightly. Silently hoping that we wouldn't have to encounter any guards.

It took us some time to finally make it down to the party hall and we could already tell McFist was frantically trying to get all his guests out the party as quickly as possible. As some guards were searching for me and Nomi, most were escorting all the party goers out the mansion.

That was when we spotted Heidi and Howard down below.

Heidi seemed to have noticed us in the corner of her eye, a smirk on her face growing.

I guess the diversion was about to start.

She and Howard were being escorted out of the party just like everyone else, ready to exit the mansion.

Until Heidi tripped and dramatically fell to the floor, and as if her inner banshee was being released, she let out the loudest scream of pain known to man.

"Oh my god! My leg! My leg! It's broken! It has to be~!" She screamed.

Everyone turned their attention solely on Heidi, with Howard also playing a role in this mini play.

"Oh no! Sister! I think your leg is turning red!" He exclaimed.
"Ah! It hurts! It hurts! Someone please help me!" She cried out.
"Oh God! It's turning purple now! Someone help her!" Howard shouted. Trying to sell the role of the caring younger brother.

And like clockwork, almost every guard made their way over to her to examine the damage to her leg.

It was our time to escape.

Nomi grabbed my hand and pulled us toward the service area, right where Heidi said to go.

As we rushed past the kitchen and the server stations, we spotted our escape.

The exit door just a few feet away. McFist was going down today and we were the ones with the ammunition.

But just as our exit to freedom was just a few feet away, someone abruptly blocked our way out.

And that person was known other than Viceroy.

"Stop right there!" He shouted.

A pistol in his hand aimed toward us, a bullet already in the chamber.

"You two really think that knocking me out was gonna take me down?! Think again boys," He smirked.

Just as it seemed our luck was getting worse, it was just the beginning.

Guards slowly started to appear beside Viceroy, their own weapons raised and pointed at the two of us.

Five against two.

Not the greatest odds.

But I've dealt with worse.

"Viceroy, was it? I think we got off the wrong foot-,"
"Shut it! You FBI shits don't get to talk to me," He stated.
"Hey, that's rude," I joked.

"No! No! I'm not going to keep talking to you cause all that does is create a distraction for me! That way one of you could get the jump on me-!"

That's when both Nomi and I scattered, making Viceroy struggle on choosing who to fire at first.

Bullets were shot out randomly as me and Nomi managed to get some cover.

The guards started to pulled closer to us, their weapons drawn.

We had to move fast. Once one guard got close to me, I punched one of the guards in the sheen. Making him jump in pain and drop his weapon.

Fists were thrown and guns were fired. Chaos practically ensued as Nomi and I punched our way out of here.

The guards ditch their guns to avoid accidentally shooting one another. It was a mosh pit of punches and kicks.

We held our own until Nomi aimed for Viceroy due to him still being armed. He jumped onto Viceroy and wrestled for the gun, tugging and pulling to gain control.

"Give it!" Viceroy hissed.
"N-No!" Nomi shouted.

As I punched another guard unconscious I made my way over to Nomi to help him out. But it was hard with that gun being aimed in almost every direction.

The two of them had a grasp at the gun until it slipped out of their hands, sliding away from them.

I tried my best to grab the gun myself but Viceroy got to it first.

"Better luck next time~," He hummed.

He aimed and pulled the trigger. The bullet flew toward Nomi.

Time felt as though it froze for just a moment but I knew I couldn't just stand there watching.

My heart raced as I ran toward Nomi, pushing him away from the line of fire.

The bullet grazed my shoulder.

Viceroy went to shoot again but the gun jammed, making him panic as he smacked the pistol to fire.

"Fuck! Good-for-nothing, mother-fucking piece of shit shoot!"

Before I even have time to react, Nomi jumped into action.

He ran at Viceroy and slammed into him, tackling him to the ground. The gun out of his hand and his face dragged on the floor.

Viceroy was down.

"Randy?! You okay?" Nomi asked.
"I'm good! It just stings a little," I said.

Even though this hurt like a mother fucker! You never get used to being shot.


We all go so lucky with this mission.

It ended with many people going to jail. Namely Viceroy being the first cuffed and sent off on a prison van.

Nomi and I stayed in touch of course. We've already had multiple dates since our mission together.

But that wasn't the only amazing thing to come out of all this.

The usb was sent to court, the judge reviewing and seeing every piece of evidence before her.
And with the loud crack of her gavel, McFist was sentenced to jail. His long fifty year sentence and all assets turned used to repay all those he scammed was more than what we expected.

With him evading the law for so many years, I thought this would be another case sweeped under the rug by simply throwing some money around.

But this wasn't the case this time.

And I'm happy with the results.


I turned to see Nomi, a smile on his face with a present in hand.

"Hey! Did you hear about McFist's verdict?!" I exclaimed.
"I did, so glad that we work well as a team. Maybe you should consider joining the FBI," He commented.
"Nah, I'm good. Besides I don't think Heidi would handle it too well if I quit her department," I joked.

"Well, I got you a little something," He smiled.
"R-Really?" I said.
"Yeah, I thought that maybe you deserved a little something with you saving me and all," He said.

I opened the gift and thought I was dreaming.

"Grave Puncher 6?!" I gasped.
"I thought you might like it," He smiled my
"I fucking love it! We have to play it now! Quick! To my place!" I exclaimed.

I dragged Nomi along with me, the two of us smiling like two idiots in love.

And that's the best kind of idiot to be.


FINALLY! Finished!

I loved writing this! Hopefully after finishing this, I'll be more motivated to get all you guys requests done. So sorry for all the delays!

I'll try my best but I won't be making any promises, I will be writing your requests though so no worries in that department! It will just take some time!

Thank you all for being patient with me!


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