:9: Terrors

775 13 30

word count: 1486

(A/N: I'm back finally! I had to kinda take a break, due to lack of motivation and mental health. Although I was gone for a bit, I've seen you guys still sent love. Thank you all for continuing to read the chapters, and I hope you guys enjoy this!)



' "As.. Asmi."  A soft and broken voice called out, begging for help.  Searching for help.  The voice called out towards him.'

'Asmodel rushed towards the crying voice.  He needed to see whom was calling out to him.  Whom spoke of such silly name.'

No.  Not again.  This already happened. 

' "Who is that!  You shall  show yourself, or face the consequences! Thy should know father does not like people whom sneak around!"  Asmodol knows who it is, deep down.  He just does not want to accept it.'

That's not my name anymore. Stop

' Everything was silent.  Asmodel stopped in his tracks, yearning for any other solution.  It could not be him.  Not his brother. '

Stop it.  Everything's okay.  This happened long ago.

' "P-please.  Help me.." The voice spoke more clearly.  Yes, now it was impossible for Asmodel to deny.  It was his brother, and he needed to find him.  Quickly. '

'Asmodel searched the palace, head to toe.  And soon enough, there lied his brother.  His little brother, all messed with and ruined.  There was blood surrounding him, almost all over his body.'

Stop it.  Please, stop.

' "Who did this to you, Sachiel." Was all Asmodel could possibly say, terrified at the damage done  to his abused brother.  The sight was horrific.'

' "I feel dirty.  So.. So utterly  dirty, Asmi."  Tears threatened to leave Sachiels eyes, his blood-ridden lips quivering as he weakly hugged his bruised knees to his chest.  Asmodel stared in shock.  He started to shake, out of anger and of fear.  He was scared.'

No.  No, no, no, no, no.  It's not real.  It's not real.

' "I.. I didn't know what to do.  I said stop."  That obviously pulling the wrong string, Sachiel burst into tears.  He covered his head, as if he was ashamed of himself.  Asmodel wanted to cry with him.  He wanted to take his brother somewhere safe and promise him that nothing bad will ever happen to him again.  He knows what has happened, but does not want to accept it.  He cannot accept it. ' 

Please.  I don't want to live through this again.

' "They.." Sachiel stopped himself, tears flowing down his cheeks rapidly.  "He wouldn't stop.  Everything  hurts Asmi.  I want to just die.  Get rid of this excuse of space.  Maybe if I was never created, I would never had to feel this pain.  It's excruciating.  I.. I feel disgusting.  I could've fought back-" Sachiels voice cracked as he started to start sobbing again.  Asmodel count stand this.  He also fought back tears, sitting next to Sachiel and holding him tightly.'

Let me out.

' "You are safe now.  I shall get you cleaned and fixed together, and I will never leave your side.  I do not know who has done this to you, but they will pay.  You are loved.  Please do not talk like that, my dear brother."  A tear fell down Asmodels face, bringing his brother between his legs and holding him as if the world was ending.  Although it wasn't, Asmodel knew that his own world was in shambled, and absolutely desecrated.  He heard Sachiel sniff, then start bursting into a broken and shaky sob as he cried into Asmodels chest, holding on for dear life. '

Asmodeus x Fizzarolli Oneshots (Fizzarozzie)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя