Holiday Hearts (Vi x Reader)

De Pumpkin-Carver

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It's time for a much needed break. So when your friend Caitlyn Kiramman asks you to attend her yearly holiday... Mai multe

Information and Notes
Prologue - Road Trip Ready
Chapter 2 - Icebreaker
Chapter 3 - The Last Leg
Chapter 4 - Grove Hollow
Chapter 5 - Movie Night
Chapter 6 - Into The Woods
Chapter 7 - Crossroad

Chapter 1 - A Long Trip

652 19 15
De Pumpkin-Carver

A gruelling 10 hour car journey awaits us. However, nothing will extinguish my excitement. I'm just lucky Jayce is driving, not that I could drive even if I wanted to. I suppose I could be luckier though as Viktor is riding shotgun. Meanwhile me and Caitlyn get banished into the back seats.

"Should I move into the very back seat? I'm worried that it'll be a little cramped having all three of us sat in the same row."

"No, there should be enough space back here for all of us." Caitlyn reassures.

Caitlyn is right. There is a lot of room in this car, however I'm more worried about it being awkward, less so cramped. Sitting in close proximity to someone I don't know has always made me nervous.

We reach the gates and the car stops just outside. "Did someone order a taxi?" says Jayce, clearly joking around with Vi. Caitlyn gets out of the car and helps Vi put her bags in the boot. My head is going crazy with the excitement of meeting someone new. I've always loved meeting new people.

I can hear the two women talking while they rearrange the bags in the back.

"I would have been here sooner but my sister was hogging the shower." Her voice sounds softer than I expected. Then again, I don't really know what I expected.

"That's alright. We can still make it to the hotel before it gets too late." Caitlyn says as she makes her way around to the car door. I hear the boot door get slammed and Caitlyn gets into the car. I expect Caitlyn to scoot over and sit in the middle but she puts her belt on and I'm left a bit confused. Is Vi getting in the very back?

My confusion doesn't last long as Vi opens the door next to me. My eyes go wide and my mouth falls agape. Fuck, she's hot. Not good.

"Hey, can you slide into the middle?" An "uh, yeah." leaves my mouth and I undo my belt and move into the middle seat.

Once she gets in the car I can see her tattoos. Oh shit, she's really hot. Get a hold of yourself Y/N. This is no time to be a blushing school girl. She's just a woman. With super cool tattoos. And pretty hair. A nice voice... Stop! We are not doing this right now. I mentally scold myself for thinking such weird things about someone I've only just met.

"Vi, meet Viktor and Y/N." Caitlyn says as she gestures to me and Viktor.

"It's a pleasure to meet the girl who has been keeping us waiting." Viktor sarcastically lets out. I can see Jayce in the mirror. He's glaring at Viktor who doesn't seem to care. Vi seems to tense up a little at Viktor's sarcastic remark.

"Yeah. Siblings, what can I say. Sorry for holding everyone up." She says as she grabs the belt behind her. Vi's muscles flex as she does so. She's so ripped!

I feel Caitlyn kick me and at first I think I've been caught staring. "Ow, what was tha- Oh, OH." But after looking at her I understand what she's getting at. I turn to face Vi and push down the urge to inspect every detail of the new- very attractive- woman.

"Hello Vi. I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you." I say as I smile and hold my hand out for her to shake.

Do people shake hands anymore? Why am I trying to shake her hand?! This is weird isn't it? I blame my brother for this. He always shakes peoples hands.

Vi looks at my hand for a moment before taking my hand into her own. Her hands are a bit rough but her grip is soft. I think I can feel calluses on her hands. She must lift weights. Which would explain her physic.

I let go of her hand after we shake and I dare to make direct eye contact. Up to this point, I've either had my eyes closed or focused on the pink hair Vi's completely rocking. A big mistake on my part.

Her eyes are stunning. A beautiful grey colour. I didn't even know grey was a possible eye colour to have but here I am, looking into the most amazing eyes I have ever come across. She must notice me gushing because she starts to smirk. I quickly blurt out "Your eyes are grey. That's so unique. Wow." before she can tease me. This seems to amuse Vi while Jayce starts laughing at me. I look over at Caitlyn who has a knowing smile and I try to make the obvious gush I just had over the woman sat to my left less obvious.

"Do you guys not think grey is a very rare colour? I have never seen a single person with grey eyes in my 20 years on this planet." I go to continue talking but Viktor, thankfully, stops my rant about grey eyes.

"Yes Y/N, Grey eyes are extremely rare. In fact, only 3% of the world's population have grey eyes. So it is exceedingly rare to meet someone with grey eyes which is why in your '20 years of living' you have not met a single person with grey eyes."

I look in the car's mirror and see Viktor smiling. Thank you Viktor, you just saved me from digging an even bigger grave for myself.

"Is that really true Viktor?" Jayce asks in disbelief. Viktor's reply is a short and straight forward "Yes." That really is crazy. 3% is nothing when you compare it to how many people there are on planet earth.

"I guess I'm just one of a kind." Vi says with pure confidence. I almost want to agree with her but after what just happened I decide to keep my mouth shut and eyes forward. Isn't that a nice road?

"Will you ever learn to take a compliment properly?" Caitlyn asks. She sounds like a mother scolding a naughty child for the millionth time.

"You can't argue with facts cupcake." I look over at Vi who is now leaning back in the car seat.

Damn, she must lift elephants to get muscles like that... My eyes start to wonder over Vi's tattooed body and I have to mentally scold myself once more for thinking such inappropriate thoughts about someone I've only just met.

You are an adult now N/Y. Not some high schooler checking out their crush. Get a grip!

Caitlyn sighs from beside me and my attention is brought back to her.

"Cupcake?" The tone of Jayce's voice is like a big brother finding out his sister has a partner. In other words, Caitlyn is about to get teased to all hell and back if she doesn't shut him down.

"I wish you'd stop calling me that." Caitlyn sounds defeated, like she's had this conversation many times before.

"Do I really need to remind you why that's your nickname?" Vi seems to be loving every moment of teasing her, friend? Maybe they aren't friends? Caitlyn said they were just friends but that doesn't mean she's not just keeping it a secret. Am I ogling at Caitlyn's girlfriend?!

Before I can start overthinking, I decide it best to focus on the conversation.

"I know why, but it gives people the wrong impression." she pauses for a moment. "People might start to think we're dating or something more inappropriate." Caitlyn's right, as per usual.

"Hm, you mean like fuck buddies?" For a moment I don't even register that I've spoke, let alone what came out of my mouth. It's only when Vi lets out a sharp whistle next to me that it clicks.

Everyone else is dead silent. I frantically look around the car praying for the floor to swallow me whole. Caitlyn looks mortified, Viktor is chuckling to himself and Jayce looks both shocked and impressed at my words.

"I didn't mean to say that!" I exclaim in a vain attempt to take back the words I just spewed.

"What else did you want to say, shortie?" Vi's once soft voice turns sinister. Oh no...

As my mind struggles to get a grip under Vi's intense gaze all I can say is a mixture of "Uhs", "Ums" and "I's".

Viktor is the one who comes to my rescue first. "I think what Y/N meant to say, was that it would be easy for people to misconstrued yours and Caitlyn's relationship as a more physical one." Oh Viktor, you god sent.

Not wasting a moment I respond to the life ring Viktor has thrown me. "Yes! That is exactly what I meant!" I nervously laugh afterwards hoping that no one says anything more about my stupid comment.

Vi's sinister look turns back into a flat one before she speaks up once more. "Well, even if you use your big fancy words you still called me and Caitlyn 'fuck buddies'."

"No that's not what I meant, it's just that Caitlyn said-" I get cut off my Caitlyn this time.

"Vi stop teasing the poor girl." She looks at me a bit awkwardly. Cait probably still feels a bit weird about my previous comment... "It's okay Y/N, I know what you meant." I smile and murmur a small "Thanks" to her.

"Just saying it how it is, cupcake. But in case anyone is wondering. Me and Cait aren't fucking." Caitlyn immediately starts to scold Vi for being so 'improper' with her wording. I on the other hand think I'm done embarrassing myself for the time being and stay out of the conversation. So, taking out my phone, I start playing games to pass the time.

A little while after I begin to play, Caitlyn notices me. She seems confused by what I'm playing and asks what the point of the game is. I explain the basic rules of the game to her. Then I ask her if she wants to try but she passes. Jayce asks me a few questions about the game and soon enough I'm talking about all my favourite games to play. Interestingly, Viktor and I even play a couple of the same games. I catch Vi looking at me a few times but don't think much of it since I am the one talking.

About 2 hours into the ride we stop to stretch out our legs and use the bathroom. Once I get out of the car I realise one of two things. One, I really needed to pee. Two, Vi is much more attractive than I first thought. Shit me.

"I gotta' go to the bathroom." I say. Caitlyn 'hms' at me but her focus remains on her phone screen. Vi just nods in acknowledgement but stays leaning against the car. Jayce and Viktor on the other hand are too focused on some weird science talk to even notice I've even spoken. Without another word, I walk away to go find the bathroom.

I wonder what kind of a person Vi is? She seems to speak her mind a lot and she certainly doesn't seem shy. Viktor on the other hand is more talkative than I thought he'd be. It's nice that we share some interests. It's pretty hard to find people that like the same games as me.

After I finish using the bathroom I head into the shop area of the petrol station. I know I bought snacks to eat but a few more snacks could never hurt. Sweet or savoury? Hmm.

In front of me are all kinds of snacks. For a petrol station, they sure do have a lot of choice. So caught up in thought, I hardly notice as someone walks up next to me.

"Having trouble deciding what to get?" I jump at the sudden noise beside me as words involuntarily come out of me for the second time today.

"Jesus Christ!" I say putting my hand up to my chest. I turn to see Jayce holding a bottle of water and various different types of snacks. "Do you really need that many snacks?" I ask, looking from the snacks to his face. "And yes, I can't decide what I want to eat." I add on.

"They aren't all for me. Viktor asked me if I would get him some gummy bears." Jayce almost drops all the snacks he's holding as he tries to shake the bag of gummy bears. "Caitlyn and Vi also asked me to get them some snacks." He says, indicating his head towards the group standing outside talking.

"Ah. okay. I just thought you were being a pig." Jayce feigned having his feelings hurt and then said he was going to go pay.

"Try not to take too long choosing something to eat. We really should get going." I wave him off with my hand and continue browsing the snacks. I feel like I'm being watched. It must just be the cameras in here.

Maybe I should get something savoury since most of the snacks I packed are sweet. Finally picking up a packet of crisps I head towards the check out. The cashier doesn't take long scanning the crisps. I pay and head back to the car.

As I leave the shop I see Viktor writing something down in his journal, Vi looks bored while Caitlyn and Jayce look a bit more serious than normal. I wonder what they were talking about? Whatever it is seems to be of zero interest to Vi or Viktor.

Vi is the first to notice my return. I look at her and smile and she smiles back. Her smile is so mesmerising that it almost causes me to stop dead in my tracks. That smile doesn't last long as her face turns back to its previous expression. There is no doubt about it, she is bored out of her mind.

"I'm just saying that maybe your parents are right, Cait. You almost died!" I know what Jayce is preferring to but Caitlyn is a tough cookie. If anyone can escape death's embrace, it's her.

"Can you really see me working behind a desk?" I can hear the irritation in Caitlyn's voice. She has a right to be annoyed. Her parents are trying to get her to quit doing field work and go work behind a desk, all over one near death experience. We've all had one at some point. It's no big deal.

"I just don't want you to get hurt anymore Cait. I can get you a job at the company me and Viktor work for?" Jayce pleads with Caitlyn and I start to wonder if he really knows her. Although, it is possible that he was put up to this by Caitlyn's parents. Mainly her mother I imagine.

While Jayce and Caitlyn squabble like children about her choice of career, I look at Vi and nod my head towards the boot of the car. She gets up from where she was leaning against the vehicle. This causes it to wobble a little as her weight leaves its side.

Time to redeem myself. Goodness, don't make a fool of yourself again Y/N.

I walk around to the boot and open it, searching for my backpack amongst all the other bags. I thought we packed this neatly?

"You're welcome by the way." I say as I dig through the now scattered luggage. I can't see Vi's face but I can tell she's staring at me. Her stare is shit scary. Is this what it feels like to be a criminal caught by her?

"What do you mean?" If she's confused her voice doesn't convey it.

"You looked like you were about to die of boredom back there. Have they been arguing about Caitlyn's job the whole time I was in the shop?" I spot my backpack under a mountain of bags. "I reckon I can pull that out." I foolishly think to myself. I grab the handle of my backpack then try tugging it. It doesn't budge.

"Not the whole time. Before they started arguing they were talking about you." This causes me to stop trying to pull the bag out for a second.

Me! Why were you talking about me? Was it over my weird comment earlier? I really hope not.

"Me?" I try to laugh it off but it turns into a nervous one that dies towards the end. Can I just end my journey here? Confidence, remember your massive ego.

"I knew I was irresistible but I didn't know I was that Irresistible." I tug my bag again, a bit harder this time but it still remains stuck. I can hear Vi moving around behind me before she speaks again. "They told me you could be really 'odd' around new people. Why is that?"

Odd? I'm not odd... Well, not all the time. I'm just weird around attractive people. Not new ones. Hot people make me nervous. You make me nervous, Vi!

"I'm not odd. I'm just differ-" Half way through my sentence I yank the backpack as hard as I can. Suddenly it flies free making me stumble back which causes me to lose my balance. My eyes instinctively close as I prepare to meet the hard tarmac floor. However, something or someone stops me before I get to the floor.

