Asmodeus x Fizzarolli Oneshot...

By SlayForMee

20.4K 280 534

Full of fizzarozzie oneshots! anywhere from smut, fluff, or angst. requests are wanted :). FINALLY added co... More

:2:Jealousy (Pt 1)
nov. 10
:4:Names (Pt 2 of Jealousy)
Another A/N
:5:First Impressions
:8:Special Day
:9: Terrors
Head Cannons!!!
:11: Family Forgiveness
A/N (authors note)
:12: What Went Wrong?

:10: Ugly Imps

668 6 9
By SlayForMee

words: 1778


Fizzarolli called out. No one responded.

He then opened his eyes, looking around. He was soon blinded by the subtle flicker of a light above him.

"Oh. Oh my goodness- sir Mammon! He-he's awake! hurry!" A voice shrilled in horror.

Fizzarolli looked around, not being able to move anything. Lord Mammon was here? For him?

"Doctors! Get the anesthesia!" Fizz strained his neck, trying to look up. After what felt like a month of whimpering and doctors yelling, he bolted his head up. He saw so many doctors. He was definitely in a hospital.. then he saw Lord Mammon. Staring at him. With his signature shit eating grin. Fizzarolli tried to move his legs to get up, but nothing happened. He tried to move his arms. Nothing happened.

Fizz grunted, struggling to move his limbs more by the second. Mammons smile grew wider at the sight of this. Fizz looked down to his arms and legs, only to find.. nothing. Fizzarolli gasped in, choking on the surrounding air. He-.. His arms... His legs.- They were gone!

Fizzarolli let out a blood curdling scream as the pain kicked in. His head felt much lighter, but his Horns felt like they were pulsating. He felt like he was burning alive. His insides twisted, his head pounded against his skull, he felt such immense pain he might as well puke his insides out. He kept screaming. Doctors hurried, holding him down as he started flailing his now chopped off limbs. In the process of flailing, he saw a tray.. with his now dislocated limbs... and his horns. The screaming and crying grew even louder by the second.

"NO!! NO! PLEASE! HELP ME! M-M-MAMMON! B-BLITZO! PL-PLEASE! NO!" Fizzarolli screamed, tears rolling down his face at such a fast pace. It was getting blurry. He mumbled a few more pleads before he finally started to pass out. The last thing he heard was a chuckle. From Mammon. M-mammon couldn't have let them do this to him! No! Mammon was his savior!


Todays the day.  Todays the day!  Fizzarolli sat impatiently in a giant office room, with his boyfriends hand in his.  They were being interviewed by the one and only prince of greed!  His idol.. and maybe even his celebrity crush.  But we're not gonna talk about that!  Ahhh!  He was so excited!

Fizzarolli gripped Blitzos hand ever so tightly, his legs bouncing up and down.  He was so excited,  They- they will get to know if Mammon wants them!  Well.. him.  He had convinced Mammon to bring Blitzo with them.. and luckily, he agreed.  He made Fizz sign some weird contract though.. but who cares! 

The door swung open, the rather short and slim prince came walking into the room, slamming the door shut behind him causing Fizzarolli to slightly flinch.  Blitzo seemed almost unfazed. Yet, Fizz could see right through him. It was almost as if it was his specialty! Fizzarolli caught on fast about how to calculate Blitzos emotions, no matter what face Blitzo hides behind, Fizz knew exactly how to read him. I don't think it's something he'll ever forget to do. It's— almost like a habit at this point.

Mammon slaps a handful of paperwork on his desk, and he later threw himself onto his obnoxiously large office seat. Usually for a sin, they're abnormally tall or big. Fizzarolli thought of an example.. like Asmodes! Or.. Asmodos? Asmodus. No, Fizz didn't know. He just heard that he was very big.. and fluffy. Interesting. But anyways, Sins we're usually tall. Mammon.. Mammon was estimated around 6' at max. Yea.. He wasn't very big. In fact, he was on the more lanky side. Maybe he'll grow into it. Obviously, he doesn't look that powerful.. except the fact that he is. In fact, Fizz heard he made someone kill themselves before! Like, controlled them and made them do something horrid! Fizz slightly shivered. He didn't like the topic, so he focused back on the other side of Mammon.

Mammon looked menacing. He had a weird and honestly spooky ambience around him at all times. He just gave an overall eerie vibe. His blank green void eyes would send daggers into your soul, even though they were practically empty. He had a smile that could kill.. literally. If he bit you, you'd have to spend days in the hospital. He had sharp, almost shark like teeth. One very noticeable feature of Mammon, that's not his jester appearance, is his 3 tails. It like they all had a mind of their own, whipping and flicking in different directions every now and then. They had spikes sticking out of them, some looking like actual money symbols. Odd.

One thing Fizz knew certain about Mammon was that he was a ROCKSTAR!! He made music, and had concerts, and they were suuuper cool!! Fizz and Blitzo was his number one fans!! Well.. maybe just him.

"Alright, little ones, let's get down to business."  Mammon shouted, spinning in his chair.  'Little ones'.  That's odd, Fizzarolli could swear that him and Blitzo were only a couple inches shorter than Mammon.. maybe he was talking about age, because Mammon is probably a billion years old!

Mammon threw his feet on his desk, tapping his sharp, black nails together. 

