smoke and sins

By ViennaVenetia

2.4K 38 0

Ivy smith returned back to small Heath from France after becoming a nurse and helping out in the war. Unfortu... More

new pub
personal nurse
white powder
getting invloved
he's back
take it off
Drunken Mess
Weddings and Babies
just freinds?


176 2 0
By ViennaVenetia

Me and my friends drunkenly made our way back home gossiping about the Shelby brothers and how fit they all are. I mean they weren't lying but I wouldn't admit that. I live the furthest away so after saying my goodbyes to them all I carried on walking back home. It wasn't a long walk it was about 10 minuets but it was pitch black and I was wearing next to nothing so I tried to walk as fast as I could. Checking behind me every couple of minuets just in case.

"Oi you" I heard a man shout from down the road. Shit I thought as I started to quicken my pase down the dark streets of small heath. When I looked back again I saw the a man with a blinder hat on and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth that's when I realised it was Tommy fucking Shelby. "what do you want?" I asked which he ignored and said "why are you walking on your own?" "Because I'm going home" "well I'll walk you then" I mean I wasn't gonna say no to a peaky blinder so I just let him. "so you think I'm a whore" I joked "no I was just wondering why you were dancing with John" "what am I not aloud to?" "no you are it's just he usually goes for whores" "oh that's nice of you Mr Shelby" I said "Tommy" "what?" I asked confused "call me Tommy" "okay Tommy what are you doing following me" "I never asked for your name" "Ivy" "Ivy what?" "Ivy Smith" we then arrived to my house. "Thankyou for walking me Tommy" to which he just nodded and walked off. Charming.

I woke up the next morning with a banging headache and a dry mouth and just as I rushed to my kitchen to get myself a drink before I threw up. All the memory's of last night came flooding back to me. Why the fuck was I with the fucking Shelbys?

I didn't even have time to come to terms with the fact I was dancing with none other than John Shelby last night because I realised I was going to be late for work. I worked as a nurse seen as I had experience from the war and as I walked down the cold foggy streets of small heath in the early hours of the morning I was met by a familiar face. "So Miss Smith you were in the war?" Fuck sake I knew I shouldn't have told him my name. And why the fuck did Tommy Shelby keep turning up out of no where.  "Yes I was, what did you stalk me or something?" "well  just wanted to make sure you weren't a copper" which I responded with a laugh "me a copper,are you mad?" "well you never know Miss Smith, people are not what they seem sometimes" which I was very amused by. "well I've got work so sorry to cut this whole copper conversation short but I can't be late" I said as I walked off.

It was a slow day at work just the usual pregnancy scans, falls, coughs, colds until my last patient of the day. A little boy who was brought in by his aunty, a women called Polly Gray her little nephew had a fall while play fighting with one of his brothers apparently. Resulted in a broken arm. It was all going well until I asked the boy what his name was "Finn Shelby" what the fuck is going on I speak to a Shelby once and all of a sudden they all start turning up out of no where. I tried not to react when I heard his last name and put him in a cast and sent him on his way. But as they were leaving I heard his aunty say "go wait outside Finn" I just thought she wanted to speak to me about her young nephews arm it was only when she mentioned the older ones was when I started to panic.

"So I'm guessing you know one of our boys" she said to me "why would you think that Miss Gray?" "well it was just the face you pulled when Finn mentioned his last name" she said with a giggle. "So which one do you know?" "Erm all of them" I said. "Oh I see , how did you meet them?" " well I only met them all last night at the garrison, I went out for a drink with my mates and they were just there." "Even Thomas?" She asked confused "yes he was there to" "oh very well Thank you for all your help Miss Smith." Well that was weird I thought as I packed my stuff up to head home.

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