Once I open my eyes again, I'm met with Vi's hand gripping my arm. Wow, she's fast. I almost forget that I'm being held up solely by Vi's arm until she pulls me to my feet. She gives me a concerned look.

"Are you okay?" Oh no. I can feel my face heating up and I know I'm going red. Next time I'm just moving the bags out of the way. How could I have been so stupid?!

"Y/N?" Vi's words bring me back to reality and I quickly try to regain my composure.

"Yes, no, I'm fine." I stutter out. Her brow creases slightly and her nose scrunches up a little too.

"Are you sure? You seem pretty out of it?" She takes a step closer to me. "The backpack didn't hit you, did it?" Wait, where is my backpack?

Frantically I look around to see where it could have fallen and notice that Vi was holding it. She must have a really fast reaction time. "No it didn't hit me. I'm just..." My eyes turn away from Vi for a second while I think of what to say next. "Shocked! Shocked, from falling." I say putting my hands up in front of me and taking a few steps back. If she gets any closer I might die. My heart is far too weak for such a stunning woman to get so close to me.

I try to joke about what just happened in hopes that she won't notice how embarrassed I am. "I guess you could say I'm just falling for you." I nervously laugh. Vi smiles and hands me my backpack.

"Try not to fall too hard. I know I'm irresistible but I'm not that irresistible." She winks and signals for me to go back to where everyone else is talking. I start to walk but feel part of my soul leave my body. I don't think I can take sitting next to Vi after that. And did she just use my own words against me?

When we get back to the front of the car, Jayce claps his hands together. "Are we all ready to go?" Everyone replies with a yes and gets into the car. This time I get into the very back. Caitlyn soon starts to quiz me but I brush her off by saying I wanted more legroom. My answer seems to be enough for Caitlyn and she doesn't mention it again.

It wasn't long after we set off once again. About 20 minutes into the drive, Jayce suggests we play an Icebreaker type game. The rules are fairly simple according to Jayce. All you have to do is ask a question for everyone to answer. It could be something as trivial as tea or coffee to something more philosophical like, what comes after death? With the game, that wasn't really a game, explained, questions soon started to travel around the car.

"If you could travel back to any point in time for one day, what era or date would you go to?" Viktor asked. Jayce being the first to answer. "I'd love to go back to the 1920's and attend one of Albert Einstein's lectures!" Jayce answers with such vigour and enthusiasm that it causes me to giggle. Viktor agreed with Jayces choice, stating all the questions he would ask if given the opportunity.

"The 21st of May." Was Caitlyn's answer.

"Wasn't that the day you got accepted onto the police force, Cait?" Jayce curiously asks.

"Yes, it was. I'm surprised you remembered the exact day Jayce." Jayce is correct. No surprise there.

I was with Caitlyn when she got the email. It was such a happy day. I was so proud of her. I still am. Caitlyn is a hard worker, I've always admired that about her.

Next to answer was Vi. I'd be lying if I said her answer wasn't the one I'd been looking forward to the most. What can I say? I do enjoy learning about new people I meet, after all.

"I'd go back to when I was around 14 years old. When life was simpler." I think everyone can relate to wanting to go back to simpler times. But something about her answer seemed sad, longing even. I wonder if anyone else noticed?

"Your turn, Y/N." Vi says.

With no hesitation at all I say: "The Late Cretaceous period. But only if there was no chance of death." I get an amused look from Caitlyn, who definitely knows the reason behind my choice of era.

"That's not what I expected." Viktor says, a hint of surprises clear within his words. "Why the Late Cretaceous period?"

"Because Viktor, The Late Cretaceous period is when the largest dinosaur was said to have lived." I proudly state. "It's my turn right?"

"I believe so." Caitlyn replies.

"Well then. If you could be any Dinosaur, which would you be and why?" Caitlyn, who has had to endure far too many dino talks from me, answers first. "What was that bird dinosaur called again?"

"Argentavis?" I respond.

"Yes! That one." I'm shocked she even remembered anything about my weird rants of creatures now extinct. However, it makes sense that she'd remember the one that resembles a vulture. Vi scoffs at Caitlyn's choice. Soon starting a car-wide debate about how the Ankylosaurus is hands down the best choice.

It's nice hearing everyone talk and somewhat get along. I was worried that things would be awkward, but any prior doubts I had leave me.

I get the feeling this holiday will be even better than I imagined. Time seems to fly by at the speed of sound and soon enough we reach the hotel. Once we book our rooms, we go out in search of something to eat.

Authors Notes

Word count: 5660

Thank you everyone for reading! I really do love creating things for others to enjoy so if you did enjoy this, let me. If not, also let me. Maybe there are some things I can improve on?

See you all (hopefully) next chapter. Take care everyone!

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