
865 19 33

word count: 780

Based off of a suggestion!

"AHHHHHH!  OW! OW!"  A familiar voice screamed throughout the house. 

Asmodeus flinched, standing up quickly.  Who was that?  It was Fizzarolli of course.  Who else would it be?  Reggie stayed quiet, even when he got hurt.  He wouldn't say anything unless someone asked him.. and even then, he still didn't say much.  Asmodeus ran out of his office door, only thinking the worst.  What if Fizz broke something?  What if Reggie malfunctioned again and starting stabbing things?  What if.. What if Mammon broke in and tried to steal Fizz away from Asmodeus!  He loved his brother, but Fizz was his.  He didn't belong to Mammon anymore! 

Asmodeus rushed to the kitchen, where the commotion was happening.  Once he got closer, the more he heard heavy breathing and small ow's.

"Shit.."  Fizz mumbled.  

Asmodeus ran into the kitchen, worried sick.  Oh, he was so scared-!


Fizz sat there grabbing onto his thigh, rocking himself back and forth.  Ozzie swore Fizz' eyes started to water.  Ozzie crouched in front of Fizzarolli looking worryingly at him.  Asmodeus lightly grabbed Fizz' hands, pulling them away from his thighs.  Oh.  Oh no!  Now he sees why Fizz was upset.

He looked down at Fizz' thigh.. there was a small cut.  Small, but blood came rushing out.  What could've caused this?  Asmodeus looked around, soon laying his eyes on a piece of paper on the floor.  With blood on it.  Oh, Ozzie's heart throbbed.  Fizz got himself a paper cut.  Asmodeus knows how bad those hurt.  

Ozzie sighed, rubbing the sides of Fizz' thigh.  He got up for a split second, reaching for a first aid kit he kept under the sink.  He grabbed it, and sat back down.

"What happened dear?"  Asmodeus asked as he reached through the first aid kit.  Fizz sniffled, looking at the paper.

"I.. Reggie drew us..  And- And I wanted to hang it on the fridge... but I cut m-myself."  Fizzarolli said, not taking his eyes off of the paper.  Aw, how utterly sweet.  It made him sick.

"Darling, that's very cute, but maybe we should take a break from paper.."  Asmodeus said, wiping the blood off the cut with a wet paper towel, and tapping it dry with a dry one.  Fizz winced, grabbing onto Asmodeus' chest fluff.  Ozzie stuck a bandaid on it.  

"I am so sorry doll face, I know those hurt so bad.  Let's skip work today."  Asmodeus picked up Fizz carefully, wrapping Fizz around his neck.  Fizz only grumbled in response.

"We don't need to skip.. I just got a tiny cut."  Fizzarolli tried to convince Ozzie, but didn't succeed.   Ozzie just hummed.

"Yes, but we could watch a movie.  I'd rather do that, and take care of you my love."  Asmodeus pet Fizzarolli from behind his shoulder.  He could her him involuntarily start purring, nuzzling up to Ozzie's neck.  

"Let's get Reggie and tell him to never touch paper again."  Asmodeus said blankly, causing Fizz to jerk up. 

"Hey hey, no!  That's shits messed up!  He looked so calm drawing that, he was kickin' his fuckin' feet!  We should tell him to stop drawing fucking Mammon.  That's  What he should never do again.  I don't even know how he knows what Mammon looks like!  If they met up together behind my back I'll be so fucking pis-" Asmodeus cut Fizzarolli off by slapping his hand over his mouth.  Fizz grumbled, curling back around Ozzie's neck.

"Baby, he probably got it from the hellnet.  Today will not be a bad day, we are having a movie night but in the day.  A movie day!  Hah, I'm just so clever."  Asmodeus laughed, walking down the stairs and into the basement.  Reggie liked to hide down there.

—time skip—

"So, what movie?"  Asmodeus asked both Fizz and Reggie, although he knew Reggie wouldn't say anything.  So silent he was.

Fizz purred into his chest furr, grumbling something under his breath.  Asleep.  Asmodeus grinned, happy that the paper cut didn't interrupt his sleep.  Oh, he was so worried.  

So Ozzie turned to Reggie, who leaned against Asmodeus.  Eyes closed, also purring.  Huh.  They were both asleep.  Ozzie sighed, turning something random on the Tv.  I guess no movie night after all.  Well, he was happy Fizz wasn't entirely hurt..  and that it was only a paper cut.  He felt horrible for Fizz!  He could've prevented it.  Maybe he should supervise him more.

Asmodeus didn't know.  All he knew was that Fizz was took care of, and that Reggie didn't have a freak accident again.  He was also tired.  After a long day of doing absolutely nothing, you can get really  tired.  Asmodeus shut his eyes, leaning his head on Fizz'.

Oh how he hates paper cuts. 

Asmodeus x Fizzarolli Oneshots (Fizzarozzie)Where stories live. Discover now