:8:Special Day

911 18 16

word count:  1381

Based off of a suggestion!

It was that time of year again. The day that Asmodeus dreaded. Every year, he would be bombarded with gifts.. but not the typical birthday surprise. Every single last one of them consisted of heavily inappropriate jokes, gestures, or objects. Sure, the king of Lust was amused by this.. the first 17 times. But, now it's just getting old. His workers would also try to indulge in... lustful activities to "make their king happy", but now he turns them down. It isn't what makes him happy, especially on his birthday.

Fizzarolli has been working with Asmodeus for almost a year. This will be the first time experiencing Asmodeus' sorrow firsthand about this subject. Never before has Asmodeus shared with Fizz these birthday experiences, he didn't want to upset Fizzarolli. But now the day has come, and soon he will have to lock himself in a closet so he doesn't accidentally grab a knife, stab himself, and jump off of their roof. Hopefully it doesn't happen.

Fizzarolli knows about this. He has caught on- yet not ever experiencing Asmodeus' birthdays- but knows that he hates them. At first, Fizz thought it's because he's a year closer to death. Or he's getting too old. Now, now he knows the reason. And that's why he's busy today.

Fizzarolli took a deep breath in, running around the house.

"Reggie? Where are you, Reg!" Fizz shout out, looking from room to room. No one answered.

Fizz sighed, quickly giving up the search, and going back to waiting for Asmodeus. He walked back to the couch, and curled up on it. He had to walk through his plan. Again. For the 62nd time. He couldn't mess this up! Today was the one and only day he could do this! Well, until next year of course.. but that's next year! He cannot screw this up or else Asmodeus would hate him for a lifetime! Fizzarolli quietly mumble to himself, ignoring the small pitter patter of robotic feet shuffling towards the living room.

There stood Reggie, fidgeting with his fingers. Fizz looked up, smiling.

"Reggie, there you are! Me and Asmodeus are going to be heading out for today! So, you'll be alone.. Okay?" Fizz stood up, walking in front of Reggie, and patting his shoulders. Reggie flinched, but returned the smile.

"Yes, that's okay. I will do household chores for you both, until you get back! I can also make din-" Fizzarolli cut Reggie off, turning around and pacing back and forth.

"No, no. You can just chill or whatever. I-.." Fizz stopped pacing, yet started walking around and to the kitchen. What was his plan again?-

Fizz stopped dead in his tracks as he heard the front door open, then slam shut. Oh- Oh shit! That- That's Ozzie! Shit! Fizzarolli practically tripped himself running out of the kitchen and to the stairs, to see Asmodeus, head down, walking up the stairs.. no, more like slumping up the stairs. He looked upset. Fizz looked around, seeing Reggie had took his spot on the Sofa, staring off into space with a smile on his robotic face. Probably thinking about Mammon. Fizzarolli scoffed at the thought, almost completely forgetting about Ozzie.

"Hi my love..". Ozzie said very blandly rushing past Fizzarolli and throwing himself next to Reggie, face first, on the sofa. Fizz sighed, yanking out a crumbled up, half folded piece of paper that he made. It had written down on it;

"Make Ozzie happy, (no sex!!!!!!), say bye to reg, drag oz to limo, (DONT FORGET THE LIMO!! CALL WALLY), make sure not to tell oz where we r going, (surprise), don't tell him it's not sex , say it's better if he asks. DO NOT FORGET THE TICKETS, WHATEVER YOU DO!!"

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