"Shall we?"  He said through a consistent toothy grin.  Fizz felt weirdly uneasy.

"U-Uhm.. Yes!" Fizz stuttered, his legs bouncing up and down.  Fizz picked at the chipping black paint on his nails, flakes of it falling to the floor.  He would have to clean that. 

Mammon only responded with a wider smile, yanking a specific paper out of the 100 pounds of contracts and such.  He reached over his desk, Pulling his body halfway over it, handing the paper to Fizz.  Mammon soon after chucked a pen at him too.  Fizz didn't mind though, Mammon was his idol!

Blitzo stared at Fizzarolli as he eagerly signed the paper without even glancing at the words.  Blitzo glanced at Mammon who's expression was surprised, but soon became smug. 

Blitzo scoffed, crossing his arms.  Mammon was perplexed by this.  How dare he throw a fit over the master fit thrower?  Thought Fizz.  That was funny.. what if Mammon could read his mind? Uh oh.  He'll just play it off. 

"Why does he get a paper and not me?" Blitzo whines, staring At Mammon.  A worried expression draped of Fizzarolli's face as he looked back and forth between Mammon and Blitzo.  Mammon's signature smile started to fade, and he backed into his seat.  He was obviously thinking on how to answer that.  Maybe he had a different job for Blitzo?  No.  Fizz wanted to work on the same team! 

Mammon stared directly at Blitzo.

"Hm, a bratty one,"  Mammon looked at his nails.  


"You don't get a paper because I said so.  It's as simple as that, babe."  Mammons grin came back, but in a threatening way.  Blitzo backed down, looking away in defeat.  Fizzarolli became tense.

"But on a real note, It's because this ugly little fellow decided to sign that  piece of paper to let you get in.  You wouldn't even be in my office now if it wasn't for him."  Mammon pointed at the paper Fizz was holding.  Ug..  Ugly?  He wasn't ugly.. maybe this was Mammons way of joking!  Yes, that must be it.  His idiot would never  call him ugly.  Fizz held the already signed paper in his hands.  Hm, he didn't remember signing it, but oh well. 

—time skip, a week later—

Mammon had called him to his office.  For a private meeting, so that meant he couldn't bring anyone.  Not even Blitzo.  Blitzo had started to doubt Mammons promises of "endless fame and gratitude." and "all the money you could want."  Well..  That was insanity of Blitzo!  They'd only been working for a week, of course they wouldn't get automatic fame.  Mammon wouldn't lie to them, right?  Yea.. he wouldn't.  

Fizz stood nervously in front of the wooden door with a plate on it.

"LORD S. MAMMON"  Was what it read.. or would've read, but the S was scribbled out.  Huh, weird.

Fizz decided to ignore it, shoving open the heavy door.  There sat Mammon, scribbling on a piece of paper.. almost like a kid.  His feet were kicking, bouncing up and down on his chair.  His tails were braided together, and he wasn't in his usual attire.  It looked more comfier then what he was used to seeing his lord in, but still formal nonetheless.  Mammon must not have noticed him.

Fizz cleared his throat, awkwardly standing in the doorway.  Mammon stopped dead in his tracks, crumbling the piece of paper and throwing it across the room.. along with the pencil.  

"Oh.. Uh, come in."  Mammons signature smile quickly grew on his face, his muscles loosening up and he laid back into his chair.  Fizz walked up to his desk, and sat in front of him.  His leg was bouncing up and down.  Was he in trouble?  

"Almost late."   Mammon grinned as he stared at the clock that hung behind Fizzarolli.  Fizz nervously laughed, lowering his head to his lap.  Mammon said nothing.

"You know, I noticed.." Mammon reached under his desk, pulling out a bottle.

"People don't really the fact that you're an imp."  Mammon emphasized the word 'Imp', then went silent, pouring the bottle into two cups.  Fizz bit the insides of his cheek..  he couldn't control that.

It was silent for a while, but Fizz could feel Mammons eyes digging holes into him.

"Anyways, here's a toast."  Mammon scooted a glass towards Fizz.  It caused him to raise his head up, staring at his lord in confusion.  

"A toast to your hard work, and success rate.. and your change."  Mammon grinned at the last part, and raised his own glass.  Fizzarolli hesitated, staring at Mammon.

"Go on, drink.  Pick it up." Mammon insisted, his eye twitching yet he never lowered his glass.

Fizz slowly picked the drink up and took a hesitant sip, not breaking eye contact with Mammon.  Mammon didn't drink it, he just stared back.  Why wasn't he drinking it?

"To your change." Mammon set down his glass, standing up.  What- what was he doing?

Fizz tried to stand up with him, but nausea settled in his body.  His vision blurred, forcing him to sit down again.  Mammon let out a breathy laugh.

"Don't worry, Olli,  I'll make sure they like you."  Mammon pet Fizz' head soothingly, bending down to his level.  What was happening?

"Wha... Mammon?  Help.." Fizz grumbled before blacking out.  Everything just went.. dark.  The last thing he heard was Mammons bone chilling laugh.  Nonstop.

"Nobody likes imps."  Mammon whispered in his ear before picking the limp Fizz up and into an unknown place. 


But I did everything you wanted me to.

I made you proud.


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